I’m the City Lord of the Last Days

Chapter 52:

"Mr. Xiao He, what do you mean?"

The Wang family, who were still holding the microphone, asked everyone's aspirations in a cautious tone.

The neighbors stared at He Qianshan in amazement, and some even turned their bodies sideways, preparing to rush out in case of a conflict.

He Qianshan raised his hand to press down, motioned his team members to sit down, glanced at the neighbors at the scene, and explained slowly:

"Every sentence I say is literal, and you don't need to extend your interpretation.

In order to solve the potential safety hazards, I announce that I will be in charge of the Yamu villa area next. The first thing I will do is to conduct a thorough investigation of the existing people in the villa area. I hope to get everyone's full cooperation in the future. "

Unable to participate in the decision-making, but simply being notified of the result, the neighbors feel very aggrieved, and the expressions on their faces are not very good-looking.

He Qianshan asked in a strange tone: "Didn't you come to me first to ask me to give an explanation and ask me to be responsible? Now that I have really taken responsibility for the safety of the villa area, you can't be dissatisfied?"

Everyone's expression froze, it seems, it seems, it is true, but why is there always a fire in the bottom of my heart?

"Okay! I agree with Mr. Xiaohe's plan. My Wang family will try my best to cooperate, and I hope Mr. Xiaohe can give us a satisfactory answer."

The person in charge of the Wang family frowned and pondered for a moment, and expressed his opinion first. Several other families who had high hopes from everyone also expressed similar thoughts one after another.

If you don't agree, you can't do it, since He Qianshan has already controlled the situation. They are naive, thinking that they can overwhelm people with power when they gather together, but they ignore that the power before the end of the world can no longer be borrowed.

The reality is that within the scope of the Yamu villa area, no one can suppress the development of He Qianshan.

The leaders are subdued, and the others can only agree, even if they don't know what they are agreeing to.

He Qianshan received a satisfactory result and nodded to indicate that today's meeting can end.

The neighbors got up with ugly faces and prepared to leave the He Family Manor. This kind of mentality of the weak who can only hope that the superiors will formulate benevolent rules makes them very uncomfortable.

Before he had gone far, he smelled the aroma of food coming from behind him. He turned his head and saw that the members of the He family team were busy preparing for dinner.

Distraught by the scent, everyone lost the mood to gather together to discuss, and dispersed to go home. Only a few people who were close to each other continued to have a small meeting to discuss.

People close to the He family, such as Zhang Chenming, the Gu family, the Lu family and the Yang family, were invited to stay and have dinner together.

Together with the members of the new income team today, nearly a hundred people had a hearty dinner.

During dinner, Zhang Chenming chatted with He Qianshan about buying another batch of weapons from him. Zhang Chenming decided to leave for the next county tomorrow to try to rescue his parents.

Zhang Chenming has been running around for the past few days, mainly to train new recruits and try to recruit more subordinates.

Zhang Chenming, who had been cheated before, was very cautious in recruiting people this time. He specially selected six young people who were single and unattached from among those who were rescued by him and offered to follow him. After working together for a few days, they felt that It can be regarded as relying on, so I decided to set off.

Not only that, at the dinner, in front of many people, Zhang Chenming promised that as long as he can return safely, he will give a large amount of supplies to his subordinates. The supplies are now stored here with He Qianshan, and He Qianshan is invited to be a witness.

He Qianshan nodded affirmatively, Zhang Chen made it clear that he had stored a large amount of supplies here.

He Qianshan did not stop Zhang Chenming's rescue plan, and even offered a lot of suggestions. After all, he was always running around in the novel.

Zhang Chenming did not drink but his eyes were red. He lowered his head and rubbed his sleeves to cover up, and said to He Qianshan in a low voice: "He Qianshan, after leading the team myself, I realized that the team is not easy to lead. I feel sorry for you." I am convinced! Thank you for taking care of me a lot, if I can still come, I will definitely continue to follow you!"

He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng raised the juice in their hands and had a drink with Zhang Chenming, wishing him: "Have a safe journey and return safely!"

