I’m the City Lord of the Last Days

Chapter 36:

In fact, He Qianshan had already had a clear idea, but he never found the right opportunity.

The accidental discovery of Fang Miaozhu, who only had one energy bead, provided this opportunity. He Qianshan took this opportunity to directly point it out and asked everyone to carry an energy bead with them for the experiment.

Fang Miaozhu was the most surprised among the people present. She thought she was the only experimental subject, but now that she saw it, well, it turned out that everyone was the experimental subject together? Instantly more relaxed.

The expressions of the old members of the team did not change. After all, they had long discovered that the boss had an unusual interest in energy beads, and it was not that they had not hinted that they should carry them with them. It is not surprising that they suddenly gave an order now.

Although the new team members were surprised, they had no choice but to follow suit when they saw that the others had put an energy bead into their pockets in a natural manner.

Everyone in the team that goes out to collect supplies has the opportunity to obtain energy beads, more or less, one can always be taken out.

Those who stayed behind in the villa, such as the housekeeper, had no chance to collect energy beads, and He Qianshan gave one directly to them.

As for Zhang Chenming and Gu Siyue, who were not within the scope of He Qianshan's order, they just felt that the scene was too baffling. Seeing that He Qianshan wanted to drag them into the water, they quickly waved their hands and refused, thank you for not being sensitive.

After the announcement, the action officially started in the afternoon. There were more Gu Siyues on the outing team, but Zhang Chenming did not go.

Zhang Chenming was originally planning to act together. After all, if he wanted to rescue his parents across counties, he had to become stronger as soon as possible.

But Zhang Chenming suddenly thought that if he went out with He Qianshan, he probably wouldn't be able to recruit a younger brother, so the witty Zhang Chenming decided to stay in the villa area by himself, and was going to look for anyone in the villa area who was willing to reward him for material rewards. Escort his survivors.

So in the leading off-road vehicle, the person in the back row became Gu Siyue.

When the convoy passed by the Xinghu Lake, they really noticed that there was a long string of buildings.

Song Xingcheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the building had been completed.

He Qianshan noticed the newly built lumber yard and stone quarry, but what attracted his attention most was the newly built warehouse, and immediately asked Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao to drive a truck back to the manor, and take up the quota for the new warehouse first.

Along with Han Qinmin were Liu Shan, Lin Yu, Lan Yuxin, and Zou Yue. They thought that all the jobs for recruiting had been snatched up in the morning, but they didn't expect to be recruited again in the afternoon.

With a new one, they quickly grabbed a building each, preparing to earn another reward.

Coupled with the survivors who had been watching the excitement around the buildings by the lake and a few survivors who came one after another, soon, all 10 new buildings were filled with applicants, and Song Xingcheng was very happy to see it.

Han Qinmin and Zheng Nianhao drove an unsorted truck. In fact, the few people staying at the manor now no longer need to carry supplies to the garage, but need to pack the same supplies into a big box or bag. Packaged and packaged, convenient and reasonable use of the storage quota of [Warehouse].

However, He Qianshan has no time to plan the use of the warehouse right now, and the unorganized materials in the truck can take up more quota.

He Qianshan's actions stunned some of the survivors who noticed. They were not only surprised by the abundance of supplies in He Qianshan's hands, but also surprised that he actually stored these supplies in a place other than the He Family Manor. Aren't they afraid of being robbed by others?

When He Qianshan and his group were unloading, team members with guns on their backs were standing around. The other survivors didn't dare to approach them, and they didn't know too well. When He Qianshan and his group left, many people immediately surrounded the warehouse. Then Song Xingcheng kept receiving prompts:

[Someone is attacking the warehouse, is it blacklisted? 】

Song Xingcheng hesitated for a moment, but chose No first, and then re-edited the announcement of the warehouse.

So the survivors who were trying their best to enter the warehouse found that the notice on the warehouse door became:

[Level 1 Warehouse: Provide 2000 units of material storage space, which can extend the shelf life of materials.

