I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again

Chapter 69

Chapter 69


After Leila made her decision, Kalian compiled a new list of the diplomatic delegation and sent it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Of course, Leila's name was added to the list. But the position written next to Leila's name wasn't as the emperor's aide, but as the emperor's agent.

When a nobleman, who found this strange, asked Kalian why he did it, Kalian answered with a bright smile.

I gave Sir Thebesa a chance to freely show her ability. Only then will she be able to show all of her abilities without restrictions.


Just for that reason, he gave the important position as the emperor's agent to a person who had just become an aide?

All the nobles clicked their tongues, saying that Kalian was out of his mind.

Some people even pointed their fingers at him for being blinded by love.  

Later that day, Duke Giltian, who came to meet Kalian, spoke outright.

I will consider it an exception for once this time.

Kalian, who was reading the report brought by Duke Giltian, looked at him.

So, if you are doing this because you want to keep her by your side, just make her an Empress(concubine).

I think you're misunderstanding something.

Kalian put his interlaced hands on his lap.

I have no intention of making her an Empress(concubine). I just want to have someone competent as my aide.

It seems to me that it is not the only reason.

That's the only reason.

Kalian firmly dismissed it.

Duke Giltian stared at him intently and then bowed his head.

If it is Your Majesty's will, then do as you please. I will get going now.

Are you going to the detached palace?


Duke Giltian raised his head again and smiled kindly.

He is waiting for me, so I have to go.


While everyone was busy preparing for the diplomatic delegation to depart two days later, Leila asked for a day off and Kalian gladly approved it.

Leila handed Ver all her work for the day before leaving work.

There's also the report on the child care institution.

Ver delivered it to Kalian as it was.

Did she finish it already?

He had been watching her for a month, and he couldn't believe it was completed so quickly. Amazing.

Curious about what she might have written, Kalian put down the document he was looking at and read the report.

Some of the contents of the report were familiar to him because they referred to the data he had previously investigated.  

That fact made him somewhat proud, so Kalian smiled softly.

Why did Sir Thebesa suddenly apply for a leave?

Ver suddenly asked as if he was curious.

Kalian answered indifferently while keeping his eyes fixed on the report.

There must be something she has to do, right? Or maybe she has been working so hard that she wants to take a day off.

Well, she did work hard.

Not only did she work on the weekend, but she also worked overtime constantly.

So, he fully understood the desire to take a day off, but why today?

The timing wasn't only bad, but very bad. 

Others are pointing their fingers at Sir Thebesa, scoffing at her as an irresponsible woman.

She suddenly joined the diplomatic delegation without any notice, and it wasn't unreasonable for people to think that way because she took a day off instead of preparing for it. 

Even Ver was shocked when he heard that Leila applied for a leave.

Is it really okay to send Sir Thebesa to this diplomatic meeting?

Ver said with a worried face.

Id rather go

It's already been decided. There's no turning back.

Kalian firmly dismissed it.

He didn't seem to be worried at all about Leila going to the diplomatic meeting.

Ver couldn't understand what on earth Kalian believed in and was so carefree.

Although Leila was good at her job, that's only limited to the work of an aide.

It hadn't been proven if she had excellent diplomatic or communication skills.

No. He might have already verified it.

With that in mind, Kalian's confidence was understandable.

He was going to ask him about it, but someone came in without knocking. 

It was Hiltine who opened the door and came in. 

Hiltine greeted Ver with only a blink, as usual, and then approached the desk where Kalian was sitting.

It's open.

There was neither a subject nor an object, but Kalian stood up as if he understood what he was saying.

Where is it?

At the place where it's always open. 


The conversation was simple, but Ver, who noticed that he was about to leave the Imperial Palace, stood in front of him.

"You can't."

Kalian furrowed his eyebrows.

I can't believe you stand in the way of the Emperor. That's rude."

You have to work overtime again today, so I'll just be rude. I would be more grateful if you could fire me at this point.

Kalian smirked.

Then I'm going to be the one who has a hard time, thats not going to happen.

How can you say something like that so proudly?

Ver looked at Kalian with a small frown. 

Is Your Majesty harassing me for your convenience? Don't you feel sorry for me?"

You know that's how much I treat you.

Kalian put his index and thumb together, drawing a circle.

Although the basic salary was not small, the bonus from working overtime was also a considerable amount, that's why Ver couldn't refute it.

Then, see you later.

While Ver was at a loss for words and was hesitating, Kalian passed by him leisurely.

Arghh, Your Majesty!

Ver, who came to his senses late, hurriedly looked back at Kalian, but Kalian had already disappeared from his sight.

He chased him in the direction he disappeared just in case but found none of his gorgeous blue hair.

