Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 43: On the path to forgiveness

Chapter 43: On the path to forgiveness

Jian wasn't exactly sure how to feel about Uma and Zhao Shu. As such he decided not to reveal anything about his plan. It was a bit risky, since things wouldn't go his way if he explained nothing.

He needed men to get his plan to work, however by saying nothing, Uma could end up deciding to go spend an entire in a forest to train, and if he decided to go somewhere else, they would suspect him.

Thankfully though, Uma decided to go to the Peizhi Kingdom for a few months, before going to the capital of the Li Zhang Kingdom. At first neither Zhao Shu nor Jian understood why she made that choice, but she explained while they were eating around a campfire.

" The Peizhi kingdom got in quite the troubles due to the Worms and the Flies. Those two criminal organizations have been the bane of many kingdoms, but the Peizhi Kingdom has been the first to suffer due to their cunning schemes.

Now the Worms are much less agressive than the Flies, but they are still to be taken seriously. They have become very infamous what's with them literally robbing at least half of the countries on the continent. And no one could stop them, because everyone had become too used to get their ressources from the sects instead of getting them themselves. And the Sects are extremely greedy, so no one could do much when some sects decided to help the Worms steal from the richest countries. They still use the same tactics to get their funds, even to this day. And that is simply because they'll cease to work, as no country would ever dare to go back to the way things were in the past. Sects are simply too useful, so those countries can do only one thing, one thing that interests us.....Seduce the sects so to speak, to get in their good graces and avoid having them work with the Worms or even worse, the Flies. " Uma explained as she munched on a roasted rabbit leg.

Jian wanted to speak, however he had his mouth filled with meat. He tried to swallow as fast as he could, but ended up choking on his food. As he drank some tea to get the food down, Zhao Shu spoke first.

" And so ? What does that have to do with us ? Why are we getting there ? The capital of the Li Zhang kingdom I can understand. I hear they host many contests and tournaments for cultivators, so either you want us to go there for that...Or you want us to join that weird school they have there. But the Peizhi Kingdom...I still don't get it."

"Well, my dear boy, this is where my genius comes into play." Uma said, flashing Zhao Shu a smile as he sweatdropped. She then munched on another piece of meat before continuing.

" You see, the Peizhi Kingdom and the sects that inhabits it, have nothing to do with this war. Do you know why ? Because they already work perfectly. The peizhi kingdom got so desperate after getting ruined by the Worms, that the nobles started to treat the sects with such an amount of care, that said sects joined the system. It happens very rarely you know ? Sects don't like to get into politics or stuff like that, but in this case, they did. The kingdom and the sects have fused and work together perfectly. Each sects have their own roles, the kingdom treats them very well, everyone is happy in the best of world. Now the truth is much more disgusting of course, as the kingdom uses the sects and the sects do to the same with the kingdom. They would jump at each other's throat if they had any occasions to. That's why the kingdom is always looking for other sects to replace those who have been on it's territory for too long and have grown way too arrogant. That's where we come in. Our sect is at war, and if they helped us and we happened to survive or even better, win....Let's just say that becoming an ally of the Peizhi Kingdom would be an acceptable reward to give after they helped us." Uma said, finishing her explanation as the two boys gasped.

"....Cunning woman."

"Damn snake."

Both Zhao Shu and Jian looked at her like she was some sort of monster, while she merely chuckled.

[ Technically your plan to get rich and save the Raja's sect is on the same level of cunningness...]

' System...Shut up for once.' Jian thought, annoyed as Mara laughed.

"Alright so now that you get why I have decided to get to that kingdom, allow me to explain what exactly we will be doing in the Peizhi Kingdom and at the capital of the Li Zhang Kingdom. We will be getting close to the government of the Peizhi Kingdom, enjoying some benefits from it, like having access to their training grounds, and even get to train with other sects, who knows. We will be staying there for a little less than a year. Then we will go at the capital of the Li Zhang Kingdom. There you two will participate in the various contests and tournaments that are held pretty much all the time. I don't have much informations on those, but I am sure you'll get something helpful for our cause if you win, and you'll win...Because I'll be torturing...Training you for a year. Of course you'll also join that school Zhao Shu mentioned. Since you both don't know a thing about it, I'll keep the surprise...It'll be bad if you start begging me not to go already." She said before finishing her meal and entering her little tent.

".....I have a bad feeling about this. Only time tells anyway, so we'll see. Don't die in your sleep, weakling." Zhao Shu said before going into his own tent.

Jian was left alone, completely absorbed by his thoughts.

