Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 16: Interest and Snake Cave

Chapter 16: Interest and Snake Cave

Jian could definitely feel that his choices had been good, very good. He had chosen to get on the good side of a person and now it paid. Though he didn't think that Huang Lei would be the one to come to save him. Huang Lei was a mystery to Jian since he hadn't used the system to get informations on the man.

But everyone seemed to be scared of him for some reasons. No matter who they were, all the disciples would avoid him like the plague. While he was a powerful Inner Disciple, he didn't have that much followers, and Jian thought it was because of Zhi Li and Jin Wang. Those two seemed to be hell bent on making sure that Huang Lei would not get any support, which further proved that Huang Lei was dangerous.

And at this exact moment the man showed it. The giant snake had froze in fear as Huang Lei landed in front of Jian. Huang Lei helped Jian back on his feet, and turned around to face the snake. No one was looking at him, so no one could see it, but his eyes became pools of green fire while his entire body tensed. He wasn't about to just kill the Giant Snake. He was about to kill everything in front of him.

Jian didn't even have the occasion to stick around much longer, since someone grabbed him by the collar of his robe and dragged him away. Just as Huang Lei said the name of his technique, the green fire in his eyes spread on his entire body and became like a viscous liquid on the ground.

Jian finally turned to see who had dragged him away and his blood ran cold.

" Zhao Shu ?!" He screamed, looking at his rival who was frowning at him. While the two started to glare at each other, a high pitched screech was heard. The Inner Disciples who had come to help the elders looked at the result of Huang Lei's technique, whilst Zhao Shu and Jian were too busy glaring at each other for no reasons. No matter what the situation would be, the tension between these two could always be felt, even if they had no apparent reasons to hate each other, since Rivals were supposed to compete with each other, not try to kill the other with merely their glare.

The disciples had complicated expressions on their faces when Huang Lei came back, not daring to look at him as he approached Zhao Shu and Jian. He got between the two and coughed.

" I think we should focus on the current matter for now. I killed a lot of snakes, but there is still a lot more to come." Said Huang Lei. Jian just huffed and walked towards Peng Fu.

" So...We continue to use the same strategy ?" He asked the man. Peng Fu giggled a bit before pointing at the Elders.

" With their strengh we don't need to. Until now they haven't been using their true strengh since it would be a waste. In a situation like this, it's best to try to kill the leaders, not the foot soldiers. Those snakes are most likely the offsprings of the Poisonous Raja, as such they possess enough intelligence to recognize a desperate situation when they see one. I will use my flute to help the disciples when the Elders leave to search for the leaders." Said Peng Fu. When he heard this Jian decided to go to the Elders, to ask if he could join them. He could help with his poisonous envy mist.

" You are Inner Disciple Jian , right ?" Asked a pretty woman who exuded an aura of power similar to the Elders. Said woman had been talking to Huang Lei but came towards Jian when she saw him. This certainly shocked the other disciples a bit, but then again Jian was one of Huang Lei's follower, so he wasn't a nobody.

" Uhh...Yeah ?" Answered Jian awkwardly.

" The group of Elders will search for the Leaders of this Snake Army, in the meantime we  will try to find  where those snakes are coming from....You are coming too." Said the woman, clearly indicating that he didn't have a choice in the matter. It angered Jian a bit, but then again she was a lot stronger than him....So he could only nod.

" Zhao Shu....Since you're on the brink of breaking through the next Step, make sure to stay at the front. You need to kill atleast as much snakes as Huang Lei does." Said the woman. Zhao Shu merely nodded while Jian got taken aback.

' Already ?! I mean he is a genius...But damn ! I really need to reach the 4th Step. Maybe I could ask Huang Lei for some 4th Step Soul Pellets, or some 5th Step Elixir, it shouldn't be much for him....I am his follower, so it's normal I ask for some help. ' Thought Jian , he had accepted to become Huang Lei's follower because of the benefits, and he was going to milk this for all he could.

Just as the group of Elders left the Gate to enter the forest and search for more Giant Snakes, the weaker inner disciples stayed behind to protect the gate, while Jian and the others immediately left to go search for the root of the problem.

