Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 2: Unholy Immortal

Chapter 2: Unholy Immortal

The sky was red, blood was pouring down instead of water, like the Gods themselves were bleeding, the ground was cracked while the mountains had been reduced to ashes. Piles of corpses could be seen from left to right, rivers of blood awaiting anyone who would dare to step on this battlefield.

While the apocalypse seemed to have arrived, two creatures were facing each other. The word creature was indeed the best to describe those things that had caused so much destruction.

One was tall enough to reach the clouds or even the stars, while the other was just a normal man. One was dressed in the most luxurious clothes that were ever created, covered in so many different precious stones it would blind a whole world if even a single ray of sunlight was to make them shine. The other had barely a bit of silk on his body, his lower body only covered by the rests of a poorly crafted battle armor.

The first one was power itself, while the other was nothingness. The first was a sun and the other was the void itself. And yet it was the first one who was terrified while the other looked as indifferent as a human could possibly be.

They didn't talk, they didn't move, actually they weren't even breathing. It was only a pair of terrified golden orbs staring down at a pair of cold red orbs.

And in a single moment, the giant lost it's head and fell on earth, it's body crushing everything beneath it. The man, still filled with indifference, lifted his hand and on his palm a moon in a sun appeared.

" May you find a soul unfortunate enough to have been overlooked by the heavens. Should this soul be found, help it grow, give it all the tools it would need to become my worthy successor. I shall see the progress of that little soul from my prison in the underworld." Said the man before his own body fell to the ground and he started to disappear, leaving only ashes behind. From his palm a little light shot and went straight towards the stars.


( With Jian, thirty minutes after the meteorite disappeared.)

Jian's body had been transported inside a small wooden house by a lake. His body was twitching while his eyes moved frantically, but he couldn't move. It was as if he was paralyzed. A few minutes after he stood up in an instant and screamed.


He was quite fortunate to have been left alone. Just after that outburst, Jian covered his mouth while blushing. However he then remembered why he was so shocked.

" Huh....Hmmm.....Immortal Cultivator System....Activate ?" Said Jian in an unsure voice. But to his surprise some sort of board made out of energy appeared in front of his wide open eyes.

" It works ?...IT WORKS !!!" Yelled Jian. This time he was too excited to even stop.

" This wasn't just a dream ? Oh I knew it ! It's actually real !"

After the initial incredible happiness he felt dissipated, Jian could finally think straight. However a voice spoke before he could.

[ Greetings Master. I am the Immortal Cultivator System. I was sent to help you on your path to immortality and supreme power. ]

Hearing the strange genderless voice, Jian recoiled for a bit. But then he jumped up and down and started to repeat " Stay Calm " to keep his heart from exploding.

[ You seem quite surprised , Master. Given that you received all the informations you needed to understand what I am, I would ask for you to calm down. ]

" Okay, okay....I am just a little overwhelmed....* Sigh* It's a lot to take in. But then again the Heavens never helped me, maybe this is my reward for staying determined all those years. " Said Jian, while some tears appeared at the corners of his eyes.

[ It is indeed a lot to take in for a basic human. But I will still proceed with the explanation. As you already know I am a powerful tool that will help you become a cultivator. Also it is quite easy to understand how I work. You can use this floating board you see to view your status, your inventory which works like a spatial ring of the highest tier, the quests I will give you from time to time and finally the lottery of destiny. Now the Lottery of Destiny is what will really help you. Of course I can help you see how much progress you make, what is potentially wrong with you to help you prevent bottlenecks and serious problems and I can also help you see the status of other persons.....However the Lottery is what will help you become a true cultivator. And as it is a Lottery, it will depend on the only thing you can't change, your fortune. ]

Each words the voice said was like music to Jian's ears. He had been waiting for a chance to become a cultivator all his life, to finally get out of misery. And now, he finally had it. And what chance this was.

" Then let me see my status." Said Jian.

[ Very well. However keep in mind Master that it will be better for you to give me orders by simply thinking. It will prevent some accidents. That way no one will think you are crazy, since they can't see me and you won't be talking to air.]

Jian nodded and smiled as the board changed what it showed. Jian could now see his status, and what he saw shocked him.

