Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 111: A talk with the Patriarch

Chapter 111: A talk with the Patriarch

The patriarch Xin Deshi was a man who was known for his warm heart. Unlike many patriarchs his duties hadn't gone to his head and he hadn't changed. He was just like a grandpa to so many people. That is why his sect was one of the rare sects where a very little amount of disciples left. Most of them had no reasons to.

He wasn't soft though. The disciples knew he didn't joke around with training. He never did, it was a serious matter to him. The patriarch was only soft on the newcomers, but that usually didn't last long. However Jian could see it, this was the best type of patriarch one could ever dream of, not that Giran was a bad patriarch. It's just that he was more of an army leader than an actual patriarch. He lacked the feeling of a teacher and seemed more like a general who would kill you if you stepped out of line.

"So, are you taking a liking to my sect ?" The patriarch asked Jian who jumped a little. The man had came out of nowhere as though he just teleported. Maybe he did, or maybe he could erase his presence. Jian had no idea.

"It's a good sect. Had I been living in this kingdom, I would've joined it with no hesitation. " Jian said with a smile. He saw Shu coming towards him from the corner of his eyes but said nothing.

The three sat down at a table and remained silent for a few seconds until the patriarch decided he should be the first to speak.

" Well now that you are both here, I guess I should tell you why I even invited you two. See, we are technically allied through that woman, Uma. What I would like to know is....That order of yours, Crow, what is it exactly ? Because weirdly enough I cannot get any informations from anyone about it. The only reason I even know you're the crow and you are making some new order is because of Uma." The patriarch said while pinching the bridge of his nose. 

Shu and Jian looked at each others, and for once it was Shu who answered. He wasn't the actual leader, but Jian wanted him to speak because he would reveal less than him. Jian had a tendency to speak a bit too much. 

"It's a fresh order with no names, but we already know it's goal. We are going to be travelling around the world, saving whomever we want to save, doing whatever we want. It will be an order of the free." Shu said with a little amount of excitement. It seemed like he liked the idea a bit more than he let on.

"Oh, an order of the free ? Sounds nice. But why exactly should I support you guys ? I mean unless we have the same goals, I don't really see it." Xin Deshi said, making Shu pause for a second. 

"Well.....It is an alliance. If you ever have any troubles we will be there. Not only that but through getting into an alliance with us, you also get much closer to the royal family. I don't know your goal and it's most likely not the same as ours....But this alliance will get your sect into a much better position." Shu explained. 

It was so weird seeing him talk for the order. Jian felt like an actual leader for the first time. He was letting his subordinate do the talking for him. Not that shu would really like being called a subordinate. 

"Hmm...I get what you're saying. However do not expect my sect to give you much in the beginning. I cannot just pour all my resources into you guys without knowing if you'll last. Such an order, with a zhao warrior as a member at that, could crumble really quickly. One can only hope you'll be able to thrive, making us thrive in return." Xin Deshi said as he shook Shu's hand before doing the same with Jian. 

"Was that the only thing you had to discuss with us ?" Jian asked. He had a feeling this wasn't even the thing the patriarch wanted to say. It felt like he was stalling. 

"Haha, you're sharper than I thought....It wasn't the only thing. I wanted to speak to you about something...Your black gas....The power of a kishin." Xin Deshi said. Jian was about to take his halberd but mara stopped him.

"Calm down kid ! Listen to him before doing something you'll regret ! I sense no ill intentions coming from him." 

Jian calmed down and coughed.

"A-Alright.....What is it you want to talk about exactly ? You seem to know some things about my powers."

"Indeed. Kishins aren't exactly famous, or infamous to be honest. They are akin to a myth that not even that many people know of. I just happen to know a few things because of the Indra family. " 

'Once again, that family comes up.' Jian thought as Mara cursed.

"Kid, you need to pay attentiont to that family. Through my connection with the Zero King, I heard many things. There are things I cannot reveal to you now, but I have heard that the Red Sky Sword once belonged to that family and they won't be happy that you destroyed it." 

'Wait a damn second...You are connected to Li Kuo and can hear whatever he hears ?!' Jian thought.

"Well, it's a bit more complicated than that. I am not connected to him, I am connected to the Zero King. I see and hear only what she wants me to hear and see." Mara explained. He wanted to tell Jian about Li Kuo, but he couldn't. He needed to wait for a time when Jian would have nothing to do for a few days. 

He could also say nothing about it and let Jian discover it on his own. It could be a good idea since the current condition Li Kuo was in could simply fade away. It wasn't anything that would last forever. The Zero King just had to calm down. 

This Reset Moon thing was starting to worry Mara much more than it had any rights to. He was trying to guess what it could be, but if it's name was anything to go with....This didn't sound good at all.

"The Indra family has been searching for a kishin, and for quite a while too. I do not know what they want one for, but they don't seem to have any bad intentions. They seem a bit desperate actually. " The patriarch said as he thought back of that time he met some members of that legendary family. Even meeting some of the most powerful sect patriarchs of this part of the continent hadn't left him with an impression strong enough to mark him for life, meeting the Indra family had done that. 

" So what ? Do I need to be wary of them ? Do I need to meet them ?" 

The patriarch laughed while shu looked a bit uncomfortable. He had heard a lot about that family. The tribes had been working for that family a few decades before everyone on the continent began to see the Zhao warriors as monsters that should be slaughtered just in case. 

To him, if a single family was powerful enough to hire all the tribes and make them thrive even more than they would on their own, it was a family to avoid at all costs. 

Then again it was shrouded in mystery and Shu was always a bit curious about it. The name made it sound like they came from the land of the Everlasting Sun, but who knew who they were really. 

" I want you to meet them at some point. Simply because the indra family helped me more than anyone else in my entire life and I am indebted to them. Seeing how desperate they were to find a kishin, my only desire is to help them. Though I know you have all the reasons to be wary of themand refu-"

"I'll meet them. Not now, but at some point I will meet them. This way you'll be indebted to me. " Jian suddenly said as Mara burst into laughter. 

" Oh god this kid ! You can't stop huh ?!" Mara exclaimed as he held his stomach. 

Jian knew he was being extremely greedy, but well that was his nature. He was just like that and wouldn't change it. Greed gave him determination to go further in life, so he could have more and more. Be it power, influence, money...Anything. 

" Hahaha ! Well said boy ! You gotta think like that now that you're the leader of an order. But ya know, the royal family sent me a letter a few days ago. It was about you. Seems like they really want to help you, with how much they are giving you. I was against what they ordered me to do, but talking with you...I feel like I can be less selfish for once. " Xin Deshi said as he took out a copy of the message he had been sent and gave it to Jian. The copy didn't contain the entire message, but Jian didn't need to know that.

The boy read it, froze and then Shu took it from his hands. The warrior froze too and it was Mara's turn to read.

" The hell are those kids freezing for ? Let's see..Yeah yeah, your sect is one of the few we accept..Blah blah...Alright, interesting part. We would like you to....Oh...Yeah alright I get it now. Well the order keeps getting bigger and bigger. " Mara said.

" How...How many are you lending us ?" Jian asked, trying and failing to sound calmer than he actually was. 

"...Hmm let's say...50..Yes 50 disciples sounds good. Take good care of them, Crow. "

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