I’m the City Lord of the Last Days

Chapter 57:

This good news gave Song Xingcheng a little more motivation during training.

On the other hand, there are more than 200 survivors who have passed the review and entered the villa area today. There are currently more than 1,300 people in the villa area. Naturally, there are so many residents in the system city, and the upgrade requirements for 2,000 urban residents have not yet been reached.

Fortunately, with security guards, soldiers, and a boyfriend, Song Xingcheng was not anxious in his heart. It was only a matter of three or four days, and he could wait.

You know, in this afternoon, the cleaning team handed in 576 energy beads, the members of the He family handed in 664, the robot security guards brought back 422, and the scariest thing was the little soldiers, 30 of which took turns to fight. The little soldiers brought back a total of 2259 energy beads!

After the training, He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng returned to the room and sat face to face on the carpet in the living room. Between the two of them, a small mountain of energy beads was piled up, with a total of 4290!

The transparent energy beads are crystal clear, radiant and dazzling under the light, just like a mountain of gems.

The expressions of the two guarding the gem were not joyful. On the contrary, Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan had serious expressions, and their brows were slightly wrinkled, as if they were very distressed.

"Today's harvest makes me think that we can consider changing the way of action."

After thinking for a long time, He Qianshan opened his mouth and said.

Once the barracks are built, the minions will become the main force for harvesting energy beads. Although the minions have no hot weapons, only cold weapons such as daggers and knives, their biggest advantage is that they are not afraid of zombies. Nothing will happen, the zombies can't hurt the metal, but the robot can continue to eliminate the zombies and win the final victory.

With the system city of barracks, it seems that the originally fragile and harmless paradise has grown ferocious tentacles, armed itself, and has the ability to resist external threats.

Since the end of the world, the focus of He Qianshan's actions has been to collect supplies, while Song Xingcheng's focus has been to collect energy beads. As soon as the soldiers came out, the two suddenly discovered that both supplies and energy beads were suddenly no longer in short supply. ?

Even if they stay in the city and do nothing, the soldiers and security guard robots will continuously bring back energy beads, and as long as Song Xingcheng continues to build buildings with these energy beads, the basic necessities of life in "food, clothing, housing and transportation" can be fully covered. solve.

Even if all the zombies within 30 kilometers are eliminated in the future, it will not matter. Song Xingcheng can dismantle the barracks and rebuild them in another place, and then there will be a steady stream of energy beads!


The reality has brought about a huge change in the mentality of the two of them. They can not worry about short-term survival issues, but can take a longer-term perspective and consider it more comprehensively.

The two agreed to carry thousands of energy beads in a big bag, and only kept 200 of them in a porcelain bottle for He Qianshan to reset the resources in the building tomorrow. All the others were brought to the city lord's mansion, poured into the exchange port, and filled into He Qianshan's identity card.

Then the two held hands, blowing the night breeze, and walked along the system road. He Qianshan bought an annual rental service for a row of 30 warehouses. After filling up 130 energy points in each warehouse, 3900 energy points were transferred to Song Xing Orange account.

Sitting by the empty lake, the moonlight is hazy, the starry sky is shining, the lake is sparkling, and the environment is deep and quiet. Song Xingcheng is nestled in He Qianshan's arms, and the warm and comfortable atmosphere is lingering around the two of them. The topic is not so warm.

He Qianshan's so-called change in action thinking is to change his previous style of focusing on leading a small team to collect supplies, and prepare to focus on leading a cleaning team to eliminate zombies with all his strength.

Song Xingcheng's way of thinking is also changing, from collecting energy beads with his own hard work, to commanding the team members, gathering more strength, improving efficiency, and collecting together.

Leaving aside the question of whether one day all the zombies in the world will be eliminated, if all the zombies in Mian'an County can be eliminated, it will be a huge achievement.

The two discussed the battle plan, imagining a scene where there would be no more zombies in the city, and they were very happy.

On the way back, Song Xingcheng noticed the restaurant that he hadn't been to since it was completed. He became very interested and decided to try the restaurant.

The restaurant is also served by robots. Three robots rotate and can operate 24 hours a day.

The internal area of ​​the restaurant is also 100 square meters, of which 80 square meters are neatly placed with metal square tables, and 20 square meters belong to the kitchen. The robot with a large number of recipes recorded at its core is the chef.

Within the quota set by Song Xingcheng, restaurants can take food raw materials from warehouses and the backstage of grocery stores at will, and make various kinds of food to sell to customers in exchange for energy points.

But now that there are only the two of them in the restaurant, Song Xingcheng is not going to pay for energy points, and try the "overlord meal".

The electronic menu on the screen was more than ten pages long. Song Xingcheng swiped at random twice, his eyes were fixed on the barbecue, and he couldn't take it off. Then he sneaked a glance at He Qianshan.

