I’m the City Lord of the Last Days

Chapter 65:

Song Chengfeng was very annoyed by his wife. For one afternoon, his youngest son couldn't move his feet. Except for helping his son to the city lord's mansion twice, he had nothing to do at other times. Without the encouragement of his two neighbors, he couldn't even go out to find his teammates. Don't want to try.

But when I stayed, I had to listen to all kinds of nagging from my wife, such as the lack of existing food, why I was always sleeping in the car and my whole body was stiff, and why my eldest son was raised for nothing. In short, it was endless complaints.

Although Bai Ya tried her best to speak softly when she complained, it could not conceal that her words made people irritated.

In the end, Song Chengfeng was so annoyed that he couldn't take it anymore, he got out of the car, wandered around aimlessly, but refused to get back into the car.

There are people from the He family in the villa area to maintain order. If there are survivors who report missing things, being bullied, etc., the patrol team of the He family will definitely track them down. Not only will they be compensated, but they will also be kicked out of the villa. district.

After a few lucky people were kicked out by defying the law, the other survivors were very peaceful. At most, there was a bit of a verbal dispute, and they were absolutely afraid to do it. Therefore, the villa area has always been safe, and Song Chengfeng wandered in the dark. There is nothing to be afraid of.

When someone suddenly approached Song Chengfeng directly, he didn't pay much attention until the other person stood still beside him and whispered to him:

"Mr. Song, my boss wants to make a deal with you."

Song Chengfeng was taken aback, and took a look at the other person. He was a short man, wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap at night. The brim of the hat was pulled down very low. Apart from being able to hear voices, he couldn't see his appearance at all.

"What deal?" Song Chengfeng calmed down and asked back.

The visitor cautiously looked around, stretched out his hand, and signaled Song Chengfeng to go to a corner with him, and then opened the package in his hand in front of Song Chengfeng. Inside the package was a lunch box, and six steamed buns were arranged in the transparent lunch box.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. I just want to ask you some news about Song Xingcheng. If you tell me everything you know about Young Master Song, this will be yours." The visitor shook his hand The lunch box inside, lowered his voice.

In the past few days, Song Chengfeng has been eating dry rice, with at most one or two mouthfuls of pickled vegetables as a side dish. His mouth is almost anorexic, so when he sees the buns in the lunch box, his eyes light up, regardless of whether it is meat buns or vegetable buns. , After all, it has fillings, that is, it has a taste, and the mouth immediately began to crazily secrete saliva.

Song Chengfeng is not stupid, he sneaked up to him at night to beat him

Those who heard the news specified that they couldn't be with the eldest son, but what does this have to do with him? That brat Song Xingcheng has threatened him so much, does he still need to take care of it?

What really worried Song Chengfeng was that his understanding of his eldest son was limited to his teenage years. Will the other party be satisfied with these things?

Thoughts were spinning quickly in his mind, and Song Chengfeng just coughed reservedly on the bright face, and said with confidence: "Well... I still know my son very well, it's just this box..."

After Song Chengfeng finished speaking, the other party understood that it was due to the lack of pay. The short man immediately wrapped the cloth outside the lunch box again, turned around and left.

Song Chengfeng was dumbfounded by the other party's straightforward and non-cooperative attitude. He was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly chased after him to persuade him to stay: "Hey, don't go, don't go, talk it out, don't worry, talk it out if you have something to say."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the eyes of the visitor hiding under the brim of the hat. This father didn't even ask about his purpose. He only wanted to pester him for less pay. Of course, this was more conducive to his work.

So the visitor followed Song Chengfeng back to the corner again, and heard Song Chengfeng begin to talk about his understanding of Song Xingcheng, but, listening to it, the visitor couldn't help frowning.

"My son was spoiled by his grandfather and mother. He has been extremely arrogant since he was a child. He is like the little devil king. He is very arrogant. He has no empathy and can't understand other people's difficulties. Anyway, he is very self-sufficient, as if the whole world around him You have to go around him.

