I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 106: First home (4)

Chapter 106: First home (4)

The mist of blood spread out just by a foot more on each side. But when gazed upon from the little hero's point of view, it felt as if all this red could swallow him whole alone.

Although this wasn't an emotion he was used to, the boy synced into nervousness as he slapped those fins to swim backwards as fast as possible. By all means avoiding the mist.

Caught by surprise, the system alarmed. [Moray eel killed, 40 system points have been given to you as a reward.]

[Considering size, you also get an additional bonus of 20 system points.]

[Total system points = 395]

"What? It was that easy?" I'm rich!" Timothy thought out, a smile evident on his little face although the rest couldn't understand the reason.

[The last attack managed to scar many internal organs, that eel was tough but not immortal.]

[Would you like to know what effects this carcass grants upon consumption?]

Excited that the battle met an end here without friends and family taking any damage, Tim was happy to request. "I can't remember shit from the last eel I ate so do tell."


[Eating this specific carcass who is bigger in size compared to other moray eels, grants the following...]

[Effect on health, +20 bars]

[Effect on hunger, +70 bars]

[Effect on sleep, +30 bars]

[Effect on stamina, -10 bars]

"This one is an absolute fat-ass, but I won't be eating him." Tim decided and was quite sure about it but just now he realised how long they have been standing in silence.

Therefore he called out, "He's dead. We killed the bastard!"

Although it was tough to see, every participant in this battle wanted to believe this and were close to letting out a celebration holler but yet still weren't sure if the hero's words spoke the truth.

Spotting that no one was letting out a sound, Timmy once more assured. "He really is dead, trust me!"

And then swam right through the blood mist as confidence stood strong in his conscious. Once going through it, his entire body was covered in blood and Osira was the first to gain a glimpse of such a horrific sight.

Sure they are used to this little stingray being a ruthless killer but to see him coated in blood... that sure managed to cause a shiver.

With little effort he swam towards the carcass and easily managed to find where the wound took place. A 70 centimeter long cut was spread across the eel's left side. Surely he knew that enough damage had been dealt but couldn't imagine a cut this long.

Thankfully apart from the cut, there was no scene that stood superior in position, nothing was too disgusting apart from said wound. Harold's mouth was wide open, likely because of the shock that sharp sudden pain can inflict.

Seeing that Timothy was to the carcass without any drastic result as a repercussion, the blacktipped friend joined in to have a better peek. It was fair to say that she was convinced whom this victory belonged to, so no regret stood evident in her mind while approaching.

A compliment slipped out of her lips, but became coated with a different emotion soon as she opened her mouth. "You actually managed to kill this fat-fuck! Didn't know you had it in you, being small and all."

A crack in his tone shot out as he yelled, "Shut up! I'm ferocious! What does size matter?"

His mood portrayed that of an angered man but in reality, he couldn't feel happier to be coated with an enemy's blood! This specific opposer felt as old as time, this one is the first marine animal whom managed to steer so many bad emotions in his little heart.

But today, this bastardous eel was laying down dead. The 2 weeks in between the day they met and this evident victory from today, felt like an eternity considering all that happened. Which made this feel like an even bigger achievement, because in only 2 weeks, he managed to kill an enemy he hated the most!

With satisfaction growing stronger in his tone, Tim called. "Haze, we killed him. Come and have a look."


They've arrived at the hidden den just a few moments later and noticed that some of the fish have already woken up, the majority of them being reef sharks.

Carrying the fat eel all the way here was quite difficult so they didn't even bother and left the body there. Peeking at 3 of the largest reef sharks, Timothy requested. "There is an eel carcass waiting for you, we couldn't carry it here so go get it."

Snoopy overheard the talk and instantly came rushing in, shouting. "You actually managed to kill Harold?!"

"Yes." Tim answered, brushing it off casually as if it wasn't such a big deal.

"You motherfuckers! Why didn't you wake me up? I could've helped!" The young man hollered, angry no doubt but at the same time excited.

Unwilling to hear out the yelling stingray, the hero of the hour allured his gaze towards the sharks. "Haze can lead you to the body, bring it here because it can feed us for a while."

As the group of 4 left to fetch the body, Tim remembered something rather crucial. "I need to hunt a crab or some shit, to finish the task or else I can't upgrade."

It felt a bit rough to know that nearly 400 system points have piled up but yet he couldn't spend them anywhere. Actually, this was somewhat torturous.

Not nearly able to remember what kind of crab he was looking for, asking the system became the inevitable. "What am I supposed to hunt again?"

[You need to hunt a white-leg shrimp so your guess was rather far off, this is the 8th task.]

[After killing this species, you will need to complete 2 more tasks before upgrades unlock to you.]

Thinking it over just for a few seconds, he looked around and then shouted something rather smart. "Does anyone know where I can find white-legged shrimps?"

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