I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity

Chapter 147 - The Announcement! A Declaration Of War

  My eyes fluttered. My vision blurred, blackened, and cleared all at the same time. I was hanging a little. 

Or was someone carrying me?

My head spun and my whole body felt light. It didn't hurt though, at least nothing unbearable. 

There were muffled sounds but I didn't pay attention. Took a minute and when I finally opened my eyes, I saw lights, cheering crowds, and a group of people in front of me, clapping. But how was I still standing?

A strong smell of disinfectant was in the air. Wait, was it coming from me?

I looked to my right. Nothing. I looked to my left and there she was. Marg. 

"Hey," She said. 

"Hi." I tried to smile but couldn't feel my lips. 

I didn't have a gaping hole on my chest, rather just some bandages. Well, someone worked fast. It stung like hell though, despite my system still having the painkiller. At first, the pain wasn't that prominent but as I woke up more and more, oh yeah, it hurt. But I had to bear it.

Yeah, this probably wasn't going to be my best day. 

"Can you stand?"

"I don't think so." Even if I could, why would I want to when she was literally doing all the carrying?

Marg was hurt too but definitely not as bad as me. 

"Well, I'd like to congratulate you for winning and wish for you good health but-" The headmaster let off a nervous chuckle. The people around me stopped clapping. 

Yeah, I sensed trouble. 

There was that Rock guy, the Battlsuin girl, and the Rodwich guy with him. Just maybe three meters away from me? 

Mom, uncle, and Elsa were here too. But they were behind me. 

Actually, some other people like Merin, Rose and Eve were here too on stage. 

The crowd was still here and I got the feeling this wasn't going to end well. Then again I'd already chosen what I'd do regardless so it didn't matter. 

"Yeah, don't worry. I've been through worse." My lips weren't moving like I intended them to but it sure didn't stop me from talking. 

He chuckled. "That's the spirit. You're qualified for the internationals now. Though even if you decline now, we'll still pay you the promised amount."

'Wait, what promised amount?' Weren't we supposed to get cash rewards only if we made it to the internationals?

And then the realization dawned upon me. I was already on the internationals the moment I'd won. Since this academy wasn't affiliated with any particular country, the moment I'd won, meant I could go to the internationals!


I tried my best to grin. "No, I'd fight. I'd need some extra cash for a honeymoon anyway." Oh yeah, the possibilities!

Ouch! The pinch came from my left. 

Yeah, probably wasn't the best time to say that. 

I cleared my throat. "Do I have to give a speech or something?"

"Just waving is fine. I'll do all the talking."

That was fine and all but I had an announcement. "Well after finishing do let me talk. I have an announcement for the world."

It was more like a declaration of war, but oh well. 

The guy grimaced. "You're really going to go through this huh?"

So, he knew? I guess I shouldn't have underestimated him. 

"Sorry, it's in my blood. I can't stop and I won't." I didn't know if that was a blood thing or just me, but I had no plans to stopping now. 

He gave me a knowing grin and addressed the crowd. "Ladies and Gentlemen I hope that was enough enjoyment for you. It was definitely for me. And though some of you may say this was a bit lackluster compared to yesterday, I dare you say that out loud." The geezer was grinning pretty hard. Needless to say, the crowd was as quiet as a baby, giggling here and there. No one had anything to say, apparently. Next, he looked at me. " Helio Romswell Jintel, you'll represent our Demigrace academy in the internationals. There will be talents of all kinds there, are you good enough?" He was still speaking through his Holo so the whole world was hearing him. 

What sort of question was that? Shouldn't this guy have at least tried a little more to be formal?

I sighed. "Don't worry, I'll beat 'em all." If he wasn't trying, I had no reason to either. 

I received a lot of chuckles and giggles from around me and from the crowd too. But it was true. I'd pulled my punches against Marg, but I wasn't going to do that for anyone else. I wasn't stupid enough to think I'd win without any effort, but I was definitely not going to give up without a fight. 

The headmaster grinned. "Now that's more like it," He mumbled and returned his gaze to the crowd. "That concludes finals of Demigrace academy tournament. But please be seated for a moment longer as the winner has an announcement to make."

