Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 4: First Quest

Chapter 4: First Quest

" So you two were accepted, huh ?" Asked Zhao Shu, looking at Li Kuo and Jian who were the only ones left after the fight had ended. Zhao Shu actually stopped before he killed the two older disciples since killing another disciple was a crime.

" Indeed. You got a problem with that ?" Asked Li Kuo, getting into Zhao Shu's face , which got him glares coming from all of Zhao Shu's fangirls.

" Oh...You don't really have the manners of a noble." Said Zhao Shu as he shook his head. He then walked away from the two. Jian and Li Kuo looked at each other before nodding and parting ways. Li Kuo had something to do and Jian wanted to try to breakthrough the first step of the Qi Core Realm. Though he also wanted to explore the forest.

'System, do you think I could breakthrough easily ?' Asked Jian who knew little to nothing about cultivation.

[ It will depend. If you have a small Qi Core you will indeed breakthrough easily. If you have innate talent, it will be the case too. However you have 10 Talent Points. With that, except if your Qi Core is stupidly small, it will take you atleast a month to breakthrough. Though if you can gain points, you could use the lottery or the special lottery and get an object that would help you breakthrough. Given that the Sect is interested in your willpower, you could potentially become a higher ranked disciple by breaking through the first step or the second step. And since you possess the Venerable Immortal Body, you will be able to train a lot more than any other disciples. Mix your ability to train endlessly and the fact that you have a lot of willpower, you will progress quickly.]

Filled with hope at these words, Jian ran towards the East Gate of the Sect. He reached the gate and given that he had the white and dark green robe of an outer disciple the guards let him pass.

He then ran for a few hundred meters until he reached the entrance of a huge thick forest. He couldn't really sense anything coming from this forest, but then again he didn't have an aura awareness, something that only mid to high ranked cultivators could possess without Soul Heritages, Treasures or Martial Spirits.

Fortunately he had a few hours left until night would come. So he could explore the first layers of the forest. One of the guards told him that the last layers of the forest were incredibly hard to reach, and it could take a day for an outer disciple to reach them.

As he entered the first layer of the forest, his whole body trembled and he quickly hid behind a tree when his instinct screamed at him to get away. He had lived a difficult life, so he knew to trust his instinct in all situations.

And he was right, as a huge beast came into a view. It had come to drink some water from a little pond nearby. This beast was something Jian had never seen, so he asked the system what it was.

[ Name : Diamond Fangs Wolf

Type : Guardian Beast

Rank : Qi Core 9th Step

Age : Young

Gender : Female

Thoughts : Hungry

Description : Diamond Fangs Wolves are giant wolves living in places where Qi is abundant. They are the only type of peaceful Guardian Beasts in the Qi Core Realm. They are called Diamond Fangs because their fangs are hard as diamond but also because a single fang has the same value as a diamond. ]

Jian nearly spat blood when he saw all the details the system provided.

' I know you told me you could give details about people, but couldn't you tell me it was that much details.I should've used this on Zhao Shu and Li Kuo.' Thought Jian. He was slightly amazed by the fact that the beast was so powerful, but since it was peaceful he wasn't scared of it. That and it actually looked quite cute.

Since it wasn't aggressive, Jian decided to approach it. It was a mistake.

[ Peaceful doesn't mean it won't attack you. It means it won't attack for no reasons. However you kinda appeared at the worst possible moment....When it was hungry.]

Jian froze instantly when he heard this and rushed back to the tree. The wolf turned it's head and saw Jian, since his feet could be seen even though he was behind the tree. Some drool left it's mouth as it's diamond fangs glistened. It began to quietly stalk towards him.

'What the hell should I do ?! I am pretty sure it sensed me !' Screamed Jian in his head. He wasn't stupid enough to try to run away, the beast could easily run faster than him.

[ Ding ! You have received your first Quest, Master !]

[ Description: Survive your encounter with the Guardian Beast.]

[ Reward: 1000 LP ( Enough to use the Normal Lottery Once ) ]

" What ?!!" This time Jian couldn't contain his voice. His yell made the wolf stop stalking towards him and actually run at full speed towards him. Jian saw it and decided to climb the tree to escape. He couldn't outrun it, but he could jump from to tree to escape, he did it once when he was younger.

However he forgot that the beast was at the Qi core 9th Step. As soon as he climbed on the tree, it jumped and reached his level before swiping at him with it's paw.

Jian got a nasty wound on his back, however he barely felt it due to his pain tolerance. He smirked when he realized this and then got to jumping from tree to tree. The wolf was surprised that the human didn't scream in pain, but it was too hungry to actually care about it.

It jumped from tree to tree too, following Jian. However it wasn't actually all that agile. Although it was faster than Jian, it couldn't catch him since he was like a nimble cat in the trees. However the Beast still managed to reduce him to a bloody mess by slashing at him multiple times with it's sharp claws.

It continued until they exited the forest. Once there weren't anymore trees to jump on, Jian had to run as fast as he could to escape. But the Beast quickly pinned him to the ground. He had been so scared that he hadn't even thought correctly. It was a mistake to escape the forest.

