I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 136

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 136

I had simply been invited to a grand festival, but over the course of a few days, I had somehow become something akin to a saint.

Taking a walk to clear my head, I kept hearing whispers behind me.

“Can we really call him Karl?”

“Shouldn’t we call him ‘Blessed One of the Light’?”

“But he might get mad at us again. Is it okay?”

“But after seeing that scene, how can we act like nothing happened?”

Hey guys. My proud protagonists? You damn Hydras? I can hear everything, you know?

You guys think you’re whispering, but after three years of fighting Kanfras, that level of whispering sounds like a military march to me. You guys need to learn some eavesdropping skills.

As if reading my mind, Shulifen spoke a little louder.

“He’s still our friend, no matter what. If we act weird, Karl might feel hurt. So I think it’s right to act like we always do.”

“Is that so…?”

“Of course it is! We can’t act like this if we’re friends!”

Ugh. Shulifen. You’re the first of the four, and you’re already making me emotional!

Right! Of course I’d be hurt! If you suddenly started distancing yourselves because I got some light, would I even be human if I wasn’t hurt?

Of course, I deliberately didn’t say anything and waited for the four of them to talk to me like they usually did.

To be honest, the past few days have been exhausting. Everywhere I go in the Holy See, everyone kneels and shouts, ‘Benefactor! Blessed One!’ as if they’re about to pray.

Thankfully, they respected my wishes not to make a fuss, otherwise, the Radiant Church might have turned into the Church of Karl Adelheit.

To make matters worse, this happened right during the Feast of All Saints. Now people in the Church are saying that I should be canonized.

[TL/N: *Canonize – (in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.]

It was absurd. Canonized? Not even beatification, but canonized?

[TL/N: *Beatification – (in the Roman Catholic Church) declaration by the Pope that a dead person is in a state of bliss, constituting a first step towards canonization and permitting public veneration.]

I didn’t die a martyr for the church, nor did I receive a miracle. It’s a bit of a stretch to call receiving some light a miracle… or is it?

Let’s think back to what happened during the prayer. I received an abundance of light, something not even the Pope could receive.

And during the kiss, even the moonlight was… Wait. Does that mean I received two miracles?

“Hey, Karl!”

Meanwhile, Shulifen sidled up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Yeah, that’s it, buddy. Treat me like you always do. Cheer me up!

“Don’t worry too much. No matter who you become or where you are, we’ll always be friends!”

Thanks, Shulifen. You really have a good heart―

“It’s a shame, though! If you were bald, you could’ve reflected the light and passed it on to someone else! Looks like having a full head of hair isn’t always helpful! Hahahaha!”


Did I hear that right? Did he just say it’s a shame I wasn’t bald so I could reflect the light and pass it on to someone else? Is this guy for real? Is he telling me to go pluck out all my hair?

I slowly turned my head to look at the other three—Wilhelm, Alexander, and Joachim.

Did you guys agree with this nonsense? Even if you didn’t, did you at least support the idea? That’s what I wanted to know.

Shake Shake—

Wag Wag—

The three of them desperately signaled to me.

It wasn’t us! We really didn’t say anything! It was all his idea and his doing!! We’re innocent, Young Master Karl Adelheit!


“Yes, Karl?”

There was nothing more to say.

I drew the holy sword from my sheath. Or rather, the holy greatsword.

“Whoa! K-Karl?!”

“It’s okay. His Holiness the Pope blessed it, so it’s a holy sword now. Good people don’t get hurt when they’re stabbed with it.”

“What are you talking about?! Whether it’s a magic sword or a holy sword, people bleed when they’re stabbed!”

“I think I can stab you without drawing blood. You trust the glorious Medal of Honor recipient, right?”

“What does that have to do with anything?!”

After about five minutes of playing tag with Shulifen, who absolutely refused to accept his fate, I saw a group of priests approaching in the distance.

You’re lucky, Shulifen. If it weren’t for the priests, I would’ve stabbed you at least once.

“There you are, Blessed One. And the other four as well. His Holiness the Pope is looking for you. Let’s go.”

I barely managed to suppress the urge to say, ‘Looking for me again?’

I couldn’t show my annoyance in front of someone who called me ‘Blessed One.’

Besides, the Pope had promised to pray for my family, friends, comrades, and my soon to be niece or nephew.

Maybe being next to the Pope isn’t so bad. If I’m anywhere else, the people of the Holy See will surely be staring and praying. It’s like I’m a living totem or something.

“Come along, Blessed One and his companions.”