He Qianshan reached out to touch Song Xingcheng's belly suggestively.

The high-intensity training, there is already a faintly attractive arc here, and the hand feels very good, but the mouth supports: "You can eat whatever you want."

He Qianshan tried his best to suppress the corners of his upturned mouth, and watched Song Xingcheng swaying back and forth between abdominal muscles, fat and barbecue with a smile on his eyes. Finally, Song Xingcheng reached out and patted the table, loudly persuading He Qianshan to be at the same time. Convince yourself: "There is good news today, we are happy, we should celebrate!"

He Qianshan agreed with a smile, and Song Xingcheng immediately began to order with great interest. First, 20 skewers of fat, tender and delicious mutton skewers. The skewers are fragrant and chewy. The meat skewers don’t need any seasoning. Eating them directly will give you a full mouthful of meaty flavor. Sprinkle with a little dry ingredients, and the flavor will be richer.

All kinds of grilled vegetables are smeared with specially prepared sauces, some are crispy, some are tough, some are soft, not only fragrant, but also very rich in taste.

When eating in full swing, drink a glass of iced juice produced by the juice factory, cool in one word!

After supper was full, Song Xingcheng narrowed his eyes in satisfaction, He Qianshan took advantage of the vigilance of the cat owner to drop, and served all sorts of small things to curry favor, and when Song Xingcheng lay comfortably on the bed, he also I took the opportunity to stay overnight.

Holding the little boyfriend into his arms, the satisfaction of skin-to-skin contact made the two of them sigh comfortably. Their body shapes fit so well, as if they were born as one, but they were divided into two halves. Fortunately, Xun Xun Miu Looking for another half body, I finally feel relieved.

He Qianshan's hand stroked Song Xingcheng's back one after another. The hot big hand and gentle touch made Song Xingcheng fall into a peaceful sleep quickly and comfortably.

He Qianshan listened to the long breathing of his little boyfriend, felt the real temperature of the person in his arms, as if he had taken his own sleeping pills, the darkness could no longer disturb his nerves, he fell into a deep sleep faster than before, and一#夜好sleep, never woke up once.

On a new day, both of them woke up feeling refreshed and energetic.

Song Xingcheng, who got up one step later, found that the toothpaste on his toothbrush was squeezed out, and the towel was at hand. Then he remembered the night before, when he wanted to drink water, someone helped him pour it, and if he wanted to charge it, someone helped him to hold the cord. Little servant The service must be satisfactory everywhere, well, then he will generously keep this diligent little servant.

The two laughed and laughed, and drove back to the manor for three minutes.

The restaurant on the lawn of the manor is already very lively, full of food and drink, and the condition of the new team members who have had a night's rest is much better. The new team members who are going to go out with the team to fight

Surrounding the old team members to actively ask about their combat experience, these people who were used to playing with knives before the end of the world are now ready to play with bigger knives.

Among the new team members and their families, a total of 64 decided to go out and kill zombies together. He Qianshan arranged for 16 new coaches to train the new team members in the same way as the cleaning team.

At 5:30, 80 members of the cleaning team gathered at the manor. Zheng Nianhao commanded the dismantling of the original cleaning team and interspersed 64 newcomers to ensure that each group had coaches and veteran players to teach the newcomers.

After confirming the team, He Qianshan waved his hand and led the team to set off.

Trucks and trucks have been parked one after another on the road outside the Hejia Manor. Special logistics personnel are responsible for checking the status of the vehicles, filling up the fuel, and even washing away the dirt on the body with a water gun, waiting for use .

There were nearly 200 team members who went out together today, and they were divided into 20 trucks. He Qianshan's off-road vehicle was still the leader. The long convoy left the villa area in a mighty way, and disappeared at the turn of the trail under the envious eyes of countless survivors.


Liu Shan and Ding Qishu walked towards the complex of buildings by the lake with sad faces. The lawn of the manor was well-groomed, flat and beautiful, but outside the He Family Manor, the plants grew wildly, the roadsides were overgrown with weeds, and the Xinghu Lake was not surrounded by people. The grass that covers the building grows eerily up to calf height.

But contrary to the crazy growth of the plants outside, it is the crops that they take care of carefully. Whether it is wheat seedlings or various vegetables that should grow quickly, what they look like when the seeds are planted will still look like that after ten days.

A few days ago, Su Lihao, a student from the Agricultural University, joined the two of them. Su Lihao brought the concept of the control group experiment. The three of them were busy for a long time. Unfortunately, whether it was changing the soil, seeds, water, or temperature, humidity and other conditions, The final result of the experiment is only one, and that is failure.

The seeds brought back from the flower, bird and fish market seemed to be broken together, and the vegetables collected from outside or even sold in grocery stores were planted directly, but they did not survive.

