I’m in Marvel, My Wife Is Godking Hela

Chapter 13: Showdown

Chapter 13: Showdown

When Ye Bai crossed to this Marvel world, he knew that this world was essentially a dark world.

No one could trust anyone, even superheroes.

But Ye Bai still didn't expect that Professor-X, the famous and well-renowned professor, would actually do such a thing in public.

Mutants had the current social situation. Most people really did not like them. Mutants themselves had a lot of problems.

By relying on the superpowers brought by the X-gene. It was normal for mutants to consider themselves superior to ordinary humans. After that they expand to do excessive things.

This could be seen from Professor-X.

Even Professor-X, who was very well-renowned, was like this. Hence, other mutants behaviour could be imagined.

And there was a saying, if someone was a politician, after knowing such a powerful group of mutants, shouldnt he try to master it first?

A terrible weapon. The first thing you thought about was how to master it. If you couldn't master it, you would consider destroying it.

Where was a fool who would be hostile to mutants from the beginning?

Wasnt todays situation made by the mutants themselves? It was their arrogant pretentiousness that led to today's situation.

To put it bluntly, the mutants deserved it. It was they who played themselves as they were now.

There was no need to deny that some mutants were victims and innocent. But among these innocent mutants, Professor-X was absolutely not included.

Originally, Ye Bai was still hoping to become a friend. So that he could later ask Professor-X to help deal with the trouble caused by some mutants.

After this incident, a ghost would make a friend.

In the future, if there were mutants who dared to provoke him. He would kill them directly. Ye Bai would never keep them alive.

If it wasn't for the crowd here, Ye Bai would not let Professor-X go.

Daring to covet the secrets of his heart. Death was not a pity.

Looking at the furious Ye Bai, Professor-X's embarrassment froze on his face.

He really didn't want the situation to become like this.

Who would have thought that this kind of thing would happen just by trying to read Ye Bai's memory?

But the grievances had been made. Even if Professor-X was willing to undo his mistake, he could only find a way to save the situation.

Of course, there was another way, and that was to let Ye Bai die.

As long as Ye Bai died, this kind of grievance would naturally disappear.

With this plan, in the end Professor-X still didn't say anything. He just watched as Ye Bai walked into the crowd.

He was supposed to give Ye Bai important news, but he couldn't say it at this time.

"Professor, are you doing this too much?"

Behind Professor-X, Jean Grey frowned.

Professor-Xs previous action couldnt be seen by Jean.

"It is somewhat inappropriate, but it was also necessary."

"Mr. Ye Bai is one of the objects in my heart that I hope to cooperate with. I wanted to understand his true thoughts on the group of mutants."

"I didn't want to make things like this."

Professor-X sighed and said that his plan for today was messed up.

Originally, Professor-X planned to leave a good impression on Ye Bai first, and then confirm Ye Bai's true thoughts on the mutant group.

If he was qualified, then Professor-X would tell Ye Bai that he had recently been spotted by Magneto's Mutant group Brotherhood.

It would be better if Ye Bai was at a loss and panicked. So that Professor-X could appear as a savior and tell Ye Bai that he could settle Magneto and the Brotherhood.

Then succeeded in occupying a heavy weight in Ye Bai's heart.

At that time, Ye Bai's wealth and his huge social reputation would become a great help for mutants.

What a pity. No matter how good the plan was, something went wrong in the end.

If Ye Bai knew what Professor-X was thinking in his heart, I'm afraid it would refresh his knowledge of the so-called superhero again.

But this was reasonable. After all, this was the real Marvel world.

The first contact with mutants was undoubtedly a failure.

Ye Bai was still brooding about Professor-X's affairs until now, without realizing that another mutant leader had targeted him.

Ye Bai at this time was talking to Tony Stark.

"Mr. Ye Bai, right, I have heard of you."

"Although I really don't want to admit it, I am indeed your loyal book fan. Can you sign a book for me later?"

Tony Stark had put away his arrogant look that he had in front of the public. Instead of an arrogant playboy, he looked like a fan, which surprised Ye Bai.

This was also normal. Tony Stark was a tech fanatic, but who said that tech fanatics didn't read novels?

And in a sense, Ye Bai and Tony Stark were still the same kind of people. Both of them were geniuses.

One was a genius in literature, and the other was a genius in technology.

The so-called hero cherished the hero, that's probably what it was.

"Of course, I have always been tolerant of book fans. Not to mention that your company's stock makes me a lot of money."

Ye Bai also smiled and clinked glasses with Tony. He didn't dislike Tony's kindness.

After all, Ye Bai's wealth was in Stark Industries, and he was waiting for Tony to give him more dividends in the future.

And making friends with good people was a pleasant thing by itself.

After a few more conversations, the two parties exchanged phone numbers with each other and agreed to come out to play together when they had time.

Then, Tony chased a pretty girl and left in front of Ye Bai.

Ye Bai looked at the watch on his wrist and found that it was late, so he planned to leave.

Only at this time, the Maomei Natasha who he had met once appeared in front of Ye Bai.

"Great writer, we meet again. Can I buy you a drink?"

Natasha showed a charming smile, and at the same time naturally pulled down her collar, revealing a lot of white scenery.

This temptation was absolutely fatal to ordinary people, but it had no effect on Ye Bai.

On the contrary, Ye Bai was very disgusted.

He originally planned to play with S.H.I.E.L.D., but now he had completely lost patience and planned to have a showdown completely.

"Miss Natasha, put away your tricks."

"Also tell S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau behind you, don't try any more tricks, otherwise I can't guarantee that I will not do something radical."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Natasha's cold face, he turned and left the banquet.

For Natasha's two "random encounters", Ye Bai would be a fool if he didn't understand it anymore.

Nick Fury, the black-hearted boiled egg, obviously wanted to play beauty tricks with Ye Bai.

Ye Bai, of course, couldn't be caught, but Hela was hard to say. If it reached Helas ears and got misunderstood, that was the real trouble.

In order to put an end to this situation, Ye Bai didn't even have the idea of talking with Natasha. He turned around and left.

He was not so hungry and thirsty that he won't be able to walk unless he sees a woman. If there was a wife like Hela in the family. Would you still like a woman like Natasha?

Watching Ye Bai leave without showing any face, Natasha was really upset, wondering if her charm had disappeared.

But this was good, she was fed up with selling meat in order to get close to her goal.

Natasha did appreciate Ye Bai, but she only appreciated Ye Bai's loyalty to Hela.

Actually, Ye Bai was not her food either.

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