I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 121

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 121

The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs was experiencing its busiest period in recent memory.

First, there was the matter of the elves.

Once a proud race who believed themselves superior to all others, they had become divided over their stance towards the Empire, splitting into the Luzernes and Hyzens factions.

After a series of wars, the Luzernes faction had effectively collapsed, leaving only a few remnants.

The rest had either been absorbed into the Hyzens or eradicated by the combined forces of the Empire and Hyzens.

As a result, the Hyzens’ influence had grown, making it crucial for the Empire to maintain good relations with them.

“Be careful. If you don’t handle Hyzens properly, you’ll create another Luzernes.”

Despite their reputation as forest fairies, the upper echelons of the Empire knew all too well how fiercely the elves could fight.

The Empire’s extensive use of gunpowder and firearms had been a key factor in keeping them in check.

Without those advantages, far more blood would have been shed, and far more soldiers would have perished.

Therefore, it was necessary to keep the Hyzens, who had now sided with the Empire, within the Empire’s sphere of influence.

Of course, the Empire would never accept a subordinate position.

However, it also sought to avoid bullying the Hyzens. The best path forward was one of mutual benefit.

In that sense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was inwardly grateful to Karl Adelheit.

“Ever since Karl received the Legion of Honor, the lower-ranking warriors within Hyzens have been continuously voicing their opinions, haven’t they? Thanks to that, the influence of the elf families is diminishing.”

“Those lower-ranking warriors fought alongside the Imperial Army in the Luzernes War. They understand that there’s nothing to be gained from fighting against our Empire. Not to mention the overwhelming superiority of our gunpowder and firearms. At this rate, they’ll take care of the internal cleansing themselves.”

“To think that a single medal awarded to Karl would have such an effect.”

The elves themselves probably never imagined that the situation would become so twisted.

They likely thought that awarding the Legion of Honor to a human would only result in a few noble families grumbling about why it was given to him.

The events within the Hyzens had certainly increased the workload of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

However, the developments were beneficial to the Empire. So, it was all right.

Next, there was the Radiant Church. It was the largest religious organization on the continent, worshiping the Goddess of Light and spreading her teachings far and wide.

Its doctrine was the most followed, not only in the Empire but also in Lasker, Avileshti, and even among the elves.

In terms of sheer power, the Papal State was comparable to a Marquisate. It had a similar amount of land under its control and a similar number of paladins.

However, in a broader sense, the believers scattered throughout the continent were their true land and knights.

The Church was not to be underestimated. Even the Empire knew that if it were to become hostile with the Church, one of them would have to be prepared to disappear.

Therefore, the Empire took great care in its relationship with the Church.

In the early days of the Empire, designating the capital and its surroundings as the 1st Diocese and extending a hand to the Church was part of that effort. The Empire also continued to look after the various dioceses and cardinals.

Of course, the Church reciprocated the Empire’s gestures. Whenever the Empire went to war, the Church at least remained neutral, if not outright supporting the Empire, providing them with ‘justification.’

The recent Luzernes War was a prime example of how both sides had benefited greatly from such cooperation.

However, as with all things in life, there were no eternal friends or enemies.

The common enemy, the Luzernes, had fallen.

Those who denied the Empire’s order and blasphemed the teachings of Light had been utterly defeated and would soon be completely eradicated.

While others were cheering for the Empire or the victory of Light, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to worry.

‘What if the relationship with the Radiant Church cracks?’

‘The war with Luzernes is over. Now is not the time for the Empire or the Church to use each other.’

‘This could be the most peaceful moment, but it’s also the moment we need to be most prepared.’

For this reason, they were in the midst of devising various plans to maintain friendly relations with the Radiant Church.

“The sacred relic, which had disappeared due to wicked individuals, has returned to the Church!”

“The Goddess has shown her favor and allowed us to find the sacred relic through a miracle!”

“The Church expresses its infinite gratitude to Young Lord Karl Adelheit, who made this miracle possible, and to the Empire that embraces him!!”

Once again, it was Karl Adelheit. The young man had been a great help.

They found the sacred relic, they said.

Karl went south and, by pure chance, recovered the Sword of Saint Louis.

The investigation concluded that it was indeed luck. He had no intention of finding it, it just appeared out of nowhere.

However, no one took Karl’s words of ‘good luck’ seriously.

Good luck? Is that all there is to it? Does that mean everyone with good luck can find sacred relics?

That was not luck. It was love, as the Church said. It was clear that Karl was loved by the Goddess.

