I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 154 154: A Fair Trade [Pt1]

"No means no. Do not make me repeat myself, Elysia. I do not care how busy I am or how many summon I get from the temple. I am not leaving your side."

This fight had been going on for some time and even the two people who saw it happen live could not help but feel that it was ridiculous.

"B-But you should go and answer the temple, Sora. It might be important for you to show up. And I can take care of myself. Enma and Emma are with me so they can keep an eye on me."

Emma watched Elysia try and convenience Sorias for the past half an hour without success. But she was slowly but surely weathering him down with her words.

To her, it all indicated that Elysia had a plan that she could not execute as long as Sorias was in the building so she wanted him out.

Emma White was suspicious of Elysia's intentions the very second she stepped into her hospital room. A restlessness in Elysia's steps made Emma want to step out.

But she could not step out because that would mean leaving Sorias and Enma alone with each other. And Emma felt irritated as soon as she thought of that pairing.

While Emma was sure that Lord Sorias held no romantic inclination toward Enma, the reverse could not be said. There was a curious way Enma looked at her lord that made Emma uncomfortable.

And it was not like Lord Sorias was entirely discouraging of Enma either. He often let Enma hang all over himself which made Emma doubt whether something was going on between the two or not.

'Don't be stupid. Enma might sound older but he's physically five years old. He is too young for Sorias, even if he sometimes likes to take the form of seven years old.'

The more Emma thought about this topic, the more stressed she felt. And the more she realized there was a non-zero chance for her lord to like Sorias.

'No, don't think about such scum topics like this. There is no way Lord Sorias will like Enma romantically and-'

"-sure that Emma will suffice to keep an eye on me when I head to the bathroom. There is no need for all of you to accompany me like this."

Elysia denied having someone accompany her to the bathroom. Emma had not realized that her name had come up until she felt eyes on her.

"Huh? Do you need something?"

Lord Sorias frowned when he realized that Emma was not paying attention to his words. Emma felt her face go white at being caught lacking like this.

Emma was about to speak up in her defense when Elysia sighed and turned back toward Lord Sorias again with a frown.

"Fine. If you are concerned then I will make an exception and take Enma with me as well. Will that make you happy?"

"Hey, don't involve me in your mess, alright? I want to have nothing to do with you."

It was too late for Emma to interfere now. Her window of opportunity had passed already. She could neither back out nor convey that she wanted to take this job.

"I don't think Enma will be of much help to you but fine. A kid will be a better option when it comes to getting ready for the day than an adult butler who can become a hindrance more often than not."

Although Sorias did not say it out loud, he meant that the servants did not respect Elysia enough to give her any face. This was something that he and the others had realized a long time ago.

But there had never been an opportunity to correct the servants.

"Still, the maid that looked after you was a lot more reliable than I thought she looked. I should call her back to help you out and-"

"No need. I am sure both Enma and Emma will be more than enough to help me out. In the meantime, can you do me a favor and deliver something to Lucas? I am afraid that I forgot to give this to him."

Elysia took out a small ribbon from her hair. The way she held it seemed to indicate that the ribbon held some kind of significance to Elysia so Sorias was careful in how he handled it.

"This is an item from the other world and it helped me when I was falling through that portal that brought me back. I kind of forgot to give it to Lucas earlier. It might be an important clue related to the monster attack in the morning."

Emma knew the second Sorias gave in to Elysia's words. He might think he was tough but he could still not say 'no' to Elysia.

"Fine. I will be leaving now but if you even think about leaving this room, then I will break all the bones in your leg and then make you rest. Did you understand me? The spell I am casting on you will prevent you from moving too far away from Enma and Emma until I come back."

Enma did not doubt that Sorias would follow through with his promise. He was not one to make an ideal threat to anyone. He had even cast a spell made for prisoners on Elysia.

But Elysia did not look worried in the least. She just smiled and continued to look toward Sorias like she had every intention of following his words.

It was only after once Sorias was gone did Elysia kick off her bedsheet and stood up.

"Alright, time to head out as well. Are you both going to come with me?"

Emma sighed as she realized that there was no stopping Elysia right now. Elysia would leave to go out no matter what was said now.

The only shot Emma had of avoiding Sorias being angry with her was if Elysia was alright during her trip out.

However, just because she understood it did not mean that Enma did as well. He hissed out in displeasure and stomped his feet.

"No way. We are not heading out, did you understand? And *you* are not heading out either, Elysia. I do not want your familiar and brother to skin me alive because you went out and strained your muscles."

It was kind of adorable how Enma thought he could stop Elysia from heading out. He looked like a displeased kid who was not getting their way.

"Enma, I know you do not want me to go out but I feel like we can compromise on this. How about I tell you about the world I came here from? I am sure you will find it a lot more interesting to know that they released a sequel to 'infinity' just before I came back."

Emma had no idea what 'infinity' was and neither did Enma for a good solid second before his eyes widened and squeaked like a mouse.

His wide eyes looked even wider now, his face all but covered by their sheer size.

"Y-Y-YOU FIEND! Don't tell me it's the movie that stars my fav actor A and actress B"

"Yup, the same one where their son died and they went back in time to avenge him but fails. But hear this, they did it in the sequel-"

"No, don't spoil it for me. I want to experience the movie for myself once I go back. But man, what luck. You went to the world I came from. What else happened?"

"I am not telling you anything anymore. If you want to know more then you will have to come with me. So, what do you say?"

Elysia had successfully managed to trap Enma in her web. And Emma had watched it all happen, happy to be out of the loop.

There was no way for Emma to refuse Elysia any more than she had of refusing Sorias. And she could not allow Elysia to try and break the spell on her own since that would cause her harm.

"Don't worry so much Emma. Once we are close enough to Sorias, the spell he cast on me will wear off and we all will be free to head out our way again. You just need to hold on for that long."

Emma sighed, knowing that Elysia's company was not the problem.

Lord Sorias will be angry with Emma for this, she was sure of it. But there was no other choice for her but to follow Elysia's will.

'How does no one realize how dangerous and manipulative Elysia Dirac is? She even has all these powerful people warped around her finger. If she ever wants to cause harm, then it would be so easy for her to get away.'

The world was lucky that Elysia Dirac was not a villainess. And they would all be also wiser to treat her better than they currently did. She was an amazing woman and deserved better than she got.

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