"Arghh! You have so many things to do. What will happen if you disappear like this!

Ver sat down on the cold marble floor, crying as he pulled his hair out.

The attendants, who were passing by silently, went their own way without giving Ver a glance as if it was a familiar scene.  


A few days ago, after a heavy rain, hot days came.

To avoid the scorching sun, Leila carried a parasol, and Sarah, who followed her, wore a hood.

She wore a hood even when it was this hot.

Are you sure you'll be okay? We can use the parasol together.

Leila asked Sarah because she was worried.

"I'm okay!"

Sarah replied, smiling vigorously. 

This is nothing compared to the heat I felt at Williot estate.

That's true, but it's still hot.

I'm really okay. And since parasols are exclusive to noble ladies, how dare I use it when I'm just a maid?

There's no law prohibiting maids from using parasols, so what?

That's true, but Ah! Isn't that the shop that My Lady was talking about?"

Sarah, who was looking for something to change the subject, pointed to the building in front of her and shouted.

On the high-quality wooden signboard, Naveya shop' was written in large letters.

Leila smiled and nodded.  

"That's right. Sarah, I'll be back after doing some business, so please wait for a while while drinking something cool at the cafe, okay?"

Leila gave Sarah one gold.

Sarah nodded, clutching the gold coin as if it were a treasure. 

"Okay. I will wait patiently without going anywhere.

"All right. I'll be right back.

Leila patted Sarah's head and went into the Naveya shop.

It was when Sarah, who was staring at Leila's back, turned around.


Someone blocked Sarah's path.

He was a man with black hair like Leila.

At first, she thought he was a robber, but seeing the clothes he was wearing was of high quality, it didn't seem to be the case.

Then, who is he?

He looks like a noble

Sarah scanned her eyes on him.

As if Sarah was cute, the man smiled so wide that his dimples were in full shape. Then he took out a plaque with a family crest from his chest and showed it to her.

Andante Thebesa, will you know who I am?

A lily, the crest of the Count of Thebesa, was drawn on the plaque.

She had never met any other family members other than Countess Thebesa, but she knew their names.

Andante was Leila's second brother.

When Sarah realized that the person in front of her was the family of the owner she was serving, she hurriedly bowed her head. 

Ho, how dare I not recognize the Lord Ple, please forgive me!"

"No. It's your first time seeing me, so you might not recognize me."

If it had been another nobleman, she would have been yelled at for not recognizing him, but not Andante.

Rather, he smiled sweetly saying it was okay.

Leila had a friendly personality, and Andante was like that too. It seemed that Leila's thoughtful and kind personality was running in the family.

Of course, Countess Thebesa seemed to be an exception.

If you are looking for My Lady, she just entered the Naveya shop. 

"I know. But seeing her here at this hour, it looks like she didnt go to work today, right?

"Yes. She said she's on leave today.


Andante snorted and tilted his head slightly.

A leave for a diligent kid like Leila? Its a little surprising.

It was the same for Sarah, so she replied, agreeing with him.

She must have something to do. 

And you dont know what she does, do you?

Sarah nodded.


Andante held out 10 golds with a brief thank you.

Oh my gosh. Not 1 gold, but 10 golds? 

It is several times my monthly salary.

Sarah waved her hand in surprise.

I, I cant accept such a large amount of money.

Just take it. I'm giving it to you because you take such good care of our Leila.

When Leila's name was mentioned, her heart was shaken not to accept it.

Andante smiled brightly and drove a wedge in.

Its Leilas birthday in a month, don't you want to give her a proper gift?"

Sarah, who was still worried about what to do on Leila's birthday, took the money carefully.

With this money, she wouldn't only be able to give a decent gift on her birthday, but she would also be able to get quality meat, cheese, and wine.

"Thank you."

By the way, dont tell Leila that you met me.

"Yes? Why?"

Leila would like it if she knew her family was here though.

Well, Leila would hate it if she found out that I gave you money. And I also want to give Leila a surprise birthday gift.

Sarah, who fully understood what Andante was saying, nodded. 

"I understand. I will keep it a secret that I met the Lord today.


Me too, thank you very much.

Thanks to you, I was able to lessen my worries about Leila's birthday.

Sarah expressed her heartfelt thanks and went into the cafe.

Andante, who was left alone, stroked his chin and looked at the Naveya shop.

This is definitely the shop that exported goods to Natsha Kingdom.

It's not a mere coincidence that Leila, who was leaving for the diplomatic meeting with Natsha Kingdom tomorrow, visited here.

I wish you all the best, Leila.

That way, something will fall on me too, right?

A mean grin appeared on his handsome face. 

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