I’m the City Lord of the Last Days

Chapter 54:

He Qianshan can now be sure that his childhood memories are not wrong, and he no longer needs to feel guilty that everyone said that his sister was good to him, but he can't feel close to him from the heart, and he no longer needs to feel guilty that he didn't go there because of a novel. Saved people... It's actually pretty good.

Song Xingcheng accompanied He Qianshan, and listening to him vent, the two of them didn't go back to the small building by the lake, they hugged each other on the couch in the study and gradually fell asleep.

The alarm clock rang, Song Xingcheng struggled to get up, but found that he was still hugged tightly by He Qianshan, rubbing his eyes, recalling the topic before going to bed, Song Xingcheng lovingly touched her boyfriend's face, reminded softly : "We should get up."

He Qianshan shook his head willfully, with grievances and expectations in his eyes, and whispered his wish: "I can sleep comfortably with you in my arms, and I won't have nightmares. I sleep alone at night, and the room is too dark. I will have nightmares, can I hold you at night too?"

Song Xingcheng couldn't care less about her entanglement with her tall and burly boyfriend, who seemed to be acting like a baby, and only cared about hugging and comforting him tenderly, no matter what the request was, she would first agree to it.

He Qianshan tightened his arms to hug him even tighter, buried his head into Song Xingcheng's chest, and rubbed vigorously to hide the triumphant smile on his face.

Song Xingcheng was extremely helpless to confirm that the calm and mature image that He Qianshan had left for him when they first met had completely collapsed. Not only was her boyfriend tired of showing his fragility to his fullest, but he also boldly expressed that he wanted Song Xingcheng to give him a hug Only by holding can you have the strength to get up and fight.

Then Song Xingcheng, who agreed softly, was kissed until his whole body became weak and his head was dizzy.

It wasn't until He Qianshan helped her dress up and led her out of the study that Song Xingcheng woke up a little bit. She keenly sensed that her boyfriend's mood became high after bullying him. Song Xingcheng stretched out her hand on his waist speechlessly. Take a pinch.

He Qianshan hurriedly smiled and begged for mercy, took Song Xingcheng's troubled hand and pulled him into his arms, then his smile subsided, his deep eyes stared at Song Xingcheng seriously, and said gently and solemnly:

"Thank you, my love, without you, I would probably feel that everything is not worth it, but with you by my side, I will feel that it is meaningful to continue to struggle.

As long as I hold you, my consumed energy will be replenished. You are my charging station, making me more courageous to fight against this **** world. "

Song Xingcheng looked at He Qianshan with round and bright eyes, laughed when he heard the words, and responded: "You're welcome, my love, I can add more to you." He offered to send a kiss.

is a light

The kiss was only printed on He Qianshan's lips and did not continue to deepen. Then Song Xingcheng printed light kisses on He Qianshan's left cheek, right cheek, and forehead respectively, with the most sincere blessings and deepest wishes. Love, as if imprinted is an enchantment that can resist external harm.

The members of the He family team found helplessly that they seemed to have turned into light bulbs, getting bigger and brighter day by day.

He Qianshan would still give orders to direct the team's actions in a serious manner, but most of the time, he was entwined with Song Xingcheng like Siamese twins, and the two formed a world by themselves, excluding everyone else.

Including the new members who joined the team yesterday, the number of people going out today has exceeded forty. It is a big team, and it is a big team with tacit cooperation, quick action, and strong firepower.

In one afternoon, the He family team moved a storage center in Xicheng District back to the villa area.

The [Warehouse], which seemed to be very plentiful, suddenly became less plentiful.

After dinner, He Qianshan sat in the lobby and listened to his subordinates' work reports.

Zhuang Xiangyang, who was in charge of personnel affairs, submitted a list of 30 outstanding talents that he carefully selected from the more than 300 survivors who entered the villa area today, for He Qianshan's reference to recruit into the He family team.

