I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 144

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 144

The Lumenus Council.

A council where all clergymen from across the continent gather to discuss matters of doctrine, rituals, and norms.

It’s not held frequently, as its influence is immense whenever it convenes.

Considering that the most recent council was held over a hundred years ago, and the topic of discussion then was whether to embrace or reject certain religions that didn’t align with the teachings of the Light…

The Lumenus Council is about to be held once again in the Holy See. And the topic of this council is none other than a certain someone.

“We will now begin the 7th Lumenus Council.”

After the prayer, everyone took their seats at the words of Cardinal Ignacio, the Grand Inquisitor.

“As I mentioned earlier, the topic of this council is the recent miracle and how to interpret the Goddess’s will in relation to it. We will also discuss whether to elevate the individual in question to the rank of saint.”

There have been many miracles recorded in the history of the Radiant Church.

Rain falling after years of drought, the sick suddenly recovering, plagues sweeping the world subsiding.

There were clergymen of the Church who witnessed these miracles. And the believers all called them saints.

The saints whose names are inscribed in the Radiant Church all shared their final moments with such miracles.

Perhaps this is why Karl was reluctant to call that light a miracle. It was just a brief flash of light after a prayer. Honestly, that’s all it was.

The plague didn’t go away, and the dying didn’t come back to life. Compared to the existing saints and miracles, it was understandable for him to feel ashamed.

Yes, until then, that is.

“Cardinal Beolant, Archbishop of the 4th Diocese of the Empire, requests to speak.”

“Please speak, Brother Beolant.”

“The miracle is still ongoing. It began with the discovery of the Church’s lost sacred relic. Shamefully, our 4th Diocese searched everywhere but couldn’t find it, yet the Blessed One found it immediately. Perhaps the Light was already shining on him from that moment.”

The members of the 4th Diocese nodded in unison.

Indeed, divine power was emanating like a mirage from the rock where the sword was found, or rather, the cross-section that Karl had cut.

“Cardinal Raskin, Prefect of the Congregation for the Relics, adds to the Archbishop of the 4th Diocese’s opinion. Upon close examination of the recovered Sword of Saint Louis, we have found additional divine power that was not previously recorded. This is mainly found in the rosaries held by saints.”

“Which means…”

“It seems that the aura of another saint has been added to the place where the aura of Saint Louis resided.”

The cardinals, archbishops, and other clergy all nodded in agreement.

The Prefect of the Congregation for the Relics has spent his entire life studying, managing, and staying close to sacred relics. Whatever he says about sacred relics must be believed.

“Some argue that a brief manifestation of light should not be considered a miracle, but what’s important is not just the event itself, but what happened afterward.”

“The piety of the believers in the Empire has increased. Also, the voices of all who have come together to offer their prayers to the Goddess have become deeper and more earnest.”

“Gathering a united will. Isn’t that the ‘will to reach the light’ written in the doctrine?”

Contrary to Karl’s wishes, the council was already solidifying the opinion that ‘it was indeed a miracle.’

Would there be anyone to refute this opinion? In this atmosphere, wouldn’t such a person be considered extraordinary, in a way?

“Then the next issue arises.”

At the words of one cardinal, everyone’s faces showed signs of deep thought.

“In this case, is beatification or canonization appropriate?”

“To be honest, this is the first time we’ve encountered such a case…”



The important thing is that all of these occurred at the end.

When the saints were martyred or returned to the Goddess’s side after their light faded, only then did the miracles recorded in history manifest.

But this time is different. Karl, who experienced the miracle, is still alive. This is a first in the history of the church.

Everyone said that miracles were bestowed upon those about to embrace the Goddess, as a sign of Her appreciation for their devotion.

But this case is far too different, isn’t it?

“I believe the conditions for canonization have been met. However, the canonization ceremony itself might need to be postponed…”

There is no doubt that it was a miracle. Whether he is called a Blessed One or a Saint, there is no objection.

However, even for them, a living saint was unprecedented.

Who had ever been called a saint while still alive? Not even the first Pope.

