I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 113 - Is It Wrong To Want To Make A Girl Impotent?

I didn't know why but a weird girl kind of tried to crash into me just minutes ago. I was still using alpha particles to avoid all the palm around me, so I kind of knew she was coming straight for me. 

I didn't know why and I didn't care either. But strangely for a second, I felt enticed. Obviously, I broke free immediately, dodged her, and kept on jogging. I guess my mental seals finally came in handy for something. 

But for that second, I was willing to even bow down at her feet. That was one ferocious power she had. And I was glad I got out of there before she could have pulled anything and before I had to do things to her, in self-defense. 

I guess it was more like she got lucky rather than me. After all, my subconscious self-defense mechanisms were quite scary. 

I shook my head a little and kept on jogging. 


I took a pill, got in the shower, washed the gloves extra hard, and finally, finally, after everything, had my chocolate milk. 

It was surreal, unreal even. The taste? Divine. 

Merin's cheeks twitched. "I think you might want to see this."

He was awfully quiet ever since I got back.


I chewed on the soft, delicate bread: I drank the milk. This was bliss. 

But the moment I saw the article, I kind of had to swallow everything. "Hey, that girl tried to crash into me!"

It was the same girl from just moments ago. 

'Helio R. Jintel assaulted me.' That was the title of the post the girl just made on the academy blog. Oh and boy did she have followers!

Merin sighed. "Well, bad luck for you, she's considered to be one of the most beautiful girls on campus and if she says you tried to assault her, you can bet your ass, people would just assume you did. After all, you come from a villainous family."

"We may be villains, but we're not criminals."

Merin looked at me with pitying eyes. "Both are the same though. But still, she doesn't have any proof and I don't think the academy would take action against you for baseless accusations. You might get more scornful eyes here and there though."

"Well, I'm used to it. But why would she do this? According to this article, she's one of the prefects, right? Then why?"

"She's a prefect but, she got there with connections. There are three head prefects in this academy and only one of them has got in with merit alone." Merin lied down on the bed. "The other two had other means. This girl- Raea in particular has a bad rep in the academy too. She has a fan club of boys always ready to lick her feet. I think you won't get much trouble from normal students, but those fans might try to harm you. As for why? I'm not sure. As much as she's a terrible human being, this is probably the first time she's resorted to something like this."

I actually didn't feel all that much of anything. I'd been framed before, and it wasn't anything new. But I didn't have plans to take this silently: actually I didn't have any plans for that matter. 

"I don't really care." I continued drinking my chocolate milk. Now that I had this, nothing else mattered. "No one can sneak up on me and if anyone gets close, I'll just burn off some of their private cells, they'll be too frightened to even imagine me. And I think I'll talk to this girl in person, that'll be the fastest way to end this."

"I'm not even going to ask what kind of cells you're talking about." Merin grimaced. "But be careful."

I grinned. "So anyway, I think I might have bought too much, what do you say, we eat together and if things are left over, we throw a small party?"

"If you're okay with it, cool"

We both grinned and after getting ready, I headed for the class. 


I was so infatuated with the chocolate that I forgot to use the memory instiller. But at least I had the gloves. I still couldn't wear them though, as my wounds weren't completely healed. 

Merin was right, I did get scornful eyes, but that was basically it. 

Well, it was nothing new. But even I felt a bit weird knowing some unknown girl just framed me for no reason at all. 

"I will kill you!" A guy shouted and came for me with a sword from behind. It wasn't a saber, rather a plain ol'sword. 

I actually noticed him a while ago and wanted to see what he was doing, but I guess no one taught him that shouting before trying to kill someone wasn't a great idea. 

"Sorry pal, but I don't wanna be killed."

I dodged. 

"What!" He missed and stumbled. He reorganized himself and took a stance: well, that was fast. "You shall pay for what you have done to her."

I yawned subconsciously. This was so cringed that I wished he'd rethink what he was saying before actually saying it. "Well, I guess I can't blame you, morons." I raised my hands. 'Can't go back on my word, now can I?'

The guy had a hand on his crotch and he fell on his knees: the sword fell on the ground with a clang. "Wh-what did you do?" He looked at me in horror. 

It was just a few thousand cells, so he'd be fine, probably. 

We'd drawn a moderate crowd and now they all looked at me with fear, even the girls. 

Maybe, this wasn't too bad. Now everyone would leave me alone. 

But I was wrong.

I had to repeat this seven times until I finally reached the classroom. 

I was in a pretty good mood this morning. I had money, I had chocolate milk and I had bread. Life was amazing. And then this girl from nowhere had to drop and make everything a nuisance. 

I still had twenty minutes before class would start. So I headed straight for the teacher's lounge. What's the best way to get locations without a Holo?

Grab a teacher. 


"Oh? Class would start in fifteen minutes. Be patient, I'll be there soon." Miss Maire was having her coffee and looking over some documents. 

"I actually had a request. Where's the place prefects stay, or in better terms which class?" I had a nagging feeling that article was probably circulated all over the academy by now. 

Meaning, she knew exactly who I wanted to meet. 

She gave me a smirk. "You want to assault her again?"

"I did not assault her." Extra emphasis on the 'did not' part. 

She giggled. "I'm just kidding. You don't seem like the 'almost assaulted type.' You seem more like the 'actual assault-type.'"

That didn't make sense though. 

"Yeah, I don't have any reasons or desire, or even the slightest interest in assaulting bitches like that. Anyway, can you give me directions?"

She almost spilled over the coffee with her silent giggles. "She should be in class now. I think she was a third-year? Head over…" She gave me the directions for a class. "But class starts in ten minutes you know."

"Don't worry, I won't be too late." Even talking was hard now. 

I felt weird. My impulses were on fire. 

I almost…. Wanted to destroy her?

NO! These thoughts weren't my own…. Calm down. 

'We'll just make her impotent.' Yeah… wait, we?

I shook my head and calmed myself. Something was definitely weird. 

'Is the shadow taking over?'

"You okay?" Miss Maire finished her coffee. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." And I started walking. 

It was only for a moment and the feeling was gone. I was sane again. 

But what if it happened again and what if… things really did go south?

I straightened my back. 'But first, I've to deal with this.'

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