I Won’t Pick Up The Trash I Threw Away Again

Chapter 78

Chapter 78


I left the mansion with a carriage, but that's all.

I used my two strong legs to walk around the streets, and there was no escort knight with me.

Eria was anxious about that, but I was somewhat lighthearted.

Because I didn't really like taking people around.

Where do you want to go first, My Lady? 

Um, well.

I pondered for a moment and answered.

Lets go to the port first. I want to see the sea more closely.

Then, come this way.

As someone who confidently said that she would take me around Hutton, Eria knew Hutton's geography well. 

As soon as I entered the port with Eria, I could see the vast open sea with its salty smell.

The waves, pushed by the wind, hit the rocks and disappeared into the air, creating white foam.

There were a lot of people in the port. 

Sailors, merchants, and travelers were also seen.

What's the name of those white birds flying in the sky again?

What's the name of that bird?

I asked Eria.

That's called seagull. Do you know that you can feed seagulls?

Is that possible?

"Of course! Please wait a minute, I'll go buy the bread."

I picked up a piece of bread that Eria bought and lifted it high in the sky.

Then a seagull took it in an instant.

Wow, amazing. I can't believe I fed seagulls. 

Now, try this too!

I smiled like a child and gave pieces of bread to the seagulls. 

Then, following Eria's recommendation, we headed to sea street.

According to Eria, the sea street was a famous street that travelers, who come to Hutton, must visit at least once. 

As she said, the street was full of people whether it was really a famous street. It seemed to be more than the port.

Its cheap, its cheap! 

Take a look!

There were a lot of food ingredients that weren't commonly found in inland areas, such as seafood and fish, at the stalls.

There were also a lot of handicrafts that were made using the characteristics of the sea, such as corals, pearls, and shells.

I didn't know when I could go out again, so should I buy Sarah's gift in advance? 

I might as well buy a gift for Baron Delrond and Kalian. 

I thought gifts with the characteristics of this place would be good, so I bought a hairpin with shell decoration for Sarah, and a coral reef quill pen for Baron Delrond.

And as for Kalian what should I buy?

This was hard. I was thinking about buying a quill pen like the baron's, but for a famous emperor, a quill pen as a gift seemed too shabby.

Then, what would be good to buy?

I looked around the stall carefully.

This looks too cheap, and that doesn't go well with Kalian   


After looking around for a long time, what caught my eye was blue jewel-studded cufflinks.

The jewel that was studded on the button reminded me of Kalian's eyes.

I picked it up as if I was possessed.

I can't believe you picked that up. You have good eyes!

The merchant smiled brightly and explained the jewel on the button.

Its a Blue Marine, and its a special jewel that can only be found here in Hutton. It's also called the tears of the sea.

Wasn't that a nickname for pearls?

Anyway, it's definitely a jewel I had never seen before.

I had never seen it in a store that handled all the jewels on the continent.

That meant it might not be a jewel.

I'll buy this.

I was wondering whether I could give it to Kalian, but I ended up buying the cufflinks.

That's how much the jewel on this button went well with Kalian.

I hope he likes it.

This is yours.

I also bought a simple gift for Eria, who took the trouble to guide me.

"Thank you!"

Eria bowed as if she was very moved.

After exploring the streets a little more with Eria, I returned to the mansion around 5 o'clock.

Returning to my room, I put down the things I had bought and headed to the main building to meet Marquis Valdir.

I wanted to hear his review of the document I gave to Dillon Valdir before.

Because he should have read it all by now.

but he might not have read it.

I went to his room, but Marquis Valdir was away.

Where did he go?

I asked a passing servant for Marquis Valdir's whereabouts. 

Do you happen to know where Marquis Valdir is?

Marquis Valdir is having a meeting with the other diplomatic missions in the conference room on the first floor.

who's having a meeting with whom?

Marquis Valdir and the other diplomatic missions?

Then what about me? Am I not one of the diplomatic missions?


I couldn't help but laugh. I rubbed my face with my hand.

I already knew well that they ignored me and hated me.

There's no way I couldn't not know because they showed it so openly.

However, the reason I didn't say anything all this time was because I didn't like them either, and I didn't want to cause problems by bumping into them. 

But this was a different case.

How could they have a meeting without me? It was a problem I couldn't get past.

