I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 138

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 138

Naming the imperial heir. Ah, I can understand that. That much I can understand.

But that heir happens to be my nephew? The child who, if they’re born healthy and grow up well, will one day become Emperor? And I, of all people, am supposed to name them?

“Your Highness, um… asking me to name the imperial heir is a bit…”

“Do you not want to?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but… how should I put it? There’s never been a case where a mere subject dared to name the imperial heir.”

Not even the founding heroes who served alongside the first Emperor and contributed greatly to the establishment of the Empire had such an honor.

A member of the imperial family receiving a name from a noble, a subject? Not from their father, the Crown Prince, or their grandfather, the Emperor, or even a respected elder of the imperial family, but from me?!

Think broader. That’s what my father taught me. Power is always a muddy swamp, ready to drag you down.

If my niece or nephew were to be looked down upon because of the name their uncle gave them, because it was given by a subject, how heartbroken would I be!

I swear, if I see that happening, I’ll draw my greatsword and pay a midnight visit to the person who said such a thing.

And I’ll slice and stab them until they regret ever uttering those words…

“Listen, brother-in-law.”

The Crown Prince looked at me with a hint of pity in his eyes.

“You’re forgetting one thing.”

“What am I forgetting?”

“There’s never been a case where a mere subject dared to name the imperial heir? That’s right. Never. But then again, no subject of the Empire has ever received the Medal of Honor as a soldier or witnessed a miracle through the Goddess’s love.”

…Ah. Oh. I see. I guess I’m not normal.

“Surely you didn’t think I wouldn’t discuss this with His Majesty. He’s already very pleased with the idea. He said that the imperial heir would be overjoyed to receive a name from the one who received the Goddess’s love and brought about a miracle, and that they would live their life with pride.”

Well, they are calling me a saint and a blessed individual in the Holy See, after all.

The nobles, who valued reputation above all else, wouldn’t dare say, ‘Oh, how can we use a name given by a mere subject!’ That would be same as making an enemy of the Church.

So, what now? I have no choice but to name my niece or nephew?

“Um… Your Highness, it’ll be difficult right now… Could you give me some time to think about it?”

“That’s a given. Did you think you’d decide on the imperial heir’s name right here on the spot?”

The Crown Prince let out a hearty laugh and came over to pat me on the shoulder.

“Don’t feel too pressured, but think of the imperial heir who will rely on you more than anyone else.”

“Your Highness.”

“Of course, it’s absurd for the future ruler of the Empire to rely on anyone. But family can be a source of support, can’t they? The passion and love you’ve shown for the Empire, and the positive influence you’ve had—seeing that makes even me want to rely on you.”

In other words, the imperial heir would have no one more reliable than me, neither as a subject nor as a family member. They would be a child who loved and relied on their uncle.

I nodded unconsciously at the Crown Prince’s words.

Indeed, I wanted to be that kind of uncle to my niece or nephew. A family you can rely on is the greatest gift in life.

“Then, Your Highness, I’ll come up with two names…”

“Hmm? Why two?”

“Huh? Well, shouldn’t we consider both the case of a boy and a girl?”

Isn’t that what everyone does? Both in my past life and this one, my parents had at least two names in mind when I was born.

“No, brother-in-law.”


The Crown Prince’s hand on my shoulder tightened slightly.

“Only a girl’s name.”

“Your Highness?”

“That’s all you need to think about.”

“Um… Your Highness, even so, what if it’s a boy…”

“Didn’t you say you prayed to the Goddess? For a beautiful niece. And the Goddess answered with a miracle. So, isn’t the answer already given?”


But… Your Highness, you never know! What if the chromosomes suddenly change?!

The Crown Prince might not know, but thanks to my past life, I do know! Praying won’t change anything! Chromosomes do as they please! Aren’t you even considering the possibility of a son?!

I said with all sincerity, ‘Your Highness, you never know what might happen in life. The Goddess might be too busy with the prayers of so many others.’

But the Crown Prince’s reply was, ‘Then I’ll worry about the boy’s name. You just focus on the girl’s name.’

He’s really obsessed with having a daughter. This is a big problem. If the firstborn is a son, he might resent the child!

‘Can’t my sister say something?’

My only hope was that my sister would step in and say, ‘Your Highness, please calm down.’

