I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

After that, the cold war continued between us.

We didn't eat together, and we didn't even talk.

It wasn't like we were going to eat each other or anything like that. 

And I acted indifferent because I didn't have anything to say, but people murmured about me and Philen. 

Phil! Look at this!

It was because Cecily and Philen were getting better, while my relationship was like that.

I didn't want to see them, so I stayed in my room and read a book. There were also things to study for the test, which seemed to be an excuse to people.

Do you know what everyone is talking about?

Sarah said, huffing and puffing.

"The reason My Lady took the official test is because she and the Duke are going to break up soon! Thats why she's trying to find a way to live!

Did such a rumor spread? Hilarious.

I just laughed silently, and Sarah asked me in bewilderment.

"You're not, right? You're not breaking up with the Duke, right?"

Don't worry, Sarah. I won't be the first to bring up the breakup.

Even after you become an official? 

"Well, I hadn't thought that far."

"If, if My Lady breaks her marriage with the Duke and leaves the mansion, I will follow you!

"Ridiculous. You're the Duke of Williot's maid.

A maid, not a slave! I have the right to choose my job!

That's true.

"If you don't want to see me quit the duke's, don't ever break up with the Duke!"

That's not up to me, it's up to Philen.

"Okay. I'll try.

Don't try, you have to!

It was coercion, but I didn't hate it.

Rather, it was adorable as if I was looking at my immature little sister. I smiled and replied that I would.

People felt sorry because there was no communication between me and Philen, but I didn't mind.

I didn't know about Philen, but I was content with my life now.

It's much better than having an unnecessary face-to-face argument with Philen. And I could read books at will. 

I didn't know what it's like in other people's eyes, but at least for me, peaceful days went on.

As time passed, the day came when I had to go to inspect the territory.

I woke up early in the morning and went to the bathroom.

I didn't like showing my naked body to other people even to the maids, so I usually washed by myself. But on days like this, I had to get help.

And that role was always played by Misa.

Misa bathed me earnestly, anointing my body with perfume.

You will be walking around all day today, so why not wear a simple and active dress rather than a cumbersome and fancy dress?

"Sounds good. Let's do that.

Upon my permission, Misa instructed the maids to bring dresses and accessory boxes.

While Sarah was drying my hair, the maids brought the things as ordered.

They moved in unison under Misa's direction and helped dress me up.  

Pure white chemise dress with lace and ribbon around the chest. It was as active as Misa said, yet neat and elegant.

When they finished dressing me up, they put on makeup and spencer on me. 

After braiding my hair to one side, I wore shabo with a large ribbon and brought a reticule with a handkerchief in it. 

This was usually the style of young children. So when everything was ready, it seemed like I was dressed too young to fit my age.

I was a little worried as I looked in the mirror, but Sarah clapped her hands with her eyes twinkling.

My Lady, you are so pretty! You look like my age!

Sarah was 19 years old this year, and she said I looked like her age.

"You're too flattering."

"No! You really look young! Right?"

"Of course! You're so pretty, My Lady!"

The maids nodded in agreement with Sarah's words.

It was a little embarrassing, but it felt good.

I thanked them for helping me dress up, and then I went alone.

Philen was already ready and waiting for me. After that, Baron Wizard and the other aides and escort knights were seen.

Philen, who was talking to the aides, noticed me and paused. 

His expression hardened subtly.

As expected, is it weird? 

I awkwardly stood in front of Philen.

Philen looked at me blankly, then coughed and opened his mouth.

You're pretty.


You're dressed incongruously.'

I thought he'd be hard on me, so I didn't expect him to compliment me. 

It was a little embarrassing. 

I bent my knees slightly, smiling a little.

The Duke also looks very wonderful.

It wasn't empty words, it's true.

He looked really cool in his overcoat with his bright blonde hair neatly tucked away.

Lets go, Lady.

I thought it would be awkward and difficult for us to go together today as we had been cold for a while, but surprisingly, it started well.

I gently placed my hand on Philen's outstretched hand, hoping that this state would continue until the end of the inspection of the territory. 

But my wish was shattered from the start.

Welcome, Lady.

Cecily was in the carriage.

Why is this woman here?

I looked at Cecily in confusion. 