On their way, they killed at least a thousand snakes, three hundred of them being killed by Zhao Shu. Jian just followed them around, unsure as to what he should do. He wasn't of any help, and while he could fight, he was able to kill only about forty snakes. Which was still impressive for someone of his level, but was still far from Zhao Shu's level. Then again the older man was using his Purple Hell Butterfly to burn the snakes, so he had a real advantage.

And yet by killing 'Only' forty snakes, Jian had caught the interest of the woman. Said woman was actually Lu'er, the daughter of South Gate Elder Wei Fang. She was the only Elite Disciple who had come to help. The others clearly didn't care since the Gate Elders could easily take care of the problem if needs be.

What no one knew, was that she had come to observe Zhao Shu and Jian. The first was a member of the Zhao Warrior's Tribe and had quite a lot of talent, while the second seemed to have poor talent but still proved to be interesting. Jian had his secret Soul Heritage, that strange sword he had brought out at the Outer Tournament and he had actually reached the third Step of Qi Core Realm only after entering the Sect for a few weeks.

One had to know that a cultivator of normal talent would need a year to reach this level without some good ressources, and Jian clearly didn't have them....Which made Lu'er curious as to how fast his cultivation progress would be if he was given the proper ressources....Something to think about for later.

After walking around and slaughtering snakes for thirty minutes, the group encountered a large number of snakes. This group of snakes was much larger than what they had faced half an hour ago, and they all seemed to originate from a cave.

" Well seems like we found the root of the problem. Now the only problem is...How are we going to cut this root ?" Said Lu'er. Huang Lei chuckled before stepping in front of Lu'er.

" Given their number, while we could win easily against them, we would still have some casualties. I think we should find a way to discreetly enter the cave and search for what has made this occur. Though I guess I should say that we are entering the cave to make sure that whatever caused this is not exactly what we think it is....I sure hope it isn't, I'll rather live longer." Said Huang Lei.

Lu'er chuckled soflty, causing Jian to turn slightly red at the sound of her sweet, elegant and mesmerizing voice. Her voice was clearly meant to go well with her cute body and face.

"Then I guess the weakest one will have to do. If we walk a few meters away from here, flare up our auras while the weakest moves towards the entrance, we will be able to distract them. " Said Lu'er. And they clearly knew who was the weakest. Jian seethed as he caught Zhao Shu looking at him while smiling like a dumbass. However he still accepted and said he would go along the plan.

Since everything was in place, the group moved away, while Jian walked directly in front of the giant group of enemies. The snakes hissed at him and tried to bite him, Unfortunately for them, they didn't get the occasion as a particularly strong aura could be sensed a dozens of meters away. The aura was so potent, Jian could see some blue flames dancing around the group.

The snakes all rushed at the group of Inner Disciples who started to run away, allowing Jian to enter the cave without much problems. Still he had to be careful not to get too much attention on himself, or the plan would fail. As such he walked as silently as possible and rushed inside once he could.

The true problem came when he entered. He thought it would be a normal cave, or maybe something a bit special like a hole filled to the brim with snakes....Instead he got nothing but darkness. In fact the light behind him seemed to have completely disappeared, leaving him there standing like a frightened deer, as the temperature dropped instantly.

He immediately brought out the sword and the Diamond Fangs Wolf, that he had previously forgotten about, to help him. However he was soon proved it wasn't much since he was forced onto his knees, pressure building, while he tried to breath normally, but it was like his throat was crushed.

Jian looked around frantically, trying to spot whatever or whoever had done this, but he saw nothing.....Nothing but two glowing orbs that promised nothing else than endless suffering to whoeber dared to look at them for too much time

" W-Who are you ?'" Asked Jian, trying to take back control of his hand, so he could grab his sword.

" Ssss.... Ssss.....I guess some people stil haven't noticed how sssstupid it was to bring you here. Then again who could have known I wassss here. " Said an ancient voice.

" But w-who are you ?!" Asked Jian once more. At this point his eyes were closed, Jian was left in the dark until he felt a presence mere centimeters away from him. He tried to move back but a....Tongue suddenly grabbed him.

" I am the owner of this mountain...But you may call me.....The Poisonous Raja !"

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