I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 198 198: How Are You Alive? [Pt1]

Elysia's consciousness was going in and out of focus but she was breathing easier by now. Sorias had managed to use his magic to knock Elysia out for now but it would not last forever.

Elysia's curse was gaining more and more momentum with every second and Sorias knew he needed to get Elysia far away to break the connection.

"Hold on tight Elysia. We are about to get out of here soon and then you will be alright."

Sorias whispered to Elysia as he picked up speed. He could not use a lot of magic due to the delicate condition Elysia was in. any amount of force would make her body go into shock and she would stop breathing.

Time was the most essential tool they had currently.

Sorias was about to reach the end of the temple's corridor when he forced his body to dodge the incoming force of the air. He expected to lose his balance but nothing happened.

Even the ground where the attack should have hit showed no signs of damage.

'What just happened here?'

Sorias looked around for her attacker but he was not able to see anyone. It seemed like there was no one around her and that made the mystery of his attack all the more concerning.

He instinctively dodges again the attack but it happened again. The ground was unaffected where it should have been broken apart.

"Who are you and where are you attacking me from?"

Sorias yelled out toward the empty air, waiting for his attacker to come out and confront him.

But when no one came out, Sorias came out to outright attack from where he had felt the earlier attack come from. He was so pent up that he was sure he had missed.

Finally, the presence he had wanted to hit moved around and Sorias used this new feeling to aim at his enemy.

The more Sorias aimed at her attacker, the more Sorias felt his temper rise. He could not believe that he had missed attacks in a matter of seconds.

"You! Just what do you think you are doing?"

Sorias questioned as he got ready to attack the whole area. This way, his attacker would not be able to escape his grasp. He did not care who else got caught up in his mess.

As long as he was able to take care of his opponent, Sorias did not care about anything else.

But before Sorias's magic could leave his hand and hit his attacker, someone took hold of his wrist and his spell wavered before fading away.

"You were always reckless but I never taught you to be this temperamental. Did I not ask you to control yourself when you fight?"

Sorias's wrist cried out in pain as his wrist was broken by his opponent. It would heal soon but it was a hindrance in the meantime.

He tried to glare at his attacker but it seemed not to be having any effect on that other man.

But something about that voice had sounded familiar to Sorias. But he could not put his hands on why it sounded familiar to him.

He was even sure that there was a familiarity with the magic that was happening in front of him. He could just not put his hand on why it seemed so familiar to Sorias right now.

"W-Why are you doing this? No! Don't touch Elysia."

Sorias cried out as he watched his attackers reach out for Elysia. His partner was unconscious right now and it was only Sorias who could protect her in her time of need.

But what could he do when his body would not obey his words and his mind would not remember what he was supposed to?

"I am disappointed in you Sorias. I had to sigh high hopes for you but I can see that you were not able to keep up to my expectations."

The shadow figure leaned down and Sorias finally saw the figure. His eyes widened as soon as he saw that man.

He could not believe his eyes and his mouth opened and closed in muted horror as he watched the man come into focus.

"W-Why are you here? You should be dead!"

Sorias cried out as he watched his brother's face come into focus. Noctis had died such a long time ago that his memories were even beginning to fade away from Sorias's mind.

And the sacrifice he had made would not allow his brother's soul to pass on into the reincarnation cycle.

So who was this man in front of Sorias right now with the same face as his brother?

No wonder the voice and the magic had felt familiar to him. It was because he was familiar with them at a very intimate level.

"Sorias, everything has a reason and purpose. My being here is also related to it all but it would be better for you not to pay that much attention to me. Forget you ever saw me because that would be the best thing for everyone."

Noctis sounded certain when he spoke. His words stabbed Sorias in his heart as he tried to make heads or tales of what he should do.

"B-But! You are alive. If you were alive then why did you not come home? Do you know how much I and Lucas suffered thinking that you were dead? Why did you do that to us?"

Sorias's tears struck his eyes as he watched his brother struggle with his feelings. It was what his brother deserved for putting him through what he had.

He thought he would get an answer from Noctis but that did not happen. It seemed also most of Noctis was not interested in knowing how much Sorias suffered.

"Look, what happened could not be changed anymore so it would be better for you to forget all about it now. Instead, focus on the present. Don't you want to save Elysia and this kingdom?"

Noctis's question took Sorias aback. He did know that his brother was trying to divert his attention away from the main topic but Sorias could not help it.

He allowed his attention to be diverted for now but he would make sure he would not forget his brother's existence.

"I agree. Elysia is more important for now. But don't you dare think we are done talking about 'us'. You owe me a punch and a few kicks for scaring me like this."

Sorias was sure he would not be able to hurt his brother even if he tried his hardest. But god, did he want to show his brother the pain and agony he suffered.

Not only that, but Sorias also wanted to get Lucas involved in his revenge. He was sure that the Dirac heir would have a lot to say to his brother as well.

But that all would have to wait. This was neither the time nor the place to have this conversation.

"You should go back and air Lucas for now. As strong as he is, Akane's rage is being fueled by this space. The longer they stay in there, the stronger Akane would get."

Sorias gritted his teeth, not looking at what he was hearing one bit. He did not want to leave Elysia in someone else's hands, even if that someone turned out to be his brother.

It just did not feel right but helping out Lucas was also important.

Especially with the state, he was currently in. Lucas would not be able to last long and there was also the chance of him dying.

"Sorias, don't waste time. Hurry up and go help Lucas out. I will not hurt Elysia since she is a sister to me as well."

And those were the words that finally made Elysia turn around and run toward Lucas's position. He had to trust his brother and believe that he would be able to take care of everything.

The world was in a state of turmoil right now and there was nothing to be done but to stop Akane.

"You better take care of my contractor, alright? I will never forgive you if something happens to Elysia. Brother or not, I will kill you if you harm her."

Those were not the best parting words Sorias could have spoken, but they were the most he could get out. His brother had an amused look on his face that said that he had not minded hearing those words.

And since his brother had decided not to take offense, Sorias could leave Elysia in his hands with a worrying sign.

Noctis watched his brother go after Lucas and Akane. He was sure that they would be able to handle Akane between the two of them. But the most pressing matter right now was to take care of Elysia and this gate.

"Never a dull moment with you around, Elysia. I missed you so much."

Noctis took Elysia's body in his arms and picked her up. They needed to gain some ground for now.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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