I’m In Charge of SCP

Chapter 258: Scolding

Chapter 258: Scolding

Many hundreds of miles from Arcadia City. Angelo sat on the sofa and sipped red wine slowly. The crystal clear liquid within the glass made a sharp ringing sound as he shook it. He looked extremely content as he softly sniffed the glass while closing his eyes and placing the glass' mouth to his nose.

The tabletop phone rang. He peeled back his eyes and picked up the speakerphone.

"Hello." The speaker was Chinese.

I didn't expect you to call in person, said Angelo as he turned to face the tall glass of wine.

"Because it would seem more sincere," the person said with a smile.

After a little period of silence, the person on the other end of the line stated, "That's because your light shines too brightly."

"Don't." Angelo cut him off, "If it weren't for the fact that I'm the son of an O5, you folks probably wouldn't even look at me."

Angelo's comments were not attractive and contained a gambling element. However, O5 has numerous relatives, the Foundation is what it is, and they can all work together to get to this position. Angelo's skill is also not nearly as poor as he said. Lei Shui remained silent as Angelo made fun of himself.

"According to our plan, everything is going fairly smoothly," Angelo continued after a little pause, "just wait for Saarn to show here tonight, I will give him a great surprise." Angelo then sipped wine from his glass.

"Mr. Angelo has made no calculations."

"Come on, you deserve at least half the credit for this." heaved Angelo.

Another period of stillness followed. Lei Shui continued to speak on the phone.

Angelo asked with a grimace, "Something else?"

"Mr. Angelo, as far as I know, that Advisor Zhang Jue Zhang has arrived outside of Arcadia." Lei Shui continued.

Angelo cocked an eyebrow. "Well, what?"

Lei Shui feigned a smile. "Nothing, I won't talk further about this as you already know."

Lei Shui and Angelo were both leaders among the younger members of the Foundation, and it might be claimed that they held the Foundation's future in their capable hands. Naturally, this was prior to Zhang Jue joining the Foundation.

Zhang Jue quickly broke this pattern after moving here just a year prior. His ascension from Special Advisor to Star of the Foundation happened so quickly. As the O5-son, 2's Angelo was in a better position to know these things.

Zhang Jue was said to have the power to alter the future, a claim that Angelo scorned. What made him so unique if it were true that everyone's decisions may alter the course of history?

Angelo took up the phone, set the glass on the table, and stated, "That Advisor Zhang should be in North America at this time to deal with the Church of the Broken God, according to the Foundation's records. I'll have to impeach him with headquarters if he interferes with our plans."

Angelo seemed to be a virtuoso at skimming off the responsibility in just a few sentences. Lei Shui nodded before remaining silent. Instead, Angelo jolted to life and reclaimed his wine glass.

"I've heard that Mr. Lei Shui and Mr. Lei Shan are related."

"Indeed we are."

"But as far as I'm aware, you don't work for an O5."

I'm afraid there aren't many people, aside from Angelo, who can pose this question among the foundation who are familiar with the connection between Lei Shan and Lei Shui.

It appears that Lei Shui anticipated that he would ask this question as well, or that sooner or later, someone would do so. As usual, his response was vague.

"Since Lord Angelo reportedly has a keen interest in Chinese history and literature, you must be familiar with the three Zhuge brothers. What we brothers did is beyond outrageous in comparison to them."


May 28, 2222, the 15th day of the 4th month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

The clock struck noon. Before Saarn's ascension to God at twelve in the morning, there were still the final twelve hours. The two captains, Kenneth and Strang, were faced with a life-changing decision following a morning meeting: whether or not to trust Jue Zhang.

Strang's prior conception of him merely persisted in the form of being familiar to this Zhang advisor. On the other hand, Kenneth was given the opportunity to witness Zhang Jue's "heroic" presence last night. He was confident in Zhang Jue's skills.

However, it appeared that Zhang Jue and the Foundation did not agree on their respective positions. They were torn primarily for the same reason. Even if they were fortunate enough to avoid death if they defected to Zhang Jue this time, it was still unclear if they would be singled out and subject to further Foundation scrutiny.