The positions of other saints must also be considered. If someone living is suddenly canonized, no one knows how it will affect the perception of the old saints.

If their positions are shaken, the history of the church will naturally be shaken as well.

We must approach this cautiously.

“Then how about beatifying him first and canonizing him later?”

“That’s not a reasonable suggestion. The news of the miracle has already spread throughout all the dioceses. If we end it with beatification in this situation, we’ll be accused of heresy.”

If it were just an ordinary young noble who received a miracle, they could have done that.

The problem is, he’s not.

He was already praised as a war hero in the Empire even before receiving the miracle. He’s a noble who has experienced the life of a soldier.

He fulfilled not only the duties he had to bear, but also those he didn’t have to.

On top of that, the elves paid him their highest honor. The knights entrusted him with the sword of the one they respected most, vowing to reclaim it someday.

In such a situation, if the church appears to be intentionally belittling him, it’s obvious that we’ll be caught up in troublesome rumors, whether they’re true or not.

“…Your Holiness.”

As the council’s progress was unexpectedly slow, the auxiliary bishop next to the Pope spoke to him.

“What are your thoughts, Your Holiness? At this rate…”

“Wouldn’t it be better to hear more opinions?”

“If we knew it would be like this, we should have invited the Blessed One.”

“Hahaha. Don’t be absurd. Why would we invite him to a place like this? That young man would have waved his hands and said it’s too much for him.”

Honestly, it doesn’t make sense. How can we call the person involved and ask, ‘Do you want to be beatified or canonized? Or should we do it later?’

The news of the council’s commencement would have already reached Karl, beyond the Empire.

That young man would probably insist that all of this is not suitable for him and decline.

But what could they do? They had witnessed the miracle with their own eyes. What clergyman could ignore that?

Besides, they had already benefited from it and would continue to do so in the future. They couldn’t simply leave it at ‘benefactor.’

The Holy See, a place that, while not overly entangled in worldly affairs, still had to compromise with them.

In that sense, the Pope and the cardinals needed to compensate Karl.

* * *

The council went through a series of adjournments and reconveneings after its opening.

There were no heated arguments. They simply strived to find the best solution for the past, present, and future.

Their decision could determine the future direction of the church.

How should they handle the existence of a living saint?

As the council passed the fourth day and reached the fifth—

“Then, we will conclude the discussion on the canonization of the Blessed One.”

Finally, all matters were settled.

* * *

“…So, what happened, Karl? Huh?”

“What do you mean, what happened? Of course, I sent a message to the Holy See. I said that having a living saint isn’t right, for the sake of the previous saints of the church and the other heroes of the Empire.”

Being a living saint is too much of a hassle. So I decided to put it off. Besides, I’m not really keen on getting the title of ‘saint’ while I’m still alive.

Saint Karl Adelheit?


The moment I get that title, I’ll be under immense pressure, far more than any medal. I wouldn’t be able to curse or act like I normally do.

It would be like my whole body being bound by the doctrine. Who in their right mind would want that while they’re alive?

“The church suggested beatification, but I refused that too. Same reason as before. I’m just too frivolous. The title of ‘Blessed One’ is enough for me while I’m alive.”

“…You underestimate yourself too much, Karl.”

I smiled at Selena’s words.

Underestimate myself? This is being realistic.

“Oh, right. But I did ask them for one thing.”


“If I’m ever canonized, I asked them to assign Patron saints to me.”

“Patron saints?”

[TL/N: *Patron saints – refers to saints who are believed to have a special affinity with a particular person, place, or cause and offer them protection or intercession.]

Apparently, saints always have attendants who assist them.

Even during the canonization ceremony in the Holy See, I saw that there were at least two, and sometimes more than four, people standing next to the portraits of the saints.

“Yes. Specifically, our four troublemakers. Shulifen, Wilhelm, Alexander, and Joachim. I asked them to put them all by my side. Please. I really mean it.”

I can’t be the only one eternally enshrined in history, right?

My friends, you’ll be enshrined with me forever!!

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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