"Oh, that kid is quite selfish. He is very protective of food. He has never learned to share. When he was a child, he was asked to share something with other brothers and sisters. That kid would rather destroy things than share them. He has an extreme personality!

"The biggest problem is that this child holds grudges very much. This is a character flaw brought out by beating a mother. He takes everything well for others for granted. If someone offends him, he can hold grudges for a long time. She has a good face, in short, she is extremely difficult to get along with!


Song Chengfeng firmly believed that what he ate was really his own, so he asked the short man to give him a bun, and he ate it first, talking while eating.

When Song Chengfeng ate it, he found that it was a vegetable bun, curled his lips in dissatisfaction, thought it was a meat bun, waited for a long time in vain, took a bite right away, chewed for a long time, swallowed it, said a few words, took another bite, and the cycle started.

For Song Chengfeng's new request, the visitor backed down, let Song Chengfeng take a bun first, and then listened patiently for a long time, and found that Song Xingcheng was arrogant in Song Chengfeng's mouth

The difficult "little emperor", Song Chengfeng kept talking about seven or eight shortcomings, but didn't mention any advantages, which inevitably made people feel puzzled. The kind of person Song Chengfeng talked about could really get the second young master of the He family. Do you favor admiration?

After Song Chengfeng thought about it, he couldn't say anything more, so the visitor asked: "Mr. Song, other than what you said, is there any good thing about Young Master Song?"

Although it was just a vegetable bun, the stuffing was far more fragrant than pickled vegetables and rice. After eating one bun, Song Chengfeng kept staring at the lunch box and asked to continue eating the second one, but this time the short man refused, insisting that he just let Song Chengfeng take a look. Do not continue to give him.

Hearing the visitor's question, Song Chengfeng still didn't take his eyes off the bun in the opponent's hand, thought about it carefully, and replied, "Yes!"

The visitor's eyes lit up and he listened attentively, only to hear Song Chengfeng say: "Xing Cheng's looks are pretty good, combining the best qualities of me and his mother, if you ask me, it's useless to be a young boy in the entertainment industry." questionable."

It's... not wrong to come here for a meal.

It's a pity that after further questioning, Song Chengfeng couldn't tell Song Xingcheng's other advantages. Instead, he continued to complain that his son's temper was really big and bad, and he was very willful.

The visitor carefully asked Song Xingcheng if he was allergic to anything, what taboos, taboos, etc. Song Chengfeng answered if he knew it, and said no if he didn't know it. In the end, he answered no to most of the questions.

Until the visitor couldn't ask any questions, he had no choice but to end the transaction. In Song Chengfeng's anticipation, he handed the cloth bag to Song Chengfeng, turned and left.

Song Chengfeng was overjoyed, he really didn't expect that there was such a way to open source, so he took out a steamed stuffed bun and chewed it slowly, savored it, and tasted it slowly.

After secretly eating alone, Song Chengfeng adjusted the position of the remaining four buns in the lunch box, spread them out, as if there were only four buns in the box, and then strolled back to their car.

"Husband, where have you been so late? It's best not to walk around in the dark. There is no light or light here. It's not good if you encounter any danger, even if you accidentally trip over it."

Seeing that her man finally came back, Bai Ya quickly suppressed the depression in her heart, and said softly, as if thinking about Song Chengfeng wholeheartedly.

When Song Chengfeng was in a good mood, his gentleness towards his wife was very beneficial. After getting in the car, he patted the cloth bag on his hand and said complacently, "I'm not going to get food for you mother and son!"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Bai Ya and Song Juncai who was huddled in the back row lit up, and they asked Song Chengfeng what they got.

Song Chengfeng's face was serious, and he said solemnly: "Your mother said that we are running out of food reserves, so we should save some food. If you say you don't eat dinner tonight, you don't eat it. You will know when you eat it tomorrow."

Bai Ya rolled her eyes and said earnestly, "Honey, you see that Xiao Jun has been injured today, why don't you give Xiao Jun some food to nourish his body?"

