I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 177

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 177






My dear friends? When you all raise your voices at the same time, my ears take quadruple damage.

I can hear you all just fine, so please lower the volume a bit. This old man’s hearing is still intact.

“Yes, dating.”

“Why are you suddenly jumping to that conclusion?”

“It’s a perfectly logical reason.”

Listen up, guys.

“First, you’ve left the academy, where you were full of energy, excitement, and anticipation for what tomorrow might bring. Now you’re stuck in a monotonous daily routine, and you’re dying because of it.”


“Second, it’s already hard to adjust, but the constant influx of work is making the pressure even worse.”


“Third, but this is such an important duty for you that you can’t avoid it. You can’t even ask anyone else to do it for you.”

At my words, the four of them looked at each other for a moment, then nodded.

Well, that settles it. It’s crystal clear. It’s not even difficult.

“That’s exactly why you need to date.”

“Karl, your words have always been hard to understand, but today you’re even worse.”

“Cut the crap and tell us properly. Why are you suddenly talking about dating?”

“Are you trying to provoke us by mentioning your visits to your in-laws?”

These guys are being a pain even after I’m trying to give them sincere advice.

Should I just forget about it? Let them deal with their boredom and frustration themselves?

…No. I should be patient. They’re my friends after all.

And I did just give them a hefty deposit into the Pension Foundation this month.

“Just listen without interrupting. Your problem is this, right? You need a change in your routine. You need a break from work. But you can’t just slack off and have fun.”

“…That’s pretty much it.”

“It’s not ‘pretty much,’ it’s 100% accurate. If you keep denying it, I’m done here.”

“Let’s say you’re right, Karl. So what?”

The benefits of dating. I strongly emphasized this point to the four of them.

First, if you flirt and have fun while dating, the boredom of everyday life will vanish in an instant.

It’s obvious. I’ve never seen anyone who finds their days boring while in love.

And even if there was such a person, I, who is currently in love, would teach them a lesson with my Greatsword!

Furthermore, by dating, you four can officially take a break from work.

“Wait a minute, Karl. How does dating free us from work?”

“Think carefully. What is the most important quality for a head of a family, a titled noble of the Empire, my dear friends?”

“Sense of duty?”


Look at these righteous nobles. In other genres, they’d be talking about power and strength.

They’re being so upright that I’m starting to feel like I’m teaching them something bad!

“Of course, those are important. But guys, you’re missing the most crucial thing.”

“The most crucial thing?”

“Yes. Whether it’s a noble from a small rural territory or a duke governing a vast duchy, the most important thing they all value is the issue of succession.”

I intentionally left it out, but this even includes the Empire’s absolute, inviolable imperial family.

Everywhere you go, successors are important. If the line of succession is disrupted, any reign can be shaken.

That’s why, no matter where you go in the world, the person who can produce an heir emerges as a strong contender for the next ruler.

‘They’d rather choose a bastard who can have children than a legitimate heir who can’t.’

In other words, the four of you dating isn’t just about overcoming the boredom of everyday life.

In reality, none of you have a partner yet. No, you don’t even have girlfriends.

Your fathers, the two Marquises and the Counts, who occasionally visit me, always lament about this.

“Young Lord Karl already has four potential wives. I wonder what my son is doing.”

“It’s frustrating. Why are those boys so clueless!”

“Could Young Lord Karl perhaps give them a hint sometimes?”

“If a hint doesn’t work, just give them a push. I’m counting on you.”

Right now, they’re still adjusting to their work, so they don’t have time.

The Marquises know that, so they’re not pressuring them yet.

But as time passes, and they get used to their work and have more free time…

That’s when they’ll start hearing from the Marquises, ‘Bring home a daughter-in-law!’

‘Or they’ll start preparing for arranged marriages.’

I know from experience, arranged marriages are not the way to go.

Marriage, even between well-matched couples, is full of fights, hurt feelings, and pain.

If you base it solely on a connection created for the sake of the family…

I guarantee that the lifelong marriage will become a lifelong shackle and curse.

