Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 36: Revelation

Chapter 36: Revelation

Jian had been shook by what Huang Lei had told him. He could've followed the man, however he just had to get to the headquarters. He couldn't just be distracted by everything that came his way. He knew that he would get answers from Wei Feng anyway, and he wanted the Basilisk Order to get there, so he could perhaps understand what was the link between the sect and that order.

The most troubling thing was that Huang Lei whispered to him, to make sure the other disciples wouldn't hear. They were all inner disciples....So it wasn't something that the disciples themselves knew. In fact not even all the elders had the symbols Wei Feng and Huang Lei..In fact, Giran himself didn't have that symbol.

And yet, something troubled him even more than that....While her symbol was slightly different...

'The old hag has a similar tattoo coiling around her neck.... Godammit ! What's going on !' Jian thought. Before seeing Wei Feng, he would go to Uma. She was more likely to give him answers than Wei Feng.

An hour later, when Li Kuo and Jian who hadn't exchanged a word since the event with Huang Lei had finally reached the headquarters, Jian immediately went toward the building that housed the slaves.

He had to hide behind a wall when he saw Uma talking to someone whose only presence confirmed that there was something fishy going on.

" Meeting me in broad daylight, you must desperate old man Feng." Uma said as she smirked at a distraught looking Wei Feng while cleaning the dust covered ground with a broom.

" Uma....This....We first thought those two attacked before of Judem. But they only killed members of the sect that had nothing to do with him...Their real target it was-"

"Us, right ? The two elders they killed both had the symbol. Not only does the Void know about us, they also decided to target us. So you want to speed up the process, even with the risk of someone catching on and revealing the true ?" She asked, finally putting her broom away and sitting down.

"You....Why do you sound like we're some villains who are trying to hide at any cost ?! We are hunted yes, but we aren't the villains here !" Wei Feng yelled as he grabbed Uma by her collar. She sighed and put a hand on his cheek.

" Try to convince yourself old man. But for the snake to survive all those years, even without the Basilisk helping us due to how closely they were watched by that damn Marshall...We did some things. And those things will never be erased. Especially that village we sacrificed...What was it called again....Yunbei ?" She said. Wei Feng suddenly lost of all his strengh and looked away.

" We....We did what we had to survive, the real Raja was still there at that time...We needed to...To..." The words lost themselves in his throat as he seemed to choke on them. That was until Uma turned him around and glared into his eyes.

" Feed him. That's what we did. So we could continue to get his blessing. We sacrificed all those people for that. And now that it's gone, we need our brothers to help us....A decade we have spent, suffering all alone...And now that we are at war they finally answer. Do not even think for a second we won't have other sacrifices to make. They took too much time, our group has suffered. And the little official face we created is a clear exemple of that...No ressources, during a war against the whole continent...Well played, Sons of Raja." She said before walking away, clearly furious as Wei Feng fell on his knees...He had aged in a matter of seconds and couldn't even get to focus. He looked just...Lost.

Jian however was furious. No actually, he was more than that. His heart was filled with so much anger he was actually going to burst.

' Yunbei...YUNBEI ?!'

A few seconds after that, just as Uma reached the court and was about to wait until all the disciples around disappeared so she could pay the patriarch a visit, she was suddenly sent flying away by a punch carrying the hatred of someone who had been betrayed.


Uma got up and looked around to see who had hit her, only to look in shock at...The thing that looked like Jian. It was her first time seeing him like this, and actually...It was the first time for all the disciples who had been around. The court was located just under a rocky path that lead to the elite disciples' pavillion. To access it one would have to climb up the rocky path, and the patriarch mansion was accessible through another path that lead to the summit of the mountain.

Those two rocky paths were filled with disciples who were transporting construction materials for repair or were heading to the different training grounds to get lessons from the elders. A few hundreds of disciples stopped at the same time to witness Jian, the little rookie who had attracted some attention for a reason they nearly all ignored, punch the head of the servants.

They were about to see those two supposed 'weakling' give them a show like they had never seen. It would prove to be a mistake that would get Jian a lot of unwarranted attention as Gatsuga Judem, Karasu Shina, Jin Wang, Peng Fu and Zhi Li happened to be there at that time.

