I'm a Stingray?

Chapter 5: Just in time

Chapter 5: Just in time

"Wow, I woke up and there isn't a shark trying to kiss me." Tim mumbled, realizing he had slept like a rock and his fins felt heavy too.

Taking a peek around, it was fair to say that he wasn't the only life form in this little nice hole that represented a home. Thankfully there were no threats, nothing to worry about. Just shrimps of the same species from what he had killed before taking a nap: had appeared here and called this place home.

They weren't greater in number this time. Only 4 had appeared and they would prove as sufficient system points even though he wasn't hungry to be exact.

Cocky about being able to beat the weaker, he fluttered fins a little but to stretch and then shouted. "You're on my land!"

Finally, he dug jaws on the back of a marble shrimp. And at the same time waved his barb to stab another one closeby. A few chomps later, all of the shrimps had died although their use descended once system points were gotten out of them.

[4 marble shrimp killed. 4 system points have been given to you as a reward]

[Available system points = 12]

"Nice, I'm gonna buy the hunting thing in no time." With buying in mind, another idea struck the boy and he didn't fail to put it into word. "Why can't I buy anything else? Like venom and stuff."

[For survival, you must buy every option there is before more options unlock. So me as the system has taken the privilege to organize everything for you]

"You're a greedy bastard." Timmy scolded, getting a tad angry already but in a way he began thinking twice about offending this system, considering that it might be able to make the boy go crazy. It was in his head after all.

Completely ignoring what the little stingray wanted to say, the system continued with her own agendas.

[Hunger bar = 15/15]

[Health bar = 100/100]

[Sleep bar = 15/35]

[Stamina bar = 10/15]

[Based on your current overall state, you can proceed with task 2]

[Task 2 = Locate and kill a sea urchin]

[Upcoming hunting tip, free of charge...]

[Try to avoid the urchin's spiky spines, don't let it touch your belly or head and just go for the bite]

A tad concerned about his well being, a question has to be asked instantly. "What if I get stabbed?"

[You will feel pain]

Well that was shockingly direct, such transparency was needed in terms of survival. But the task that was given still felt dangerous considering the small reward that came with it.

Trying to be optimistic for once, a few sights were recalled. "I've seen plenty while playing with the map thing. Hopefully, I find one before the shark gets back."

The system kept quiet regarding that expression, there wasn't any need to speak as the lady behind this system had said what there was to say. Now all the little guest had to do was follow the prime recommendation.

Poking his head out of the red sea plants, the little sea-disk instantly spotted what was left of that eel. The same one who became the prime reason for Timothy's survival yesterday.

Gazing in as many directions that a stingray could gaze at, the shark seemed to be nowhere to be spoken of. Maybe it had enough already? It was stabbed a few times by the same little boy and the eel took a few bites of that shark as well.

This hole-shaped home he had found however, was too good to let go of. So he had to remember its location as it gave so much safety, free food as well.

Waving his fins across the sea waters, he moved slowly and uncomfortably close to the sand all for the sake of avoiding any unnecessary attention. A couple of minutes later, he reached the eel carcass and saw it as an opportunity to finally learn what exact species it was.

Num num.

A bite was taken and the system started yapping, finally breaking the somewhat long silence.

[Moray eel killed. 40 system points have been given to you as a reward]

Freaking out, mostly for the better, the little boy hollered. "What!?" But the system of course continued her own agendas.

[Eating a full-grown moray eel grants the following effects...]

[Effect on health, +20 bars]

[Effect on hunger, +70 bar]

[Effect on sleep, +30 bars]

[Effect on stamina, -10 bars]

"Just let me get it straight, I got 40 system points for biting this eel?" Tim shouted, excited and hoping that the system didn't malfunction.

[It looks like the shark bad bitten the moray eel badly, but it didn't exactly kill it]

"The eel wasn't moving..." He weighed in but at the same time felt stupid for contemplating if these points were deserved.

[It was paralyzed from pain and giving its last struggle, you bit it just in time]

Enthusiasm rising for the better, another realisation knocked. "Wait so now I can do that upgrade?"

[You can but system recommends to do it back in the den. Upgrading body parts is painful and can disorientate you]

Looking forward to this a lot less now, a bubbly reply was unleashed. "Oh."

Thinking about the task, he pitched. "Guess I should find a sea urchin then. Oh and bite this eel, because it wakes me up!"

Then another idea went through his head and was instantly vocalized. "How many points do I have right now?"

[Available system points = 52]

More than happy, the young stingray celebrated. "I'm rich boy!"

It was definitely worth celebrating. But thinking about an eel, led him towards another conclusion. He swam towards the little den of which contained the eel before, and poked his head through it.

It was mostly for the sake of curiosity, but he also wanted to figure things out. He was looking for that green brick, and wanted to look at it again for the sake of trying to figure out what it was.

He even swallowed the fact that this attempt will surely hurt his eyes, so in many ways, he was ready to look at it.


The brick wasnt there! It disappeared! Such a case was even more confusing than the bricks existence. Because as unique as it was, it seemed tremendously worthless.

No fish could possibly need it, at least thats what he assumed. So who would want to carry such a worthless and possibly heavy thing around? A big bad shark couldnt have barged its head through the little hole to pick it up.

So it only meant that something smaller had pulled and carried the green brick away. But that only made the situation even more confusing. As it had no value, yet more work would be put into just carrying it!

This situation was a large headscratcher but he did not want to think about it.


Having swum about 50 meters from the den now, the prime problem was crashing on the sand a few times because the eel messes with stamina. As for everything else, it was going pretty smooth.

The prime goal was to find urchins but the problem with finding those was that a stingray would need to look down all the time in order to spot one, but he couldn't. The boy's eyes could only see left, right and a bit above. That was just how his eyes were naturally placed. So to see below, he had to spin so either of his eyes catched any glimpse of the sand.

That was one option at least, but then he remembered to swim close to the sand. That way, everything could be seen from the bottom to top. Not to mention it offered a bit more camouflage against any potential predator.

Swimming just five minutes more, he finally spotted an urchin crawling across the sand.

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