Those who are interested noticed that ever since the Lu family and the Yang family sent their young children to follow He Qianshan, even their family members were in high spirits, as if they had not suffered the suffering of the end times, they couldn't help but feel shaken in their hearts. Now that I'm older, why don't I give in early and send the child over to help?

Regardless of what the neighbors thought, an hour later, members of the He family team were scattered throughout the Yamu villa area, and began to investigate the existing survivors in the villa area.

The owners of the villa area were notified in advance, and they were prepared in their hearts. Although they were not happy with the members of the He family who came to register their information, they could barely cooperate with the work by looking at the weapons they wore.

In the end, the members of the He Family asked them to show their personal identification cards issued by the City Lord's Mansion by the Xinghu Lake?

What does it mean?

"Not good intentions

Si, because some outsiders lost their ID cards and couldn't provide other ID cards, so we had to ask them to provide the ID cards of the City Lord's Mansion. In order to unify the statistical caliber, everyone is simply required to show their ID cards. If you don’t have one, you can go to register now, it’s very convenient, it only takes a few minutes. "

Faced with the confusion of the owners, the young team members politely explained the reasons and said that they would go to the next one to check first, and then come to the statistics.

The owners of the villa area don't care if they have visited the buildings by the Xinghu Lake in person, but they know a lot about it.

We are all neighbors who have known each other for many years, and recently they were all trapped in the villa area. With nothing to do, news of something spread very quickly. Not to mention that many owners have already discovered the strange buildings by the Xinghu Lake, and they have all gone to the lake to check it out, so everyone is no stranger to ID cards.

It's just that many people didn't act rashly and kept watching. Now that it's over, they have to register as urban residents.

The city lord's mansion was extremely lively, not only the owners of the villa area, but also the foreign survivors who had just entered the villa area gathered outside the city lord's mansion to wait in line for registration.

Some survivors who were just released today haven’t figured out what’s going on, but they can clearly see the weapons on the people who came to inquire about the information. Home", how dare to refuse.

What some survivors didn't expect was that after they successfully obtained their identity cards, they were taken to a huge manor.

It can be seen that this manor has not been used for a long time, the lawn has not been well taken care of, and the furniture in the villa building is covered with dust covers, but it is still a place that can shelter from wind and rain.

Survivors who brought their own tents can set up tents on the lawn, and survivors without tents can also huddle in buildings.

The member of the He family who sent them over left a sentence: "This manor has been vacant for a long time, I will give you a foothold for the time being, and try not to destroy the original things in the manor. Tomorrow, you can try to find a job by the lake, or go out to attack Kill the zombies, and if you have energy beads, you can live in the small building by the lake."

After finishing speaking, he left the bewildered survivor and continued to check the personnel information.

After tossing back and forth for two hours, the information of all the people in the villa area was finally collected in front of He Qianshan.

There are a total of 204 original owners of the Yamu villa area, and 535 relatives and friends who came to seek refuge after the end of the world, were let in by the property, or sneaked into the villa area by themselves.

Now these people are all registered as Song Xingcheng's

Urban residents, the number of urban residents in Song Xingcheng has reached 739.

The increase of 475 people in two hours really made Song Xingcheng feel happy.

With a detailed list in his hand, He Qianshan also had more ideas about the next arrangement.

Including the 26 people who joined the He family team today, the He family team now has 83 people. He Qianshan selected 12 people from them and divided them into 3 groups with 4 people in each group. In the future, he will be responsible for working with the property management team to conduct regular inspections of the villa area. Go on patrol.

It is not enough to have people, but also to train.

Han Qinmin was in charge of training the team members with military training standards, while He Qianshan dragged Song Xingcheng to the gym for training.

Always thinking about Song Xingcheng and wanting to take him home, He Qianshan generously cut today's training plan by a third, and at 8 o'clock in the evening, the two showed up at Song Xingcheng's home together.

Song Xingcheng's generators were all brought to He's Manor, and the two could only use flashlights.

Song Xingcheng dragged He Qianshan upstairs, instead of going to her own room, she turned to the room that belonged to her mother Song Wan at the other end of the corridor.

