I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 174 174: A Way To Sneak Out? [Pt1]

Elysia returned to her room soon enough after the morning break was over. She had eaten breakfast and now it was time to do that favor she had been asked to do.

But before Elysia left the palace, she needed to inform someone to deliver her message. She had no courage to tell Lucas herself where she was going.

She was debating on how to convey her message when her eyes fell on Sorias and Enma. Both of them were just waking up and their wide eyes looked at Elysia with suspicion.

"Elysia, what are you planning now? I can see in your eyes that you are thinking of doing something I will likely not approve of."

Sorias's words were on-spot and they hit Elysia in her heart. If she could have started coughing up blood then now would have been the time to do so.

'Even Sorias does not believe I can take care of myself?'

Elysia was not surprised to be questioned openly, but it was a shock to see that Sorias did so. If there was one person who would oppose Elysia's leaving more than Lucas, then it was Sorias.

"W-What do you mean? I am not planning on doing anything suspicious. I was just thinking of visiting the temple in the Akatsuki capital was all."

Thinking back at it, Elysia was sure that it had been the wrong thing to say. Sorias's eyes went cold and his face closed off after hearing Elysia's words.

"No. You are not going anywhere near the temple and that's final."

Sorias's words were intimidating but the illusion of anger was scattered by his small body and an adorable pout. Elysia had to remind herself not to show amusement or laugh at the scene in front of her.

'Don't laugh or you will get in trouble.'

But it was truly difficult because Sorias just looked so fluffy and freshly adorable in the morning.

"You know, you are digging your own grave here Elysia Dirac. Why do you have to visit the temple this early in the morning? That place gave me the creeps during my brief stay there in the empire."

Enma moaned out his grievance as he rubbed his eyes. He was still half-asleep at this point and his eyes were threatening to drop.

He did not seem like a morning person but he sure had a loose mouth.

"Anyway, you are not going anywhere near the temple and that's final. I will keep an eye on you the whole day if I have to to make sure you do not sneak out."

Sorias's words sounded final. And Elysia knew that he would follow through on his words as well. Sorias was just someone who always did as he said he would do.

So Elysia would either have to give up on going to the temple or find another way to sneak out of the palace.

"Fine, you both win. I guess I will go and find Lucas then since I have nothing else to do."

Elysia faked her sigh as she pretended to give up. There was no way she was going to give up anyway.

But there was no need to make Sorias suspicious by going against his wishes. And then he would tell Lucas about Elysia's wish which would make it much more difficult to sneak out.

'I will have to find a way to get out somehow. Maybe I should ask Chrome for help. He should be able to find a way for me to get out without attracting much attention.'

Elysia was determined to see her way out of the palace now. She had to get rid of that box she had been entrusted with or she would not be able to sit still for some time.

And since it had belonged to Head Preist Yohan, the sense of urgency seemed even more prominent to her.

"If you have nothing to do then you can go and participate in the ladies club in the palace. I am sure the court ladies would love to have Lady Dirac with them."

Elysia had heard the footsteps coming toward her. But she had not realized just who it was that was behind her.

And now Elysia wanted to run away as soon as she could. She did not even need an excuse to do that and she did not mind being rude either.

But those thoughts were all in her head. In reality, Elysia could not move from her spot as she rigidity turned around to face Feize's elder sister.

"H-Hello, nice to meet you again. But I am no longer have any time on my hand since I am busy. I should get going now. Bye."

Elysia tried to make a run for it. She even tried to signal to Sorias to get her out of this situation. The further away Elysia was from this crazy lady, the better it would be for her mental health.

But of course, things were not going to be that easy for her. Not then Feize's sister decided to take Elysia's arm hostage and link it together with hers.

Now Elysia would pull the other woman along if she tried to move.

"Ara~ were you trying to run away from me, my lady? Surely you were not going to be that rude to a nobility like me?"

The woman had a pleasant smile on her face but Elysia was sure that she was not smiling. She had a deadly look in her eyes and Elysia felt like she would be killed if she was not careful here.

She wanted to run away and she even had the authority. But every sense in her body said to play nice with Feize's sister. She has Elysia the feeling of being a mad woman who would deploy murder to get her way.

"R-Running away? Of course not. I was just thinking how lovely of an idea it was to join other ladies and make friends. B-But I cannot possibly leave my charges alone. S-So I would like to excuse myself and-"

"Nonsense. Of course, you can bring your charge along. It's this one right? (pointing toward Enma.) While the other is familiar. You cannot bring your familiar along but a charge should be no problem."

Sorias's expression said that he found the lady's words to be bullshit but Elysia realized that it was her chance.

Enma would not be able to stop her if she wanted to sneak out so Elysia was safe. All it would take to sneak out was to endure a few hours of the ladies' gossip.

"Elysia, there is  no need for-"

"Alright. It sounds like fun and I am sure I will be able to make friends with everyone here as well. I was getting bored alone anyway so it is a good opportunity for me to mingle with everyone else."

Elysia's agreement sounded forceful to even her ears. She flinched as she realized just how unnatural she sounded but she kept on smiling.

Feize's sister seemed to not find anything odd with her tone because her smile was beaming as it looked toward Elysia with a fond smile.

"You will join us? Good, then let's hurry up. The club started half an hour ago but I am sure no one would mind if you joined us late. The  Queen would be delighted to have you there as well."

And as soon as Elysia heard those words she wanted to take her decision to go to this gathering back.

She did not mind most of the nobility but the queen had rubbed Elysia the wrong way. She wanted nothing to do with the queen and her party.

"On a second note, I think it will be better if I-"

But the lady did not consider Elysia's words even worth hearing. She pulled Elysia behind her with all her strength. Elysia did try to pull her hand back but she was unable to.

She could only look at Enma to signal him to follow after Elysia and the child only sigh and run after her.

Sorias was the only one who was confused and had to stay behind. And that was how Elysia was dragged and forced into her first ladies-only meeting. The whole court seemed to have gathered in that small room.

"Hello everyone. Look, we have a special guest in here with us."

Feize's sister yelled as she kicked the door down. Her rough manner attracted everyone's attention and many snickered to see her enter the room without any concern for all the looks  she was getting.

She must be a high-ranking noble because no one criticized her for her rough manners. She easily took a seat in the middle of the room and pulled Elysia down with her.

"You should sit here. As for your charge, he can go and play with the other kids if he wants to."

Enma looked uncomfortable with the attention he was getting as well but he did not seem to want to mingle with the others his age. So Elysia had no choice but to keep him closer to her.

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