I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 222 221: He Woke Up [Pt1]

'Don't take long he says! What am I supposed to do here anyway?"

Elysa gulped as she looked at her brother's spirit. He was lying in front of her with a calm and serene expression. It was different than his physical body since her brother looked free of all the worries he had been subjected to.

For the first time since vowing to wake her brother up, Elysia hesitated on her decision. She had no idea if she should go with what she wanted to do or not. Maybe her brother was happier while being in this comatose state.

"Do I have a right to wake you up? You look calmer and happier while asleep. It makes me not want to disturb you."

Elysia's eyes were heavy with doubt but she finally hardened her will to make things work. Her brother was precious to her and she should wake him up. Otherwise, what was the use of her being here?

What did all her sacrifices up to this point mean if she chose to back out now?

"Would touching you be enough? The soul is the purest form of a person. Surely you will wake up if I touch you in here?"

Her decision was as dangerous as it was tempting. But Elysia decided to brave through her worry and touch Lucas.

The reaction was instantaneous and he opened his eyes. Two similar shades of blue collided and Elysia held her breath in worry. Her body was paralyzed and her mind had gone black.

Her heart skipped a beat after seeing Lucas's eyes after a long time but she knew that her excitement was not because of romantic love. It was because of the joy and happiness she felt.

"Y-You? What are you doing here? Is this another dream?"

Lucas's voice sounded just as he remembered. It was unfair how it was not even tainted by the rest he had. Maybe it was the magic that kept him preserved, but looking at him brought tears to Elysia's eyes.

"You are an idiot. You chose not to tell me anything until the end and then you decided to go ahead and almost die. What gave you the right to do so?"

Elysia's voice was quivering and it surprised her. She had felt so composed currently that her voice took her by surprise. No to mention, the shocked look on Lucas's face.

It fueled her desire to see him break down even more.

"I-huh? You do realize this condition was something you would not have been able to do anything about, right? In the end, it would just have been a burden for you. Now go back home. You came here by accident, right? It is not safe for you to be here."

Lucas sounded tired and his eyes were threatening to close up again. He was about to fall asleep when he remembered that he never got any confirmation for his question.

His eyes instantly shot open as soon as he realized that something was wrong. But he could not put his hands on what was wrong right now.

"Elysia, you are here on accident, right? Don't tell me that you…"

Elysia's silence was enough to convey how she felt. Lucas suddenly felt the world shifting from beneath his feet and he reached out for her.

His sister looked strong at this moment but Lucas was afraid that she was about to break apart. Her eyes held a strength but it all hid the fragility she was feeling.

"Lucas, I need to tell you something. No, don't interrupt me before I finish speaking."

Elysia's voice begged Lucas to not speak for the time being. And that was why he stopped speaking for a second.

Elysia took this time to press her agenda ahead and before he knew it, she was right in his face. Her eyes were shining and Lucas could not bring himself to make her stop.

"Do you know I have a son now? He has the Dirac black hair but he looks just like Adam otherwise. I am sure you will love him once you see him. Oh, and one more thing."

"Please love him in my stead as well. Don't ever let my son feel the loss of his family. I will be counting on you."

"Elysia, wait! What are you talking about?"

Lucas was awarded Elysia's brilliant smile in return before the light engulfed him. He could feel his soul being dragged away from the safe place he had been in but it made him afraid for some reason. He had a feeling that things would have changed once he got back home.

Lucas Dirac was someone who was not supposed to wake up again. Lucas had seen the true future of this world and now a lot of things made sense.

And that was he had been ready to die right now. He wanted to change the future for everyone and the best way was to extract himself from the equation.

He had managed to change the future finally. His sister had lived past the date of her death and she had even birthed a son who would be a future ruler. Everything had been set for Elysia's success.

Then why? Was all this happening? Why was Elysia making this decision and on who's authority?

"Elysia Dirac, do not do this. Some people will never forgive you if you make this decision."

Lucas had never begged someone before but he was sure that this was what it felt like to beg someone earnestly. There had never been something he had wanted more in this life than to save Elysia.

But it seemed like he had ended up becoming the reason for losing her life. And this was the last thing Lucas had wanted for her.

"Don't worry about me. Things are just going back to the way they were supposed to be. After all, I was never supposed to make it this far, right? So you all might as well sit back and let the fate play out."

Elysia's words were like a knife in his heart. No matter what she said, this was not what Lucas wanted for her. She was the one who deserved to be loved and pampered more than anyone else after all she had lost.

"Elysia, come back. You will make them feel sad as well."

This was his last card, the one thing that could make Elysia waver a little bit. And it was also Lucas's last ray of hope to make Elysia reconsider her position. It would all depend on her answer here.

But th last smile she flashed him was anything but reassuring. It almost seemed as if Elysia had given up and that thought scared Lucas more than he was willing to admit.

"Thank you for everything."

Elysia's words were whispers at this point and Lucas had to try his hardest to hear them. He tried reaching for her hand, only to be pulled by an invisible force.

Somehow, he knew that he was about to wake up in his own body soon and he would never be able to see his sister again.

It was a terrifying thought and one Lucas did not want to abide by. He wanted to see his sister again and be by her side always. He even reached out to her in a desperate need to hold her hand.

"Elysia, wait. You have to rethink everything. You should not be-"

The door was slammed shut in his face and Lucas woke up with a terrified heart. His face was white with sweat and his eyes were trembling.

The feeling of loss he felt gripped his heart but Lucas was not ready to give up yet. Instead, he reached for his body and woke up. This was the only way he would be able to do anything.

There was a weight on Lucas's chest when he woke up. Golden eyes looked back at him from a lovely black-haired face. And Lucas instantly knew who this child was.

"I guess your mother decided to make another foolish mistake. What will I do with her?"

Lucas held the kid close, taking him as a substitute for his missing mother. But Lucas would make sure to find Elysia soon. The kid needed his mother more than he was willing to admit.

Sitting back was a pain for him and Lucas's body protested against his every move. But he somehow managed to pull himself up.

He quickly looked around the room, wanting to see something that could help explain what was going on. And then his eyes fell on a note at his side. He instantly knew who had left this note for him.

'Look after him since he is your nephew. Oh, and he doesn't have a name yet since I wanted you to name him. It would be nice if you would be able to see him as a part of our family.'

Silent tears escaped Lucas's eyes as he read the note. He could not believe this was happening to him.

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