Of course, Song Chengfeng didn't want to feed his son alone. Of the four buns he brought back, he should eat two anyway, one for each mother and son.

If the son eats one more now, the husband and wife will not be able to eat it tomorrow, why should the son watch it? In the end, it will definitely evolve into the son taking his share, and it will become that the son eats two and he only eats one, that will definitely not work.

Tonight, everyone might as well eat it separately. Song Chengfeng had already eaten two steamed buns to pad his stomach. He felt that his stomach was not so hungry that he couldn't sleep in a hurry. It would be a waste to eat again in this situation.

So Song Chengfeng resolutely rejected Bai Ya's proposal, and insisted that the next day the family of three would eat separately.

Song Juncai was very anxious, but Bai Ya had already seen that her husband's decision could not be shaken, so she stopped persuading her and gave her son a soothing look. Song Juncai was discouraged, and lay down without saying a word.

This night, among the family of three curled up in the car, only Song Chengfeng slept the best, while Bai Ya and Song Juncai, the mother and son, hugged their hungry bellies, and were so disturbed that they couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

Bai Ya knew a long time ago that in Song Chengfeng's heart, he himself was the most important thing, and everyone else had to stand aside. The reason she was able to stay by his side for so many years was that she kept her posture low enough to please him better than her original partner, and made Song Chengfeng feel great. The status of a man, coupled with giving birth to a son for Song Chengfeng, win over Song Chengfeng's parents.

Song Wan and Song Chengfeng's family didn't get along well, and rarely communicated with each other, but Bai Ya could put down her figure to please the old couple, and made the old couple love Song Juncai's grandson even more.

Bai Ya knows that Song Chengfeng definitely loves her, but it is impossible to say that he loves her so much that he needs to make concessions. The one Song Chengfeng loves most is himself.

There is actually no big problem with a smooth life before the end of the world. Bai Ya only needs to ensure that Song Chengfeng does not get close to his original partner's son, and make sure that no new mistresses and illegitimate children appear around Song Chengfeng. son.

But the end of the world came suddenly, everything is different

That's it.

To be honest, the day they came to the villa area to find Song Xingcheng, Bai Ya doubted that if Song Xingcheng had a better attitude towards Song Chengfeng and promised to raise Song Chengfeng, the condition was that both their mother and child would be kicked out, Bai Ya would not She was sure that Song Chengfeng would not agree, so she kept trying to stop Song Chengfeng from going to see Song Xingcheng, but unfortunately she couldn't.

Fortunately, Song Xingcheng did not lie to Song Chengfeng, and was so harsh that Song Chengfeng was frightened, so he continued to return to their mother and son.

In the past two days, Bai Ya always deliberately said that Song Xingcheng should raise Song Chengfeng. In fact, she saw that Song Xingcheng would not be able to forgive Song Chengfeng, and would not be able to give this father a good face, so she deliberately said it to stimulate Song Chengfeng and continue to alienate their father-son relationship. of.

Bai Ya could see very clearly that there was no possibility for their family to rise if they stayed in the villa area, and Song Xingcheng would not give them a chance. For them, the only advantage of the villa area is the safety of the overall environment.

The best situation is, of course, that the father and son can collect supplies by themselves when they go out, so it's okay for them to stay in the villa for a while to be safe. But now that their son is injured and their husband has to muddle along, and has no intention of fighting, they have to leave the villa area before the supplies in stock are exhausted, and find a new safe house and more supplies as soon as possible.

It's a pity that only Bai Ya is really worried about the future. The two men in the family seem to be missing a muscle. They don't care about the current situation that they are walking on thin ice. Bai Ya is anxious and angry, so she can't show it too much.

The more she thought about it, the more angry Bai Ya couldn't sleep. The one she was most angry with was Song Wan, whom she had secretly envied and envied for more than ten years. It's really unfair for a powerful person to be a meal ticket.

Some people are born with a golden spoon in their mouths, but she was obviously beautiful, but she was only born in an ordinary family. She worked hard all her life, and in the end, all the apocalypse came to naught.