'All of this is good. The Worms can't go near the Peizhi kingdom anymore due to their past with it, which means that the Flies will be there. Which also means I'll be able to get some men for my plan. I can also recruit in the Li Zhang Kingdom...But at some point I'll have to reveal the truth to those two. I have a year to get to know them anyway. If they prove to be untrustworthy I'll just go on my own way.'

Jian could've continued all night long, but he was still a growing child, and he needed a lot of sleep. He quite literally passed out in front of the fire, and started to sleep out in the open.

He only woke up when the first rays of the sun hit his face.


"Good morning, Jian."

Turning around, Jian saw Uma sipping on tea while patting....An iron rabbit ?

"What are you doing ?" He asked. Uma was no tamer, so it was quite weird to see her pet an usually agressive beast.

"Ah...This little one was starving, I gave him some leftovers from our meal last night, and now he is resting." She said with a warm smile. The more time passed, the more Jian was confused regarding what he felt towards her. He couldn't just forgive her, but then again she didn't exactly hurt him directly...And she never did try to hide anything about her affiliation. She always had that tattoo out for the world to see...He just didn't know what it's meaning was.

"Ahh....I can see you're troubled Jian. Is it about your feelings, your feelings about little old me ?" She asked with a mischevious smile. For a second Jian thought she had read his mind, before realizing that it must've been quite obvious to her.

"I am....After learning the truth, I can't exactly say I'm comfortable with all this." Jian said, frowning as he looked at the sun in the distance.

"Well...I have something to say myself." She said. As he wasn't looking at her directly, Jian didn't see her approach him. He only noticed her when his face got pulled in her breasts.

"My little Jian....I haven't changed. I am still the same. I just wasn't as weak as you always thought, I wasn't as clueless about the outside world, contrarily to what you once said to me. I know I have hidden the truth from you...But I can tell you everything. We children of Raja aren't actually that secretive, at least not to those we trust....And I know I have nothing to fear with you Jian. You won't go against us...Simply because you aren't dumb enough. You won't get much from it and we can be formidable allies. We did take Chimi, that much is true...But we actually don't know what happened to her. A strange man who called him a knight of .....Hmm, ah yes ! The round table ! He called himself a knight of the round table, whatever that means. He appeared once day and gave us a simple task, capture a certain child and deliver her in a specific location. We only ended up destroying the whole village because of....The influence Chimi had on her. If only you had seen them, Jian...Those people.." She said, tears escaping her eyes even though she tried to keep them in.

In that moment, in that single moment, she looked exactly like the old Uma he knew, a woman who had suffered way too much. A woman who seemed to regret all the choices she made in her life.

"I know you liked chimi, maybe even loved her...But I can only tell you this Jian....This girl, she is not demented....She is Chaos itself. When we entered her village to get her after faking her death, we found the guards supposed to take her 'corpse' to the cemetery...They had been killed. Throats slit open, eyes ripped away, their entire bodies mangled...Like some demons had taken ahold of them. And then again, most demons aren't this sadistic. The creatures we found there, those poor villagers...I have been through war Jian. I have participated in the counter-attack against the Zhao Tribes...I saw the things those 'monsters' did.....But I would relive that war a thousand time if that could allow me to forget about what I saw, smelled and felt in that village." She said, her entire shaking.

And yet Jian did nothing. He knew all that too well. She wasn't aware of it, no one had ever been aware of it.....But Jian knew a lot about Chimi. They had gotten closer than anyone could've ever guessed. He knew exactly how terrifying she was, but love worked in mysterious ways, especially with him.

' Yeah...About that. It might be because of your Kishin part, kiddo.' Mara said, cutting into Jian's thoughts.

'What ?!'

'Let's just say that Kishins aren't made that easily. However any children they bear will be kishins themselves. As such Kishins were made to breed...A lot. They can love multiple people and have no trouble 'mating' with an enourmous amount of partners. Let's just say that when you become a little older, I might need to introduce you to the wonders of...Brothels.' Mara said as the system released a violent sound.

[ Unholy being, please refrain from turning my user into a depraved beast like yourself ! ]

'Yeah yeah, whatever you say....'

Having just woken up, Jian didn't have the energy to deal with those two, so he merely let them fight, while going back to his thoughts.

' Alright. Everything is taken care of. At least for now. However I can't stop thinking about that plan of mine.....I need men, a lot of them....But why exactly ? Just for that plan, or.....Should I build myself an actual group ? A sect ? An organisation ? A clan ?...Hmmm, what to do ?'

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