I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 11: Cloud

Chapter 11: Cloud

Getting out of the new den, the first thing that scrolled through the young Tim's mind is. "How will I find sardines now."

The system did not answer, obviously not paid enough just yet to teach this young stingray how to hunt everything. Giving a tip about the first ever hunt was a free but for everything else, he will likely have to buy the privilege, such luxury called knowledge isn't free.

Trying to not move too far from the den, little Tim takes a bit more time to observe his surroundings now. There's absolutely no rush considering that he's well fed and rested.

The only rush is that urge to upgrade, progress. Fair to say this little stingray is carrying rage comparable to a blue whale in size.

Swimming about 30 meters away from his den, the young Tim spots what looks like a cloud in the middle of the ocean.

Curious most likely and willing to get closer since his vision isn't proving useful from here considering the low level.

Swimming about 20 meters further, young Tim notices that the ocean ground below him is much darker here.

Which can only project that this isn't the ocean ground, since he technically can't see it. This portion of the sea is just too deep, most definitely not for this stingray to explore considering the limited depth handling capacities.

It also means that this stingray has swam too far from the shore now, this is where the real predators are.

Yet it doesn't mean that he can't continue this path, the task given by the system is most definitely possible.

About 100 meters away from the den now, he has approached that ocean cloud closer and can notice countless silver like colours shining, reflecting the bit of sunlight that breaches the ocean's surface.

He has to be at least 50 meters underwater now considering the lack of reflection.

Yet he isn't close enough to notice what these species are, it can't be one animal. Because no animal can get seemingly over 2 kilometers big and no animal can move this way.

a portion of this cloud moves left, the other moves right, most move randomly around. Even if Tim's personal IQ was 5, he still would be able to understand that this isn't one animal.

But now it doesn't look like this curious stingray has to approach any closer as the cloud is coming here itself.

Not sure how to feel about this, how to comprehend this size, safe or hazardous? He starts swimming back, to buy a few more seconds of decision making.

Just about 20 seconds later, the cloud overwhelmed the young Tim's vision. Nothing particularly harming, but now from up close he can see plenty of small fish captivate his vision.

And when we say small, the talk is about thousands of fish who only stretch 5 centimeters.

That small, yet animals from the same species swim across Tim and stretch in size almost comparable to the stingray.

Doing logical comparisons, these bigger could be the full grown ones. Remembering stuff from his human life, sardines are usually very small so he should be in the right place.

Spotting what can be small enough for the young Tim to handle, he charges forward, slaps a few fish with his fins and digs jaws on a small species.

[Sardine killed. 1 system point has been rewarded.]

[Since this was a system task, you get an additional point.]

[Total system points = 46]

Chomping through the whole sardine, consuming it, Tim hears the system continue with her banter.

[Alewife sardine identified, statistics have been saved in your collection.]

[Consuming an entire Alewife sardine of any size grants the following.]

[Effect on hunger, +1 up to +5 bars.]

[Effect on health, +1 bar.]

[Effect on sleep, non existent.]

[Effect on Stamina, non existent.]

"Oh this can't get any better." Tim shouted out and charges towards another small sardine.

He understands that charging against the bigger ones may sound manlier, but killing the big ones will make him feel full too fast and he won't be able to replenish much health.

It's well stated that Tim doesn't have a large IQ but he's so determined towards revenge that he actually started thinking about decisions twice.

Raging through the crowd carrying a massive silver lining, killing the 7th sardine in a row by now, the young Stingray already feels full and has an urge to hurl.

There is only so much a 31 day old stingray can eat, his stomach capacity limits at 15 bars.

Wanting to feel more sure about progress, although horrible with math, Tim asks the one who is 50 mountains smarter. "System, at what bar is my health?"

[Health bar = 84/100]

"Oh now we're talking! I'm finally recovering." Tim celebrates while taking a few seconds to stalk a bigger sardine.

