I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

Baron Delrond looked behind me and said.

There is a wasp behind the Lady.


Ho, how can a wasp be in the Imperial Palace

I dont know for sure, but I think theres a wasp nest nearby because there were several of them.

Did he say there were that many wasps? I swallowed my saliva unconsciously.

I stayed still, holding my breath because I could die if I was stung by the wasp.

It was the same with Baron Delrond. 

There's a suffocating tension.

I waited for the Baron to send me a signal because I couldn't see the wasp in my position. 

How long do we have to stay like this?  

You two, what are you doing?

Someone's voice suddenly appeared. It was Kalian.

Oh, my.

Kalian raised his mouth obliquely, looking at me and Baron Delrond.

Since when did you two have such a relationship?

Such a relationship?

I have no intention of meddling whether the two of you are dating or not, but please refrain from having a date in a public place.

A, a date?!

My mouth was wide open at the absurd misunderstanding.

Baron Delrond also looked at Kalian as if it was absurd.

Its not like that.

Kalian snorted.

No? When you're so close to each other like that?

Ah, he's misunderstood because of this.

I was going to say that it was a misunderstanding, but Baron Delrond spoke before I could.

It was because of the wasp.

Only then did Kalian frown perhaps because he saw the wasp.

Why is there a wasp in the Imperial Palace?

You should ask the gardener, not me.

That's right.

Kalian wagged his finger. Then I heard something fall.

"Thank you."

Shortly thereafter, Baron Delrond gave him a brief thank you and let me go.

It seemed that Kalian used some special method with the wasp.

Ver, you go to the gardener and tell him to deal with the wasps, and Leila, I have something to say to you, so follow me.


I had something to ask Baron Delrond, but it seemed like I'd have to ask him that next time.

I parted ways with Baron Delrond and followed Kalian.

Kalian didn't say anything all the way to the office.

You really are not in a relationship, are you?

Then, as soon as we entered the office, he suddenly asked that.

I understood what he was saying a little late and shook my head in surprise.

"Yes? Absolutely not.

Kalian looked at me with suspicious eyes.


Yes. What happened that time was just because of the wasp.

Yeah, wasp. There's a wasp.

Kalian mumbled to himself and held out a small piece of paper on the desk to me.

Its your paycheck statement. It's written until next month, so you can take it to the cashier at any time and they will pay you.

I was wondering how the paycheck would be paid, so this is how it works, huh?

"Thank you."

I politely received the statement.

I'll trade it later.

It's a big deal if I trade it in advance and lose it.

And this proposal.

What Kalian picked up was the proposal about the child care institution.

I reviewed it yesterday and I have a few questions. Is it okay if I take some of your time?

Of course, it's okay. That's why I came early.

If you have questions, please ask me.

I forgot all that had happened earlier and had a heated conversation with Kalian about the report.


Even after Leila left, people continued to talk about Leila.

In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she visited, was the noisiest.

That Lady, what on earth is she thinking? 

"That's what I'm saying. Do you think she's really the emperor's aide?"

Their mouths moved constantly, gossipping about Leila.

But its about the diplomatic meeting. What was she trying to report to the Marquis?

At the sudden words of an official, everyone's eyes turned to the document Leila left behind.

Dillon was already reading the document. He looked like he wasn't impressed.

Chief aide. What is written on the document?

Useless things.

Dillon didn't even read the entire document and threw it at the official.

Throw it away.

"Yes? But the Lady asked you to give it to the Marquis

I just told you. Useless things. If I give this to the Marquis, he will only be angry.

Well. The official agreed with Dillon and put the document in a box where waste papers were collected.


Still talking with Kalian about the proposal, it's already time to leave.

Kalian clicked his tongue as he checked the time.

Ive been holding on to you too long.


You have to go to the cashier, so Ill stop here.

I was thinking of going to the cashier when I came back later, but I said yes because I still had to stop by the office to pack my things.

You're leaving the capital soon. How do you feel?

"I'm still bewildered."

I even brought my luggage, but I still didn't believe that I joined the diplomatic mission.

Thats an honest answer.

Kalian smiled and stood up from his seat. 

Even if you forget everything else, you only need to keep one thing in mind.

One thing to keep in mind?

The fact that you joined the diplomatic mission as the emperors agent.

Ah, right. I was the Emperor's agent.

