I Will Seduce The Northern Duke

Chapter 28

Translator and Editor: Lea and Aki


Chapter 28

Juna was one of the maids who accompanied Irelle to the capital.


Selena secretively furrowed her eyebrows.

Juna could also be an indirect suspect. She wouldn't have just killed Irelle herself. However, it was highly likely that she had contributed to her death without realizing it.

It was particularly revealed in Juna's reaction to Irelle.

Her being "one of the maids" clearly meant that she was close to Irelle.

Even if she was the daughter of a noble, Irelle needed financial support. Or else, she wouldn't have slept in the castle of Kalcion, the ruler of the North.

Moreover, this was not a marriage out of love but a political marriage. With her fiancée - Kalcion - not even giving her a glimpse, and Mrs. Janet, asking her to act like a Duchess, what if there was a maid who was friendly enough to listen to all her complaints?

'She'd have talked about all sorts of things and relied on them.'

Selena had been busy for the past few days as well. No matter how big of a genius she was, she had to learn a heap of new things.

Now that she was finished, this was the right time for her to ask.

"Are you done with your duties already, Juna?"

Selena asked. This time again, the number of employees accompanying them on the journey must have been decided.

What would happen if Juna followed this time as well? It would, of course, intensify Mrs. Janet's suspicions.

"Ah…..No, I did not hear anything about it.""Oh, I thought you were coming with me.""Mrs. Janet is in charge of the selection……...""You've been there before.""Ah…….That's because Miss Irelle specifically asked for me."


Selena had confirmed one thing that Juna was not Mrs. Janet's servant. So, she might have to take Juna to get the first clue.

"Oh. Then, can I request for you to join me?"

Juna's silvery eyes shined. Selena waited.

"Then Miss Selena will get a companion to talk to!""Yeah, that's it! Join me!""Yes! I'm so thrilled!""Me too!"

Selena's face broke into a bright smile.

'Accompany me. And, do what you used to do.'

If Juna went there, Selena might be able to tail her to her owner. And, perhaps in this way, she might be able to catch the culprit.


The date of departure was just around the corner. All Selena did was prepare for the ride.

The other things were left to Mrs. Janet. She wasn't a woman of profit, wasn't a duchess, but just a woman who did not care about what Selena needed.

'But this is…….'

As the door opened, Selena glanced inside the waiting carriage.

Luxurious, fluffy couch, and large windows. However, it was not what she had expected.

"Please step in, Miss."

The chauffeur, who was holding the door, politely urged her.

"What about the others?""His Excellency has prepared this for you. The servants and maids will travel in separate wagons."

She didn't have to ask who ordered for it.

"I won't ride in this."

She closed the door herself and turned on her heel to find Kalcion's carriage. It wasn't hard to spot his wagon as his carriage was the largest of them all.

"Uh, Miss…….!"

A knight waiting next to Kalcion's carriage immediately stood straight when he recognized Selena.

It was Dion.

"We will be leaving soon. Why aren't you in your—"

She was annoyed. Ignoring him, her hands opened the door of the wagon.

Kalcion, who was sitting inside, looked up in surprise. The door shouldn't have been opened without his permission, but here she was. She felt nervous for a moment, but she braced herself up.


Only after checking Selena's face did his anger soared in him. It was usually rude to not ask for permission, but he knew Selena was out of range.

Instead of giving him an explanation, she ascended the carriage and sat next to him, closing the door behind her.

"Was anything wrong with that carriage?""You just left it to Mrs. Janet, didn't you?""Well, she was previously in charge of all this. Is there a problem with her assignment?""Won't it be a problem if I travel in a different carriage?""Why will there be?"

She wanted to end the conversation with those continued questions. Her short patience could not endure it.

"If I travel by a carriage all by myself, then I'll be the only one who'll know what is going to happen in that carriage.""You can join me once we cross the perimeter of the western territory.""And?" "You will be within the territory of Renbird that's why I chose to travel by the route that'd take three more days to get to Anjin."

If it was to be three more days, the security would be thorough. However, this did not convince her enough.

"There's a great risk factor coming in, don't you think?"

