I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 117: Forefathers

Chapter 117: Forefathers

[I have to remind you that this species is showing weird traditions. Even I am not aware of these weird procedures, so my best advice would be to get out of here as soon as possible. Because this species can drag you into their set of craze.]

"I will get out of here." Tim assured, but then recounted all the trouble here and stated. "But not without my tribe. I worked my ass off to bring a few pale-ass shrimp to the reef."

The biggest guards had surrounded the little one, although at the same time they were keeping a good distance of 2 meters thanks to fear and respect. A lot of them were giving the hero a rough gaze, confusion was evident on their facial expression but also excitement. While a quarter portion carried a lot of rage.

Considering the situation, it felt like a speech was in order so Timmy cleared his throat and projected. "Listen here ye shrimp. I don't speak your language at all so you who can understand me, will translate for the rest."

He felt like they would obey the direct order of a king and therefore the proud little sea disk didn't bother to debate this command, but just continued. "I don't know what traditions you all follow, but your king is dead which means that all of you should listen to my commands."

To such a statement, neither of them objected but instead translated. So he could only guess that they were all in agreement, or most at least.

Therefore the speech continued, "Originally, I planned to take just one tribe with me but your ex king proved himself an asshole. So now I will bring all of you to my reef."

Feeling that such an achievement would truly get the whole reef out of trouble by at least a quarter, he let silence stretch for a few seconds before asking. "Now, which one of you can tell me just exactly how many shrimps does this whole community have?"

It took a few awkward moments before he got an answer but finally a smaller shrimp walked forward and began raging something in its own language.

Once noticing the conflicted look on the new king's face, a guard was quick to arrive and translate. "This one's father keeps count of all the tribes. There should be a bit over 5,000 shrimp in this community according to this little one's claim."

"5,000 hmmm..." The hero thought and was quite pleased by the numbers, this was definitely a lot more than he bargained for and there was no objection to the order either.

Willing as much as the system to get the hell out of here, he instantly shouted out an order after. "Okay now listen to me! Get the hell out of my lair and gather every single shrimp in this tunnel community and head for the exit."

Trying to be a bit more clearer of what he wants, another thing also had to be added. "We're all moving to the reef and anyone who goes against my word, will face a quick death I assure you that!"

After translating, all of the white-legged shrimp rushed out of the room and began rambling something in their own language ~ likely spreading the recent news or best said, the command.

Given the time to think, another episode of thoughts bashed against the little boy where he wanted to figure out reality and what's around it, almost paralyzing. One thought rushed out after the other, self-conflict built up bit by bit the deeper he sunk.

"Just how the hell did I get to the point of becoming a king so quick?"

"I came here just to finish task 8 and somehow swam into a huge win. Can't tell if this is my stupidity or the community's?"

"Fucking hell, I just wanted to bring a tribe of 50 maybe a 100 with me to save the reef. But even my good intent ended up with an arrogant large-ass laughing at me and ticking my every nerve."

"I don't remember life on earth but this new one has to be a lot more confusing. Can't understand anything but one thing is clear, the entire fight I put up was to save the reef."

"So I can't be a bad person... fish, right system? I'm not commanding an entire civilisation from the looks of it... for any personal profits but just want the reef to be healthy."

"Whatever bad thing will happen in the future coming from these shrimps, won't be my fault right?"

[Oh it will definitely be your fault. The truth is, everything you do in life will have repercussions. But in this life especially, even if you do things right, it can kill you.]

[So don't think about it too much]

[My guess is that your good intent led to a bigger reward. I'm not a big believer in destiny but it seemed that the reef is destined to be saved by you.]

The system definitely didn't help with that portion but it managed to snap the little one out of thoughts because a sharp pain in his head had struck for a brief second.

Finding a brief reason to be confident, he sighed and twirled his eyes around the room to state the obvious. "Fuck it! Anything can kill so might as just do whatever the hell I want."

A minute after, his lair was briefly overwhelmed by shrimp who seemed average in size compared to the biggest guards, but still had features that characterized uniqueness.

He couldn't count them all but they had to be at least 30. Their shrimpy faces proved hostility but their bodies didn't seem to catch up with their intent. They were thin, slow moving and slightly shook upon every step.

The one in the middle who was a bit bigger compared to the rest, walked out a bit closer and introduced herself. "I am the leader of the mist lover tribe, and the rest here are also leaders of the 36 other tribes in this community."

"Okay? I imagine you want me to bow or something?" The aura he sensed on these shrimp wasn't nearly pleasant so the last thing he wanted to do was to play nice.

The hostility on the lady's face had massively transformed into an urge to kill, so expression itself instantly spiked towards the worst. "Behave you flat piece of shit. You aren't taking this community anywhere! This community has been alive for decades and it was all thanks to the effort our forefathers have put in. We aren't going to allow an arrogant hot shot like you, to lead our community to the dangers of the reef!"

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