Song Xingcheng opened the door, and the light shone in. He Qianshan saw Mother Song's spirit tablet at a glance.

He Qianshan:? ? ?

At night, He Qianshan, who always felt that something was wrong, watched Song Xingcheng put down the flashlight, took out a few fruits and placed them on the altar table, skillfully ordered the incense, and finally Song Xingcheng lit one Brazier, find a stack of gold paper from the side, sit on the mat, start stacking gold ingots, and then put it into the paper basin to burn.

He Qianshan:? ? ?

He Qianshan, who was deeply shocked, heard Song Xingcheng happily introduce to his mother:

"Mom, I found a boyfriend. I brought it here for you to see when I found it. In fact, you also know him. He is the son of Hesha X. Alas, I went around and went around. I didn't expect to be with him, mother." what do you think?"

He Qianshan:? ? ?

whose son?

With a long sigh, He Qianshan glanced helplessly at the excited Song Xingcheng, bent his long legs, sat down next to Song Xingcheng, and helped throw the gold ingots into the brazier to burn, listening to Song Xingcheng's words After getting used to it, He Qianshan would add a few words, "Auntie, don't worry, I will treat Cheng Zi well and take good care of him, so as not to make him unhappy, and try to make him fatter."

Song Xingcheng immediately became unhappy, looked sideways at He Qianshan, and refused, "No, I don't want to."

He Qianshan laughed, and joked: "If you want, think about it. Before the apocalypse, everyone ate too much nutrition, so thinness is considered beautiful. After the apocalypse, everyone will not be able to eat enough. Whoever can eat fat will be the most beautiful."

of! "

He Qianshan spoke too seriously, almost fooling Song Xingcheng, and biting angrily.

He Qianshan looked serious, and comforted him: "Don't worry, that person was on vacation in Li Ting Kingdom before the end of the world, and you probably won't see him in your lifetime."

Who is "that person"? Both of them have a tacit understanding in their hearts.

Song Xingcheng was silent for a while, although he hated He Qianshan's father, He Haoyan, but seeing that He Qianshan himself was so indifferent, he felt sorry for He Qianshan again.

His boyfriend is so nice, he doesn't want to see that father, he must be that idiot treats He Qianshan badly.

At least Song Xingcheng still had his grandfather and mother who loved him deeply. Before his father tore his face to reveal his true colors, his father loved him very much, but He Qianshan seemed to be...only grandpa?

Looking at it this way, Song Xingcheng felt even more distressed when He Qianshan's relatives were thinner than his own.

Song Xingcheng thought for a while, and suggested, "Maybe, you can try to find out why your sister hates you so much? Maybe the housekeeper knows something?"

He Qianshan silently folded the gold ingots in his hands, tilted his head and rubbed it on Song Xingcheng's shoulder, and said in a nonchalant tone, "It doesn't matter, as long as I have your liking, that's enough."

Song Xingcheng rubbed her boyfriend's head distressedly, and babbled on about his mother to He Qianshan, and on He Qianshan to his mother, and He Qianshan also interjected a few words from time to time. Although one of them was long gone, such a conversation would make Song Xingcheng feel that his mother was always by his side.

In the end, the two of them stacked a large pile of gold ingots and burned them all. Song Xingcheng cleaned up the room contentedly, and left with He Qianshan.

Walking out of the gate of the Song family villa, He Qianshan said with deep emotion: "I would have promised to come at noon if I knew it earlier." The worship at night still feels weird.

Song Xingcheng laughed happily, and proudly announced: "Anyway, my mother has already remembered you. If you dare to treat me badly, she will definitely help me teach you a lesson."

He Qianshan hurriedly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and begged for mercy, "Don't dare, dare not." Then he picked up Song Xingcheng, who couldn't stop laughing, and put him into the car.

He Qianshan helped Song Xingcheng fasten his seat belt, covered him up and kissed him tenderly.

Song Xingcheng glanced at the bright starry sky above her head, maybe her mother was looking at him, seeing him so happy, she must be very happy too.