Kalcion crossed his arms before his chest.

"They can't do anything big where my eyes can't reach at least."

He seemed to have been offended that crimes might happen within his own territory.

"One nominal like you may not see it. How can one who hasn't seen it can help?""Hmm."

Kalcion did not actively sympathize, but neither did he deny it.

"That's why, I'm just going to ride in this carriage.""Very well."

It was easier than she thought. The allocation of wagons was not even in the category that he would care about.

He took out his documents as soon as the wagon started moving. He could easily read them in a rattling carriage. She had nothing to do or no one to talk to, so she just gazed outside the window.

She was enjoying the view. The central city of Renbird estate, Silenza, was larger than it could have been seen from a high place. It took hours to get out of the city on the central road.

She lost track of time, watching the buildings and people passing by. She felt strange when most of the people bowed or waved at her, but she returned it with a smile.

'The one who'll become the Duchess will be living like this.'

The life of sitting on top of everyone would be incomparable to the throne in a simple play.

'But, I will not envy you.'

She spent a short period of time with the Duke, but nothing important was built on it.

She'd understand that the previous Duchess was crazy about shopping and holding parties. It was difficult for her to find a hobby to relieve her stress, and she had no friends to see.

'Shopping can work in stress.'

While she kept pondering over certain things, the carriage left the city. The scenery that followed next were grassland and wilderness.

She was amazed to watch the serene grasslands pass by. The Masu Mountains, which extended endlessly to one side, were one of the interesting landscapes. It was as if a wall had been built at the end of the plains.

But only for a while.

When the mountains never stopped appearing, she sunk down on her cushion, seemingly bored.

The whole time, Kalcion had his eyes fixed on the files in his hands. Even when the wagon was shaking and when the road got worse outside the city.

"What are you looking at?"

Kalcion replied without raising his eyes.

"A report." "About what?"

Only then did his eyes rise up to her. They said, "Will you know if I told you?"

"Research statistics and analysis of urban population aggregation and local population distribution policies.""......"

She didn't know what it was, but she could understand that he was focused on the profound work of management of the Renbird territory.

She had no desire to disturb his important work just because she was bored. Selena became quiet without making a sound, taking a peep at the window again.

It had been a long time, but there was still a plain on one side and the Masu Mountains on the other. Her conscience evaporated from boredom.

"What is it this time?"

She asked before Kalcion could take out another bundle of documents.

"Report on the method of minimizing heat loss in hot spring water pipes.""Oh, okay.….."

Once again, only the rattle of the wagon filled the silence. She knew she'd only see the plains and the mountains if she took a peek again at the window. She couldn't wait until Kalcion changed the documents again.

"What kind of research is that?"

To her surprise, Kalcion looked up.

"Are you curious about this?"

She was bored, so she nodded enthusiastically.

"I am, very much!"

Had she ever been so interested in learning these? Definitely not, but it didn't matter now. She was very curious. She was curious about the molecular structure of hot spring water.

Kalcion tilted his head as she watched Selena, who was waiting for an explanation with a twinkle in her eyes. Usually, as far as she knew, no one was this joyful before. She was interested in it even if he knew she wouldn't be interested in taking jobs in the field.

".....You'll feel like you are being punished."

She was a top actor with the most glamorous beauty. She would always be interested in learning how to act to set different types of personalities. But, she was really strange outside.


Kalcion slowly began as he gazed at the Saindart Mountains, which is also known as the Early Masu Mountains.

Explanation of the world was needed first in order to answer the process. He decided to give her a general explanation of this world before they reached the capital.

"Renbird is a territory that includes the northern lands of the continent, stretching to both - east and west. That is the reason it's underneath the borders of the rest of the countries.""Oh, it's like a lid."

Quickly understanding his explanation, she applied an example.

"That's right. Above the Anne of Redbird is where the Saindart Mountains cross, and above them, there's a land where humans aren't allowed to go.""Can't they cross the mountain range or come across the seas?"

Kalcion smiled faintly at her question. Not a laugh, not a cynicism, but a smile that said she was honestly cute.


Selena blushed at his warm gaze that found her eyes.


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