The three had no idea what was wrong, and were at a loss as to how to fix it. Apart from tinkering with the crops in the manor every day, the only persistence is probably to spend time going to the lakeside complex to apply for a job on a farmland.

The three tried various things in the farmland by the lake, but it was a pity that they could not bring out the seeds from the tool house at the edge of the farmland, nor could they plant the seeds they brought in into the field, let alone why the farmland could produce a fixed amount every day. out.

Su Lihao writes observation reports every day

Summarize the findings of the three and submit them to He Qianshan. Although Boss He never urged them after reading it, but only told them to continue to try, the pressure on the three of them is still increasing.

Their pressure comes not only from wanting to be worthy of Boss He's preferential treatment, but also from their clear understanding of how important it is that "the food sown can be harvested"! Food is the foundation of human survival!

But the results of the current experiment have left them with a guess in their minds. Maybe, what if...normal crops before the end of the world can't grow and mature?

Arrive at 6:00 in the morning, the lakeside building complex is recruiting employees today, and a person's name will appear on the door on time. This person is the lucky one among the many applicants.

The three of Liu Shan were lucky enough to get the farm work they wanted again today. However, unlike the other survivors who were drawn around who were happy and even cheered, the expressions of the three were still bitter and bitter.

Survivors nearby couldn't stand it any longer. A bearded man heard the three of them say goodbye before they were about to go to work, and said angrily, "I really don't know what some people mean? Others can't get what they want. I have given you a job opportunity, who will you show me with a sad face? MLGBD."

After discussing what to test today, the three of Liu Shan, who were about to disperse, didn't realize whether the bearded man was talking about them, or the reminder from the friend next to the bearded man caught their attention. Said: "Stop talking, they are members of the He family team."

The keyword "He's team" startled the bearded man who was angry at first, and made the three of Liu Shan turn their attention to them.

The friend quickly turned his head in embarrassment, and the bearded man turned into anger after being panicked, and he simply asked Liu Shan loudly: "Why are all three of you drawn, I suspect there is something shady about it!"

All of a sudden, the other survivors all gathered around to pay attention. Key words such as "He family team" and "shady" are really more exciting than each other.

Liu Shan is an honest ordinary person, accustomed to being unknown, how could he have been followed by so many people at the same time, he was so nervous that he waved his hands and denied it: "No, no, kid, don't talk nonsense."

There were different voices in the crowd, and someone said indignantly: "But the probability of getting a job opportunity from your He family is really much higher. Just glance at it, and dozens of numbers are all yours!"

This remark triggered a bigger discussion, and a few words came from the crowd from time to time: "Really or not", "It seems to be true

Alas, that, the three over there, and the two over there are all from the He family team", "I noticed yesterday that the He family has a very high chance of winning! "

Seeing that the situation was not right, Su Lihao, a flexible-minded college student, immediately retorted loudly: "That's because we got in touch early. Uncle Liu started farming the farmland from the first day it appeared. If everyone has a proficiency value, his proficiency value must be It's the tallest, if you want to pick a farmer, you must first pick someone like Uncle Liu!"

As soon as he said this, the onlookers were shocked.

The city announcement only said that all those who want to apply for a job are allowed to register in advance, and the final candidate will be selected from the applicants at 6 am, but the problem is that no one knows what the selection criteria are, is it completely random? Or is there a specific measurement condition?

Or does the number of previous successful applicants affect proficiency, and proficiency is a screening criterion?

Many people think that this reason is reasonable, but then they feel even greater grievances. Those who came to the villa area early naturally have many successful experience in applying for jobs. As a result, they are now given priority because of the first-mover advantage , then other people will never have a chance?

There are more than 400 survivors who signed up today, but only more than 80 people successfully got a job, which is almost a one-fifth probability, and most of them are unsuccessful.

In the past, everyone competed on who got up early, and those who got up late didn’t have anything to say about not being able to get a job. Now they are fighting for luck or other undisclosed conditions. People gathered around, some people headed by the bearded man were emotional, forcibly stopped the three of Liu Shan from working, and insisted on arguing with them.

Liu Shan was honest and dull, Ding Qishu was thin and weak, Su Lihao was young, strong and eloquent, but he alone was no more than dozens of people surrounding them, so he was at a disadvantage.

The verbal conflict quickly developed into a physical conflict. I don't know who pushed Liu Shan first, and others followed suit, pushing Liu Shan and Ding Qishu to the ground. Su Lihao was afraid that his teammates would be trampled, so he yelled anxiously and fought hard. Push those around you out.

It's a pity that one person can't beat the heavy punch, Su Lihao was anxious and angry but helpless, just when he felt that it was difficult to resist, 5 robot security guards slid over at the same time, pushed away the crowd from different directions, and warned loudly : "Stop! Everyone stay still!"