The two laughed and went back to the room, Song Xingcheng was gearing up, and it was time to start construction again.

There are 1327 energy points on his panel, which come from the annual rental service of 10 warehouses purchased by He Qianshan. He Qianshan still has the and machines collected by the team this afternoon

The people collected add up to 700 energy beads.

Among them, 100 energy beads are to be consumed tomorrow for the function of resetting resources, and the other 600 are prepared to purchase warehouse services in case Song Xingcheng builds a warehouse again.

Song Xingcheng opened the city plan and first built a pasta factory, jam factory, juice factory and fur processing factory on the west side of the pastry factory, consuming 120 points.

It feels great to have enough energy points. So far, at least one of all the buildings unlocked by the system has been built.

Then, Song Xingcheng built five cement factories on the west side of the fur processing factory, and filled in another cement factory on the easternmost side of Zhongxin Road. Now, he has 16 cement factories.

As for the entire central road, there are only eight vacant grids left for building houses in the northwest section, and all other locations are fully built.

Behind the cement factory on the north side of the east section of Zhongxin Road, Song Xingcheng successively built 2 timber yards, 6 stone yards, 2 fruit forests, 4 farmlands, 3 vegetable fields and 4 stone yards from east to west. , a total of 380 energy points were consumed, and a long row of buildings was obtained.

Only in the north of the City Lord's Mansion, 4 grids are empty. Song Xingcheng was going to leave it alone and think about it later.

The supporting system road has been paved with 37 sections, and Song Xingcheng named the first system road on the north side of the City Lord's Mansion "North Road".

The North Road has just been paved, and 2 water supply plants, 2 power plants, 1 sewage treatment plant and 1 garbage treatment plant have been built on the north side of the road from the east.

With 360 energy points left in the account, Song Xingcheng had already stopped with satisfaction.

Now Song Xingcheng owns 30 brick and tile buildings.

[Agriculture] There are 10 pieces of farmland by category, and they can produce 200 catties of grain per day starting tomorrow. There are 6 vegetable fields, with a daily output of 60 catties of vegetables. There are 4 pieces of fruit trees, with a daily output of 24 catties of fruit. There are 8 livestock yards, with a daily output of 80 jin of various meats and 40 jin of additional products.

[Industry] There are 10 lumber yards, 20 stone yards, 6 brick and tile factories, and 16 cement factories under the category of [Industry]. In addition, furniture factories, ceramic factories, pasta factories, jam factories, juice factories, and fur processing factories , a dairy factory and a pastry factory.

【Business】Owns 1 grocery store and 1 restaurant.

[Municipality] There are 8 water supply plants, 15 power plants, 77 warehouses, 3 sewage treatment plants, 2 garbage treatment plants and 5 public security bureaus.

Song Xingcheng's room is located on Zhongxin Road. From the windows on the north and south sides of the room, you can see all the city buildings.

The complacent Song Xingcheng ran back and forth twice before being caught by He Qianshan, who hugged her and kissed her.

He Qianshan didn't expect that when he fell in love, he seemed to have skin hunger and thirst. He always wanted to hold his lover in his arms, and only physical contact could satisfy him. If he could exchange

An intimate kiss would be even better.

Satisfied, Song Xingcheng exchanged a goodnight kiss with He Qianshan, and then pushed him out of the room. It's okay to take a nap, but you can't stay overnight at night.

Standing in front of the closed door, He Qianshan licked the corners of his mouth, as if he had tasted the sweetness, he looked down helplessly at the excited little brother, could only hold back, and returned to his room to rest.

Today, Song Xingcheng turned off the harvest reminder at zero o'clock, and the alarm clock was directly set to 4:30 the next day. Knowing that the upgrade conditions could not be met today, Song Xingcheng would not force herself to get up in the middle of the night.

Sleeping happily until the sky is slightly bright, a complete sleep makes people feel good, the curtains are opened, and the morning light penetrates into the room.

Song Xingcheng hummed a song, washed and dressed, and when she opened the door, she saw her boyfriend waiting at the door. He Qianshan held her boyfriend with one hand, and continued to arrange with the walkie-talkie with the other hand.