In the end, Bai Ya, who made her liver hurt from anger, didn't know when she fell asleep.

All I knew was that there were various movements around early the next day, and Bai Ya, who was forced to wake up, supported her head and frowned, feeling a headache.


When Song Chengfeng was stealing buns outside with his wife on his back, what he said had already been placed on the table of Zhao’s family. The short man who did the transaction himself brought a recording pen and played the recording twice. Someone had already compiled Song Chengfeng’s words. It became a manuscript.

The Zhao family gathered together, studying Song Xingcheng's own father's evaluation of him, frowning more and more.


They have met Song Xingcheng before, no matter how they look at it, they feel that Song Chengfeng's evaluation has nothing to do with Song Xingcheng himself.

But in the end they still decided to believe a little bit. After all, what Song Xingcheng showed to outsiders was probably a cover-up, and only relatives really understood him.


When the Zhao family secretly discussed using Song Xingcheng as a breakthrough point, Song Xingcheng himself had just finished training, took a good bath, and then soaked in the hot spring with her boyfriend.

Song Xingcheng especially likes to lie on the warm stones by the hot spring, where he can relax to the greatest extent. He also likes to summon the panel to add bricks and tiles to his city at this time.

Song Xingcheng now adds buildings according to the amount of goods sold in the grocery store every day. Food is always the most sold item. Song Xingcheng built 8 farmlands, 2 rice fields and 2 vegetable fields.

There is also meat. Survivors are used to the life before the end of the world where they can eat meat if they want to eat it. Now as long as they earn energy beads, they can’t move their eyes from the wooden sign of meat. Sometimes they would rather not buy vegetables. Order the meat and go back to taste it, so Song Xingcheng built four more livestock yards.

There is no need to build more fruit forests for the time being, after all, not many people have the capital to enjoy them. There is no need to build a fishing ground for the time being, and there are many survivors who want to eat seafood, but the price of 2 energy beads per catty makes most people discouraged.

The seafood produced yesterday was basically rounded up by the Hejia Manor today, and the seafood dinner was eaten in the evening, and the members of the Xinghu team and their families were full of delicious food.

As more and more survivors moved to houses by the lake, the demand for furniture also increased, so Song Xingcheng built 3 more furniture factories and 3 ceramic factories. The most important thing is that survivors who have extra energy beads in their hands will basically buy a set for themselves. The beds produced by furniture factories are also necessary for residents who cannot find a bed or find it difficult to carry it.

At the same time, the system road has been paved to Nanqi Road.

However, Song Xingcheng will be able to build the city while He Qianshan is giving him a massage. When He Qianshan's massage is over, he will think that he has served the cat master properly today, and immediately turn his face to the top, and the next one is up, Xiaoxiao The servant bullied the cat master until he bullied the master until the corners of his eyes were red and watery.

With the arrival of a new day, Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan received good news early in the morning. Han Qinmin and Lin Yu had obtained supernatural powers!

Han Qinmin has a speed ability, and Lin Yu has a strength ability.

He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng have never deliberately concealed their physical condition, whether it is Song Xingcheng's divine power when carrying supplies

Now, it was the speed that He Qianshan showed in order to rescue the team members who were in critical condition, which made some team members couldn't help but mutter in their hearts.

After Han Qinmin discovered the change in himself, he immediately reported it to the boss. Lin Yu woke up and found that his power had changed dramatically, so his first reaction was to find He Qianshan and Song Xingcheng.

Then I learned from the mouths of the two captains that similar changes had already occurred in them. Han Qinmin and Lin Yu, who were still a little apprehensive, felt relieved.

With the experience of their predecessors, Han Qinmin and Lin Yu, who had just broken through, were able to quickly understand their own abilities, and also mastered the methods of exercise, so that they could control their bodies as soon as possible.

At the same time, Song Xingcheng and He Qianshan also got more data.

For example, the four people who already possess supernatural powers basically broke through by absorbing about 30 energy beads, and apart from the four of them, there are a few team members who have absorbed about 20 energy beads. The more obvious you can feel the rapid improvement of your physical fitness.