Wanting to make a good move, the young stingray questions for the sake of reassurance. "System, should I kill a big sardine and drag it to my den?"

[That is recommended.]

A smile growing on his little stingray underside, he uses all of the level 2 speed to charge towards a full grown sardine.

This one has to be around 20 centimeters long, almost comparable to Tim's size.

Fearlessly, he takes a bite right on the fish's spine, near the neck. Tim's jaws are strong enough to take off a bite easily and sardines aren't so boney either so that's a massive plus.

But yet the sardine isn't dead. Tim is slightly bigger but his bite size only ranges 4 centimeters long.

So while taking another bite of the same sardine, the young stingray swings his tail randomly with a prime aim to strike this hunt and kill it faster.

At that second, a much larger toothy fish captures Tim's vision. Thankfully it isn't a shark but this one isn't small either.

It isn't small and is charging at full speed towards Tim.

Flapping his fins, Tim swims a hunch higher along with the hunt and spots the attacking fish swim right under him.

Using the opportunity, mostly out of instinct, Tim flaps his tail around and feels it sink into some meat below. It has to be the attacking fish.

The only downside to such sweet short victory is losing the hunt he just killed, oh well at least he has a system point more.

That toothy attacking fish has taken Tim's catch but suffered a scar around the face so there is only one winner here.

Forgetting about that, he spots another bigger sardine fish and charges towards it, no reason to get demotivated.


Swimming into his den, pushing the 20 centimeter long massacred Wifeale sardine in and rather proud of his success as well.

That cloud of sardines swam away as well, went closer towards what Tim thinks are the shores. It proved useful as after that he could see which way to go and managed to locate the new den.

Finally pushing the hunt through the 1 meter long entrance, the progressing stingray finds a sight he didn't expect.

A species has invaded his home but this isn't necessarily a problem. His den is somehow filled with living sardines, they probably swam down here by accident.

But in this case, Tim spots a good food supply and a lot of system points as there has to be at least 20 sardines here be it large or small.


A good five minutes passed and Tim ripped through most of his meals although a few actually managed to get away, fled from the den.

He does feel tired, it's hard to kill over 20 sardines in a row but thankfully they aren't bitty.

Feeling absolutely certain that he can do an upgrade now, after piling up the bodies in one spot, Tim demands. "System, upgrade my jaws."

[45 system points consumed.]

[35 system points remaining.]

"Oh that's nice, I can buy another upgrade in no time." The enthusiastic stingray celebrated, but forgot one thing about body upgrades.

[Purchase confirmed]

[Loading purchase]

"By the name of god!" Tim shouted, feeling a massive pain arising around his jaws and his sentence was forced towards a mumble as well.

Mouth becoming stiff, his fins starting to feel sore as well, next thing he hears is the system warning. [Stamina = 0/15]

And so he falls on the sand, unable to move around and can feel his eyes force close shut.

An abnormal sight cascades his vision, the young stingray spots an animal poking its ugly head in his den.

An animal fairly bigger in size compared to a sardine, an animal that shines blue in colour and carries black dots as well.

But It's face is the most captivating as a row of pointy teeth stick out of its mouth.

But the rest of this fish' body is oddly shaped so Tim can't help thinking. "What's a pole fish doing in my house?"

Swimming down closer, reaching close enough to Tim's face, forcing one to think that these two are making out.

Odd enough, the large fish isn't attacking and even shed a sentence of poetry. "We meet again, friend. Which end or cloud will save you from my jaws? I'll send you down to hell."

Obviously a threat but since Tim never met more than one fish that looks like a pole, it's easy to figure out who this is.

The non functioning left eye on the animal's face gives a good idea, this must be the same fish he struck through the sardine storm.

But yet, Tim's stamina is low and he is too stiff to talk, nonetheless move.

Shocking enough, the fluent stingray speaking fish looks at the sardines and adds. "Looks like you made me dinner as well."

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