Rent: 1 energy bead/1 day; 20 energy beads/1 month; 150 energy beads/1 year.

Special reminder: Those who attack warehouses and other builders will be blacklisted in the city and cannot spend in the city in the future. 】

The wording of the last special reminder is soft and does not seem to have any deterrent effect at all, but the sudden appearance of this sentence surprised everyone. After all, it means that the people who built the warehouse are probably watching them doing it. What.

All of a sudden, many people became jealous and stopped their destructive actions. But there are still four people who don't believe in evil and desperately want to destroy the warehouse. However, the warehouse, which looks like a wooden structure, is extremely strong. It hasn't been cut or burned.

The five people who were busy wreaking havoc under the watchful eyes of other people didn't know that Song Xingcheng, who was sitting in the car on the other side, saw the pop-up prompt on the system panel whether to block or not, and they all chose "Yes".

I have been busy for a long time, but there is no progress, even a piece of the warehouse door

They didn't even pry open the seams, and the four of them, who had exhausted themselves to death, finally gave up. They had to admit that even though He Qianshan had some tricks, he didn't know how he thought of it, but he would even think of putting the supplies in here, absolutely!

Among the four people was a middle-aged man with a big belly who had previously snatched a job in two newly built lumber yards. He wiped the sweat from his head, cursed bitterly, and was about to return to the lumber yard to continue. Cut down a tree so you can get paid tomorrow.

But to Big Belly's surprise, he can't enter the lumberyard anymore? !

Someone noticed that the expression and movements of the big belly were not quite right, and when they turned their eyes, they thought of something, and ran over quickly, rushed directly into the lumber yard that the big belly could not enter, and successfully grabbed the ax in the tool shop. He took an ax and chopped down a tree, finally convinced that the job was now his.

The other people on the sidelines realized that this big belly must be remembered for destroying the warehouse, so the jobs in the two lumber yards he had previously grabbed were taken back.

After reacting, the other three survivors hurriedly rushed to another lumber yard that belonged to Big Belly. In the end, the fastest one ran into the tool shop and got the axe. The other two who were a few steps behind The individual hit the invisible and transparent barrier head-on, was recoiled violently, and could only stand far away regretfully and regrettably.

The big belly of the two lumberyards who got it and lost it was anxious and panicked, and quarreled with two survivors who took his job.

Those two were not afraid at all, they didn't **** the job by improper means, it was obvious that Big Belly did it himself, so while chopping trees with an ax, they quarreled with Big Belly unceremoniously stand up.

Resolutely blocked the troublemaker, Song Xingcheng, who was finally clean, turned off the panel, as if nothing had happened.

Half an hour later, the off-road vehicle drove to the door of the target Gujia pharmacy. Gu Siyue just took a look, and her expression immediately became ugly, because the glass door of the pharmacy had been completely smashed, and she could vaguely see the mess inside the store.

Not to mention how many medicines can be left behind, just those medicines that were discarded and wasted at will are enough to make Gu Siyue feel distressed. I couldn't help feeling more and more regretful, if I had agreed to He Qianshan's cooperation plan to collect supplies yesterday, maybe I could have rescued more medicines.

He Qianshan's expression was very calm. After all, he set his sights on the pharmacy on the first day of the end of the world. If he wanted to come, others would know the value of the pharmacy, so he had thought about various situations before coming, and now it's just one of his guesses coming true. That's all.

The good news is not without, this drug

The location of the store is relatively remote, and there are no zombies wandering around. Occasionally, a few zombies are also locked in the nearby store.

It's just that before stepping into the pharmacy, everyone smelled some strange smells. After walking through the broken glass door and entering the pharmacy, He Qianshan's pupils shrank, and Song Xingcheng flashed to He Qianshan. Behind Qian Shan, Gu Siyue screamed out on the spot and quickly covered her mouth.

Behind the counter of the pharmacy, a clerk fell to the ground. The point is, she is still human, with a dagger stuck in her chest.

