I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 225 224: The Final Understanding [Pt2]

"Your feelings? I always took your feelings into account when I made any decision. But I am afraid that you never considered mine Hi. But that is something we no longer need to care about since it is time to conclude everything."

Eve was careful when she took an attacking stand. Sara was there to back her as well and it should have been an easy victory for them.

But that did not end up happening.

Instead of calming down and listening to her, Head Priest Yohan raised his hand. Blades of wind shot out toward Eve, but she was barely able to dodge them.

For the first time in her life, Eve felt the actual threat of dying at another human's hand. And how ironic it was that her biggest threat turned out to be the one person who had done everything for her.

"Eve, look out."

Sara noticed this abrupt action taken by the Head Priest as well but she was unable to counter him. That man had too high of a defense and too much magic to pierce through. Add his healing magic into the mix and you had an unkillable boss.

What made it even more difficult for Sara to counter was the fact that Head Priest Yohan was not targeting her but Eve for his attacks. And her magic proved to be futile against the man himself.

"Fuck, this is so hard. Is there no easy mode for this fight?"

Sara liked a good fight but not an unfair one. Despite this being a one-vs-two, this fight was as one-sided as it could get.

By the end of this small fight, Sara's arm was openly bleeding and she could even feel it getting heavier. Eve was actively healing her but her healing was damaged by the heavy damage the Head Priest was doing.

"You are far too good at using healing magic to be a mere Head Priest. Where did you learn to fight like this?"

In the end, Sara could not contain her curiosity and ended up asking this question.

The fast and offensive fighting style that the Head Priest used felt familiar to her. It was like what the people of her race used to fight like. The Head Preist was not attacking rationally like a human.

At that moment, his presence felt larger than life. He reminded Sara of her father and his fighting style. She could not help but flinch here and there as she remembered the ridiculous offensive power her father had.

"Don't be too offended by what I can and cannot do. In the end, even you will not be able to stop me if I truly get going. And Eve, I am sorry for hurting you. But this feels like the only way I would get through to you otherwise."

Sara quickly looked toward Eve who seemed to be getting worse by the second. Her complexion had been reduced to ashen and her eyes were wet with tears.

It was difficult to believe but Eve had been beaten by the Head Priest. The man was even standing right on top of the fallen Eve, looking at her with cold eyes.

"E-Elysia! Give her back to me. Please, don't make her suffer any more than she needs to."

Eve was begging now. It had taken a lot to get her this far but she finally saw no out. It was disgusting how she had come to a full cycle, only to feel her lack of power.

"It's a pity that I cannot do that anymore. The only one who could have saved Eve was you. But it was your foolishness that caused you not to accept Adam and you never awakened your true powers."

Eve felt her heart skip a beat when she heard those words. They confirmed that there had been a reason her adoptive father had wanted her to be with Adam.

But despite knowing this, Eve was not sure she would be able to accept such a match. But had she known that it was for Elysia's sake they could have made a compromise?

Head Priest Yohan walked toward Sara, fully intending to finish her off when the world erupted in a warm light. Everyone looked up toward the huge hole that was opening up in the sky.

It looked to be similar to the one that had opened up when Elysia had come back from that world. The other world was visible behind the filter in the sky as well.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Eve could not help but as she looked up at the sky. It looked like their world was coming to an end with the way things were going. But surely that would not be the case?

"Oh, don't worry. We are just ensuring the survival of this world. One day, you will be grateful for all we did for you."

Head Preist addressed this before he left the group. He had not given any orders but somehow the priests around them knew what they needed to do. They quickly took them both into custody.

The atmosphere had turned gloomy all of a sudden. Everyone was focusing on the huge hole that had opened up in the sky.


Elysia was about to start her chant when she stopped short. She quickly looked down at the outside ground with a worried expression on her face.

She had heard noises coming toward her from the outside and she could not help but feel worried.

"Is everything alright outside? It feels like people are fighting. Should we not go and check it out?"

Elysia had a bad feeling about all the noise she kept on hearing. It felt like people fighting and now her imagination. She also had a feeling that the one fighting outside was someone she knew.

Had someone come for her so soon? It was surprising but also needless.

"Don't worry about the fight outside. Since I send Yohan to take care of it then it should be resolved soon enough. You should focus on your one objective here."

Axia looked unbothered by the fight going on outside in the gardens. Elysia could not help but be worried because of his attitude. Somehow, it felt like he was belittling her concern a little.

But still, he was the world's consciousness so he likely knew better what was safe and what was not safe for this world and its people.

He was also one of the people who adored Adam and Eve the most. Every time Elysia brought up their names, she could not help but feel how fond this man was of them. It warmed Elysia's heart a lot to see.

"Well, if you are sure that it is nothing, then I guess I can let it go for now. So, what do you want me to do?"

Elysia took the place she was supposed to in the first place. She had been briefed about her role and what she needed to do.

Elysia's role was not easy by any means. She had to be the conductor that connected both sides along with their power source. She needed to ensure that the connection was kept maintained until they were able to send the monsters back.

The world was already hanging on a thin balance and there was no way to tell what would happen anymore if Elysia failed to do her job. That was why she needed to be extra careful here and not make any mistakes.

The temple shook once more just as Elysia reached the magic circle. And suddenly, she no longer wanted to be a part of this ceremony. Her heart told Elysia that she needed to run away.

'Something is not right. I need to get back home.'

The magic around Elysia did not feel right and she was about to get back home when she was stopped. Axia's face did not lose his smile but she could tell that he was pissed off.

Her refusal to do as she was told was causing Axia to become furious with her and she was sure that she was going to pay for it.

"What are you saying, Elysia Dirac? Surely you are not asking to back out now that we have come this far? I am afraid that it is no longer an option for you."

Elysia tried to get past Axia but the man was far too fast for that to let happen. His hand reached out toward Elysia's and he shoved her. Elysia did her best not to lose her balance but it was not possible.

The shock of being pushed along with the force behind the push caused Elysia to fall down. By the time she realized what had happened, she was sitting in the middle of the circle.

"You! What do you think you are doing?"

Elysia asked as she watched the magic take form around her. It was swallowing her whole and she felt unable to move.

Her heart skipped a few beats in fear as the circle fully activated around her.

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