I’m an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy

Chapter 222 - Side story 22

[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]

Side Stories 22

"Greetings, Brother Karl. It's been a while. Ah, now you're Count Friedrich."

"Indeed. Thank you for making the long journey here, Your Eminence."

Cardinal Nicolaos, who oversees the 1st Diocese, visited our territory after a long time.

He apologized for the delay, explaining that his schedule was so tight that he couldn't come sooner.

Of course, I understand. The head of a Diocese is incredibly busy. There's no reason to feel offended.

"His Holiness originally wished to do it himself. However, it is not proper to take a child who has not even been born for a year outside carelessly.”

"We are grateful for his well-wishes. To think our child is receiving a blessing from His Holiness himself..."

"Considering who the Count is, it's not that surprising."

After a little conversation, we went to see Luen, who was playing in the room.

Selena was with her, and they were both speaking in their own baby language, saying things like ‘Abu! Abuboo!!’

"Oh my, Your Eminence. We didn't realize you were here, and we're in such a state."

"Ahahaha. Not at all, Countess. Parents with a child are always magnificent and beautiful, no matter what they look like. Even this old man wants to play with the little one when I see her."

As if to prove his words, Cardinal Nicolaos went in front of Luen and made a funny face, saying ‘Ooh-ooh!’

I was worried that Luen might cry, but thankfully, our daughter responded with a delighted ‘Kyaaah!’ That made all of us laugh heartily.

"Well then, let's give a blessing for this precious life."

Cardinal Nicolaos dipped his fingers in the holy water that had been prepared beforehand and applied it to Luen's forehead.

Luen looked at him with a puzzled expression, as if asking, ‘Eh? What's this?’ Oh, how cute.

"Oh Goddess, please watch over this young life under Your care."

The sign of the cross is drawn on Luen's forehead. Until then, our daughter hadn't cried at all.

Instead, she reaches out to grab the Cardinal's hand.

Luen! You can't do that! I had to wave my hands behind the Cardinal to distract her.

"Hmm. Fortunately, it seems the Goddess is also watching over this child."


"Look at this."

At the Cardinal's words, I examined Luen's forehead where the holy water had been applied. It was definitely holy water, but a faint light lingered on the spot.


"Oh my."

"Well, it's only natural. Considering Brother Karl was even considered for sainthood, and he himself has performed numerous miracles."

Cardinal Nicolaos chuckled kindly and shared another story.

"Actually, Brother Beolant wanted to come with me."

"Ah, the 4th Diocese..."

"However, the 4th Diocese is currently assisting with the new southern diocese, so he won't be able to find the time until at least the year after next."

I nodded in understanding.

The 4th Diocese is located in the southern part of the Empire.

And the new southern diocese will be established south of the Great Forest, where the elves used to live.

Initially, they considered assigning it to the 4th diocese, but that would have given them too much responsibility, potentially disrupting the balance among the dioceses.

Human nature is such that when we're in a higher position, we naturally become arrogant.

The Pope decreed the establishment of a new diocese, saying that's where the path to temptation and wrongdoing begins.

As a result, the southern diocese was created, and the 4th diocese was tasked with supporting it.

"Cardinal Beolant was quite disappointed. He's worried that since he's the only one who hasn't seen the Count whenever something happens, their bond might fade."

"That could never happen. A few years won't diminish a bond like ours. Neither I nor Cardinal Beolant are so fickle."

"Hahaha! Indeed. It seems the 4th diocese is overly worried."

In truth, my connection with the Church began in the 4th diocese. It can never fade. I still vividly remember the time I split a rock and the sacred relic suddenly popped out.

"Speaking of which, that sacred relic... the Sword of Saint Louis."

"The 4th Diocese is keeping it safe now. If we were to lose it again after it was found by a noble blessed by the Goddess, the entire Church would have to engage in self-reflection."

Hmm. Self-reflection is fine, but I think it might just pop out again if I split some rocks...

"Awoo! Uwaoo!!"

"It seems your daughter is excited to have a visitor."

"They say children are usually shy around strangers, but somehow my daughter isn't like that."

