I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 216: Reward Part 2

Chapter 216: Reward Part 2

With the help of Zhang Jue, the Foundation successfully recovered Site-237 which had been lost for many years. To be precise, without Zhang Jue, the Foundation might have even forgotten the name of this site.

What's even more about that. Zhang Jue also assisted Yang Wensong to defeat SCP-3125 once again. We know that the Zhang Jue only stopped the Site-14 Infiltration and nuclear bomb detonation, saving hundreds of thousands of people in Jiangzhou.

Then this time, it could be said that he indirectly saved all of humanity. The Foundation could not be clearer about the horror of SCP-3125. Therefore, how to reward Zhang Jue became the biggest headache for the Foundation headquarters, or the O5 Council.

Originally, Zhang Jue was already a Class B personnel, with Level 4 clearance level, and a Special Advisor to the Foundation, just directly under the O5 Council. His authority is so high and his position so sensitive that even if the Foundation wants to promote him again, there is not much room.

He can't be pulled directly into the O5 council. The O5 Council couldn't even consider about material rewards. But still, Zhang Jue's work were too great.

If we were to reward money. No matter the amount, I'm afraid we couldn't get an exact estimate how much we need and wouldn't that be treating all of humanity as a joke? How much money could be worth the lives of all people?

It is better to award something that made Advisor Zhang interested while not becoming the Foundation to be petty about it. Of course, there are those who oppose it. For example, O5-2. His reasoning was also very simple.

A few months ago, Zhang Jue rode SCP-682 to destroy the Foundation's headquarters and robbed many useful SCP objects, and the Foundation had not been able to punish Zhang Jue in a substantial way. This time, although his credit was great, if he was awarded regardless of his past, it would only fuel his arrogance.

In the future, he will not take the O5 Council seriously. The majority of the 13 O5s were neutral towards Zhang Jue, but they also agreed with O5-2's statement. So there was a meeting, it was fine to reward Zhang Jue, but not to magnify the reward and make Zhang Jue realize that although the Foundation wanted to reward him for his merits, it also remembered the absurd things he had done, and it would be better to make him control himself.

It had to be said that although these O5s were considered a master at playing tricks, they had misjudged Zhang Jue. If he knew that the O5 Council had such an attitude, the reward would be accepted, but I'm afraid the O5 Council would have even less prestige to speak of.

After more than ten hours of teleconference discussions, the O5 Council finally unified their opinions on Zhang Jue and leaving it up to O5-8's hands this time. The reason why O5-8 had come in person was because the contents of the award were too sensitive for most of the Foundation personnel to know, even for some Site Directors. Secondly, because O5-8 was the oldest member of the O5 Council. So he could read it out to ensure Zhang Jue's calmness to the greatest extent possible and the safety of O5's life.

O5-8 opened the commendation letter and read slowly in his old, slightly hoarse voice, "In view of Advisor Zhang's outstanding performance in a critical incident. It has been decided by the Foundation Headquarters and approved by the O5 Council. SCP-X-0001, Special Advisor to the Foundation, Zhang Jue. Promoted from Level 4 (Top Secret) to Level 5 (Thaumiel), personnel class adjusted to A Class, the original position of Foundation Special Advisor remains unchanged. While concurrently serving as Deputy Site Director of Site-14, honorary Site Director of Site-237, and Head of the Antimemetics Division, while granting the Foundation Star medal."

A-Class personnel and Level 5 clearance level. This was already the standard for O5 personnel. This meant that in Zhang Jue's eyes, the entire Foundation had no more secrets to hide. All information would be completely open to him and this was just an appetizer.

Deputy Site Director of Site-14, Honorary Site Director of Site-237, Head of the Antimemetics Division, and a Foundation Star. The titles behind this are really heavier than one another.

The Site-14 Deputy Site Director role is needless to say only within a grasp for Zhang Jue. He only needs to wait a few years after Huang Xingwen retired and Site-14 will be in his hand.

Site-237 Honorary Site Director and Head of the Antimemetics Division. These two are related to his current contribution. The reason why Site-237 was established is to contain all the antimemetic anomalies. It also has only one department in it, the Antimemetics Divisoin.

Now, Site-237 was destroyed and the Antimemetics Division was almost completely wiped out with less than twenty people. Not surprisingly, the site in the desert will be abandoned and this site will become history forever.

In order not to let it be forgotten, that's why Zhang Jue was promoted to be an Honorary Site Director of Site-237. This was a recognition for Zhang Jue and a great honor. Although, Site-237 was scrapped, the Antimemetics Division will be rebuilt.

Because of that, Zhang Jue was given that title. If Yang Wensong didn't sacrifice himself, then of course he will be given that title. But now almost all the employees have died out with SCP-3125. As for the remaining twenty or so people, there are still no way how to recover them. It was up to Zhang Jue.

He has a natural resistance to Antimemetic anomalies and has SCP-714 in his hand. Even SCP-3125 can't do anything to him, so he is the perfect candidate for the Head of Antimemetics Division. But the same, by him taking this position, there some O5 opposed this motion.

Unlike the Honorary Site Director of Site-237. The Antimemetics Division is a big deal. Due to the nature of the Antimemetic anomalies itself, those who could participate in the research were definitely the senior talents of the Foundation.

Transferring so many people to Zhang Jue's staff had to make these adults feel worried. After all, the greatest characteristic of Zhang Jue has a doubtful characteristics. You don't know when he's going to make a bit of a mess.

But after the final vote, Zhang Jue was elected with a 9 to 4 vote. For a reason that there is no one more suitable than him.

Out of the several titles, the least controversial was the Foundation Star. It was almost unanimously approved. Perhaps in the opinion of the O5s, as long as Zhang Jue didn't gain actual benefits, not to mention the Foundation Star, the Earth's Star, the Humanity's Star, whatever the title is. It's just a matter of printing a plaque.

After reading it, O5-8 smiled and looked at Zhang Jue and expecting his reply. Yang Xue glanced at Zhang Jue. Even she couldn't predict what Zhang Jue would say next. After all, if you could guess what he was thinking, then he wouldn't be Zhang Jue.

Seeing both of them looking at themselves. Zhang Jue lifted his head. He was able to distinguish the meaning behind each reward represented. Upgrading his clearance level was to show the Foundation's honesty.

The promotion to Deputy Site Director was to give him a territory of his own. As for the Honorary Site Director of Site-237 and the Head of Antimemetics Division, it was because the Foundation couldn't find such a suitable person anymore.

Each of the Foundation's Antimemetics Division personnel are wonderfully ravishing people. The department is so important that even if they risked putting it in Zhang Jue's hands, because they couldn't hand it over to a watered down person.

Zhang Jue grunted. "I know that this is the biggest reward you can give. But even if it is, I won't accept it unless"

After hearing the first sentence, O5-8's heart sank. But hearing the rest, he realized that there seemed to be a turnaround.

He hurriedly asked, "Unless what?"

Zhang Jue cupped his chin. "How about adding another plaque? With the big words like 'Humanity's Defender' written on it. Oh, and with the autographs of your thirteen O5s. Which I'll hang in my office from now on to see who dares to turn against me!"

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