I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 252: Enemy Attack

Chapter 252: Enemy Attack

Yang Xue had gone through something similar a second time. The first occasion was when Lei Shui delegated management of that hospital to her outside of Chlamydia. The entire site will be under her control now that her position has increased and her duties have grown more extensive.

Even though this is a station, not many people are still present. There are just a few paramedics and a large number of patients left, in addition to the security personnel. Everyone already wishes they were dead.

It's true that there are members of the Foundation who are terrified of dying, but they outnumber those who would willingly give their lives for the sake of others. The Yellow Warbler and the Viper MTF teams were stationed as guards on the site's outer perimeter.

They were instructed to watch over Area-114 for at least three days before being told to leave. Yang Xue's equal in rank to Angelo, the two MTF teams were not under her direction and were immediately under his instructions.

By this time, though, everyone had come to realize that they were actually grasshoppers fastened to a rope. Area-114 is very close to Arcadia City, and at the moment its defense is weak. If the enemy managed to encircle their forces and launch a full-scale attack, they would be powerless to defend themselves.

Yang Xue and the other two captains consequently met on the spot after Angelo left. Because everyone was honest with themselves, the three of them sat in quiet without speaking. Whatever happened, they were already doomed.

Even if they were able to hang on for three days, after those three days the nuclear weapon in the city of Arcadia exploded, killing everyone.

The Yellow Warbler team's captain, Strang, remarked, "The GOC next door also left early yesterday morning. When my team went to check this morning, their camp had already been abandoned, leaving only an empty shell."

"A lot of cowards." Viper's captain Kenneth snorted harshly.

"We need to find a solution; it is pointless to discuss this right now." Strang said, "With our two squads we can't cope with them at all. If we let that gang of monsters know that our people have fled, they would undoubtedly counterattack."

Lightly said, there are now just a handful of us remaining in total. What should we do? Can I still transform into people, or not?


The previously silent Yang Xue broke his silence at this moment and said, "Two, I have a solution, but I'm not sure if it will work."

"Oh? What is it?"

They both turned to stare at Yang Xue while still a little taken aback. They had met a civilian employee named Dr. Yang, who was quiet most of the time and stayed, so it must have been because of her strained relationship with Angelo that she had been left behind.

The medical staff at the scene still have nothing to do, so Yang Xue purposefully said, "We can let them change into the MTF team's clothes, in this way, it will appear that the security force is strong, then we divide some people to the GOC camp to guard, in this way, it can create the illusion that they still stay here, in this way, it can prevent those monsters from risking coming to attack."

As he listened to what she had to say, Kenneth scowled, "We are now down to two squads, splitting our forces in two areas, the defense will be even weaker, in case our plan is found by them."

"Not a problem." Strang was the first to speak before Yang Xue could finish, and he was able to understand what Yang Xue had said.

"When the Sarkic Cults' monsters learn that the Foundation and GOC have left the area, leaving either one squad or two squads, it makes no difference to them; they attack with all of their might, and we are powerless to fend them off. They must believe that the Foundation will continue to oppose them in order for us to succeed in our objective."

As she nodded, Yang Xue said, "Holding out for three days shouldn't be a problem as long as we do a decent job."

After giving it some thought, Kenneth was unable to come up with a better response and could only concur with the two of them. This is actually not a way out. It was difficult for the two squads to avoid being completely routed under the intense attack of the Lust for Flesh sect, whether they were split into two or combined into one.

The mission can only be completed using the strategy Yang Xue suggested. After saying that, the two captains brought out the extra guns and equipment. Yang Xue then ordered everyone working at the site to change into them, with the exception of a few nurses.

While there wasn't anyone at the GOC camp for a very long time, Strang's squad put on GOC clothes and took over guard duty. In this manner, the site's defenses are still robust even if they appear from a distance. One could only hope to trick those flesh-and-blood creatures.

Yang Xue was unaware that the Black Pearl team, which had been watching the area, was keeping an eye on all of their moves. Smith noticed Yang Xue and alerted Zhang Jue to Area-114's peculiar movement as soon as he did.

Although Yang Xue had once again been played by the Foundation and Zhang Jue was unaware of what was happening in Area-114, this did not prevent him from assessing what they were trying to accomplish.

"This is singing a trick about an empty city." Zhang Jue said, cupping his chin. "A doctor who doesn't undertake tests and looks at the Art of War."

