I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 132 - Resolve

I woke up at midnight by the almighty grace of Merin's snores. My eyes kind of stayed closed but I couldn't sleep and I couldn't open them either. 

It took me a good long minute before I could finally get up. I hated this. 

I yawned and moved my body a little. I didn't feel like going back to sleep right away. 

The window was closed and the curtains were closed too: there were distant shouts. I looked out and there were a bunch of prefects patrolling the whole area. 

It was a tough job, I guess. It had nothing to do with me though. I drank half a glass of water and went back to bed. 

Hopefully, I wouldn't have to head to the bathroom later on. 

My eyes blitzed open. 

'What if-'

That girl, wasn't that dumb right? Yeah, she was bad and I hated her, but I knew she was pretty smart. Enough smart that she could easily pull this act off. 

I still opened the door and carefully slid out my head to take a look. Since when did I become such a worrywart?

She wasn't here. 

I breathed in relief. Well, this was good. Otherwise, I'd have felt terrible knowing some weirdo was sleeping just outside my door. 

I was about to close the door, when- "Mmmh."

The sound came from the left. Regretfully, I took a look, and there she was, head buried between her legs, sleeping peacefully. All this time, I was just looking on the wrong side. 

She wasn't shivering or anything but she really was hugging he legs a bit too tight. 

I sighed and went back in. 

'It's not my problem.'

And yet, I couldn't just get in bed either. My life was full of sighs even in the middle of the night?

Just thinking about this made me want to sigh some more. 

Racking my head over what I'd do only made me feel even more stupid. 'Do I do this or not!?'

In the end, I pulled out a blanket and outside the door, and almost threw it at the sleeping girl but then stopped. Even, I wasn't that evil. Instead, with another sigh, I placed the blanket on one side of her shoulder and locked the doors. I didn't cover her fully. The rest was totally up to her and her subconscious. 

During the day, the temperature hovered in the mid-twenties but, at night this place's temperature was in single digits, so I couldn't just leave someone out like that. I'd lose sleep worrying about it. And I didn't want to lose my precious sleep.

So with that done, I went straight to bed and stopped thinking about things. Merin's snore had stopped and as I took a look I was met with a smug grin. 

Damn moron was awake and he even saw all this fiasco. 

"Cold out there, ain't it?"

I pretended to ignore him and rolled to the other side of the bed: it was definitely hard. I could hear a small giggle but I proceeded to ignore everything and just focus on sleeping. It sure wasn't working. 

  Fell asleep roughly half an hour later. 


I yawned, woke up, got down, and headed out. The girl wasn't here anymore, the sheet was here though. It was folded nicely and it was even properly washed. The fresh smell of detergent kind of rubbed against my nose. Well, someone took things a bit too seriously. But hopefully, she finally understood that I wasn't going to be lenient and let her in. 

My bladder was a bit too full. Enough so, that even walking around was tough. Maybe keeping it inside, and not getting up when I first felt like going, was a bad idea. 

With another yawn, I carefully walked inside the bathroom, finished my business, got fresh and went out for a walk. It felt so much better, but my lower stomach did feel a bit sore. 

I couldn't do exercise, so instead of jogging, I opted for walking. 

Since I was walking, avoiding palm trees was a lot easier. This almost felt like a daily occurrence at this point, almost like an obligatory mini-game. If I won, I wouldn't be hurt and if I lost, I'd get a nosebleed. A rather weird reward system.

I didn't feel faint but I did feel weak. 'When the hell is this feeling going to go away?' Was I always this weak?

I had no idea. But I sure felt that way. 

"I'm telling you it's not my fault!" there were loud yells coming from my right. I recognized the voice, so I didn't even turn around. 

"Then who's fault do you think it is?" Another voice came, a bit sleepy but definitely loud. 

Again, I recognized the voice, almost immediately, so I didn't turn around and started walking faster. 

No way, was I going to get dragged into that. 

"Oh, Helio!" 

Apparently, I wasn't fast enough. 



"So that's how it is," Johnathan spoke carefully. 

We were in front of a small house. It was abandoned to my knowledge, but I guess I was wrong. 

Long story short, the bunny girl and Johnathan were in the middle of a squabble. I knew there were always fights in relationships but wasn't this a little too soon?

It probably hadn't even been a week yet. 

And their reason for the squabble?

"I'm telling, you, it wasn't my fault." The girl insisted, her voice lowered a lot. At least she wasn't attracting a crowd.

On second thought, I looked back and yup, there already was a crowd of five.

"Then who do you think is responsible?" Johnathan hissed, voice also a lot lowered. 

This was getting redundant. These two weren't telling me what happened and they weren't letting me go either. I felt like a third wheel, scratch that, I was the third wheel. 

"So, what happened?" I smiled and I also looked back. "We're not putting up a show here, would you mind moving along?"

"Aww, man." 

"Just when it was getting good."

They frowned a bit but the crowd cleared. I almost had the urge to smack them but oh well. 

Meanwhile, the two in front of me blushed and started to avoid eye contact. 

"I have a very busy schedule consisting of walking around. Do you mind, letting me go?" Because I sure didn't have patience for this. 

Maybe the nurse was right, I really lacked patience. 

"You see-" Johnathan came close. "Every morning there's a large stain on the bed. And it's on her side too. We're pretty active and all, but I keep telling her-"

It went a bit too descriptive from then on. 

I wanted to bleach my ears and crawl into a hole. I only got to do it once, and basically, that was it. But these guys were already doing it every day and not to mention they were even trying various things. Just the descriptions alone were enough to make me feel like a sore loser. 

The bunny girl blushed came close and started to whisper. "I'm on pills so we don't necessarily use protection and he has a lot and he also does it at least three times. It's impossible to not make a stain."


What the hell was I supposed to do with this information? And were these morons deliberately trying to make me depressed? Cause it was sure working. 

Johnathan sighed. "I guess maybe we should just learn to clean up our mess."

The girl smiled. "Yeah."

Okay, now they were just rubbing it in. 

"I smiled. You both know that I can make you both impotent, right?" I smiled harder. "Next time, don't drag me into these things. And who cares about a little stain, just wash the frigging thing! And use a damn towel or use the shower or something" with that said, I turned and walked away. I was definitely not in the best of moods. 

I wasn't sad, I wasn't depressed, I was furious: I was alone.

I could almost sniff at that. 

On second thought, maybe not. There was a weird smell in the air. 

I looked back and I could swear I saw Johnathan smile. Maybe, I should have really made him impotent. 


I kept on walking and was almost done too. On my way back, I saw Eve. I didn't want to talk to her, as things still felt awkward, so I kept on walking. But she wasn't alone. There was a middle-aged man near her and something about that man was weird. It was almost as though he was- sinister in some way: I was probably just overthinking it. Eve's head was down and it was like she was being scolded or something.

Well, that was new. I never saw her act like that. 

'Her relative?'

Obviously, I didn't want to be involved. But they were right next to the road. So if I kept walking I was going to run into them. 

I could have taken the field but sometimes the palm springs up quite fast in the field and with my weak state, I didn't want to go through that. So instead, I just kept on walking. 

If I kept my profile low and just walked on, it wouldn't have been a problem right?


"You're Helio, correct?" The guy literally saw me coming from a hundred meters away and he had a rather loud voice.

I didn't answer and just kept on walking, until I reached them. 

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