Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 100: More for the Order ( 2 )

Chapter 100: More for the Order ( 2 )

Sun Cheng had been the first Jian paid a visit to. The noble lived close by and Jian actually knew where he was. Vehr was another story since he could be pretty much everywhere. Ever since the tournament, the boy had become a bit famous, so someone should be able to tell Jian where he was, but Sun Cheng was still the first on the list.

Now Sun Cheng wouldn't join Jian's order easily since the man was a noble, and an heir at that. Jian or rather, the Crow, couldn't take him away. However his family could back his order. For that to happen though, Jian had to negotiate with said family, and he already had the backing of the only heir the family had, an heir who was heavily indebted. 

"Who are you ?" One of the guard in front of the Sun's family mansion asked. Jian had to say, the Sun family seemed to be insanely rich and powerful. The two guards garding the gates were both of the mortal realm and Jian could see many guards of the same level patrolling around the mansion. Then again the Sun family wasn't exactly in a situation where they could be relaxed, not only because of the Void but also because even though many months had passed, they couldn't exactly forget the murder of the previous heir that easily. Though obviously, many people suspected Sun Cheng more than anyone else. 

The heir didn't mind though. He gained the position he wanted, the girl he wanted and the strengh he wanted. In the end, it was clear as day that Sun Cheng was on cloud nine because of Jian and it showed. The heir had been getting ready to leave the mansion when he saw the Crow at the gate. 

He quickly ran to the gates and ordered the guards to open it.

"You...What are you doing here ?!" Sun Cheng asked as the guards put their hands on their swords. Jian could have been offended by the way Sun Cheng greeted him, but the smile on the man's face told him all he needed to know, in fact even the guards saw that smile and quickly retreated back to their positions.

"I came to visit you and more importantly your family. I helped you greatly, so I'm going to need your help in return." Jian responded. Sun Cheng gasped and grabbed Jian before quickly going back inside the manor.

"What exactly do you need, Mr. Crow ?" Cheng asked in a small voice as he lead Jian upstairs while looking left and right for anyone. It was understandable, it wasn't like anyone here should know about him. 

"Well, the serial killer who trained you did tell you that I am the head of a newly created organisation, right ? Every organisations needs funds, resources. I can get them on my own, get them through my allies, or do both. I am going to do both, and since you are indebted to me, I thought your family was perfect. Of course this is a case where your family becomes an ally of my organisation, so it goes both ways. You support the organisation and the organisation steps in whenever you have any problems." Jian said. He was surprised by the next thing Cheng asked him.

"You prepared a contract or something like that ? My family is all about official things. Not only will they hesitate to accept the proposition, it will be worse if you haven't prepared anything already."

"...Wait a second, go back a bit. You accept my proposition ?" Jian asked, a bit unsure. It had gone a bit too easily for his taste. 

"Huh ? Oh yes, of course. I mean this doesn't seem problematic to me. I would have remained the same useless second son without you, and In the end it's not like you're asking for support without giving anything back. To be honest even if the deal was really bad for us, I would have still accepted it. My family constantly rejected me like I was worthless and now they're all sucking up to me. I feel nothing for them and the family can go up in flames for all I care. Of course It's easy for me to be okay with it, but they won't accept easily." Sun Cheng explained as he popped a candy inside his mouth. 

" Well I don't think so.....Either they accept, or they could lose their only heir. " Jian said as he smiled wickedly. 

"What ? What do you mean....You don't plan on killing me if they refuse, right ?!" Sun Cheng suddenly exclaimed as he waved his hands around his face.

"Ahah, no. You won't have any problems, but they'll be in a world of pain if they refuse. I mean there are no rules that state you can't just...Leave them. I can take you with me and they won't be able to do anything. With me you'll be able to have that girl you love and you'll grow stronger so I don't think you'll even mind, and they'll know that. Or I'll make sure they understand it clearly." Jian explained as Sun Cheng paled.

"Well..Yeah, that does sound like an awful situation for them. I didn't think of this honestly, I always felt like I couldn't get away from the family...You're sure I actually can ?" Sun Cheng asked with wide eyes. This was the first time he even considered it. All that time, he could've just run away with his love.....Was he dumb or something for not realizing it sooner ?

Hearing this, Jian chuckled slightly and thought about that noble he once met. That man with the surname Zhi. He had told him a lot about nobles, although Jian hadn't been all that interested in the topic, at least he had been less interested by the topic than by the man himself. But he did remember something that man had said to him.

"There are written rules and then there are things I like to call 'societal rules'. They are rules that are in no way forced onto an individual. They do not shackle the individual unless he let them shackles him. Saying hello to people you meet is one of those rules. No one will put you in jail if you don't say hello to people, but you feel like you have to, it's a rule enforced by society. It's a good rule, one that everyone should follow. Other societal rules are not so great...That's what a great man once told me. This case is the same, it's not an actual rule. You don't have to remain in that family, because the government doesn't force you to. And in case you haven't noticed, your family doesn't run this country, the government does." Jian said as Sun Cheng looked at him in confusion. He still hadn't wrapped his head around the things he had been told.

"Now your family could...I don't know, chain you to a bed to prevent you from leaving...But I am here right now, and no matter what they end up saying, they won't do anything to you...Not only because if they refuse my dear serial killer is still here to make sure they cannot hurt you and I'll end up leaving this country with you...But also, if they accept but want to make sure you cannot leave, I'll make sure to put it on the contract.....You're free Sun Cheng, do whatever the hell you want...But for now just help me convince your family."

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