Despite not knowing the word, Smith could probably determine its meaning. "Advisor Zhang, should we schedule a meeting with them at this time?" he questioned.

"No." Zhang Jue said, shaking his head. "We should move at our own pace and avoid contacting them for the time being. Although merging in one place seems to be a large number of people, even with an additional team, there is no essential increase in combat power, and it will also affect our freedom of movement."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jue scowled once more, "But there is a lack of their consideration, the GOC and the Foundation evacuated at the same time, it is likely that the enemy will catch a break and see the signs, you should still send a team to stand guard at their periphery farther away, in case something untoward happens."

Zhang Jue was eating instant noodles at the time he said this, with Saarn's Ascention on his mind. He was merely stating it, but he didn't anticipate that it would actually happen. There were still two days until Saarn's ascension to God on the evening of the 13th day of the fourth lunar month in Chinese time.

A group of people used the night to access the Area-114 facility. Smith, who was keeping watch at the edges, noticed their movement and immediately alerted Zhang Jue.

I'm not sure if Dr. Yang and the others will be able to hold out because there are numerous individuals and well-equipped opponents on the other side, but they don't appear to be the monsters from the Lust for Flesh cult.

No matter who they are, since they are here, don't try to escape. You guys hold on for a while; I'll be right behind you, Zhang Jue said over the phone, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Zhang Jue followed Smith's lead and moved toward Area-114 from the drop point. He encountered Yang Xue two hours later, at the most crucial time on the Area-114 site.


It was 1:30 in the evening. Unable to fall asleep, Yang Xue was laying in her room tossing and turning. Her heart has been filled with dread ever since she arrived here, and lately more so. When the alarm bell abruptly rung loudly, she had already dressed and was getting ready to go for a walk. Her response was a little sluggish because she hadn't slept well, and it took her a few seconds to grasp what was occurring.

An enemy attack occurred!

There is no failure at this site, but the Foundation has entirely different sirens for enemy attack and shelter failure. When Yang Xue left the room, she unexpectedly ran into Kenneth who was approaching her.

"What's happening?" Yang Xue inquired directly, disregarding formal etiquette at the moment.

"Someone broke into the area." We still don't know what it is, Kenneth added. "Tell your personnel not to run around or they will be viewed as enemies," he said.

After giving a quick nod, Yang Xue promptly used the intercom to issue the command on the main channel. The two then traveled together to the top of the station building. Yang Xue could already hear gunshots emanating from a distance as the conflict had already begun.

"The Chaos Insurgency ought to be involved." said Kenneth.

Because the Sarkic Cults preferred not to use weapons, Yang Xue nodded. She also didn't learn that the Chaos Insurgency was still a threat in Arcadia until she heard from the two commanders. Everywhere there is turmoil, it seems like everyone wants to join in on the action. Nobody is aware of their true objective.

When Kenneth's walkie-talkie with the team member's voice arrived, Yang Xue was about to speak. We are about to be overpowered because there are too many adversaries, captain!

Kenneth's fist tightened a little when he heard his teammate shouted. It was undoubtedly challenging to maintain the head and tail of an MTF squad defending a station.

"Hold out for me, even if you dieyou have to die out there." he urged, picking up his walkie-talkie.

Over the intercom, the team shouted, "Affirmative!"

Red-eyed Kenneth wanted to slam the walkie-talkie to the ground but ultimately refrained from doing so. He bellowed angrily, "Damn!"

He couldn't put all of his team members together in one location because the nuclear bomb that was hidden behind the station was of more importance. MTF wasn't very adept in positional warfare, but they were now unable to fly, even if they wanted to, like birds with their wings tied.

Yang Xue was also pondering if it would be a bad idea to split the army into two. The sound of gunshots ahead suddenly got louder after another five minutes.

As he yelled through the intercom, Kenneth "Leslie! How are things doing for you guys there?"

"Captain, there's another squad backing us up, the enemy's onslaught has been repulsed," Leslie said in a breathy voice over the intercom.

Another group? Kenneth froze.

"Is it the others and Yellowing?"

"No, this team's equipment is not as sophisticated as the Foundation's, but it is quite effective nonetheless! After repelling two waves of hostile assault, we are currently planning a counterattack."

"Be careful to be safe!"