“We heard you were looking for us, Your Holiness.”

“Indeed. You all return to your homes tomorrow, so I wanted to chat with you a little longer.”

As the Pope said, the Feast of All Saints had ended, and tomorrow was the day we returned home.

I wonder how the news will have spread by the time I get back. Hahahaha. Oh, my head.

“Ah, Brother Karl. How is the item you’ve been carrying?”

“It feels even more radiant than before, Your Holiness. I’m overwhelmed that Your Holiness himself has blessed it.”

“Don’t say that. This old man merely put the finishing touches on what the two Cardinals had already done. If you wish to express your gratitude, you need only do so to the two Cardinals.”

The Pope then turned his gaze to the four of them standing beside me.

“This old man envies the four young men here.”

“What do you mean, Your Holiness?”

“Haven’t you received the greatest gift? The most brilliant and glorious gift of all—Friendship.”

…Ah. Is he talking about that gift? The gift of friendship, Your Holiness?

Looking at the reactions of the four, it seemed like he was.

All four of them looked at me at the same time, then grinned and said, ‘Yes, Your Holiness!’ or ‘Your Holiness’ words are truly wise!’

“A friend is already the greatest gift in a person’s life. And if that friend is someone worthy of respect, it’s an even greater gift. So, you four young men, please do your best to live up to the name of ‘friend’ alongside Brother Karl.”

“We most certainly will, Your Holiness.”

Seeing them so serious made me laugh in spite of myself.

Still, the Pope wasn’t entirely wrong. I had indeed influenced them, and they had influenced me in return.

Friendship is the greatest gift in life. As expected, the words of our elders are always precious.

“May you build a brighter future, young souls. The world you change is one that an old man like me could not, but always wished to. I pray that you will achieve it.”

* * *

Marquis of Nafplion, former head of the Ifrit family, Roem. A devout believer of the Radiant Church.

Until a few days ago, he had considered himself incredibly lucky to have been invited to the Holy See thanks to his granddaughter’s fiancé, and to even have an audience with the Pope.

[ …Father?]

The current head of the Ifrit family and the Marquis of Nafplion appeared on the other side of the communication device. He seemed quite surprised by his father’s sudden call.


[ What’s the matter? Why did you call so suddenly— ]

“I could die right now with no regrets.”

Roem’s words brought a look of even great bewilderment to the Marquis of Nafplion’s face.

Any child would react that way if their parent suddenly said they could die with no regrets.

[ What a strange thing to say, Father. No regrets? Your granddaughter hasn’t even gotten married yet. I understand you finally met the Pope, but it’s still too early to say such things— ]

“My granddaughter. Our Lenny. Yes, Lenny. Hahahaha. Hahahaha!”

Clearly, something had happened. And it was definitely related to Lenny.

The Marquis of Nafplion thought so as he gauged his father’s expression through the communication device.

“Marquis. About Lenny’s marriage.”

[ Yes, Father. ]

“Is it possible for them to get married right away?”

[ …What? ]

I don’t understand why you’re acting like this. I tried to listen quietly, but I can’t take it anymore.

[ They need to graduate from the academy first, no matter what. ]

“Hmm. I see.”

[ …Father. Why are you acting like this? You’re saying things that are shocking to hear as your son, and then you suddenly change the subject to Lenny’s wedding. I want to know why. ]

Why. Why, indeed. That’s a natural question, isn’t it?

Roem thought to himself and replied.

“Marquis. I assure you, Lenny’s marriage will be the greatest fortune for our family since its founding.”

[ The greatest fortune… you say? ]

The Marquis repeated his father’s words, then nodded.

He wasn’t wrong. Lenny. Selena. Her lover was Karl Adelheit.

He had been awarded the Empire’s highest honor, the Medal of Honor, twice. He was treated as a state guest in Hyzens and Lasker, and even called a benefactor by the church.

The Marquisate of Nafplion was certainly a great place, but it couldn’t compare to Karl’s current influence. So, taking such a young man as a son-in-law was indeed a fortune.

But… father’s reaction seemed to go beyond even that?

“Don’t be surprised and listen carefully, Marquis. MMy granddaughter’s fiancé, the benefactor of the church, is actually a blessed individual.”

[ Father? ]

“God himself caressed the young man’s cheek, patted his shoulder, and stroked his head! It was a miracle! There’s no other way to describe it! If you had been there with me, Marquis, you would understand!”

What is he talking about? I don’t understand what Father is saying!

And a few hours later, the news of what had happened in the Holy See finally exploded throughout the Empire.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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