I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 124 124: Fate Is A B*Tch [Pt2]

So, Elysia had a plan. It was not a great one but it was a plan nonetheless. But the biggest problem with her plan was how to get it started.

'Ugh, he is not going to listen to me. I will need to knock Lexus out first before explaining things to him. I will ask for his forgiveness later.'

This was easier said than done. With the dense influx of mana around Lexus, it would be a miracle if Aurora was even able to reach him anytime soon. She would likely be torn to shreds even before she took a single step ahead.

Elysia wanted to create some distance between herself and the seven-year-old kid in front of her but she could not move.

Elysia did try to follow her advice for the most part but she was caught before she could even take a single step back. Lexus was in front of her in seconds with her wrist in his small hands.

"Where do you think you are going? I won't allow you to leave."

Elysia gulped down her saliva as she stopped her body from flinching. The kid was too on edge to make any sudden movements.

'Don't move. I need you to follow my instructions from here on. Once you are done, give your body to me for a few minutes.'

Elysia did not want to be possessed by anyone but there seemed to be no other choice available to her. She might not remember what Noctis had done for her but she knew that he had been important to her and her brother.

As such, this request of his was the last way Elysia could pay him back.

'Please don't do anything funny with my body. I don't want to explain to the kid what happened.'

Elysia begged before she suddenly embraced the kid. Lexus looked startled at the sudden action, his power lessening dramatically and Elysia felt her control slip on her body.

She was thrown into the backseat of her mind as her body moved under the control of her possession.

In the real world, Lexus looked up into the familiar pair of red eyes on Elysia's face. Those gentle shade of red was so familiar that they brought everything to a halt.

"B-Brother, are you back? Did you finally remember me?"

Lexus seemed to be breaking down with his tears flowing down his cheek but Elysia's body did not move.

The only thing it did was to keep on looking toward Lexus with a gentle expression.

For a few minutes, it genuinely seemed like nothing would happen but it was alright with Lexus. It would take it over his brother leaving.

But then the female body his brother had acquired finally pulled back from his grasp. And his next words broke down Lexus's emotional barriers.

"Lexus, I know that you miss me but you need to let me go. I cannot come back to you now."

The voice that came out of Elysia's mouth was melodic but also masculine. It was not her own and Elysia's hand came up to her throat to check for damage here.

She had not expected her body to follow her command but it did anyhow.

"Are you alright? Do you feel uncomfortable somewhere?"

Lexus asked, his sadness being replaced by concern and dread as he looked at Elysia. He looked like a lost child who had no idea what was going on. Looking at him made Elysia feel bad for him.

Despite everything, Lexus was just a child who wanted his brother back. And it was something Elysia could understand since she loved her brother as well.

"You disappeared one day, leaving me behind here and now you expect me to not welcome you back? Why are you doing this to me? Just come back home and-"

"Lexus, I cannot come back. I know you can feel it as well. That I am dead and there is no place for me in this world. In fact, I am not here as a whole. I am just a part of residual magic left in this body."

Lexus looked shocked at the news and his eyes looked angry at the news. Elysia did not need to know Lexus personally to know that he did not believe anything he was being told.

"I don't believe you. I never believed that you were dead when you were not here. So how can I believe you to be dead when you are standing in front of me like this?"

Lexus was in denial and for good reasons. Elysia understood what Lexus was going through but she did not agree with his methods like this.

She tried to pull her body back but Lexus's strength kept Elysia in place. She was stuck in place with nowhere to go.

"Lexus, I am dead and you need to let me go. Don't let the past hold you back. You need to look around and see that you have more people looking out for you and-"

"Don't joke with me. I only have one brother and that is you. I don't want to believe anything else and I refuse to let you go."

This was not working. Elysia could feel the strain on her body worsening as she tried hard to maintain her current power level. If this continued then her body would give out and Elysia would die.

'This is not working. Lexus doesn't look like he is going to listen to me or you. I will need to knock him out.'

Since Elysia could feel her magic now she knew she could make use of it to knock Lexus out. It would be easy for her to do so as well.

Noctis's feelings of fear and regret told Elysia that he did not agree with her decision but even he could see that there was no way out for him right now.

With a heavy heart, Noctis receded and Elysia had full control of her body again. Her magic rushed around her like a protective blanket and surrounded both her and Lexus.

The second this change in power occurred, Lexus looked at her with a betrayed expression. But Elysia could not answer him.

"Sorry kid but you heard him. I am not your brother and I can never be him. But I will help you out because that is what Noctis would have wanted."

"No, don't go…."

Lexus could not hold on until the end. Elysia had used very strong magic and it had taken everything she had to keep him down.

But she did not regret her decision in any way. She knew that she had done what was right and she was happy about it as well.

She took Lexus's unconscious body in her arms once he fell, her arms carrying the kid and cradling him close to her body.

The poor child looked exhausted and just looking at him was enough to make Elysia feel bad for him. He had tried hard to make things work but they were not meant to be.

"I hope things go well for you in the future."

Elysia put the kid down and stood up to go when she was pulled back. She looked down, only to see her sleeve being pulled back by Lexus's tiny hands.

The kid was unconscious and still trying to hold on to the last memory of his brother. This bothered Elysia a lot but she also knew that there was nothing she could do about it.

She did not want to use her magic and risk waking up the kid. So there was only one thing left for her to do - she had to wait for Lexus to wake up naturally and let her go.

"How did things turn out this way? I was so sure that things were going alright and I would get to go home soon."

Elysia had been so sure about everything and now she was not sure about anything. She did feel sorry for Lexus but not to the point of staying behind for him.

After all, Elysia had her work to do and her worries to take care of. She could not stay in this world for long.

"And yet, here I am still being bound by obligations. I don't know why this happened to me."

Elysia was fascinated by this new world but she also knew that she could not stay here for long. All her important people were back in her original world, waiting for Elysia to come back to them.

And then there were those future visions of hers that needed her presence to solve. Who knew how her absence would shape the future of her world?

'And I miss Lucas. I wonder how he is fairing without me there?'

Elysia knew that Lucas had spent years without her but they had also gotten used to each other. And her brother had a temper that was difficult to curb.

'I hope he is not causing any problems back home.'

Elysia hoped for this but even she knew that it was wishful thinking. Lucas would be causing trouble and it would make a lot of people uncomfortable.

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