I will not die a Villainess's death

Chapter 228 227: An Offer For Help [Pt1]

"So, what's his name? Did she tell you anything? Unfortunately, I don't remember her name or anything about her."

For anyone else, these words would have been quite heartbroken. But Lucas Dirac was quick to adapt and improvise. Especially since he had a kid dependent on him. There was no time for him to get depressed.

"My sister, your wife, was a strong person so I am sure she had her reasons for what she did. However, even I could not fully understand what she was thinking. Besides that, the influence of this world does not allow me to speak of certain topics openly."

Somehow, the world seemed to interfere with Lucas's ability to convey words when it concerned Elysia. He was not even able to say her name openly.

Every time he tried, his mouth automatically said something else. It was beyond frustrating to experience this.

"Since you did not tell me her name, I can only assume that you might not be able to speak of it freely. In that case, don't force yourself."

Lucas Dirac looked at Adam with critical eyes. The emperor looked a little different to him now. There was an air of mystery surrounding him but there was also emptiness.

It looked like the emperor was having a hard time as well but he could not tell anyone why that was. Lucas was sure that even the emperor did not understand what he was going through himself.

"Alright. Now, would you give Adrian back? I am sure he is getting cranky in your hold. You don't have any experience with children, right?"

Lucas held his hands out to take the kid back but Adam's hold tightened on the kid in his arms. He looked at the kid and then at Lucas.

It seemed like he would not hand the kid over at first. But then his eyes softened and he did hand the kid over. Lucas was a little confused but grateful to have Elysia's son back in his arms.

"I will see you again soon. As soon as I take care of the outside situation with the rift, I will get a search started for my wife. No, maybe I will start a search right now."

Adam looked conflicted about whether he should search for Elysia right now or he should wait. Lucas would have preferred for Adam to start the search right now. But there were some limitations to this.

Still, it was the thought that counted and Lucas was thankful for Adam's consideration for his sister.

"Adam, take care of the rift first. Otherwise, my sister would be in danger even if she comes back. I want to save her any heartache she might be subjected to feel."

Adam and Lucas faced off in a stand-off. In the end, it was Adam who backed down first. His instincts recognized Lucas Dirac as someone important and he decided not to cross him. It would not be good for him in the future.

"Alright, I understand. For now, I will cooperate with the temple and think of a solution. So don't you dare worry. Also, I will hand Adrian over to you so look after him now."

It was bold of Adam to order Lucas around. And frankly, Lucas had not thought Adam capable of it until now.

But the lack of his memory must be doing something to Adam because he looked like a different person now.


"The crown prince is without a mother and that is why this marriage is important."

Eve heard the talk for the fourth time now. It was the same thing every time - her marriage to Adam, the emperor. She had denied it the first three times already but had decided to save herself the headache the fourth time.

It was a little difficult to think of Adam having a kid at their age but it must be true. However, every time she tried to remember who the kid's mother was, emptiness filled her heart.

It was getting difficult to hold her tears back now and that was why Eve decided not to think about it.

"Saintess Eve, are you listening to us? You need to accept this marriage at all costs. You cannot leave the crown prince without a mother figure, right?"

Eve heard the priests talk again. But this time she could not hold herself back from commenting.

"Hey, isn't this too much? In the first place, we don't even know what happened to the queen and you are already pushing me to take the role? Shouldn't you investigate her situation first?"

The priests went quiet at Eve's words. She knew it was because they had not considered her refusal on this topic.

Eve might have felt differently if she had seen the kid. She might have agreed to take care of him and be his second mother. But even she knew that she could not replace the kid's birth mother.

She was not sure why she had such a feeling but Eve was quite convinced that it would be impossible to replace the previous queen.

"The saintess is right. I don't need another queen when I already have one. She might not be here now but that does not mean the queen is someone you all can openly disrespect."

Everyone except Eve flinched at the emperor's words. He had been cutting and sharp in his remarks.

As he took his seat on the sofa, Adam gave her a nod. But that was all the acknowledgment he gave Eve. They had no other interaction that indicated a deeper relationship.

Eve could not help but feel like there should be a connection between herself and Adam but it was not romantic like everyone hoped it to be. It felt more like there was a similar goal they both shared.

"L-Look, I know that the both of you are not happy with this arrangement but you need to think of the future. You cannot leave the crown prince without a mother figure and-"

"That is something for me to decide. My child will get his mother back, that I assure you. As for this marriage talk, it's over and I don't want to hear it again."

With this, Adam shot down any chances the others had of getting him hitched to Eve. as a dragon, he understood his son's nature better than anyone else.

You could never forget the scent of the person who carried you in their body. Adam was sure that Adrian would never be able to forget his mother in this life.

"I-fine. Don't consider my goodwill. But you will regret your decision in the future."

The priest looked frustrated and ended up leaving in a dash. Adam did not have many thoughts as he watched the priest go.

Instead, his eyes glared at everyone else to leave him alone as well. And they all quickly made their way out as well.

"Did you talk with sir Lucas Dirac? Did you find anything regarding our missing memories? I went with the Head Preist but there was nothing significant I found out."

Eve sounded curious to know. It likely meant that she had not paid attention to Sir Yohan's words.

But then again, there was something about the Head Preist that set Adam's senses on alert. He instinctively did not like the man and he doubted if he ever would.

"Don't talk about him in front of me. Just hearing his name puts me in a foul mood. Besides, what else can we do to gather information?"

Adam wondered out loud, hoping for some kind of miracle to happen. It was an impossible wish but he did not give in.

"In that case, maybe I can be of help to you. I know a way for you to regain your missing memories."

Adam looked up sharply at the approaching man. He had not heard the man enter the room but he quickly jumped to his feet and took an attacking position.

Eve looked remarkably calmer and her eyes flashed with recognition. It assured Adam that she knew this man. Maybe she was the one who had brought him here as well.

"Who are you? How did you get in here? I should-"

"Adam, calm down. I brought this man here because he said that he knew about our missing memories. So I thought we should hear him out and-"

"You are curious about her, right? About Elysia Dirac. Don't you wish to recover your memories of her? If so, then I might know of a way or two to do so."

Adam felt his grip tighten before he loosened his fist. The name 'Elysia Dirac' caused butterflies to flutter in his stomach. He was sure that it was the name he had been missing.

And somehow, Adam had a feeling that everything would be alright once he had Elysia with him again. It was such a strong reaction for a single name.

But he still could not bring himself to trust those blank grey eyes and that empty smile.

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