He Qianshan browsed through and only approved 10 of them. As a result, including their family members, the number of the He family team has approached 100 people.

Afterwards, He Qianshan roughly browsed the list of all the survivors who had just entered the villa area.

Under his instructions, the admission criteria were relaxed. Today, 312 survivors entered the villa area. There are currently thousands of survivors in the villa area. All of them have registered in the city lord's mansion and become urban residents. Song Xingcheng's city has been upgraded. The required number of city dwellers has been fulfilled.

Song Xingcheng naturally knew this too, and was obviously in a good mood, turning the pen in his hand in a circle.

Zhuang Xiangyang then reported that in addition to the new survivors who entered the villa area today applying to join the He family team, the original survivors in the villa area also applied again.

He Qianshan thought about it, so many survivors couldn't be left alone, and then discussed with Song Xingcheng and Zheng Nianhao, preparing to guide the survivors to fight against the zombies.

In the end, He Qianshan decided to select five former professional fighters with many years of service experience headed by Tian Qiufeng from the current He family team, and let them each lead three members of the He family team to form a coaching team of 20 people.

Next, recruit 80 survivors from the existing survivors in the villa area,

Form a cleaning team.

As the name suggests, the task of the cleaning team is to clean up the zombies.

Soon, the members of the He family team posted a large announcement on the buildings by the lake, openly recruiting members of the cleaning team.

"The coach is responsible for leading the team members to conduct daily training and go out to clean up the zombies. He will try his best to protect the safety of the team members. The supplies will be returned to the He family, and half of the energy beads obtained by individuals will be handed over?"

"You need to bring your own weapons? Hey, I thought you were given a gun. Who would dare to go if you don't? Isn't it because we contribute our own efforts, and they take half of the energy beads to take care of them at most? Bullying people !"

"I think it's a trick. I don't dare to go out now because I'm afraid I won't come back. Now that someone is protecting me, I dare to go out and try. If I can get one or two energy beads, I don't need to sleep in a tent at night. gone."

Nowadays, the buildings by the lake are the busiest places in the villa area. Survivors often gather here and exchange the latest news with each other. The open and clean City Lord’s Mansion is the most popular place. The time of staying in the mansion is limited, and the survivors wish they could stay in the city lord's mansion forever.

As a result, news of the He family's new recruitment of players quickly spread.

The members of the He family not only posted the announcement, but also set up a table directly under the announcement and started accepting applications on the spot.

When the survivors fled with their families, most of them brought some supplies, but the supplies are constantly consumed, and the pressure of survival makes people anxious every minute.

Although the villa area is safe, the income is extremely limited. The work of the lakeside buildings has been snatched up at dawn in the past two days.

As a last resort, some people have gritted their teeth and gone out to explore in order to survive, but after all, more survivors can survive for a few more days, and they dare not make up their minds to go out to face the zombies.

Now the He family is going to form a cleaning team, giving anxious survivors another choice. Although half of the results have to be handed in, at least there is some security. It is better than rampaging without a clue, and there is no restriction on quitting the cleaning team , At worst, after learning experience, work **** your own.

With such an idea in mind, soon some people stepped forward to sign up, some took the lead and others followed, and those who wanted to sign up even formed a long queue.

Naturally, He Qianshan had to screen the applicants, not those with extreme body types, and those with bad attitudes. He Qianshan, Han Qinmin and Tian Qiufeng checked in person, and quickly selected No. 80, and the rest were all Young and strong, among them there are only 8 women, and they are all heroic and capable people.

The low number of women is not

Discrimination is due to the fact that there is a natural difference in strength and physical strength between men and women. The cleaning team is still in the experimental nature, and the He family must also be responsible for the team members. Naturally, young and strong men are preferred.

After Zheng Nianhao announced that the selection was over, unfortunately he lost the selection and lost time due to hesitation, the survivors who realized that they had missed out were naturally very disappointed, and they gathered at the registration table and refused to leave.

