I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C20 Lightsaber (1/2)

C20 Lightsaber (1/2)

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 11 chapters ahead!



The next day…

The early dawn light filtered through the windows of the Jedi Temple, casting long shadows on the faces of Peter, Aayla, and their fellow examinees as they boarded the ship bound for Illum.

The excitement and nervous anticipation were palpable among the group, each initiate carrying their own thoughts and questions about the upcoming test known only as "The Gathering."

Yoda, leading the group, remained silent about what awaited them on Illum, unwilling to give a single hint on the matter.

This silence only fueled the curiosity within Peter, who, despite his knowledge of Star Wars lore, found Illum to be a mystery. His memories of Earth and his life before provided no clarity, only some recollection of scenes from the movies that hinted at Illum being planet, which wasn't helpful at all.

The journey through space was a quiet one, with many of the younglings lost in their own thoughts or attempting to meditate.

Peter's attention, however, was soon captured by the presence of two individuals near Yoda: Yaddle and her 20 year old Padawan, Shaak Ti. The latter, a Togruta woman with striking orange skin and an aura of calm confidence, drew Peter's gaze like a moth to flame.

[Insert picture of Shaak Ti here]

His eyes roamed over her, admiration and pre-teen hormones mixing in a way that left him momentarily forgetful of his surroundings as he ogled her body. Before he even knew what happened, his eyes were drawn to her thick curves, her outfit particularly revealing…

Shaak Ti, sensing his stare, turned towards him, catching his eye. Peter, emboldened or perhaps reckless, offered a flirtatious wink, which was met with a small, flattered laugh before she averted her gaze, dismissing Peter as nothing more than a h*rny kid.

Peter, realizing what he had just done, felt a little embarrassed but that was quickly overshadowed by the thrill of it all. He couldn't help but continue to steal glances in Shaak Ti's direction, each look a mixture of admiration and a burgeoning awareness of his own hormones, which he attributed to the confusing maze of adolescent puberty.

Aayla, seated beside Peter, observed his distracted state. Her gaze followed his, landing on Shaak Ti, confusion marred her features as she attempted to understand what was happening, the whole scenario seeming so alien to her.

'Why is he looking at her like that…?' She wondered, amused by the dumb look on his face.



After what seemed like an eternity suspended in the bright tunnel of hyperspace travel, the ship finally slowed, returning to the inky darkness of space.

As the shipped exited hyperspace, suddenly, a collective gasp filled the cabin as the viewports illuminated with the breathtaking sight of Illum. The planet, shrouded in an unending blanket of snow and ice, shone like a jewel against the darkness of space, its pristine white surface reflecting the distant sun's light.

For a moment, the excitement of seeing such a sight caused the children on board to forget about the upcoming test. Like a tide, they surged toward the windows, eager eyes wide with wonder. Even Aayla excitedly rushed over as she dragged Peter through the crowd for a better view.

Catching a glimpse of the planet, Peter couldn't help but let out a low whistle. "Wow, it's beautiful," he murmured in admiration. The planet's serene beauty, with its endless snowfields sparkling under the suns glow, was mesmerizing.

As the awe-inspiring moment held everyone's rapt attention, a familiar voice, wise and with an undertone of warmth, broke the silence. "Welcome. Arrived, we have. Illum, this is," Yoda announced, his gaze sweeping over the group of prospective Padawans.


The frigid air of Illum greeted Peter and the assembly of young Force-sensitives as they disembarked from their vessel, following closely behind Yoda, Yaddle, and Shaak Ti.

The icy wind bit through their clothing, a harsh welcome to the sacred Jedi temple that stood as a solitary beacon amidst the endless expanse of snow and ice. Despite the cold, Peter couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement coursing through him, a feeling mirrored in the wide eyes and eager expressions of the children around him.

Once inside the temple, the chill was quickly forgotten as Yoda began to speak. "Gathered here, we are, for a tradition as old as the Jedi, hmm. The Gathering, this is." His gaze swept over the group, pausing on Peter for a moment. "Alone, you must venture into the caves of Illum. A kyber crystal, you will find, attuned to you, hmm. This crystal, for your lightsaber it will be."

At the mention of lightsabers, a wave of excitement washed over the children, their previous discomfort forgotten. Even Peter felt his heart racing at the thought of wielding his own lightsaber, an energy sword like no other, and one of the coolest weapons in fiction.

Yoda continued, delving into the lore of the kyber crystal and the lightsaber. "Long ago, vied for the galaxy's soul, the Sith and Jedi did. At the heart of unimaginable weapons of power, kyber crystals were."

Yaddle then took the floor, her voice carrying a soothing yet authoritative tone. "Kyber crystals are gems of rare ability, focusing and amplifying energy. Found on planets rich in Force energy, like the one you now stand on."

"Clear they start, but align with the Force, they do, changing color to reflect their master's nature." Yoda continued where she left off.