My holo flashed a grin signal, everything was ready. I had a feeling the headmaster had already planned all this. Just how shrewd was this guy?

"You sure?" Marg whispered. 

I grinned, I was damn sure. With the reporters present here, this news would probably travel the world. I felt a bit nervous but I didn't really care.  "Hello everyone. Cursed Mask Romswell here." I really didn't want to use this name. But the world apparently knew me by this name. 

And if I'd just used Helio first thing, they'd have assumed I was the son of Julio, so yeah, no thanks. 

"Cursed mask?" Marg mumbled but I just ignored her. 

Mom and Elsa were kind of in the middle of a frown and just plain embarrassment. 

I was embarrassed too, okay! So don't give me that look. 

Anyway. "I'm the grandson of Julio, and my name is also Helio. Well, I won and I plan to win in the future too. So please do support me." I was basically just mimicking what little I saw on the Holo TV when I was a kid. Was it working? No clue. But I did have a reason. I didn't want anything to do with my father, so no point in mentioning his name. "I know a guy named… va.. ba… ka? What was his name again?" Halfway through, I actually forgot. Damn my memory. 

"Vana Battlesuin," Marg whispered. 

"A guy named Vana Battlesuin is among you." I was glad Marg was right next to me. She was smiling a bit too much though. It almost freaked me out for a second. The same nonchalant girl smiling this much? Wow." Sorry pal but I'm taking her for myself." I grabbed Marg tight and she grabbed me tighter. I also kept a good eye on the crowd and sure enough, a man stood up, looking a bit too serious and definitely not happy. "If you want her, come and fight me. Oh and don't worry, I have a score to settle with your shitty, pathetic excuse for a family." Meanwhile, I switched my glare on the Battlesuin girl who was smiling nonchalantly. I didn't really care about Vana whatever. "I didn't kill that scumbag Blaze but if mom wasn't there I would have and I don't regret it." I unsheathed my saber with my free hand and pointed it at the Battlesuin girl. "Therefore, if you try to take her from me, hurt me, hurt my family, try anything funny, you're dead." My voice went awfully cold, even I hadn't expected it to. "Cause, I can kill you right here, right now, and that's a fact. I'll destroy your whole damn family."

I was definitely bluffing though. As beaten up as I was, I was pretty sure I'd be screwed if things went a bit sour. Not to mention I couldn't even stand on my own. 

But with mom and uncle here, yeah, I didn't really care. I was the most powerful guy right now with them covering my back. 

"Try not to piss them off too much," Marg whispered, concern in her voice. 

Too late now. 

There were loads and loads of giggles around me. 

The crowd was kind of in the middle of shock. Especially that Vana guy. He had his jaw hanging. 

Had I said something that bad?

Was my family proud though? I looked back and uncle was definitely proud. Mom was kind of proud? Elsa wasn't though. She was a bit pale.

Oh, come on! Have some faith. 

The Battlesuin girl still smiled. "Please come to the tea party on the last day of this month after the tournament. We'll be waiting patiently along with your father." Her voice was too calm. Was something wrong with her?

"Yeah, I don't give me a crap about that piece of work. Though I will attend and trust me, you brought your own downfall the moment you decided to do all this."

"Does five PM work for you?"

Seriously, what was wrong with her? Here I was dissing her whole family and she was just pretending like nothing was wrong with the world. 

Now, I was confused. 

"He'll be there." Mom answered on my behalf and stood right next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. 

The Battlesuin girl nodded and turned around. "Oh Marg dear, we leave now."

"Didn't you hear? She's not coming with you." And I wasn't letting go of her either. 

Marg took a minute but- "As he said, I'm not going."


The Battlesuin girl next gave the count a look. "Well, I suppose the deal's off then?"

"Yes, it would seem that way." The count however just smiled and looked at me. 

Seriously, what the hell was wrong with these people?

The Battlesuin girl sighed. "Such a shame." Her signature smile was back and she elegantly walked out of the whole place. The Vana guy followed her like a dog. 

Well, there went that. I felt like a massive weight just got lifted though. 

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