Fortunately, the team members of the He family revealed the news that they are also crossing the river by feeling the stones. If there is any effect, they will expand the size of the cleaning team at the right time in the future. After barely getting such a piece of news, the crowd gradually dispersed.

In the crowd of hundreds of people, 80 people were selected and returned to the Hejia Manor. On the big lawn in front of the villa, Han Qinmin personally organized the Hejia team members to train, and Tian Qiufeng led the cleaning team to train.

The 20 Hejia team members who were arranged to be coaches were divided into 5 groups, and each group was further divided into 4 groups. The team members of the He family acted as the team leader, and the team members were four newly selected survivors.

The coach is in charge of his own training while watching the movements of his players. In addition to supervising the training, coaches who have rich experience in fighting zombies will also share their own combat experience, and finally put forward requirements for the next day's assembly time, clothing, weapon preparation and other details.

Training was in full swing on the big lawn of the manor. In the gymnasium on the fourth floor of the villa, Song Xingcheng was trained by He Qianshan himself.

The training on the lawn below focused on improving the players' obedience and teamwork ability, while He Qianshan's targeted training focused on improving Song Xingcheng's personal strength.

Even though Song Xingcheng's backpack had been filled with various weapons and ammunition by He Qianshan, He Qianshan still hoped that his little boyfriend would be stronger, so that he could protect himself in case of unexpected situations.

So He Qianshan kept a close eye on Song Xingcheng's state, and personally made a training plan for Song Xingcheng, always keeping it at a level that was difficult but Song Xingcheng insisted that it could still be completed.

Just because they paid close attention to their physical condition, both of them were keenly aware that Song Xingcheng's physical fitness was improving rapidly, and so was He Qianshan.

Finally finished today's training plan, Song Xingcheng collapsed next to He Qianshan, clenched his fists, obviously very tired, but he said happily: "I should be able to awaken the power of power, it took more than a month in the book I just woke up, now, I have a hunch that I will wake up early."

"It's possible in half a month or so." He Qianshan was still strictly implementing his own training plan, so he agreed.

He Qianshan in the book was not at all at first

I don't care about the energy beads. I only vaguely realized the function of the energy beads later and wore them with me. I awakened the speed ability nearly a month after the end of the world. Energy beads, I wonder if they will wake up early?

It is recorded in the book that about a month after the end of the world, some outstanding people appeared in the human race. Their physical fitness has been greatly improved, and their strength and speed have been strengthened. Human beings call them supernatural beings.

It's a pity that the book didn't have time to introduce more about the superpowers, so it came to an abrupt end. It didn't matter to He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng, they could experiment and research by themselves.

Today's Song Xingcheng lay down early to sleep, and ruthlessly drove her boyfriend back to his own room regardless of the promise he made when he was affectionate.

After midnight, Song Xingcheng woke up, checked today's cement, and finally gathered 30 cements. He decisively upgraded all the 30 brick and tile buildings to concrete buildings, consuming a total of 900 energy points.

The construction of the cement building took two hours, Song Xingcheng set the alarm clock, and fell back to sleep skillfully.

When the alarm clock rang, Song Xingcheng opened his eyes and immediately summoned the panel. The fireworks blooming on the panel made people feel happy, and the system city was successfully upgraded to level 6!

Song Xingcheng hastily clicked on [Mission] to check the conditions for upgrading the city to level 7:

[1. 50 concrete buildings built

2. Build an economic field

3. Build a Barracks

4. More than 2,000 urban residents

5. Residential occupancy rate is higher than 20%]

Among the five upgrade conditions, Song Xingcheng saw the third one at a glance, and quickly opened the [Technology] icon in surprise, only to see that the technology of level 6 cities unlocked [Crop Planting Technology], [Grain and Vegetable Planting Technology Upgrade] , [Crop Processing Technology] and [Training Manual] four technologies.

[Technology] is the foundation of urban development. Song Xingcheng did not hesitate at all, and immediately started researching all of them. Each technology consumes 70 energy points, and a total of 280 energy points are consumed.