“To you, it might just be dating, but your family heads will see it as you taking steps to secure the future of your houses.”


“They might adjust your workload if you start seeing someone. You can learn to work anytime, but no one knows when or how you’ll meet the right person.”

Honestly, saying this makes it sound like I’m telling them to date if they don’t want to work.

That’s not my intention at all, but that’s how it’s coming across, which worries me.

“Dating, huh…”


“We… want to date too.”

“But we’ve never…”

Huh? Are you guys telling me you’ve never dated before? But you’re heirs to prominent noble families, how?!

“Well, our first crush was Selena, right?”

“And we got rejected right away.”

“We were so shocked that we avoided girls for a while.”

“From then on, we were so busy having fun with you, Karl, that we didn’t even think about dating.”


I’m not happy at all, you guys.

You’re telling me you didn’t even consider dating because you were having too much fun with me?!

Damn it, I’m not happy at all! You have no idea how much I suffered because of you!

“Anyway, you guys need to start thinking seriously about this. I’m not just trying to help you escape your work, I’m doing this for the sake of your families.”

“Is it that serious?”

“You’ll be taking over as heads of your families in two, or maybe three years at the latest. But the position of the mistress, who’s supposed to manage the household affairs? Who’s going to lead the servants then?”

In noble families, important family matters are handled by the women.

Even my wedding preparations with Selena are being led by our mothers, not the heads of our families.

But the future heads of marquisates and counties have no one by their side?

That’s a problem in itself. It’s not just an issue for your families, but it could also lead to strange rumors.

“For example, that you’re impotent and can’t have children.”

“What?! Me, impotent?!”

“Or that you have a strange sexual preference for men.”

“I like these guys?! Oh Hell Nah. Get lost!”

Seeing their strong reactions, it seems like neither of those is true.

“That’s the situation. So, think seriously about it, okay?”

“I never thought I’d hear that from you here.”

“Me neither. I thought maybe our fathers had stopped nagging us about getting married and finding a woman.”

If you know that, then hurry up and do it. I can’t be the only one collecting wedding gifts.

There’s a code of ethics – if you receive, you must also give!

“I have to go now. Unlike you guys, I’m still an academy student and have student activities to attend.”

“Oh really? You were just complaining about the weekend a minute ago. What student activities do you have on the weekend?”

“You guys wouldn’t understand, but I’m even busier on weekends.”

Sounds like a joke, right? I wish it were a joke, but it’s not.

I use weekends to meet with my juniors and show them what a senior is like.

“Isn’t that more like showing off than acting like a proper senior?”

Shut up, Shulifen! This is why I hate his perceptive ass!

* * *

“Are you ready, brother-in-law?”

“Yes, I’m all set. But, Your Highness…”

I really don’t understand, honestly.

“Isn’t it unnecessary for Your Highness to come personally for this?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about going to the Imperial Palace. You could have just sent someone to fetch me. I don’t think it’s necessary for the Crown Prince to come himself.”

At my words, the Crown Prince clicked his tongue.

What? Did I say something wrong?

“First of all, brother-in-law, you’re a Medal of Honor recipient. If I just sent someone to bring you to the Imperial Palace, what would that say about the prestige of the Medal of Honor, and how our imperial family treats its recipients? It’s only right for me to come in person.”


“And personally, you’re Vee’s brother and the princess’ uncle. It’s natural for family to come when family calls, don’t you think?”

That’s true. It is true, but still, Your Highness! You’re the next emperor!

“Besides, this is actually the most crucial reason.”

The Crown Prince leaned closer and spoke quietly, as if afraid someone might hear him.

“Our little princess has been crying so loudly lately. It seems she’s going to be quite the woman.”


So, you’re saying you ran away because you couldn’t handle my niece’s crying.

I suddenly noticed that the Crown Prince’s face looked haggard, with dark circles under his eyes.

[TL/N: Dad life ain’t easy eh.]

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

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