[ Name: (?????) Jian

Age: 12

Cultivation Rank: Non-Existent

Talent: 10 ( A Normal Adult has 15 )

Martial Spirit: Non-Existent

Soul Heritage: (?????) ]

" I can somewhat understand Cultivation Rank and Talent....But what are Martial Spirits and Soul Heritages ?" Asked Jian, a little confused.

[ Martial Spirit refers to your companions. Like Mystical Beasts and other creatures you have chained to you and changed into protective spirits. They are meant to help you learn unique techniques and also be used as servants to fight for you. Those with Innate Martial Spirits use those spirits to grow in strength faster. Those spirits also have ranks like cultivators. Soul Heritages are quite special. They are spirits, weapons, techniques and pretty much anything that people from your bloodline have left for you. Usually it refers to what your ancestors have left for the next generations, however you can gain new heritages by simply absorbing the bloodlines of spirits, objects or other cultivators, even though the latter is a crime punished by death. Since you don't have a Martial Heritage, everything that you will gain and that will be counted as heritages will also be given to your descendants.]

Hearing all of this, Jian sat on the border of the bed he was left on and simply thought. It was quite hard to know he was even worse then he thought. He had nothing. Though with the System it would change.

" And so, how does the Lottery works ?"

[ It is quite simple. It is actually indicated in your inventory, but you have something called Lottery Points or LP. You can get them from Quests or by selling what you have in your inventory. With those points you will be able to use the Lottery. The more points you have the more you can use it, except if you want to use the specials Lottery. To make it simple, you can use a lot of points at the same time to use the Lottery less but you will have more chance to get exactly what you want. Other than that the rank of what you get from the Lottery is merely decided by Luck. You can get anything, literally anything. Oh and since you have nothing for yourself, I will let you use the normal Lottery once.]

As soon as the voice said this, the board changed and some sort of roulette appeared. Jian quickly understood how it worked, though he couldn't read what was written on it, and used it. The roulette spun until the little arrow pointed at a certain part and the roulette disappeared. A little sound akin to ' Ding' was heard and Jian shook with anticipation.

[ Ding ! You have received a reward from the Lottery of Destiny]

[ Reward: Venerable Immortal Body ( Soul Heritage ) ( Rank Unknown ) ]

[ Description: The Venerable Immortal Body grants the User an incredible body that can train endlessly, ignoring both pain and fatigue. The User is granted extreme resistance to pain and can continue to train without having to pause. The resistances to pain and fatigue only apply to physical pain and fatigue, and even can still be overlooked. As such, you can still get exhausted and feel pain....You just possess more resistance to those two statuses. ]

No one was around the little wooden house at that time, and if anyone had been, they would've died from hearing the incredibly high yell that Jian let out. In a second all the hope that had disappeared during the many years of his life had reappeared. It was good that he was still young and the Soul Heritage hadn't been integrated to his body, because he fell on the bed and slept soundly after that.

And yet just after sleeping for a day, his body glowed red and changed. His hair turned black and white, his eyes were still closed and he continued to sleep as a moon in a sun appeared on both his hands and his forehead. He turned his head and looked at the river close by, before his body shot out. As if he had forgotten who he was, or as if he wasn't himself anymore, Jian was now flying through the river, racing towards a waterfall. He reached it before the water behind him had the time to register the fact something literally tore through it.

He got into a lotus position, while water droplets fell on his body. His body was about to be completely drenched in water, but at the last second some sort of barrier appeared around him. The water seemed to dodge him as it fell besides him. His eyes shot open, and all beings around.....Simply ceased to live. Jian got up and then went through different stances, executing differents movements. His body was moving as if it was free of any shackles, he was fast and deadly

And just as he executed a last low-stance punch, an horrible smile bloomed on his face.


( At the same moment, Poisonous Raja Sect's Treasure Hall)

Inside this palatial hall, An elderly Man was calmly praticing his sword technique, throwing leaves in the air, tying a headband around his eyes and slicing those leaves into two perfect parts before they fell to the ground. However just as he was about to slice the last one, the sword left his hand. His whole body trembled, and blood poured from all the holes in his body.

And this scene was the same with every single powerful living beings around the Sect's Headquarters. Though the strongest beings seemed to have it worse.

" This a-aura...This p-power..." The Elder fell to the ground as several disciples shot inside the room and ran towards him. His eyes became completely red and he was forced to close them as he yelled at the top of his lungs.


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