"You...YOU TRAITOR !!!!" Jian yelled. His appearence had changed in an instant following the punch he had thrown. He had partially black hair, though they were white at the start, while the tips were also white. He also had a tattoo on his forehead that represented the moon inside of a sun. His eyes had become completely white, his irises and pupils having disappeared. His body was covered in strange black linings, with another mysterious tattoo on his back. No one had ever seen that strange symbol, except the unholy being.

And said being was trashing around in Jian's inner world as soon as he saw that form.

" HAHAHAH ! I knew it ! I freaking knew it! It had to be him. Of course it's him ! A basilisk, a snake, a rotting dragon and a phoenix. What a bad sense of humor you have, you damn god ! Making it so that your successor would encounter the exact same beings that brought your end by betraying you ! Hmm... What a surprise though, to think the kid was able to unlock the Kishin Form. I thought the Kishins had to go through some sort of harsh training to unlock their transformation...Well as always a tremendous amount of rage does the trick." He exclaimed, a gigantic smile plastered on his shadowy face.


Jian was unable to even notice what was happening with Mara and the system. He didn't feel a single thing when the system shocked his brain or when Mara tried to envelop him in his dark aura. He ignored those things, because they proved to be useless. At that point, nothing could really reach him.

Jian had went past his limits for the first time.

" What...What are you doing Jian ? W-What's this form of yours...I don't understand !" Uma exclaimed. However she knew exactly why he reacting like that.

'Dammit of all people...Of all people, it had to be him who found us out. This is bad...I can't fight against Jian....But.....Ugh, I hate this so much.'

Her inner fight ended as soon as it started, for Uma was a dedicated woman with an unwavering loyalty. Her legs slighty bent, her hands tightened into fists while the snake tattoed on her neck became longer and now reached it's own tail.

" I am sorry Jian. I truly am. You can't even begin to imagine how I felt toward you...I wish it could've gone better. But I have my responsabilities as the first head of the snake. " She said before lunging forward.

Neither Jian nor Uma had noticed the disciples watching them with fascination. This shouldn't have been possible due to their number....But it might have something to do with Judem who was holding two fingers up and humming the same song Mercury had played when he first appeared.

"Ain't no way I'm gonna let this happen without enjoying it a bit. Have a good fight you two...You won't like what comes afterward." He said, smiling at the two as Shina approached him.

" So a punishment for the kid, since he can't be killed now that everyone saw how strong he is. And...Hmm...How are they going to deal with that woman ? She is high ranked, but they can't exactly reveal the truth anyway. Maybe they'll just say she was a secret asset of the sect...Like they did with Huang Lei. He was a servant too before, right ? " She said, while placing her two hands and head on Judem's shoulder.

He growled and glared at her, but she merely smirked and watched the fight.

For this was a true fight, one that made many inner disciples unable to speak.

"Yunbei....YUNBEI YOU DAMN TRAITOR ! That's the name of Chimi's village, ain't it ?!" Jian yelled, bringing both hands forward and shooting some sort of reddish black energy beam.

Uma didn't even dodge it, she merely let it pierce her stomach as a tear escaped her eye.

"I'm sorry, Jian." She simply said. Jian glowered, looking at the point of impact, namely Uma's stomach, that had turned to water.

"So you can turn into water huh ? Won't be a problem, I'll just make you evaporate !!!" He shouted, shooting forward, his body propulsed by two beams of the same energy leaving his feet.

Such speed wasn't enough to surprise Uma, but she also didn't get the time to really block, so she was received the full strengh behind Jian's reversed jumping kick.

It once again sent her flying, though this time she crashed in the stone. What truly surprised her was the sharp rock piercing her shoulder. For it wasn't formed when she hit the stone. It pierced her shoulder after she crashed. Meaning...

"You can manipulate rock ? Impressive, kiddo." She said, coughing some blood.

"Answer my next question truthfully you damn traitor. What did you do with Chimi's body ?! I did hear something weird about her village before she died, but I never knew it was it's destruction. However you wouldn't let the cemetery standing after destroying the whole village....So where did you take her...In fact...IS SHE EVEN DEAD ?!" He asked. It was more of a rage fueled question, something he hadn't really thought about. He didn't believe she was still alive, but he was too angry to care about what he asked...

"...Sorry Kiddo...But....She ain't dead."

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