Shaak Ti, graceful and poised, stepped forward to demonstrate, her lightsaber disassembling in mid-air for all to see. "Energy flows through the crystal, through you. Your lightsaber is not merely a blade but a current of power," she explained, showing each piece that made her saber "A lightsaber is simply a power cell, casing, focusing lens, emitter, and the kyber crystal at its heart."

Yoda nodded sagely as he turned to the assembly. "A symbol, the lightsaber is," he began, his eyes locking with Peter's. "Of a Jedi's connection to the Force, it speaks. A focus for our discipline, for our commitment, it serves. Remember this, you must."

Yaddle's voice followed after him once again. "Seek not power, but to stand against the dark. Our choice of weapon, the lightsaber, reflects this. It is a symbol of our intention, training, and precision. A reminder that, though we wield great power and could cause untold destruction, we choose not to. The lightsaber speaks of our role not as destroyers but as protectors."

The children listened, captivated by the philosophy behind the Jedi's chosen weapon. It was clear to them that the lightsaber was more than just a tool of combat; it was a declaration of the Jedi's principles, a commitment to peace and justice, wielded with intention and restraint.

On the other hand, Peter felt a bit differently. 'It's a laser sword. Just say what it is… a weapon.' He thought, mentally rolling his eyes.

Peter felt like they were just trying to justify why they needed a lightsaber, making up some convoluted, flowery worded reasons that satisfied their Jedi sensibilities.

After all, they could still be Jedi without the lightsabers, but at the end of the day, they just want a bada•s energy sword, which Peter could definitely relate to. He just won't waste his time making up all sorts of bullsh•t reason to convince himself that it's okay.

'Whatever, they can tell themselves whatever they want…' Peter shrugged uncaringly.


The next day, Peter, Aayla, and their fellow Padawan's to be, stood before a huge frozen waterfall outside the Jedi Temple. They had spent almost 12 hours simply getting to Illum yesterday, so they ended up getting a good nights sleep before the final test would begin.

As the sun's rays pierced the early morning sky above the Temple, a dazzling spectacle unfolded. A beam of light, guided through a gap in the temple's highest tower, struck a colossal kyber crystal, which focused and amplified the suns energy onto the frozen waterfall that guarded the entrance to the Crystal Caves.

And moments later, the ice began to melt, revealing the path to the heart of the caves.

Peter watched in awe. This was it—the beginning of their true test, a rite of passage that every Jedi must go through to claim their kyber crystal. And to get his energy sword!

'I hope I get a cool color…' He thought, eager to get in there and find his crystal already. 'Truthfully, I'll take anything but green.'

"Remember," Yoda's voice echoed, "Quickly find your crystal, you must, for wait, the waterfall will not."

Hearing Yoda's reminder, Peter noticed that the waterfall kept trying to flow and freeze over again, but the beam of sunlights from the tower was keeping it melted, allowing them to get in and out.

'That won't last more than an hour…' Peter guessed, knowing he won't have much time, though he doubted Yoda was telling the whole truth. 'There's no way he'd leave us trapped in there…'

Telling himself that, that wouldn't happen, Peter suddenly felt something tugging at his robes. Turning, he saw a nervous and frightened Aayla, staring into the open cave, subconsciously grasping his clothes for comfort.

"It's going to be alright." Peter reached over and pulled her into a one armed side hug, breaking Aayla from her frightened state. "We're going to go in there, overcome whatever's waiting for us, and find our crystals, got it?"

Feeling all of her nerves and fears easing up, Aayla smiled up at Peter, "Okay, we can do this. I can do this!"

Yoda smiled as he watched the scene unfold, proud of his Bear Clan members.

"Good, now let's get in there." Peter was the first to walk into the cave, Aayla following shortly after him. 'I can't wait to make my lightsaber!'

One by one, they descended into the catacombs, the caverns swallowing their figures whole. The group was encouraged to make haste, for as Yoda had warned, the passage would soon be sealed once more by ice.

The labyrinthine tunnels of the Crystal Caves were unlike anything Peter had ever seen. The walls, covered in shining crystals, thrummed with an energy that seemed alive, almost breathing.

After walking for a minutes on end, Peter met yet another dead end, the cave seemingly playing tricks on him. "This is starting to get annoying…"

As he was muttering to himself, suddenly, the cavern's tranquility was shattered by a sensation that made Peter's spine tingle. It was as if the cave's very air thickened, the temperature dropping a few more degrees.

Out of nowhere, a shadow, vast and imposing, stretched along the icy floor, enveloping him. Peter's heart pounded in his chest as he slowly turned around, half expecting to face some alien ice creature.

But instead, standing there, bathed in the dim glow of the cave's crystals, was a figure so unexpected, it made Peter recoil backwards. "?!"

Before him stood a grey-haired man with a full beard, his features sharp and commanding, his blue eyes piercing through the cave with an intensity that felt almost tangible.

[Insert picture of Ego here]

"Peter…" Ego began, his voice vibrating through the very walls of the cavern. "I've been looking everywhere for you, son."

A/N: 1900 words :)🚨🚨

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