Today, the He family team and the robot collected a total of 1902 energy beads, plus the remaining ones, a total of 2262, of which 200 were used by He Qianshan to reset resources, and the remaining 2062 were all turned into energy points. After purchasing the warehouse service, it was settled in Song Xingcheng's account, leaving 882 points at this time.

It's a pity that the technology needs to be researched for 5 hours. No matter how impatient Song Xingcheng is, he can't see the newly unlocked buildings immediately.

After the excitement dissipated, Song Xingcheng focused on the fifth upgrade condition, thinking about the plan that He Qianshan discussed with him before, and fell asleep again in a daze.


When one day came, Song Xingcheng got up and opened the curtains, and saw 10 concrete buildings on the south side rising from the ground, with 5 floors and 20 meters high!

Turning around, I found that the area of ​​my room was significantly larger than before.

It is not the first time that the appearance of a house has changed drastically overnight, but the last time a simple wooden house was transformed into a two-story brick building, there were not many residents in the wooden house, and the visual impact was not great.

This time it was different. The 2-story brick and tile building directly turned into a 5-story concrete building, and the nearly 30 households living in it didn’t notice it. This has to make all the survivors marvel, really It is a miracle, not human-made.

What's even more amazing is that the survivors who rented in the small building found that the interior area of ​​their suites became significantly larger!

So here comes the problem, the outer wall of the residential building has not been expanded, and there are still two rooms on the first floor. Originally, each room was 40 to 50 square meters, but now the total number of rooms in the two-bedroom and one-living suite is 100. What's going on here?

Could it be the legendary space folding?

Once the news broke, the survivors were amazed once again.

The longer you stay in the Yamu villa area, the more you will be in awe of the lakeside buildings. At the same time, this awe will be transformed into trust. It is manifested in the fact that many survivors who try to get energy beads either live in the lakeside residence or buy from groceries. Store bought food.

And other survivors will cast envious eyes.

While washing up, Song Xingcheng did a quick calculation. Previously, the level 5 city required 25 small brick and tile buildings, each with 4 rooms, a total of 100 rooms. Before the city upgrade last night, a total of 27 rooms were rented out. The occupancy rate is 27%.

However, to upgrade a level 7 city, 50 concrete buildings are required, and each concrete building has 10 rooms, a total of 500 rooms. The upgrade condition that the occupancy rate is higher than 20% means that 100 rooms need to be rented out.

He Qianshan, who was waiting outside the room, was naturally the first to know about his little boyfriend's troubles. After deep thought, he was already preparing to adjust today's action plan.

He Qianshan's original idea was that today he watched the cleaning team's first mission out, while the increasingly mature He family team was led by Zheng Nianhao to continue to go out to collect supplies.

Now he has changed his mind and decided to let the He family team and the cleaning team act together.

During the breakfast, several people were constantly discussing the action plan, and the nearby team members listened quietly and did not dare to disturb.

At half past five, the sky was already bright.

The cleaning team of 20 coaches and 80 members gathered in Hejia Manor.

According to the request from the coach the day before, the team members tried their best to change into the ones that are easy to move and durable.

Clothes, even if a little hot, try not to expose the skin. He holds various weapons in his hands.

He Qianshan waved his hand, as an encouragement, the manor prepared 80 extra big meat buns this morning, one for each member of the cleaning team.

Seeing the big, white and hot steamed buns, the eyes of the team members lit up, and they were instantly sober that they could no longer be sober.

After receiving the steamed stuffed bun from his coach, he took a big bite, and when he got his mouth full of the fragrant and tough fresh meat and drank the fragrant gravy, some people were on the verge of tears.

There is no gas or electricity, and many survivors have not eaten hot food for many days. This filling, delicious bun cured the internal organs and completely activated people's hope and motivation to live well. .

Aren't they just irrational zombies with limited mobility?