Some people could believe that this is insignificant in light of life. However, some people believe that it is better to pass away if they have worked hard their entire life and are ultimately still suspected by the organization. There isn't much time left for them.

After lengthy discussion, the two came to an understanding; ultimately, they decided to have faith in Zhang Jue. The explanation is actually quite straightforward: they can't let go because there are so many people beneath them that their own death is insufficient.

They spent their entire lives fighting and dying for the Foundation and humanity, and they toiled arduously without reward.

The two men later ran into Zhang Jue again after lunch. Kenneth was the first to open the door since he had more interaction with Zhang Jue.

"We've talked about it, and now that we have everyone's attention. Advisor Zhang, there is one requirement."

Smith was acting as a guard and was standing behind Zhang Jue while he crossed his legs and played Call of Duty on a PS4. He glanced at the two men in the midst of his busy schedule and found it humorous to observe their solemn expressions.

"I can't guarantee that I will be able to do that, but I notice that you guys appear to be trying to force the palace. Whatever the conditions, just say it."

Kenneth swallowed his saliva and added, "I have spoken with Strang, if you can genuinely free us all, the two of our lives are yours, but they are still MTF and must return to the Foundation."

Zhang Jue was rather surprised by what Kenneth stated. He set the gaming console down and turned to face Kenneth.

"That's what you two discussed about?"

"Yes!" said Strang as he moved forward. "Advisor Zhang, I know it might be a bit much, but this is our final bottom line, after twelve o'clock at night, as long as you send our players to a safe place, we both listen to you in the future. But those players, some of them are still very young, I hope you can spare them."

Finally understanding what the two of them were saying at this point in the dialogue, Zhang Jue inquired with a smile, "You'll all follow my lead? Even if I instruct you to burglarize houses and assault upright women?"

"Yes!" Kenneth gave a firm head nod.

Before they arrived at Zhang Jue, it appeared like the two of them had already completed the mental building.

"Seriously?" Zhang Jue's smile vanished at the sight of Kenneth's brave expression and he wanted to rise and kick him.

"Do you two have trash in your heads, I questioned. Your lives are not needed by me for shit! And everyone, pay attention to me! You guys have to rob houses and assault women for me. I can' care less! I'm telling you, it was your service to humanity that allowed me to save you! You believe the two MTFs to be so potent? I'm sorry, but I honestly don't care!"

Kenneth and Strang were reprimanded by Zhang Jue, who also sprayed them with resentment. They didn't even dare attempt to brush Zhang Jue's fury away when they saw it. They were aware that they had misunderstood Zhang Jue's meaning at the same time.

When Zhang Jue declared he wanted to save them, he genuinely merely wanted to save them without any other stipulations. He reprimanded Zhang Jue and then sulked on the couch.

Why did he have a traitor's face? Was being good really so difficult? As a result of his rage, neither Kenneth nor the two of them dared to talk or leave. To assess the situation, Smith, who had been standing behind Zhang Jue, moved forward.

"You two badly misread Advisor Zhang, in my opinion, so just apologize to him. Advisor Zhang is normally a bit cynical, but he is not the kind of guy you assume. He will say it straight out and won't beat around the bush."

Zhang Jue interrupted him before he could finish, saying, "Apologize for nothing, no need!"

As a result of their confusion, Kenneth and Strang arched their palms in his direction and said, "Advisor Zhang is generous, so don't bother with us."

Zhang Jue hugged his shoulders and looked at them coldly. The two men looked at each other, embarrassed to the extreme. They were good at fighting, but when it came to talking, ten of them were no match for half of Zhang Jue.

Finally, it was Zhang Jue who waved his hand impatiently, "All right, all right. Get out of here, I'm tired of looking at you!"

The two were tempted to leave after hearing Zhang Jue's remarks, but their professional obligations forced them to remain and confirm the subsequent course of action. |What should we do next, Advisor Zhang?"

What should we do?

Zhang Jue looked up towards the sky. Twelve more hours remained till midnight.

"Now is the time to eat, drink, and wait."

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