Kenneth conversed with his teammates rather than smuggling Yang Xue behind their backs. Thus, Yang Xue first learned about the news. Unexpectedly, somebody was assisting the Foundation. This was extremely wonderful.

However, who might it be?

Kenneth actually posed the same query as she did. What other force could help them at this crucial time when the governments, GOC, and even the Foundation had given up on the location? Angelo might have left a backhand, is that possible?

It was too late to stop and consider, Kenneth was still issuing commands when suddenly, ominous information emerged from other squads.

"Report! In Area C3, the enemy has been discovered!"

Nuclear weapons are kept right there in the center of Area-114, in the C3 area. Kenneth's heart grew somewhat icier after hearing the report.

How was the enemy able to flee there?

When Yang Xue heard the report, he reacted right once, realizing that those outside were merely playing a ruse and that the other side's primary objective was the nuclear bomb from the start. But it was too late to consider this at this point; all that remained was a horse's back. If only that individual were present, her intellect would have been a lot faster.

"Dr. Yang, occupy the center seat please." Kenneth remarked. "I have to go to C3 to take a look, nothing can happen there."

Kenneth led a small group of bystanders to Area C3 in search of reinforcements. Yang Xue was the lone person left in the Area-114 structure. She rubbed her cheeks vigorously and collected the site's remaining twelve employees into a group.

Although not designed for combat, these staff can nonetheless be utilized with simple guns. They were split into two groups by Yang Xue, who also erected a makeshift defense in front of the structure. It should be able to survive an enemy attack for a while even if it occurs.

She understood what she had to do. At this point, it was deemed a success as long as the primary structure of the building was safeguarded and Captain Kenneth remained trouble-free. In the distance, more shooting could be heard.

Leading a group of personnel, Yang Xue kept a close eye on his surroundings. Let them use the test tube; they are typically working in research-related activities. A day won't pass without their getting exhausted. But as soon as they took the rifle, their hands started to shake violently.

Everyone prayed for the absence of an enemy. But in the real world, what is feared always materializes. Yang Xue was unable to glimpse a group of individuals from the intersection in front of this side of the swift march because of the sound of gunshots.

Two coworkers and one face-to-face were killed.

'All down,'

After shouting, Yang Xue raised her rifle and fired numerous times, striking an adversary. A few brave employees also attempted to engage the enemy with a few rounds but were unsuccessful. But even if these rounds missed their target, they had a dissuasive effect.

The enemy instantly sought cover and launched this attack as soon as they realized there was an ambush here. Their adversary is a skilled opponent, whereas their own side is some "amateur." There was an immediate difference.

Following a firefight, some men suffered injuries. The enemy also took advantage of this time to keep closing in. As her colleagues followed her into the building, Yang Xue made the split-second decision to abandon the defenses and drop the gates.

She had long since planned to do this. Area-114 was created specifically for the research of SCP-610 use, hence it differs slightly from other locations. This building gate, which was initially created to stop the spread of SCP-610, is exceedingly robust, and all kinds of crossover prevention measures are outstanding.

It is impossible to blow up in a short period of time, even with explosives. I'm hoping it can hold out a little longer.

It was not the appropriate time to request help, according to Yang Xue, who picked up the walkie-talkie. Outside the gate, there was a "boom" sound; it appears that the adversary is actually burying explosives. All the staff members are hugging each other, with the exception of Yang Xue.

They remained here and were prepared to make sacrifices, but when death arrived, none showed fear. Yang Xue gripped her weapon tightly. The intercom was then fully shut off. They were unimportant, and she was powerless to divert Captain Kenneth's attention.


Another sound could be heard. The gates had created a gap this time. The main gate would be fully open as long as the enemy fired one more shot. When she realized their condition, Yang Xue likewise gave up on her plan to get everyone to climb upward.

To make a last stand, she swapped the pistol for a clip and used a column as cover. However, she had a good possibility of passing away here. Hers, though, felt the same. She had located her father. In this existence, she had no more regrets.

Oh, there wasn't really? She questioned.

Get a clear understanding of what you're looking for as your first step. She would like to see that person's face, hear that person's voice, and hear him talk, if she could. A single sentence is sufficient.

Sincerity of heart, as the phrase goes, is spiritual. The sound of Yang Xue's heart appeared to have reached the skies. Right before the third blasting operation was about to be carried out by the enemy. There was a sluggish voice outside.

"Trying to enter the area but unable to stop them from messing around."

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