It wasn't the time to be bewildered and lost. Suddenly, I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

I nodded, clearing my mind.

I will keep that in mind.

And there's no need to be so nervous.

Kalian smiled and tapped my shoulder.

Because I believe you'll do well.

He must have been trying to relieve my tension, but unfortunately, I was more nervous.

If I showed him that, I was sure Kalian would tell me not to feel pressured again, so I tried to smile and nodded.


Then, go.

Before that, I want to ask you one thing.

"What is it?"

Will this work even without me?

Kalian looked at me puzzledly at my words.

Do you want this child care institution project to proceed while you're away? Then, it might not be recognized as your work.

"I know."

Usually, when a project started, the first person in charge took the credit for it.

So, if the project went out while I'm away, there's a high possibility that my contribution wouldn't be recognized no matter how hard I prepared it. 

It would be a lie if I said I wasn't sad at all, but I didn't mean to be greedy.

Because I didn't want the children to suffer more because of my greed. 

I just wanted this child care institution project to be completed as soon as possible so that the poor children could be saved as soon as possible. 

So, I would appreciate it if you could proceed.


The large-scale diplomatic mission led by Leila left the Imperial Palace.

Kalian, who returned to the inner palace after seeing them off personally, suddenly stopped.


At his call, Hiltine quietly appeared from the darkness.

Follow Leila.

Kalian ordered with his back to him.

Dont reveal yourself. Just protect her quietly.

Ver, who came to see Kalian, waited for a while as Kalian and Hiltine were talking.

In this mission, she is me. So, whoever tries to harm her, whether they are a noble or a royal family, dispose of them on the spot.

"I understand." 

After Hiltine said that, he disappeared into the darkness again.  

Immediately after that, Ver approached Kalian from behind and said.

I can't believe you're sending Sir Hiltine. You must be very worried about Sir Thebesa.

Only then did Kalian notice Ver was there. He glanced sideways at him and started walking again.

Ver followed after him and said.

If youre that worried, there would have been a way to not send her.

It's her decision.

Your Majesty must have encouraged her to go.

If only Kalian had told her not to go.

No, she wouldn't have joined the diplomatic mission if he had rejected Duke Giltian's proposal at the meeting.

But you didnt, because you want Sir Thebesa to become a baron as soon as possible, right?

Why do you ask when you already know it?

Kalian responded bluntly and entered the office.

Ver, who had followed him, put the documents he was holding on the desk.

This is the end of today's report. If you don't have anything else to ask me to do, I'll get going."

The work on the war heroes was finished, and the diplomatic delegation also left.

Although the issue of the bereaved family was still there, it had been transferred to the relevant department and there's nothing he could do right now.

So, I'm going to go home and sleep well today. I'll also take a bath in hot water.

Ver. Proceed this right now.

However, Ver's simple dream was shattered when Kalian handed out a document.

Ver protested while staring at Kalian with a face with dark circles down to his chin.

Your Majesty, I havent gone home and have worked all night for these two days.

So, you're saying you cant do it?

I thought he'd give me a little bit of mercy if I said this. There's no change in him.

Even the devil would be nicer than this man.

Ver sighed deeply inside and scanned the document. 

It was a proposal about the child care institution.

"Huh? I know this is a project that Sir Thebesa decided to carry out.

Starting today, you carry it out.

Ver made a weird face at the unexpected words.

Then, Sir Thebesas efforts may not be recognized.

"I know."

And you still want me to carry it out?

"Yeah. Thats what Leila wanted.

Ver was surprised by Kalian's answer and checked the report. He could tell from the first page how hard Leila had worked.

Is it okay if I carry it out?  

Did Sir Thebesa really want it? Why?"

Ver couldn't believe him, so he asked again.

She said she didnt want the children to suffer because of the work being delayed because of her. 

Kalian told him exactly what he heard from Leila.

That's why push ahead with it right away.

To be honest, after checking the document, he was thinking of going to be a little stubborn asking whether it could be done next time, but after hearing that, he couldn't.

Ah, I don't know. I'll sleep a lot after I die anyway. 

Ver sighed inwardly and replied.

"I understand."  

You can leave now.

Ver, who was about to leave directly after getting kicked out, suddenly remembered something and looked back at Kalian.

Come to think of it, Your Majesty, its been a long time since you have been to the detached palace, right?

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