Obviously, the clerk died at the hands of humans, not the zombies.

Everyone fell silent immediately, no one expected to see such a scene.

Song Xingcheng lowered his head, his expression was gloomy, and what he saw and heard kept reminding him that human beings were more cruel and ruthless than he thought.

He Qianshan looked at Gu Siyue and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Gu Siyue shook her head blankly. She, who has always been called a strong woman, has a blank mind at this moment, and she has no idea at all. How could there be a murder? It must be reported to the police... But there is no public security, yes, how to deal with it?

He Qianshan signaled his team members to start collecting the remaining medicines. The boxed medicines don't care about the ingredients and effects, and put them all in the storage box.

What's more troublesome is that the medicinal materials of ancient medicine need to be put into separate sealed bags and stored separately.

Soon, Zhao Zhenhai walked to the warehouse behind the pharmacy, but at the warehouse gate, he saw another clerk who fell to the ground. He was hit in the vest by a blow, and he fell face down on the ground. The corridor was covered with blood. , making people have nowhere to go.

Gu Siyue had no choice but to find a stack of promotional posters in the store and spread them on the floor to cover up the blood. She felt a headache. She had memories of these clerks. She never thought that they would end up like this in the end, and it was probably because they were pharmacy clerks...

The warehouse had obviously been rummaged and collected, and everyone silently moved all the remaining medicines to the truck. All medicines are roughly divided into two parts and packed into two trucks.

The area of ​​this pharmacy is not small, but apart from the ancient medicinal materials that most people don't know how to use, there are not many other medicines left.

He Qianshan and Han Qinmin were looking carefully at the traces left by the two clerks who died. According to their rough judgment, the clerk had been dead for a long time, probably yesterday or even the day before yesterday.

The two carefully extracted some traces, such as the murderous dagger, such as the traces left between the fingers of the clerk during the struggle.

The cloth under it...all sealed and packed, although the hope is very slim, but in case the murderer can be found.

Finally, they pried open the floor tiles on the sidewalk in front of the pharmacy, dug two holes, and buried the two shop assistants in them. At least buried in the ground is safe, if they continue to be left like this, their bodies may become food for zombies.

At this time, everyone also wanted to understand the reason for the relatively small number of zombies on this street. The individual or team who committed the murder should be strong enough to clean up all the surrounding zombies. By accident, at least the two shop assistants were kept intact. He Qianshan and Gu Siyue and his party.

"Mr. He, can we adjust our plan?"

Gu Siyue's eyes were red, her expression was stiff, and she carefully discussed with He Qianshan.

The original plan was to visit a pharmaceutical factory in the suburbs next, but now Gu Siyue wants to visit several other stores first.

He Qianshan nodded in agreement. He took out the map and planned a new route with Zheng Nianhao on the spot.

The six pharmacies of the Gu family are spread all over the county. To be honest, the most difficult thing to see all of them is to clear the way.

However, if the medicines are collected, they will not be able to exert the greatest effect without a doctor, especially ancient medicinal materials, which are basically useless without a doctor's prescription. Therefore, the plan to collect medicines is based on the doctor's opinion. Gu Siyue said that he wanted to visit several other pharmacies first, and He Qianshan decided to cooperate.

After planning a new route, the off-road vehicle still takes the lead, followed by five trucks behind and set off on the road together.

The situation of the second pharmacy I found was much better, because the shutters of the door and window of the pharmacy were all closed.

Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan cleaned up the scattered zombies on the street. Gu Siyue had already opened the rolling gate with a key, and saw the two surviving shop assistants who were sitting and chatting in the shop looking over in surprise. Immediately, they were happy and relieved Gu Siyue was about to open the door and go in to say hello, when she saw a zombie wearing a clerk's uniform tied to a bench at the entrance of the store for customers to rest...

Gu Siyue's movements and expressions froze in place, and the young female shop assistant rushed up, opened the door from the inside, and greeted excitedly: "Mr. Gu! You are here! Are you here to save us?"