"That's a good thing. Seeing such a bright smile seems to wash away all worries and concerns."

Time flew by as we talked about our daughter. She's not even a year old yet, but we had so much to say. Before I knew it, I had poured out all sorts of stories.

"Ah, I apologize, Your Eminence. I lost myself for a moment."

"It happens to all new parents. I understand."

The Cardinal gets up, saying it's time for him to leave.

"Ah, that reminds me. His Holiness asked me to inquire about something on his behalf."

"The Pope?"

"He said he would like to personally bless our Sister Luen on her first birthday and asked if you would be willing to make a short trip."

Oh my. Of course, we have to go if the Pope is offering to bless our daughter.

What child in the world receives the Pope's blessing as one of their first birthday presents?

Should we even have her doljabi (Korean first birthday tradition) at the Church? Ah, but that might be too much...

[TL/N: *Doljabi is a Korean tradition that takes place during a child's first birthday celebration.]

* * *

Meanwhile, at that moment, Eloise was meeting with someone rather unusual for a newlywed.

Or rather, it might be more accurate to say she was meeting with something, not someone.

"Are you being serious right now?"

[ Of course, why would I lie to you? ]

"Well, this isn't exactly easy to believe."

Looking at the squirrel standing before her, Eloise scratched her cheek.

"Are you saying our young friends really want that?"

[ Yes. ]


[ Thanks to your esteemed husband. And no, I'm not being sarcastic. Just so you know. ]

"Of course. If you were, I'd be coming for your neck."


A squirrel visibly gulping. Now, that's a rare sight. Eloise thought so as she quietly awaited the next words.

[ The overwhelming might of the Imperial Army played a big part. There's something our elves can't quite replicate. Especially the disciplined appearance seems to have made quite an impression on our young friends. ]

"No way. They can't be that delusional, can they?"

[ They studied abroad in the Empire, after all. It's only natural, isn't it? ]

Even so, this is truly an unexpected turn of events.

Lost in thought, Eloise gently stroked the top of the squirrel's head.

"I'll talk to them. I'm not sure what kind of answer I'll get, though."

[ The Empire will probably like it. It's not just anyone, but the elves, who have long stood against them, now acknowledging the Empire's strength and offering to fight on their behalf, even over their own kin. ]

"Definitely. From that perspective, it seems like the Empire would be thrilled."

Eloise promised to try her best to get a positive response and sent the squirrel away.

She then relayed the information to Karl, who naturally tilted his head in confusion.

"The elves want to serve in a military unit for the Empire?"

"Yeah. They want to be armed in the Imperial style, not our elven way, and be treated like Imperial soldiers."

"So... they want to create an elven foreign legion?"

"Foreign legion?"

To Eloise's question, Karl replied, ‘Yes, it's a military unit composed of soldiers from another nation.’

"More importantly, this is so unexpected. I never imagined it would be like this."

"According to an insider, it's because of you, Karl."

"Why me?"

"You're so amazing. It seems you've instilled a strong fantasy about the Imperial Army in them."

"But... I was just a sergeant. And the continental order is pretty much established, so there's no need to increase the military, right?"

As the era of peace approaches, disarmament becomes an unavoidable reality.

It's natural. The military is something that sucks up money even when it's just sitting around.

Even the Empire can't expand its military when it's not wartime.

"That's what I'm saying. Our amazing husband needs to use his influence."

"Hey, I'm not a miracle worker."

"Well, you seem pretty close."

Eloise moves closer, gently touching Karl's body.

"Think positively. Honestly, if we use this well, it could be incredibly beneficial for the Empire."

"That's true. An elven foreign legion... It's absurd to even imagine, but at the same time, it's something that would make Lasker and Avileshti lose their minds."

While calming down Eloise, who was getting increasingly intimate, Karl scratched his head at the thought of another reason to visit the Imperial Palace and speak with the Emperor soon.

"Oh, and I want a son."


"I definitely want a son."

"You can't just decide that."

If it doesn't work, we can keep trying until we have a son, right?

At Eloise's declaration, Karl sighed, thinking, ‘This is crazy.’

[Translator - Angel Dust]

[Proofreader - Prototype]

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