But either she had already agreed with him, or she also wanted a daughter more than a son. She didn’t seem to have any intention of stopping her husband, the Crown Prince.

“…Very well, Your Highness.”

In the end, I had to promise to ‘carve out a beautiful name for a girl’ before the conversation could end.

“Then, Your Highness, I’ll try praying.”


“I received some light or a miracle in the Holy See… I thought it would be good to pray again as soon as possible.”

Who knows? Maybe if I pray, the light will come again and give me an answer.

Honestly, in a world with past lives and magic, wouldn’t the Goddess be able to overcome something like chromosomes?


Unfortunately, nothing special happened while I prayed.

It seems it was only possible in the Holy See. That’s the Goddess’s domain, so it was like I had a direct line there. That’s why the Goddess responded immediately by shooting a beam of light.

‘It’s a shame I couldn’t show that in front of my sister.’

…No, wait. She might have made a big fuss if I had. ‘My Karl is so amazing!’

Even so, showing the Crown Prince me struggling in my sister’s arms is enough for one lifetime. My pride as a Medal of Honor recipient can’t handle any more than that!

With the “naming my niece” discussion finally behind us.

“By imperial decree, a new policy is being discussed by the ministers.”

The real main topic between the Crown Prince and me had finally begun.

“What kind of new policy are you referring to?”

“At first, we wanted to create a medal named after you. But as you wished, that’s no longer happening. Instead, His Majesty wants to give greater rewards to all those who have fulfilled their duty to defend the Empire.”

For a moment, I almost blurted out, ‘Haven’t we already rewarded them enough?’

I belatedly realized there were two meanings behind the Emperor’s words.

One was the simple intention to provide sufficient compensation and honor not only to those who had distinguished themselves and been injured in battle, but also to all those who had faithfully served their military duty.

The other was to create an atmosphere in the Empire where sacrifices were not simply acknowledged with a few rewards, but remembered and appreciated forever.

The problem here was that it would require a lot more taxes. Whether it was compensation or honor, the most effective way to show it was through money.

“His Majesty the Emperor’s will is firm. Whether they went to the battlefield or not, they have still sacrificed their own time. It is we who have been cared for by them who must give them the response they deserve.”

“All the people of the Empire will praise the Emperor’s benevolent decision.”

“A benevolent decision, indeed. Though His Majesty laments that he thought of it too late.”

Too late? There are so many who don’t even do that much.

They take the sacrifices of others for granted, mocking them, asking for more only when it suits them.

I would call them disgusting parasites. Rotten flesh that needs to be cut out, smelly pus, maggots. They’re worse than trash.

“Still, I’m worried, Your Highness. In the end, isn’t it just a ‘money issue’?”

“Why? Are you worried about paying more taxes, brother-in-law?”

“For me, if it means taking care of my seniors, juniors, and comrades, I welcome it with open arms. But it’s a different matter entirely whether the whole Empire will accept it.”

The Crown Prince nodded in agreement. This could be seen as coercion.

If it becomes a forced compensation for sacrifice, it could backfire and kill the genuine sentiment behind it.

“That’s why your presence is even more important, brother-in-law.”

“…Me again?”

“What can you do? You know better than anyone what your position is now.”

Ugh. He’s got a point. Perhaps I am the reason the Emperor made such a decision.

It’s a good cause, and it’ll yield good results.

In fact, it would be wise to strike while the iron is hot.

* * *

Karl left the Imperial Palace.

Rika, who had been watching him go, smiled at the warmth of the Crown Prince’s embrace from behind.

“I didn’t know you wanted a daughter that much.”

“I’ve told you before, but I took good care of my little sister. I don’t know what he thinks, but I did. Still, it seems like a daughter is better than a younger sister.”

“What are you going to do when she grows up and gets married?”

“I’ll be clinging to my granddaughter, I suppose. And getting scolded by my daughter.”

The Crown Prince laughed and was about to suggest they go in and rest.


“…Your Highness?”


Sunlight suddenly flooded over Rika, who was sitting by the window.

The sun was clearly in the afternoon sky, far away. Why was the sunlight suddenly shining here?

The couple stared blankly at the scene, then chuckled.

As if in answer to Karl’s earlier prayer, the light rested precisely on Rika’s belly.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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