Then I noticed that Gu Siyue had been looking at the zombies on the bench. The female clerk pointed to the struggling zombies who were tied to the bench, and said embarrassedly, "Xiaoli is a bit irritable, we have to let her be quiet."

"Oh, that's right, it's really too irritable, it's good, it's good."

Gu Siyue finally recovered her voice, and looked at her hand again.

The eyes of the two clerks below are different. They were able to lock the door of the store decisively at the beginning of the end of the world, and even subdue the companion who turned into a zombie, and finally survived for three days. It is really not easy ah!

Song Xingcheng also thought so. The two shop assistants were a young woman and a middle-aged man.

The pharmacy basically remained intact. With the help of two clerks, all the medicines were sorted, packaged and packed in two trucks and taken away.

As for the zombies who were tied to the bench and were so excited because they smelled a lot of fresh meat, they were always tied to the bench. Everyone will subconsciously bypass it when passing by, so that it smells so bad that it can't eat.

Not only that, but when it was time to leave, the clerk closed the store door and the rolling gate again.

Song Xingcheng couldn't help but think deeply. I don't know if it's the survivors who wanted to grab the medicine and worked hard to pry open the shutter door only to find that it was empty, or the zombies who were **** and couldn't get out might starve to death in the shop. Woolen cloth?

The convoy not only took away the medicine, but also took away the two shop assistants. The young female shop assistant said that she was single and her relatives were not in Mian'an County, so she was willing to follow them directly.

Another older man was actually a doctor stationed in a pharmacy, and his home was nearby. He expressed his desire to go home and take a look, and He Qianshan was going to take him home.

When approaching the community, everyone found a courier point, so the others stayed to collect various storage boxes, sealed bags and other materials in the courier point. He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng drove the off-road vehicle to send the doctor home.

The doctor's name is Zhao Wende, he is an ancient disciple, and he will go to the ancient pharmacy for consultation on weekends, and his family lives in a community two blocks away from the pharmacy.

When it was delivered to the gate of the community, Zhao Wende became anxious when he saw the zombies roaming around in the community. Before he could ask, Song Xingcheng got out of the car and killed three zombies one after another.

Then he manually lifted the railing at the gate, and the off-road vehicle drove in, taking Zhao Wende all the way to the door of his house.

Zhao Wende has a wife, a son and a daughter-in-law who live in the upper and lower houses of the same building. The good news is that the son and daughter-in-law are still alive, but the bad news is that his wife has turned into a zombie.

Zhao Wende opened the door of his house and took a look, before the zombies who heard the sound moved over, he closed the door.

After being dazed for a moment, Zhao Wende took the initiative to ask Song Xingcheng, "Can you help me, I want to keep her ashes."

Zhao Wende noticed earlier that the zombies killed by Song Xingcheng would slow down

Dissipates slowly, leaving transparent ashes crystals in place.

Song Xingcheng pursed her lips and repeated: "Are you sure?"

Seeing people nodding, Song Xingcheng dealt with the zombies in the room. Zhao Wende expressed his willingness to take his son and daughter-in-law with them. Zhao Wende's son and daughter-in-law are both young doctors. He Qianshan naturally agreed and waited for them to clean up quickly with Song Xingcheng took away valuables and left the house.

He Qianshan also reminded Zhao Wende that his wife's energy beads should be sealed and stored, and then gave him an energy bead for him to carry with him.

There is also a priority order for energy beads to spill energy. Energy beads that are stored in the pocket and are not sealed are naturally given priority to spill.

Although Zhao Wende didn't know what it meant, he still thanked him earnestly, and then followed He Qianshan's reminder to do it.

A car of people joined the large army. Seeing Zhao Wende's family in a state of despair, the others naturally realized what might have happened, but no one asked more, and even their expressions didn't change much. Tragic, forced to get used to it.

The convoy set off towards the location of the third pharmacy.

The third pharmacy is located at the intersection of the North City District and the Central City District of Mian'an County. The surrounding environment is obviously more prosperous, and there are more zombies on the road. Correspondingly, the road conditions became more complicated, and everyone had to stop and clear various obstacles before moving on.