I headed straight to the conference room on the first floor. Just as the meeting was over, people were leaving the conference room.

Starting with Marquis Valdir, then all the diplomatic missions except me.

I heard the thing from the servant, but when I saw it in person, it was even more absurd. 

I stood a few steps away from the conference room and looked at them. 

So I hey, hey. 

What's wro

The people who noticed me belatedly shut their mouths all at once and looked into my eyes.

A heavy silence fell in the hallway.

The last to break the silence was Marquis Valdir.

What's wrong?

The nobleman closest to the Marquis pointed at me with a blink.

Only then did the Marquis realize that I was here and looked at me.

Unlike the other nobles, who looked at me and panicked, the Marquis was calm.

Oh, it's Lady Thebesa. Did you enjoy walking around the streets?

To say things like that casually.

It was fun walking around the streets.

With a forced smile on my lips, I walked up to the Marquis and said,

I heard you had a meeting.

"We did."

Why didnt you call me?

Marquis Valdir looked at me with a face that seemed like he didn't understand what I meant.

"I don't know why you're asking me that. The Lady was the first to say that she wanted to go out to see the streets.

That's right.

I did it because I didnt hear that we had a meeting today.

In response to my answer, Marquis Valdir looked at the nobleman who stood a little further away. He was the nobleman who gave me the schedule.

Sir Salmon. Did you not tell Lady Thebesa that we had a meeting this afternoon?"

Salmon glanced at me and answered.

No, I said it. 

What are you saying right now  

He's lying! 

I clenched my teeth and shouted.

I never heard from Sir Salmon that we had a meeting!

That's what she said, Sir Salmon.

Marquis Valdir asked Salmon again.

Salmon replied with a shrug.

It's not me who is lying, it's Lady Thebesa.

How can you lie so calmly without blinking an eye?

It was absurd and ridiculous. I asked, glaring at Salmon.

Sir clearly said to me that we have no special schedules until dinner tonight, so I'm free to do whatever I want. You didn't say a word about the meeting."

He said it.

It was another nobleman beside Salmon who answered.

I saw it. When we just arrived at the mansion, Sir Salmon surely told Lady Thebesa about the changed schedule.

I saw it too.

In an instant, two fake witnesses made my position difficult.

If I stayed like this, I would be called a liar.

Before that happened, I had to make an excuse quickly, but I didn't know what to say.

I couldn't think of anything because my mind turned white like a blank sheet of paper. 

I stared blankly at Salmon, who looked at me triumphantly, and the nobles whispering.


Marquis Valdir looked back at me.

Then, what do you think, Lady Thebesa?

What do I think?

Of course, I 

"I did not lie.

I managed to part my lips that didn't come off easily.

I tried to answer calmly, but I couldn't stop my voice from trembling.

I really didnt hear it.

Even if I said this, they wouldn't believe me anyway.

Its not that you didnt hear it, you must have forgotten it.

As expected, Marquis Valdir didn't believe me.

no, maybe he didn't intend to believe me from the beginning.

If I thought about it, it was strange that Marquis Valdir passively allowed me to go out.

It was even more strange for him to give an escort knight and a carriage.

It was all planned, huh?

From the beginning, they were going to have a meeting without me.

They made this plan because if they did it openly, I could tell them to the emperor. 

They were such shameful and cowardly people.

I was angry, frustrated, and feeling absurd, but there was nothing I could do now.

No matter what I said, they would dismiss it as a lie.

In this case, it's better to be silent.  

I knew that well, but I was so angry. 

I wanted to grab Salmon right away and shout, why are you making me look like a liar?!'

Calm down, Leila.

Don't fall for their tricks.

There's nothing good about being angry.

It seems that you have finally realized what you were doing.

As I struggled to swallow my anger, Marquis Valdir tapped me on the shoulder and said. 

Dont meddle too much. Stay quiet and go back to the capital.

Then who knows, I might tell Duke Giltian some good words for the Lady. Haha."

He passed by me laughing so loudly, revealing his neat teeth.

Salmon and the other nobles also passed by me smiling.

Some of them deliberately bumped my shoulder and passed by.

Left alone, I clenched my fists so tightly that my blood veins stood out.

I had to bite my lip so hard that it bled to hold back the tears that burst out because of the soaring emotions.


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