I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 209 - Side Story 9


[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]

Side Story 9

Over two weeks had passed since we crossed the Great Forest.

As expected, Luzernes' resistance was fierce.

If they had just surrendered, we would have punished a few leaders and spared the rest.

But they were truly living up to their reputation as fools, acting like a bunch of madmen.

Of course, it didn't change anything.

Despite their desperate resistance and defiant cries, the relentless advance of our Imperial Army ultimately drove them into their last remaining stronghold by the sea.

"How long has it been since we surrounded them?"

"Exactly five days today."

"It's about time they start panicking due to lack of food and water."

The surviving elves had all fled

There were quite a few of them left, but none knew how to fight properly.

Seriously, what kind of idiots were they? Did they still think they were the Luzernes of the past?

They had lost their veteran soldiers, their leadership, everything. And yet, they still dared to start this?

The Empire, realizing the situation, launched investigations everywhere.

It defied logic that these fools would have launched such a reckless campaign without a more comprehensive strategy.

There had to be some other scheme they were hiding.

But the reports that came back said, ‘There's nothing.’

Even the anti-Empire faction in Avileshti had only provided them with magic.

So, these guys just started this without thinking it through.

'Did their brains rot after losing the war?'

I suddenly felt irritated.

How could they change so much in just a few years?

In the past, I, my comrades, we all had to fight tooth and nail.

It was bittersweet to see those formidable foes reduced to this state.

There was no satisfaction anymore. It felt like my past was being denied.

I just wanted to finish this quickly and go back home. I wanted to hold my loved ones tight and tell them I was back, that I had erased those nightmares from my life.

"Sergeant Karl Adleheit!"

I turned my head to see Major Magi running towards me, panting.

Hey, do you still think you're a rookie lieutenant? Why are you acting like that, Major?

"Have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"They're surrendering!"

Upon hearing this, the words that came out of my mouth were—

"Now they surrender?"

They should've done it sooner or not at all. They've caused so much damage and only fueled more hatred.

Who's going to welcome them with open arms now?

"What are the Imperial Army command and Hyzens going to do?"

"They're demanding unconditional surrender and complete disarmament. Otherwise, there will be no surrender, only extermination."

"Sounds good."

If they truly want to surrender, that's how it should be. Unconditionally, placing their lives in our hands.

If they start setting conditions now, then our Empire will simply become elf slaughterers.

"This is truly the end, then."

I looked at the last stronghold of those bastards standing in the distance.

Perhaps the fight with them was already over back then.

Compared to the Empire, they had almost no capacity to rebuild their military.

All that sustained them was a kind of racial pride, believing they were superior to humans.

Now, even that wasn't enough, so they borrowed human magic and still lost.

All that remained for them was ruin. Complete and utter ruin.

"Let's finally go home, you fucking bastards."

* * *

The coastal city in the south, the last stronghold of Luzernes, had surrendered.

Many of the leaders had taken their own lives, but some survived.

They endured the humiliation and entered the Imperial Army camp outside the city.

"We will now begin the official surrender ceremony of Luzernes."

[TL/N: A surrender ceremony is a formal event where the defeated party officially acknowledges their defeat and agrees to the terms of surrender dictated by the victor.]

This time, the Empire had decided to abandon its usual image of a benevolent nation.

[ Article 1. All elves south of the Great Forest are under the protection of the Empire. ]

[ Article 2. Any elf who opposes Article 1 is recognized as an enemy of the Empire. ]

This was a punishment for Hyzens' failure to properly control the south, as well as a way to completely dismantle Luzernes and put pressure on Hyzens.

[ Article 3. Certain hostile forces that have caused harm to the Empire, henceforth referred to as Luzernes, shall be extradited to the Empire without exception. ]

[ Article 4. The remainder shall be managed by Hyzens, who fought alongside the Empire. ]

[ Article 5. The Empire shall control half of the land south of the Great Forest, and Hyzens shall control the other half. ]

The territory they had left alone to avoid hurting their pride was now completely taken.

Half for the Empire, and the other half for Hyzens.

Even this remaining half was highly likely to be absorbed by the Empire eventually.

After all, Hyzens had been heavily influenced by the Empire since the Great Forest War.

[ Article 6. There will be no war reparations. ]

There was also a clause that seemed somewhat generous.

The Empire, which usually demanded reparations, had generously waived them.