Walking out of the small building, the system city is already bustling. The buildings by Xinghu Lake can provide 88 jobs now, even if someone grabs 2 jobs, it is enough to feed dozens of people.

Song Xingcheng looked at the survivors who got up earlier and earlier in order to **** jobs, and thought in her heart that tomorrow, all the recruiting buildings would open on time at 6:00, otherwise they would worry that it would be after 0:00 in the future, and the work would be divided up , it is very inconvenient for him to act secretly at night.

Thinking of this, Song Xingcheng immediately revised the notices on various buildings.

At this time, the situation last night was fed back to He Qianshan. With the diesel provided by He Qianshan, the power grid on the fence of the villa area was running again, and the surveillance cameras of the property also started to work. No one was allowed to climb over the wall and enter the villa area last night. .

If you want to enter the villa area in the future, you can only go through the gate of the villa area.

In addition to the people from the two properties at the gate, there is also a team of members of the He family team who are responsible for screening, registering, and guiding survivors who enter the villa area.

He Qianshan thought about it, and decided to go out today and focus on searching for oil and diesel. Zheng Nianhao quickly planned the route.

After breakfast, the He family's going out team left the villa area.

The survivors also struggled to survive and live.

Interestingly, many people discovered the action of the robot security guard yesterday. Under the pressure of survival, some people simply acted behind the robot. When encountering a lot of zombies, they could grab a few energy beads from the robot. When encountering a particularly large number of zombies, you can also firmly hide behind the robot.

Song Xingcheng noticed through the screen sent back by the robot

This point, I am not disgusted, but set the robot to protect the survivors when they can protect them.

Brave survivors are potential customers of the city's future and deserve to be rewarded.

Today, the survivors in the villa area have an ID card. This thing is very unique and cannot be forged. Therefore, the access control of the property is very loose, and there is no restriction on people leaving, as long as they can show the ID card when they come back.

In one morning, the He family motorcade visited more than ten gas stations, and brought back more than 120 barrels of oil, all of which were stored in the warehouse.

It was approaching twelve o'clock, when He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng returned to the villa area for the last time, they noticed that there was a long line of survivors waiting for verification outside the gate of the villa area.

Under the instruction of He Qianshan, the entry standards for the villa area were further relaxed today, and many survivors were put into the villa area, and the first stop for all new survivors was to be taken to the city lord by members of the He family. government to register.

Song Xingcheng looked at the rising number of urban residents on the panel, and was very happy. According to the current trend, the upgrade conditions are expected to be met today.

If the survivors who newly entered the villa area cannot find relatives and friends to take refuge in, they will be temporarily arranged by the He family in the 12 villas that are currently vacant in the villa area. Yes, if the master can come back one day, He Qianshan will naturally give compensation. Now, let's act as a temporary resettlement point.

The members of the He family will generously disclose key information, such as killing zombies to get energy beads, and having energy beads can live in a small house by the lake. Survivors who dare not go out can try to grab a job in the lakeside complex.

In short, the words encourage survivors to be self-reliant.

Of course, the discipline in the villa area will also be emphasized. All kinds of things that were prohibited by the criminal law before the end of the world cannot be done in the villa area. If you encounter a dispute that you cannot resolve by yourself, you can go to Hejia Manor for help.

Be sure to let all the survivors know that the villa area is now in the hands of the He family, and if they want to stay here, they must abide by the rules set by the He family.

When He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng were unloading the goods by the lake, a team member in charge of patrol came up and said that they found a special survivor who could not be registered as a city resident in the City Lord's Mansion.

"What is the specific reason?" Song Xingcheng was puzzled.

"Every time the fingerprint is entered, the machine will display 'repeated entry'."

The tone of the team members was confused. After all, hundreds of people registered in the past two days, and only one person encountered this situation.

Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan looked at each other, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-07 00:46:56~2020-06-07 23:24:37~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Ifree1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: Rixuan Tongwei, lychee water ointment, 1 bottle of Yanyan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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