I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 117 - The Duel Of

It was a good sunny day. The breeze was minimal and there was silence. 

At least that was what I wanted to say, but apparently, it wasn't. There was nothing good about this day. I couldn't even see the sun, let alone sunlight. I got that we were in the middle of the sea, but did we really need a frigging typhoon?


At least this academy had enough tech to make a small dome in the field to ensure that we weren't getting drenched instead of fighting. The rain was minimal right now though. 

But then there was the sound problem. Why? Cause there were at least a couple of thousand people cramped in this small field. And even if they were all whispered, that was one hell amount of sound. Oh but, they weren't whispering, there was much more. 

It was almost as though I'd walked into an expo of some sort. 

Well, it wasn't a small field but when a thousand or two people stood together like this, it felt cramped if nothing else. 

"Nervous?" The voice came from behind me. I looked back. It was my opponent. "I can make half of them stay back if you want." She was taunting me, but I wasn't an idiot, probably. 

There was enough space between me, her, and the rest of the crowd. But not enough for the crowd to not hear her or me, for that matter. 

I guess she thought I was intimidated by the sheer numbers. Unfortunately, she didn't know that I was pretty much built just to fight masses like this. 

"Actually, I was just pitying you guys. You should have gotten more people." I was just rubbing it in. 

She balled her fists but smiled. "We'll see how long that attitude lasts."

"Right back at ya."

When I say, this was a big field, it was a big field. At least half a kilometer in radius. But when a thousand attackers and the crowd from the academy itself were here, it didn't look that big. 

The disciplinary committee members were here and now they made the field bigger with spatial powers. The crowd did have the decency to give us enough space to fight though at this point. 

But that begged the question. If the crowd was here, then who was going to protect them? 'Well, that's not good.'

Chuckles came from Raea's direction. But it wasn't the girl who was laughing. Rather a boy, probably a third year. "I've been analyzing your fights and I'm damn sure you won't use your powers when there are people here. Meaning, we've already won."

I guess that was one way to think about it. 

"Are you stupid?" I chuckled and put on my gloves. "Why would you assume that? And even without my powers, I could beat the crap out of all of you." My hands were pretty much healed. The gloves still had a bit of smell though. 'I think I should bleach this some more.'

"Without your powers, you're just a decent fighter. But we have hundreds of good fighters and even masters among us. You can't win. So stop bluffing!" Well, at least he was sure of himself.

Which only made me feel smugger. 

"Thanks for the recap, and good for you I suppose." I switched on my saber. My sword would have been overkill for these morons. And I certainly didn't want to kill anyone and end up expulsed. "Let's just hope you morons don't drop dead."

A spear formed and the tip was made of black swirling plasma. The body of the spear formed of the same material the hilt was made from. I kind of didn't pay attention the last time but, this was one beautiful spear. 

"Yo-you can't win with just that." For someone who was so sure just moments ago, he sure started stuttering. 

"Oh don't worry." 'Make a scythe.' The saber turned into a scythe. As I thought, this saber responded to my commands. I couldn't go back to the district club anytime soon but since this worked, I didn't have anything to complain about. After all, the old man really did say, this would change into more types once it got a new core. And it did change, so all was good. 

Was I a little spooked by how it could respond to my thoughts and occasionally hissed? 


The scythe, however, was a bit different. Before, it was a streamlined scythe with curves here and there. But this time, it was a lot curvier, a bit darker, and had swirling plasma: Did I forget to mention it had a jagged edge near the top? 

The boy's teeth shook as he took steps back. He mixed in with the crowd behind him. Before I knew it, he was gone. 

No one from the prefects was here yet, so I couldn't start. But judging from the reactions of the people that were in front, I didn't need to do any more than spook them a little. 

"I'd assume both sides are ready?" Rose was up in the sky. I guess she was already here, I just didn't notice her. She was flying over the barrier, meaning she was kind of wet. And since it was raining up there, I couldn't use alpha particles to sense anything either. "There's a small barrier set to protect the spectators but it isn't strong enough to withstand high dosage of radiation or strong attacks. Thus, I must caution all of you to not use any serious attacks on the barrier. No killing would be allowed and no fatal injuries either. That includes cancer." I guess she was being fair here: fair to my enemies that is. "You may use whatever weapon you desire as long as you don't intend to kill and it's not illegal. Your opponent either has to be knocked out or give up, for you to win. Good luck and 'GO!'"

I thought she was going to lay out some more rules but I guess this was it. 

And with that, countless people started yelling and running towards me: they were afraid but still charged. I didn't do anything and just stood there. As they entered my ten-meter radius, everyone, just slammed into an invisible wall. People got on top of people, some got crushed: It was a mess.

"Hey, get off me!"

"Stop pushing!"

"You bastards, those were my balls!"

Confusion turned to chaos and chaos bred violence. The men were powerful alright, but there were weaklings mixed in. And I even could sense murderous intent: hired killers. So rubbing them off of each other, got more results than I thought. 

Eventually, they started fighting amongst themselves. People dropped like flies. 

Things were going good, but they were too slow. Enough so, I yawned. 

So, I disabled the barrier and fired an arrow in the distance: this bow was even bigger than last time, not to mention heavier, and even looked cool. I made sure to not target anyone. The size of the explosion was at least ten times bigger and no less than fifty people went flying. 'It wasn't that strong before.'

I guess that should have been obvious. 

I was worried that I didn't accidentally kill anyone. I looked haphazardly at Rose and she just stood there watching the whole thing. I guess no one died… yet. 

'I should hold back a bit more.'

But I did catch everyone's attention. 

"Hey-hey, no one told me he could do that." 


"Stay away!"

Now the attackers were panicking for very different reasons. And weren't they coming after me?

"You should really research your opponents first you know. I know my main weapon is radiation, but that's not everything." I tried to act a bit generous but I had a sinister plan. 

With that said, I pointed my finger towards the belly of a middle-aged hired killer and fired. I could tell from his suit and glare that he was here to kill me or wound me seriously. 

No one knew what I was doing, except- "Oh no." The man fell on the ground, not believing what just happened. "I'd heard about your mysterious powers that you can take away a person's masculinity, but-" he sniffed. "I never thought it was true." He started crying. "And I'm not even married yet!"

Well, that was a rather dramatic way to express himself when all I did was kill a few thousand of his cells. He wasn't even impotent yet… probably. 

I took a step forward and everyone took a step back. I took another step forward and everyone took another step back. Just the reaction I wanted. 


With a wide grin, I pointed my hand towards the masses. "Anyone willing to give up? I'll give you a special prize of not killing your little buddies." 

"I give up." 

"I'm outta here."

With tears, the men gave up. 

Which left the girls, who were also quite frightened. I actually didn't know why girls were here. Boys, I could understand but girls? "You know-"

But before I could say anything, they also gave up. I'd say nearly seven hundred people were already out. 

"Well, my job got a bit easier I guess?" I sighed and sharpened my senses. Just because this was going good didn't mean I could take it easy and just walk around. 

Because up next, I had professional killers to deal with.

They weren't much of a big deal though. And most just either gave up or rolled around on the field. 

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