This clause surprised not only Hyzens but also some of the Luzernes elves.

Reparations were crucial. They could be used to hold the entire elven race by the throat.

They couldn't understand why the Empire wouldn't take the easiest path.

"Even if we demanded reparations, we wouldn't be able to get them properly."

"With the constant wars, those damn elves have ruined everything, and the economy there is practically on life support. Demanding reparations would only give them an excuse."

"It's fine. It's not like there's nowhere else to get reparations from."

The war wasn't just fought here. It was also fought on the other side.

And there was a certain place there that had plenty of money, so it was fine.



The Luzernes elves who came to surrender signed the agreement.

Followed by the Hyzens leadership, then the Imperial Army commander. And finally...

"...Do I really have to sign this too, Commander?"

"Of course, Young Lord. You were the first to break through the Great Forest and lead the holy war in the name of the Church."

With a groan, Karl signed the last signature line, as if he had no choice.

"...Ah, these idiots. They messed up the signatures."

The signatures for the copy of the treaty that was to be returned to Luzernes were all out of alignment.

Can't these elves even sign properly anymore? The Imperial commander and Karl whispered to each other.

In the end, they decided to give this misaligned copy to Luzernes.

"What happens now?"

"We're going to bring settlers into the newly acquired Imperial territory in the South. And I've heard they're going to implement a new policy."

A new policy?

Karl tilted his head, and the commander replied.

"They're going to grant Imperial citizenship to elves who marry those settlers. Naturally, any children born from those unions would also be granted citizenship."

"So, they're bringing everyone under the Empire's umbrella."

"It seems so."

Karl thought for a moment, then shrugged as if it didn't matter to him.

This wasn't his business anymore, and he didn't want it to be.

If he weren't the heir to the Friedrich County,

He would just be a soldier in the Imperial Army. This wouldn't be his concern.

"It took less than two months. That's fortunate."

Finally, after concluding the matters in the South, Karl shook his head and muttered.

"Indeed. Let's go home now. I've seen enough of this dreadful forest."

* * *

[ Luzernes Surrenders! ]

[ Conquered in Record Time! ]

[ Empire! Glorious Victory!! ]

Around the same time, the entire empire erupted in celebration of their victory.

They advanced south of the Great Forest with minimal losses and finally planted the empire's flag.

Those who dared to defy the heavens and attack the empire have been captured and are being escorted.

From now on, the south is indisputably within the empire's domain!


People everywhere are shouting for joy, chanting the names of the empire and the imperial family. They are grateful to live as members of this great nation.

The empire has begun seeking people to move to the new ‘Southern Territory.’

The church was the first to draft members to send there.

And the victors returned home, each carrying their glory in their hearts.

“Casey!! You idiot! You’re injured?!”

“Ah, it hurts. Honey. And it’s almost healed. The priests from the church treated me!”

“Shut up! If you go out again and leave Ena and me behind, I’ll live with another man!!”

Though she says that, she bursts into tears as she holds him.

Knowing all too well how terrified his wife must have been, Sergeant Casey—or rather, Casey—quietly patted her back.

* * *

Karl silently observed it all.

Thankfully, it seemed like this time, he had truly returned.

A faint ray of light began to shine dimly towards him.


Gazing at it for a moment, Karl smiled.

He too, finally took a step towards where he truly belonged.


First, to the four women who must have been anxiously waiting for him.

"Are you hurt anywhere?!"

"Did you take down a lot of elves?"

"Welcome back, Master. No, I mean, orabeoni."

"Welcome back, Karl! We celebrate your safe return!!"

Next, to his parents, who wouldn't show it but were probably worried sick.

"I'm back, Father, Mother."

"Welcome back. You've worked hard."

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel relieved."

Then, to his older sister, who must have been on edge, and his brother-in-law beside her.

And finally, to his niece, who had stopped crying and started giggling.

"She cried for over a week because you weren't here."

"I apologize, Your Majesty."

"It's alright, you're here now."

"Are you hurt anywhere, Karl? Hmm??"

"No, Your Majesty. I'm perfectly fine."

"Uncle! Uncle!"

And lastly, of course, to those damn four.

"I'm back, you bastards."

"You're back."

"Welcome back."

"You rascal."

"Good work!"

It seemed even more chaotic now than when he was on the battlefield.


[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]

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