I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 30: Clownfish (2)

Chapter 30: Clownfish (2)

Feeling a bit tired of all the moving around, Tim took a moment to stalk the fighting clownfishes.

Stalk is a harsh word although he wanted to kill them both, he's watching the show instead, that's a better word to describe it.

In front of him, the prey was raging against each other, one would think this was a boxing match for 25,000$.

Although the same in size, the upper advantage in battle seemed to shift every few seconds.

One clownfish bit the other on the rear tail and as a comeback, the other bit the enemy right on the head.

One would think clownfish are too puny to bite but no that's not the case, a big IQ wouldn't be demanded to figure out that these fish were territorial.

Thus it made Tim think, "So glad that me and my tribe get along well."

[I don't mean to banter but you don't get along well with everyone in the tribe.]

Hesitancy aroused in his tone as the young man asked. "Oh right, Alba. What will I do about her system? Should I kill one of my own species?"

[She isn't of the same species.]

"But she's a stingray." Timmy reminded although unable to recall the exact species.

[One that almost killed you.]

[At this point she has no difference from Harold and Drake who want to eat you alive.]

[System categorizes her as an enemy, it's best if you do the same.]

Able to understand reasoning a hunch more now thanks to the IQ upgrade, Tim spoke with his tone muffled by the bad destiny. "I guess you're right."

Those clownfish however, were still raging against each other, their rage interjecting a disturbance in the water, bubbles to be more transparent.

The wounds they've inflicted on each other weren't necessarily gory but we can't say that damage hasn't been dealt, the surface of their skin was definitely broken.

Watching the back and forth battle for just a couple of minutes by now, Tim left the prey he killed, behind and then charged towards the raging oranges.

Being too distracted, the clownfish didn't spot Timothy swoop in, their crave for battle leading to blinded eyes.

Blinded of their surroundings, unable to notice the inevitable doom that was piercing the water at 2 mp/h.


His tail wiped throughout one of the clownfish, a 3 centimeter hole bursting through its head.

It wasn't so graphic really, just a hole in a fish. That most definitely broke the fight and the other clownfish noticed what caused such damage and couldn't help giggle in its own language.

Turning around and seeing the little orange giggle, Tim couldn't help thinking. "Damn, these clownfish really are evil."

Noticing that the stingray who's about triple his size, has fixed an eye to eye stare, the clownfish stopped giggling and took a sharp turn left.

Making a swim for it towards the coral about 3 meters underneath but its speed was far too slow to achieve any result worth talking about.

The prey gave a little burst of speed at first but it didn't last long, most likely because of battle exhaust.

Tim was quick to catch up but stinging this one with his tail was rather difficult considering the prey was in front, swimming as fast as it could.

So once getting close enough, the young stingray took a significant sharp turn downwards. The intent wasn't nearly to swim in front of the clownfish.

Instead, as he took a turn downwards, his tail was swift to get closer than ever to the prey.

A quarter of a second after, his tail met with the swimming orange's backside leaving a death inflicting hole in it although venom isn't even a part of his arsenal.

[Total system points = 5]

Ready, he gazed at the carcasses and asked himself. "How do I hold all of these with my mouth now?"

He went ahead to try and sink his four teeth on both of them but could only grab a hold of them for a second or two.

About 5 minutes of continuous attempt later, his lips met with the clownfish' which forced him to yell out. "Eewww! I kissed a dead fish!"

[Get used to it, especially if you want to carry 3 fish at a time.]

"Oh right, I killed another one earlier." Tim was reminded as he noticed a bit of sass under the system's tone again, making him think. "I thought systems were perfect or something, why does it feel like she's evolving?"

[Because I am!] The system slightly shouted and gave Timothy a bit of a spook.

[I've adapted thousands upon thousands of characters as I formed the system to perfection and can shift to communicate with the guest in the best way possible.]

[I wasn't born perfect and had to learn everything through thousands of reincarnation.]

[Although I'm far from perfection, my knowledge outmatches any living creature on earth or beyond It.]

"Oh, sorry miss lady." Tim murmured, feeling like he offended the lady. "Didn't mean to make you mad."

Although this new life was unfair, this system was the best thing in this new life and remained in that position.

Sure there were friends around here but none of them show their best interest at heart like the system does.

Realizing those facts, Tim felt tad guilty for being so rough on the system at the very beginning and decided to shift his ways by a hunch if not more.

But yet still curious, he questioned. "But system, who made you? Where did you come from? Did you appear out of thin air and then got into brains or something?"

[I don't know.]

[I just appeared in a whale's mind one day and then had to learn everything, that and teach the whale how to survive although I didn't know how.]

"That's kinda sad, but you're strong now, smart and stuff." Tim uttered, trying his best to comfort.


As the deeper conversation met an end there, Tim remembered that he was doing something. "Okay now how do I grab all 3 of these fish..."

[Upcoming smart tip, free of charge.]

[Put your tail through the carcasses and then curl your tail so they don't fall off.]

[That way you can drag 2 of them with your tail and the other with your jaws.]

Feeling a decent amount of gratitude and having a hunch that this was free for a reason, Tim gave a small sigh which was enhanced by a smile, adding. "Thanks, system."

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