Finally arrived at the third pharmacy. There were dozens of zombies outside the pharmacy. The door was wide open, but the inside of the store was not very chaotic.

Probably when the sudden change occurred, everyone who could run ran away, and there were too many zombies here. In the past two days, no survivors could break through the zombies and enter the pharmacy.

This time, in order for other people to collect medicines smoothly, Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan were responsible for cleaning up the zombies that came from the surrounding area in addition to dealing with the zombies outside the store. Cleaned up, and the upper right corner of Song Xingcheng's system also changed to 133.

Hearing the constant gunshots, everyone couldn't help speeding up their actions. Of course they were nervous, but they weren't panicking. To be honest, they would only panic if the gunfire really stopped.

After collecting all the medicines, everyone quickly got into the car and left.

Next, I planned to go to the fourth pharmacy, but the fourth pharmacy of the Gu family was located in the bustling downtown area, and I couldn't get close to it.

The closer to the center of the city, the worse the road conditions. Dozens of vehicles trying to escape from the center collided with each other, blocking the road for hundreds of meters.

Clearing up obstacles is a no-brainer, just change the strip

However, the situation is still the same. The roadblocks of tens of meters firmly block the vehicles that want to approach. Unless it is impossible, there is no way to reach the fourth store.

Seeing this, Gu Siyue directly gave up.

He Qianshan assessed the road conditions and gave up, so the convoy turned around and prepared to detour to the fifth and sixth stores located in Nancheng District, Mian'an County from the slightly unobstructed road on the outside.

Before leaving, many people looked back at the road behind them subconsciously. They were just so scary at the edge of the central city, and the situation in the central city...did not dare to think about it.

After spending nearly an hour on the road, I finally arrived at the fifth pharmacy of the Gu family at four o'clock in the afternoon, but only saw the charred ruins left on the spot.

Including the ancient pharmacy, a row of five or six shops around them were all burned into ruins. Fortunately, these shops were not connected to the residential buildings behind. The smoke was blackened, but somehow it was not burned along with it.

Gu Siyue let out a long sigh, only feeling physically and mentally exhausted, and collapsed in the back row of the off-road vehicle, not daring to look at the charred ruins any more.

The convoy had no choice but to continue on the journey. They searched two more courier points, and found a gas station with tank trucks. They filled the two tank trucks with fuel, one with diesel and the other with gasoline, and separated two people. As the driver, he directly drove away the two tank trucks.

The last pharmacy was not far away, and the arrival was smooth. It's just that the situation in the pharmacy is more complicated. There is a conflict in the store. A surviving clerk is in a stalemate with two groups of survivors who are trying to grab the medicine.

In fact, it was mainly two groups of survivors who were in a stalemate, and the surviving shop assistants shivered in the corner.

The two groups of survivors did not want to monopolize the pharmacy, but wanted to take away all of a certain type of drugs. Coincidentally, they needed the same type of drugs.

There are two groups of survivors, one is No. 7 and No. 8 young and middle-aged men, and the other side has both old, middle-aged and young people, and there are No. 12 and No. 3 people.

The two groups held all kinds of weapons in their hands, and because they were evenly matched, they were relatively restrained in their actions. If they didn't make a move, they couldn't restrain their words. They greeted each other's female elders closely.

The appearance of He Qianshan and his group made the situation change instantly. The number of people is not a problem. The biggest problem is, does this newly emerged fourth party actually have guns in their hands? How can one be tough when weapons are not on the same level?

"You robbed the Public Security Bureau?!"

A young man's question blurted out.

Looking at the eyes of other people, it is obvious that they think so too.

He Qianshan ignored it, glanced at the opposing forces, and waved his hands to signal them to leave the pharmacy.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-05-2023:09:40~2020-05-2123:09:11~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Feng Yiruzhi; 1 bottle of Shi Yi and Ting Zihe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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