For another example, everyone absorbs energy beads at different speeds, and the same person absorbs energy beads faster and faster.

Zheng Nianhao also began to wear energy beads around the clock on the first day of the end of the world, but his absorption speed of energy beads was obviously slower than that of several teammates who had already broken through, and he only had 22 energy beads so far.

Zheng Nianhao watched his old partner run past him like flying, and he could only comfort himself when he was depressed, it was getting faster, the energy beads he absorbed every day in the past two days were more than that at the beginning of the end of the world, and then continued to speed up, He can still look forward to having supernatural powers himself.

At the same time, related news quickly spread among the Xinghu team. He Qianshan's suggestion of wearing energy beads with him was brought up for discussion again. Unlike before, this time, he saw more There have been changes in teammates, and everyone can't help but believe it.

So far, no one dares to underestimate the energy beads, and energy beads are indispensable in the daytime pockets and next to the pillow at night.

The cleaning team members who came to gather at the manor only felt that today's coach and Xinghu team members were inexplicably excited, and they couldn't help being surprised to hear that they were chatting with each other without leaving energy beads.

Those who are interested don't care what the truth is, the point is that they also learn to put most of the collected energy beads in the bottle, and it is enough to keep one or two sporadically in their pockets.

As soon as the convoy left the villa area, it headed straight for the address of a research institution provided by Jia Hao the day before.

Jia Hao was also in the team, holding a handful of senior teammate retreats in his hand.

The ax that came down was very nervous, and the teammates in the same car skillfully appeased and encouraged him, saying that the zombies were not worth mentioning.

Jia Hao twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly. He was also someone who had seen zombies with his own eyes. Such words of comfort to children could not fool him.

In the end, after getting out of the car and starting the battle, Jia Hao followed behind the coaching team members, and truly felt that once one's side has the advantage in numbers and coordinates the division of labor and cooperation, the threat of zombies is really not as terrifying as they seem!

Jia Hao was soon assigned the opportunity to attack. At this time, the zombie he was designated to attack was firmly blocked by his teammates with a fence, and the sharp claws of the zombie were also picked away by the iron rod. It was equivalent to the zombie showing only one neck. With a smooth and easy wave of the ax in his hand, the head of the zombie fell to the ground, and a zombie came to an end.

Jia Hao only felt that he hadn't felt well yet, the attack was over?

Jia Hao looked at his teammates and then at the ax in his hand, unable to believe it.

Not long after, Jia Hao, who had retreated to the back of the team, got his energy orb.

The He Family team's fair distribution of loot is well-known in the villa area. In the context of conflicts among the scattered survivor teams from time to time due to the distribution of loot, no matter whether it is the cleaning team or the Xinghu team, they have never heard of loot distribution. question.

Now Jia Hao feels this personally. He killed a zombie, and he really got an energy bead. Although he needs to hand it in proportionally after returning to the villa area, at least there is no energy in the first step of the distribution process. be swallowed up.

Jia Hao, who got the loot, suddenly became enthusiastic about attacking, and quickly and proactively integrated into the team's attacking rhythm.

The first target the team cleaned up today was the Kodd Research Institute, where Jia Hao's mother used to work. Jia Hao has not been here for many years, and the original layout is still there. There is a laboratory building that is only three stories high but occupies a large area. Outside the laboratory building is a large courtyard.

There are a lot of tall trees planted in the courtyard to block the prying eyes of outsiders. In addition, there is no sign on the gate of the courtyard. Some people who have lived nearby for a long time do not know what this building is for.

Soon, the team of the detachment cleaned up the streets around the research institution, and officially prepared to enter the courtyard through the gate.

The gate of this institution is relatively small, and each group can only enter in line.

When it was his turn to maintain the fence, Jia Hao glanced at the line and frowned subconsciously. Why did the trees in the yard grow so tall and luxuriant?

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-1923:08:04~2020-06-2023:02:58~

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: good night 20 bottles; Ting Zihe, L1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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