I will be The Monkey God!

Chapter 55: The Time

Chapter 55: The Time

Although Michu could understand how this world could be romantic, he missed the meaning of the handsome dude's words. His head turned to the side and looked to the cave's entrance.

A ravaging snowstorm was not too far away from them, but it luckily wouldn't go near them. This snowstorm blocked most of the white forest and it was just the least harmful aspect. If someone were to be thrown here...

"How can it be romantic?" Michu asked as his head tilted.

The Handsome Dude quietly laughed, shifted his eyes to the lady sleeping on his lap. As if guided by his hands, the woman went down and comfortably settled herself on his lap. While her head enjoyed his thighs, the rest of her body got wrapped in a blanket.

In less than one minute, her mind drifted to a more pleasant place than this dull and dark cave. "Let's get on a first-name basis first... Call me Feng." It was rare for him to introduce himself to a man, so there was a brief pause.

Feng continued, "A cold world... In this world, what kind of scenario can happen? Either you or your companion gets bitten by the coldness. Worse would be if both of you got bitten? In such a scenario, what would you yearn for? A warmth... And what can be warmer-"

"Bonfire!" Michu cut in, giggling like an idiot he was. His white teeth flashed at Feng whose body seemed bitten by the coldness.

He shattered that imagined coldness, "Wrong. It's a human body. To say nothing of the body, only a naked body can provide sufficient warmth to save the fallen. It's so easy to take a woman into your nest here... And if we add that time-flow, then the world blesses us with more time just for ourselves." Feng spread his arms and hugged himself, "Imagine it."

Michu had some problems imagining the naked body of a woman. He needed some help, so Yumi's image flashed in his mind. She wore her armor, but it was so hard to imagine her naked self that he gave up on it.

He lacked experience, but Feng already knew it. To kill time, he spoke about various topics, his lips as fast as before. All he had been speaking off as women, though. Michu still took it as good advice and experience, so he listened, but what was knowledge without any experience?

The Handsome dude chuckled, "Enough of it. It seems like you lack too much and I might've been too oppressive." Feng saw the shell of himself within Michu and he also lacked male friends, the man forgot himself. He slid his hand through his golden hair and asked, "Wanna talk about this world?"

"Yes! I am sorry I can't really help you." Michu bowed and apologized faintly.

Taken aback by this sincerity, Feng waved his hand and burst out laughing! The man laughed so much that his partner fell off his thighs and hit the ground with her head. Her eyes snapped and she woke up to an ever-giggling handsome dude.

He stroked her hair, "We had a pleasant man talk, so how about you go and hunt to give us some room? Here." Feng passed a hefty pouch to his partner. Her eyes instantly glazed with golden color as she nodded. The lady snatched the pouch to her inventory, then excused herself with a gleeful smile.

Feng watched over her disappearing back with a big smile.

"Do you not like her?" Michu suddenly asked.

"Hmm?" It was Feng's time to tilt his head.

"It seemed like you forced a smile and... it was not really genuine..." Michu didn't know whether he saw it properly, but that was the rough feeling he got from the handsome dude's smile.

"How surprising... Well, in this world, you can't meet princesses and queens on every step. In tales, most of those were the sweetest creatures, but tales are tales... Still, you never know with a woman. She can either step on a redemption road or... still be herself." Feng smiled, took out a sharpened branch, and put some raw meat on its tip.

He then hovered it above the bonfire, "Before I forget... What I just told you is backed up by experience. Don't go around and tell people what happened between you and your partners. Eh, I don't know why I am saying something so normal..." What he spoke about was just common advice backed up by his experience. Those pieces of advice never touched anything personal, but the handsome dude was a reliable man and he did as he felt.

Michu nodded, then took out the sausage. Unfortunately, his friends weren't with him, but he could enjoy it with a new friend, "If I understand it correctly, then this woman is not nice to you?"

"She is not the princess, at least." Feng sighed, "You can't tell someone else's heart, can you? You have to spend time with them and if I see even the slightest stain on their hearts, they enter my redemption folder." Redemption Folder was a sub-category in Feng's friend list for women that had yet to become his and their relationship was in early stages.

Michu munched on the sausage, he replied with big cheeks, "Aren't you stained too? Why do you have so many women? Doesn't it hurt their hearts?"

"It doesn't if you play it correctly. I also have a bottom line, Michu... Didn't we agree to stray away from this topic, though?" It wasn't like Feng was running away, but his explanation would require him to go deeper into his life. The person on the other side was someone he met two times and it was a friendship made on the spot.

"Sorry! Uh, we are here for equipment!" Michu changed the topic.

"Who isn't? You and I, are both here to reach that. And so was Zerze who ended the Impossible Quest alone and yet I have information that he had a companion," Feng added another mystery that made Michu blink his eyes.

It would be pointless for Feng to lie or create a lie in the spur of the moment. The monke also couldn't feel any malicious intent out of Feng's eyes. Thus, Michu tilted his head as he munched.

By now, for both of these men, this kind of move meant one thing - "What are you talking about?"

"The Ice Tomb... There is The Ice Tomb you can reach by going against the time. I initially wanted to play around with my lady here, but you know how it is... This quest is also a good time to check her heart in a tricky situation... So, I wouldn't mind whether I would reach it or not, because I have a more important goal. Still, I can help you reach the tomb."

"Oh, really?! What is it?"

"Well, you just have to think about the question. The question is - What do you think about the game that can command time?" Feng's question left Michu's mind blank.

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