Since the establishment of the Public Security Bureau, the security guards have often wandered around the city streets, but the security guards basically

They will not take the initiative to communicate with the survivors, and the survivors will not take the initiative to approach them. I am afraid that this is an expensive machine. If it is broken, it will be troublesome to claim compensation. Therefore, this is the first time the survivors have seen the robot show off its power. .

The power of the robot was too great, and the people pushed away by the robot had no power to resist. The crowded crowd was quickly forcibly divided into multiple small pieces.

A few survivors did not restrain themselves after hearing the warning from the security guards, and wanted to continue pushing Liu Shan and the three in the middle to vent their depression. An electric shock baton popped out of the robot's hand and beat him mercilessly. On top of these people, the unsuspecting survivors immediately collapsed to the ground convulsing.

This change frightened the surrounding survivors, and everyone immediately retreated spontaneously, leaving a large open space in the middle.

"Fighting is prohibited in the city! First warning! Violation of the prohibition again will be punished!"

The robot's voice is well-spoken, but the tone is dull and weird, and it assumes a vigilant posture after warning.

The survivors looked at the robot in a daze, then looked at the three Su Lihao who were stacked on the ground, and the bearded man who was knocked out of strength by the electric shock. They didn't know how to communicate at all.

At this time, the members of the He family who were in charge of patrolling the villa area rushed over after receiving the news, and found that the three of them were injured, Liu Shan, and immediately asked with a cold face what was the situation?

Looking at the guns in the hands of the patrol members, the survivors who had been blinded by anger before were completely panicked, and some people secretly hid behind the crowd.

A patrol member helped the three of Su Lihao up. Fortunately, they were just pushed down and not trampled. Although they were frightened, they were not seriously injured, and insisted that they could continue to work in the fields.

Seeing that no one took the initiative to stand up, the patrol team simply turned to the robot security guard to inquire about the situation at that time, and the robot security guard decisively handed over the list of survivors who had previously done it to the patrol team.

How could the flustered survivors hiding in the crowd think that in such a chaotic situation, the robot actually remembered all the people who did the work, and could directly identify their identities.

The survivor who heard that his name was on the list was at a loss, and cast a look of help to other people around him.

But the He family team had already stepped forward, the others would not want to cause such troubles, so they immediately retreated to the side. Soon, the people on the list were isolated by the people around them.

Now when the members of the patrol team questioned with a cold face, no one dared to hide it anymore. They racked their brains to recall the situation at that time, and tried their best to shirk their

own responsibility.

The confessions of all the people showed that the origin of the incident was that the bearded man provoked and found fault for no reason. Suddenly, the patrol members looked at the bearded man with extremely cold eyes.

The bearded man, who had recovered from the electric shock, was in a panic. He didn't expect that the incident would develop to such an extent after only complaining a few words. He immediately begged for mercy in a low voice: "I, I really didn't mean it I just said a few words..."

"Hehe, wait for Mr. He to come back and explain to Mr. He."

The patrol member snorted coldly at the bearded man, ignored him, and turned to appease Liu Shan and the others.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, the three of Liu Shan insisted that they continue to work, so the patrol team had no choice but to send them to the farmland, turned around and drove the eight survivors into a room in an empty villa, and sent a team member to watch the door of the house. , the others continue to patrol.

The troublemaker was taken away, and the remaining survivors looked at each other with lingering fears. Those who participated in it were just upset and subconsciously wanted to express their vent. How could they have thought that things would turn out like this?

The survivors did not dare to gather any more and dispersed one after another.


The team that went out was divided into 39 groups in total, 3 of which were composed of old members of the He family, and the remaining 36 were considered as groups of the cleaning team.

He Qianshan, Song Xingcheng, and Han Qinmin each led a team of old players and commanded 12 teams of cleaning teams. They kept an eye on the scene and rescued the scene in time. Mian'an University was basically cleared out in one morning.

Mian'an University covers a large area, with scattered buildings, and relatively scattered zombies. This situation is more conducive to the escape of survivors, and the students who can run probably have already escaped. Unlike the previous hospital, the campus was full of zombies, and the people in the building couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

In addition, the end of the world is on a Saturday, and the teaching buildings are basically empty. The focus of cleaning up the zombies is on the student dormitories, which are crowded with people and the doors are not strong. They are not good hiding places, and there are very few survivors.

Only some laboratories and study rooms with few people can rescue the surviving teachers and students. In addition, a survivor team spontaneously organized by the students was found in the cafeteria.

The surviving students reinforced the doors and windows of the cafeteria. He Qianshan looked inside from the transparent window, and the order seemed to be fine, so he left without further concern.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-12 10:10:17~2020-06-1223:57:12~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of ink Danqing; 1 bottle of Ting Zihe;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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