I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 200 200: The Circumstances [Pt1]

"C-Calamity? What do you mean by that? Just what in the world is happening?"

Eve stopped and looked at that ancient man with pain-filled eyes. She needed to know how to help Elysia out but she had no way to gain that knowledge.

Only this ancient being in Adam's body could tell her what to do about this calamity but he was not talking right now. All he was doing was looking at Eve with a searching expression.

"You would have been perfect for the incubation. Both as a hold maiden and in terms of magic. This boy was a fool to pass you over and chose that harbinger of calamity as his mate. But oh well, what is done is done."

The ancient dragon spoke as if nothing mattered to him. But his words made Eve flinch and rage fill her heart.

Elysia was the purest person she had met in her life. Trouble might have followed Elysia like a plague but she was not someone who intentionally went out of her way to bring people harm.

"Don't you dare say anything bad about Elysia in front of me? And especially not from Adam's mouth. An ancient or not, I will not tolerate this insult."

The ancient dragon's eyes widened and Eve flinched at seeing that. This expression on Adam's face was rare and it had often filled Eve with glee in the past.

But now she would never be able to look at it the same way as before. It was a shame and Eve was getting more and more worried.

The dragon was talking in riddles and not giving Eve any useful information which would help her know what was happening to Elysia. If anything too bad had happened, then Eve needed to know.

She needed to know how to make things alright again and she would make this dragon spill everything.

"I see. So you are as protective of that witch as my descendent. This is a surprising development. The world must be very annoyed with this change in plans but that had nothing to do with me."

Once again, the dragon did not answer Eve's questions but talked about a random thing. This was just too much at this point.

Eve knocked her fist into the wall, her eyes promising murder if the dragon did not answer her question properly. The more information Eve had gotten, the more she had gotten confused.

It seemed like a lot of people knew what was going on around her but every time Eve even came close to the truth, something or the other happened which prevented her from knowing.

She was sick and tired of this cycle at this point. Now, no one would be able to stop her from finding the truth.

"Calm down hatchling. I can feel the world's influence on my actions, trying to make me like you. How curious this feeling is and how joyous to see the world struggle. Since I am in such a nice mood today, I will indulge your questions."

"Tell me, what do you want to know about?"

This was it. This was the time Eve had been waiting for. The time when her questions would be answered by someone.

"What is this 'world' that you speak of? Is it a god who brought me into this world from my own? Is it a person? A creature? Tell me everything you know."

Eve held Adam's body by the neck and dragged his face closer to her own. She had no idea if Adam was able to see her actions or not, but she was not going to complain.

She was determined to get some answers and save Elysia.

"So you are clueless? The puppet did a great job of ensuring your innocence. How wonderful that I will be the one to break this for him. There is nothing sweater I could have been offered as revenge."

The dragon laughed before his eyes became serious. He easily managed to get Eve's hands off his cuff and straightened his back.

"Let's see. Where should we start? Ah, yes."

"This world is not a singular existence. Our world exists with a cluster of others. Or well, it used to until one of them got too greedy. To save their existence, the worlds started a fight against this darkness and exhausted their magic."

"Many worlds died as a result but some, like this one, decided to extract magic from the other worlds for their existence. But this was a taboo that robbed them of their freedom. They were handed a script they had to follow which can also be called fate."

"And that fate is bound to every resident of this world. It is the curse we all bear for the existence that we robbed from others."

So far, Eve was following the story. It struck her as familiar and she wanted to hear more about it.

"What does it have to do with Elysia and her being in danger?"

As interesting as this story was, Eve wanted to get to the main point faster. She wanted to know how to save Elysia.

"Your friend is struggling to escape her fate. It is something that all the other people who were swallowed by the other world tried to do. Most of them vanished, never to be seen again. The world did not allow deserters to live."

"The others formed a resistance against this tyranny. Currently, even though I do not know which side caused this clash of magic to happen but I am thankful for them. Things had been getting too monotonous around here."

Eve's head hurt after hearing all this. She wondered if Elysia knew about all this or not.

But the more Eve thought back at Elysia's actions, the more certain she became that Elysia knew something about what was going to happen.

"What about me? Can you see my fate?"

Eve was curious about herself and even Adam. Elysia had been a dear friend to them but she had also always kept her secret.

Now Eve was left to wonder if it was because Elysia knew something about their fates and that was why she did not want to get involved with them.

"Your fate? It's brilliant. Both you and this body's owners are special. Fate wrote for you both a bond that goes beyond death. You were meant to fall in love and pledge your lives to each other."

Eve felt a shiver go down her spine after hearing those words.

There it was again, those words she dreaded to hear. She had always ignored people when they said that she should be with Adam. What did they even know about her and Adam to say that?

But now to be told that it was fated for them to fall in love was too much. And if Elysia had known about it beforehand, then it made sense why she always pulled back at the last second.

'I will have to do my best to show Elysia that no 'fate' can make me love her any less. Fuck this fate and this world.'

"What about Elysia? You said that both 'Adam' and 'Eve' are fated but what about the person we both love?"

Eve needed to know. She already had a feeling about what she was going to hear but she still needed to hear it to confirm things.

"Ah, about that witch? I guess that she will die. I don't know about this world but that is the most likely outcome to make you two be together."

Eve's heart sank after hearing these words. She had known all this when Enma had told her but somewhere in her heart, she had never believed everything to be true.

She had still been in denial, even at this point. But a dragon could not lie about such things. This was the truth of this world. The 'fate' that was foretold for her and Adam.

"Fuck fate and fuck this world. I will tell you the same things I told Enma before. I will not give Elysia up and neither will Adam."

Eve was more determined than ever to save Elysia now. There was too much at stake for her to not be certain of her decision.

"Give Adam back to me now. We have a person to save."

Eve yelled and the dragon finally retreated into Adam's soul. Adam's annoyed expression relaxed Eve and now she was sure that the Adam she knew was back.

"What the hell? Did I get possessed by something? How did that happen?"

Adam whispered, not being able to believe that he had been so careless as to get possessed and Eve just smiled back at him.

"Dubass, hurry up and get ready. We have to hurry up and save Elysia before it is too late and this world ends up taking her away for good."

Adam's eyes sharpened and he instantly stood up to follow Eve out.

They would be getting Elysia back, with or without permission.

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