Now that he was faced with the beast, he thought he would die. He was a little bit too young to die, not that anyone knew that since he didn't look or acted like a twelve years old.

And yet, just as the Beast was about to devour him, it's eyes locked with Jiang terrfied ones and it stopped. It's eyes that had been bloodshot returned to normal and it stopped drooling.

Jian got onto his feet albeit reluctantly since he was actually starting to feel some extreme pain. His pain tolerance had some limits afterall. He was rather surprised when he felt the giant beast rub it's head against his body.

When Jian looked at it, it dropped it's head and Jian's mouth dropped.

" You....You feel remorse ?!" Asked Jian. He was amazed that this beast actually could feel remorse.

The beast slightly nodded as if it understood what he meant and Jian heaved a sigh of relief.

" Damn....I really thought I was about to die here." Said Jian, which made the beast yelp, ashamed of itself.

" Oh come on, it's not your fault you know ? You were hungry and I made the stupid choice of trying to approach you. But you looked so cute !" Said Jian, some childish glee evident in his tone, he was still young after all.

The Beast's tail waggled in happiness and it rubbed it's head on his body once more. It then lowered it's head and Jian understood it's meaning. Hence he climbed on it's body and had to grip it's fur so as to stay on it when it started to run at full speed.

' Hehe, if it had ran like that previously I would've died before I could understand what was happening to me.' Admitted Jian to himself. The two young ones reached some sort of cave and Jian was surprised when he heard a message from the system.

[ Ding ! Quest completed !]

[ Reward: 1000 LP and Golden Rose Cave Location ]

[ Side Note: The Golden Rose Cave is the place the Diamond Fangs Wolf was guarding. Golden Roses sometimes appears in this cave. They are quite rare and can only be used by cultivators whose rank is higher than Qi Core Realm. They can also fetch quite a good price. Each rose is worth 1000 LP.]

'.....So I either keep them for later, or I sell them to the system...Arghhh ! I hate dilemmas !' Thought Jian.

[ You can use the special Lottery with atleast 5000 LP. Or you can simply use the normal Lottery several times. Though you should know this Master, the first you got something good because it was the first use. You might not be so lucky next time. If you use the special Lottery it is either to boost your chances to have something good or to get something in particular.]

Jian had a pensive look on his face while the Wolf entered the cave. The inside was quite normal, nothing out of the ordinary, other than 9 shining flowers that were hanging on the walls. Jian's eyes shone when he saw this and the system intervened once more.

[ By using 10 000 LP you can use the special Lottery to get something in particular AND boost your chances of this something being good. ]

' Would you stop tempting me already !' Thought Jian. He quickly thought of what he should do and decided to sell 5 to the sect and 4 to the system. He would then buy some Qi Core medecine from the shops and use the Normal Lottery five times. He was still weak, so he needed numerous things instead of just a few good things. That and he was already satisfied with his Venerable Immortal Body.

The wolf yelped, indicating that Jian should jump off it's body, which he did. It then pointed at the roses with it's head and left the cave. Jian was touched by the Wolf's actions and decided that one day he would make it his pet. He plucked the roses and put them into his inventory.

' Huh wait....I never opened the inventory.'Thought Jian. He told the system to open ut and his eyes widened. He could see so many things. It told him the number of Tokens he had , the number of LP he had....It also told him what Treasures he had, what Martial Spirits he had or what techniques he had. He shook his head and looked at what he actually had, which was 9 Golden Roses and a broken sword....Wait a broken sword ?

' System ?'

[ Name : Red Sky Blade

State: Broken

Sword Technique: ( ???? )

Rank : ( Current: Qi Core 5th Step ) ( Former : ???? ) ]

Jian took out the sword and felt the urge to shout to the heavens. A few days ago he was a poor orphan, and now he was an outer disciple of the Poisonous Raja Sect, he had an unknown rank Soul Heritage and now he had a Qi Core 5th Step Weapon !

' May the soul of whoever gave me this system be blessed.' Thought Jian, but a violent headache interrupted his thoughts. It then dissipated quickly and Jian inspected the blade.

It was an old black blade that looked like it was made out of stone. It didn't look sharp at all and something was written on it, but Jian couldn't read it.

Now extremely happy, Jian put the sword back in his inventory and exited the cave. The Wolf was nowhere to be seen so Jian decided to go back to the Sect by himself. Of course he ran all the way back to the gate since he had a lot of stamina now.

When he came back, the guards were horrified by his state. Jian couldn't feel much, but his body had suffered, a lot.

An hour later, the South Gate Elder Wei Fang got a report about one of the recruit he accepted into the sect. Opening the scroll Wei Fang was surprised to see a familiar name appear on it.

" Jian ?.....WHAT ?! He came back drenched in blood, his feet completely destroyed, with enough scars on his back to have anyone scream in pain and he sold 5 Golden Roses to one of the Outer Court's Shop ?!" Yelled the Gate Elder. Just after he screamed, a girl entered the room and asked if he was alright. The girl was wearing a Black and Dark Green robe with the word ' Elite ' written on it and had her face hidden by a completely blank snake mask.

" Haha....HAHAHA ! Lu'er, it seems an interesting character joined our sect !"

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