On the other hand, Philen was calm. And rather, he looked at me as if he's wondering what I was doing instead of getting on it quickly. 

He maybe had no intention of explaining why Cecily was in the carriage.


why is she in the carriage?

In the end, when I was the first to say the word, Philen answered as if it was natural.

"Cecily said she wanted to look around the territory, so I asked her to join us. Is there a problem?"

There was no problem. It would have been if she were an ordinary guest, not a mistress.

But she was Philen's mistress.

What would other people think when they saw the three of us going to inspect the territory together?

It was so terrifying that I didn't even dare to think about it.

The thought of pouring gaze and hearing what they would say made me dizzy. 

I pulled out my hand that was held by Philen and said.

Im not going. 

People would gossip if I didn't go with them, but I'd rather that.

At least I wouldn't hear those words. I wouldn't see them looking at me strangely.

Philen frowned at my words, and Cecily looked at me in surprise.

What else is the problem?

There's no problem.

Yeah. There's no apparent problem.

Then why are you doing this all of a sudden?

Do you want me to go with you?

"Do you really need to ask?"

Then tell her to get off.

Cecily, who was suddenly pointed out, looked anxiously at Philen with a face that seemed to burst into tears. 

Philen's expression was distorted even more harshly.

Leila. That's enough.

He growled in a voice that was small enough for me to hear.

But I said my mind without batting an eye.

If you go with her, I wont go.

At other times, I would have compromised Cecily moderately, such as never getting her off the carriage, etc, but this time, I didn't want to.

When I didn't give in until the end, Philen sighed deeply and looked at Cecily.

Im sorry, but it seems like you have to make a concession."

It cant be helped. 

Cecily meekly got out of the carriage.

Go and then, stay with me for a long time.

"Of course."

Philen kissed Cecily lightly on the cheek. Cecily grinned and hugged him.

It was definitely the appearance of a lovely lover no matter who looked at it.

I felt like I was the evil interrupter that separated such lovers.

It's ironic. I'm his fiance, so why should I feel this way?

I didn't want to watch them any longer, so I hurriedly got on the carriage.

Philen escorted Cecily to the mansion by himself and then got onto the carriage.  

Soon the carriage rattled off.

Later, send Cecily a gift of apology. 

Philen, who had been still, suddenly said something that didn't make sense.

I turned to him, raising my eyebrow.

"Why would I?" 

She's depressed because she couldnt go on her long-awaited outing because of your strange stubbornness. What would you do if it affects the child?"

So, you want me to give her a gift to soothe her depression?

It was so ridiculous that I couldn't even laugh.

If shes so pitiful, why didnt you go with her?

"You're being weirdly stubborn again, you know I can't do that."

"It's you, not me, who is being weirdly stubborn. We're not going to play, do you think it's right to take the mistress with us to inspect the territory?"

Whether he thought so or not, Philen kept his mouth shut. It was even more hilarious. Because he did it on purpose knowing he couldn't do it.

It's like someone wants me to get angry. It really can't be what he wants, though.

Philen still seemed to have a lot to say to me, but sadly I wasn't.

I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

I turned my head blatantly, and at this, Philen let out a deep sigh.


The beginning was quite creaky, but the subsequent process was smooth.

Since it was his first time doing this, Philen seemed a little nervous, but soon he adapted and took care of the people.

Inwardly, I was worried about what would happen if he showed an immature appearance, but it was a relief.

I finally felt relieved and looked around the Williot territory where I had lived for 10 years.

Located in the southern part of the Empire, Williot territory was quite liveable.

The weather was mild all year round, and there's a large river outside the territory, so there's no need to worry about water.

The land was fertile and the crops grew well. 

"Excuse me."

After looking around for a while, I turned my head when someone pulled my dress.

Then I saw a little boy who was only about the height of my waist.

His bright eyes were filled with a lot of worries.

What worries a child like him has to make him look like this? 

Worried, I bowed slightly at the boy's eye level.

"What's wrong?"

Um, I have something to tell you.

Behind the boy, I saw Philen, who was talking to his aides, approaching this way.

"To me?"


The boy nodded his head and looked at me.

I really want the Lord to solve it.

Philen, who had come right behind the boy, stopped.

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