I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 213: Cain's Ability

Chapter 213: Cain's Ability

The waiting time is long. Site-237 rebuilding is still in progress. Zhang Jue sent a message to the headquarters asking when he and Yang Xue could return, but never got a reply from the headquarters.

If it were in the past, he wouldn't have bothered to pay attention to what attitude the Foundation's headquarters had. He could go wherever he wanted to go. So many SCP are still in his pocket.

However, this time he still planned to wait here. After all, he was quite curious about how the O5 would handle the Antimemetic anomalies. The good thing was that he didn't have nothing to do at Site-17. It was quite interesting to see those exotic female researchers every day.

There was just one thing: they all thought Zhang Jue had a problem, and in the face of Zhang Jue's verbal flirtations, they didn't react at all. Even a few of them wanted to introduce their own brothers to him, making Zhang Jue vomit three times.

He had a mind to go and settle the problem with Clement, yet every time he saw he stayed up into for hours in the morning for Karena, he dismissed such thoughts again. Zhang Jue shook his head and sighed.

There is no way, some sufferings just can only be endured alone, so Zhang Jue did not intend to hide it. That afternoon, he knocked on the door of Cain's room in front of everyone. The two of them looked at each other and tacitly went to the garden behind Site-17.

At that time, this was where Zhang Jue had made Cain step on the dirt floor again. Because of Clement's gossip, the researchers at Site-17 thought that the two of them had a relationship, but Cain had always stayed deep in the garden, and the matter had never sat down.

So, this time many of the researchers came running to watch them. However, Zhang Jue kicked them all out, leaving only the two of them in the garden. Zhang Jue had cleared out everyone, but of course it wasn't to have anything to do with Cain.

What he was after was Cain's ability. From the first contact with Cain, several months had passed. Zhang Jue could feel what he had gotten from Cain, but never knew how to use it. This made him a bit confused, So he decided to come and ask Cain.

Luckily, Cain was the kind of character who would answer if asked. Besides, Zhang Jue had helped him before, so he agreed to do so. Cain stood 20 meters away from the edge of the flower bed. He made sure that he would not affect the plants inside.

It was already early April, and some of the flowers were already blooming. Zhang Jue walked up to a flower and sniffed it hard.

"I can sense that this is a plant-related ability." He said, "When I try to activate it, there is a tendency to get close to plants. But so far, I can't fully master it. Do you have any ideas?"


Legend has it that Cain and Able were brothers born from Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. When they grew up, Cain became a farmer and Able became a shepherd. On the day of offering to God, Cain took some of the produce of the land and offered it to God, while Able offered some choice dairy goats.

God preferred Able's offering more than Cain's. He hated and envied his brother to the point he killed Able. Thus, Cain became the first murderer in the history of mankind. Cain was punished by God and was given eternal life while being hated by all.

Here we are not recalling the feud between the two brothers, but rather, the focus is on their previous occupations. A farmer and a shepherd. Able was good at raising livestock. Cain was fond of tending plants. Probably because of the punishment, the current Cain would cause all plants within a 20 meter radius of himself to wither. Unless Zhang Jue continued to activate the "Disable" skill on him.

After touching Cain, Zhang Jue's body showed a fondness for plants, but this "fondness" was completely unexplained, and there was nothing substantial to show for it. Zhang Jue couldn't figure it out, so this time he had the opportunity to ask. After listening to Zhang Jue's story, Cain fell into deep thought.

He was very good at how to take care of plants. Even though countless centuries had passed, and he was burdened with a curse and could no longer grow those beautiful flowers, he still hadn't forgotten how to do it.

"You can try to imagine them as companions." Cain said.

"Imagine plants as companions?" Zhang Jue raised his eyebrows, then tried, "It doesn't seem to work."

"You have to recognize them from the bottom of your heart." Cain looked at the flowers that were beyond his reach, "See them as your companions, friends, even family. You will be happy when they grow well, you will be sad when they are sick and wither."

Zhang Jue could understand what Cain meant. In the world he lived in, there were also many such people. They would keep some pets or plants, which originally might only be a temporary relief. But after a long time, they would treat them like their own, and calling them sons and daughters was nothing new at all.

But Zhang Jue is not that kind of person. His spiritual world was so rich that he didn't need such means to comfort himself. But now it seemed as if he had to do it. He was somewhat curious as to what Cain's ability really was.

Zhang Jue closed his eyes and tried to imagine the flower in front of him as his friend. After a few minutes had passed, he slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to find that the flower, which had only been half blooming, had bloomed completely.

There's a door! Zhang Jue gave a heave-ho. Sure enough, it was right to find Cain. Although he hadn't seen exactly what this ability was for yet, it had at least made a very big improvement. As long as he was a little more serious, there would definitely be another breakthrough.

He had a hunch that Cain's ability should be different from the other. Now that he had mastered the method, Zhang Jue stopped bothering Cain and continued his own research.

In the following days, the researchers at Site-17 were surprised to find that the advisor rarely spent time in the lab, but always ran to the garden in the back. He kept watering and fertilizing a flower. One employee even heard Jue Zhang talking to the flower.

Now they all worried a little. Previously, although Advisor Zhang was rumored to be a little bit weird, but at least it was directed to a person. Now it has all developed to this extent?

Some people had the courage to go to Yang Xue who was close to him and tell her about the situation.

Yang Xue followed Zhang Jue's example and spread her hands, "Don't worry about him, in most cases he's a psychopath."


In the eyes of the researchers at Site-17, Zhang Jue was thought to have a weird fetish. But he was unaware of it. Every day he just went to check on the flower he had chosen at regular or irregular intervals.

Finally, one day, he was delayed and went an hour late. Just went he was carrying a kettle to water the flower, an unfamiliar voice can be heard to his ears.

"Why are you so late today? Where have you been fooling around again?"

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