If you don't hesitate, just do it! Get rid of all the ghosts that destroyed their peaceful life, and exchange their energy beads for houses and food!

When the encouraged members of the cleaning team climbed into the back compartment of the truck under the command of the coach, they were in a completely different state, full of fighting spirit and full of "killing" spirit.

In addition to the members of the cleaning team, the He family also had 33 members who went out. According to the division method of 5 people and 1 group, a total of 6 groups were divided.

In the past two days, the team members who joined due to rapid expansion are counted as newcomers, and there are 2 to 3 old people in each group who are responsible for leading newcomers.

These team members also dispersed and boarded the truck, and acted together.

The members of the cleaning team saw that many of the members of the He family had guns in their hands, and those who did not have guns were also holding powerful weapons such as axes and long knives. The anxiety in their hearts subconsciously dissipated a lot, and they felt more at ease.

At this time, the buildings by the lake have become lively, but no one has started to work, because from today, all the buildings that recruit people will open at 6:00, and those who come early can sign up. It's hard to say who was chosen at random.

As a result, hundreds of survivors and family members of the cleaning team members who were waiting for the opening of the recruiting building stood on the side of the road and watched, watching more than a dozen trucks lined up and driving out of the villa area, worried and envious .

In fact, the slippery car didn't go very far, and turned into a residential area one kilometer away from the villa area.

Now the roads around the villa area are clean, and it is difficult to see zombies anymore, but the zombies in the buildings on both sides of the villa area have not been cleaned up.

He Qianshan decided to use this residential area to practice first.

This community has three rows of 30-storey buildings and 22 unit buildings. He Qianshan took the walkie-talkie

Line up, the team of the He family team, 1 team is responsible for 1 unit building, the cleaning team, 2 teams are responsible for a unit building.

The convoy drove directly to the underground garage, starting from the unguarded safe passage of the underground garage and cleaning up the zombies in the corridor floor by floor.

Song Xingcheng, He Qianshan, Zheng Nianhao and Han Qinmin were not in a hurry to kill the zombies at the front line. A few dozens of energy beads were no longer the focus of the current stage, and the most important thing was to direct the action well.

The 16 units began to be cleaned at the same time, and the time passed by. He Qianshan and the four who were sitting in the car received various information from time to time. To be honest, it would take a long time to simply climb a 30-story residential building.

Not to mention that some survivors hiding at home noticed the team, and when the team members appeared outside their houses, they immediately asked a hundred thousand questions.

Some survivors had zombies in their homes, or they opened the door directly to ask the team members, or shouted their passwords through the windows. In short, they begged the team members to help solve the zombies in the room.

More than a week of crashing day and night together is enough for the survivors to realize clearly that zombies are no longer their relatives and friends.

The team members who quickly cleared one unit can choose whether to continue to clean the remaining six units.

The teams formed by the members of the He Family, each group has at least two guns, even the newcomers who joined the day before yesterday have faced zombies for countless times, and their attacking movements are crisp and neat. .

After a while, the teams of the cleaning team completed their tasks one after another. Some teams are actively starting to clean up new units, and some team members are exhausted, seem to be performing poorly, and are being severely punished by the coach.

After half an hour or so, all the zombies in the public area of ​​the community were cleaned up, and a lot of survivors' homes were also cleaned up.

Each member of the He family held two to three energy beads. Except for a few members of the cleaning team who dared not do anything at all, most of the others got one energy bead under the supervision and pressure of the coach.

The energy beads were real, and many people finally realized the leap from 0 to 1, breaking down the psychological barrier, and the next actions became more skillful.

This community, which is very close to the villa area, is only for training, and then He Qianshan directly commanded the convoy to drag the team members to a large comprehensive shopping mall five kilometers away.

This time, 26 teams worked together to complete the cleaning task.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-08 22:59:53~2020-06-09 22:53:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ifree, 1 flower calendula;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Xiyu and Hanyi; 5 bottles of a rabbit ball; 2 bottles of Moyun Jiangnan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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