There was no other way to explain how a sacred relic could suddenly appear after splitting a rock.

“We must repay the debt we owe to our benefactor in the name of the Church.”

“I heard there’s a pension foundation established in the name of the noble. We will redirect a portion of the offerings coming into the Church to the foundation.”

“I’ve heard that many are still suffering from the aftermath of the war. We promise to expand medical facilities and child care facilities. In addition, the priests of the Papal State will also participate in volunteer work.”

The concern about how to manage the relationship after the common enemy, Luzernes, disappeared became a thing of the past after Karl found the sacred relic.

It became a mere incident that didn’t need to be worried about.

Currently, the Church was ecstatic about recovering the lost sacred relic.

Moreover, they began to use it to show that Goddess’ miracles were real and to further expand their influence.

Of course, Karl and the Empire were at the heart of it all. So, the Church extended their hand first.

The cardinal of the 1st Diocese visited Friedrich County, and two cardinals blessed Karl’s greatsword. They even invited Karl to the Papal State on Saint Louis’ birthday.

The relationship between the Empire and the Church was becoming even stronger as a bonus.

But that wasn’t the end of it. This time, it was Lasker’s turn.

Karl’s influence was relatively small here.

At most, he had made the Empire’s discomfort known through a friendly match in light of the internal problems within Lasker that had been revealed beforehand.

He also reminded them that they were still not free from the nightmare that was Friedrich County.

In fact, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thought that was enough.

Karl already had many connections with the elves and the Church, and if he got involved with Lasker too, there would be too much to do.

The results were good for the Empire, but the workload for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was too much.

So, they wished he would stop getting involved in incidents.

But then….

“Wait. Wait. What did you just say?”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, startled, questioned the department heads’ report.

“One of the swords of the Twelve Knights, who served under the Founding King of Lasker, is in the possession of Young Lord Karl Adelheit .”

“No. I mean… why?”

“He received it as a gift before returning from Lasker, and it turns out that the sword was actually one of the Twelve Knights’ swords. Both countries are currently investigating, but it seems to be a genuine article.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs sighed.

This couldn’t be happening. Wasn’t this a big deal?

Lasker was a country that lived and died by chivalry. It was a nation that valued honor above all else.

And yet, one of the swords of the Twelve Knights, the pinnacle of chivalry and honor, was in a foreign country?

First of all, the person who gave the gift would be in big trouble. The royal family would also be criticized.

Moreover, they could demand the immediate return of the sword and even threaten war.

“First, let’s suggest to Young Lord Karl that we return the sword immediately—”

“There’s more to report.”

Could it be that they had already declared war? Please, Lasker. You damned fools. Even if you gave it as a gift, you can’t blame the Empire for this…

“This is the official statement from Lasker that just arrived. They say that the sword has rightfully found its owner, and they will not mention it until it is honorably handed over according to the knights’ customs.”


Did the Lasker people collectively take drugs? They’re obsessed with chivalry, and yet they’re giving up one of the Twelve Knights’ swords?

“They wouldn’t give it up so easily. Are you sure that’s what they said?”

“Yes, Minister. It’s confirmed. It’s an official statement, and although there are some dissenting voices within Lasker, most people seem to accept it after learning about the sword.”

They accept it after learning about the sword?

The Minister of Foreign Affairs sensed something was amiss.

“Quickly find out what kind of sword it is and which of the Twelve Knights wielded it. A thorough investigation is necessary to take a stance that is favorable to our Empire without any diplomatic friction.”

“Yes, sir. We’ll find out within 24 hours and submit a report.”

Exactly 17 hours later.

– The sword received by Young Lord Karl Adelheit is the sword of Sir Frueh, one of the Twelve Knights, called the ‘Answerer.’ –

– Sir Frueh was the most skilled warrior among the Twelve Knights, and after his death, his sword was sealed with the words, ‘It will sleep until the strongest appears.’ –

– 20 years ago, after being defeated by Count Friedrich in a war with the Empire, Lasker tried to give the sword to the Count as a gesture of respect and fear, but the Count refused. –


The minister let out a sigh of disbelief and turned to the next page.

– As the ‘Answerer,’ legend has it that those who are not qualified cannot see or encounter the true form of the sword. –

– Currently, only one person has seen the true form of the sword: Young Lord Karl Adelheit. –

Hmm. Hmmm.

After reading that far, the minister casually tossed the report onto the desk.

Now he really didn’t know. Was it really just luck? Or was it the love of the Goddess?

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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