Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 55: Dragon and Uncertain Plans

Chapter 55: Dragon and Uncertain Plans

"What do ya mean, little boss ?" Su Biyu asked. Jian seemed oddly serious about this, but she had no idea what he was even saying.

" Well....." 

Jian sighed and shook his head before glaring at his own reflexion in a small mirror mounted on a wall.

"It's gonna seem quite odd to you...But I have really no plans for the future. I mean I want to end the war and benefit from it, but other than that....I have no idea of what would come next. The idea to rip off the sects came to me quite randomly, and I have to say I'm not good at planning stuff. I'm just living by a very simple philosophy, even though I tried to change many times. I take every days as they come, I usually don't plan in advance or even think much about anything except if my life depends on it...So that's it. Will you follow me, even though your future would become uncertain by doing so ?" He asked, a million thoughts going through his mind, before Biyu let out a small chuckle.

" Little Boss....Seriously. Do I look like a serious person ? Do I look like I even know what I'm doing ? I'm gonna be honest with ya, I just kill people. I don't give a damn what you plan to do. I want to destroy the flies and that's it. Use me however you want, for whatever you want, I don't care. And to be even more honest, I gotta say that you don't need to have anything planned. Do you have any goals at all ? Except ending the war and making some big numbers out of the sects ?" She asked while playing with her favourite knife.

This got Jian to think. Did he have any goal, at all ? He wanted to find Chimi, but he had no way to locate her. He could ask the children of raja, but he had to help the sect first. The emperor Zhigang was also looking for her and didn't seem to have any clues....Jian actually had not a single clue as to where that girl was. He could also....

" I know !" He suddenly shouted. Biyu freaked out and jumped away, She then glared at him before making a little 'tch' sound.

"Tone it down a little, little boss. You nearly gave me a....Yeah no, not a heart attack. You scared me a bit...Only a bit though." She said, still glaring at him, but he looked too excited to even listen.

"I will build a group that will grow stronger over time. But it won't have any particuliar goals, other than realizing the dreams of the members !" He exclaimed. Biyu looked at him for a few seconds and then she tilted her head on the side.

" The dreams of the each members ? Isn't that exactly like the-" 

"The Aoiryuu Knight Order ! It was annihilated a long time ago, but I heard so many stories about that order. They were called the Genies because they travelled across the world and saved all the poor souls they found, granting the wishes of thousands of helpless people who were desperately trying to survive. In this case it's a bit different but.....I still want to do this. Now I only need to think of a name...." 

Jian pondered over this question while Biyu also appeared to think as hard as she could. They both clicked at the same time, and ended up talking over the other.

" The Shiva Order !"

"The Shooting Star Order !" 

And so they argued for over an hour.....

" I give up ! You just won't change your damn mind, huh ?!" Jian exclaimed as he slouched on a couch while Biyu pouted.

" I don't give a damn ! The name I found is better than yours, and you just won't admit it !" 

Knowing that this was going nowhere, Jian told her they would pick a name another day, and with Uma the next time so she could pick a name between their two propositions. He had other things to talk about with her.

" You say that this 'Fangs' come from a mercenary group ?"

"Indeed. I don't remember what's their name, but it's unimportant. You just need to kill their leader and they'll follow you. Because funnily enough, those guys are after strengh, not money. They just want to fight the strongest enemies they can find. Otherwise we would only need to offer them a huge sum and they'd join us like most mercenaries...Quite sad."

" Well, this is a matter for later then. I don't think I'm nearly strong enough to even approach the leader of such a strong group. Now, this only leave the matters of Sun Sheng and the Flies." 

Jian and Biyu both looked at each other and knew just how important those matters were. The rewards for the tournament were quite grand and the Flies would be a huge piece to take out. However they both had informations about said matters that the other didn't have. Namely the fact that Jian couldn't just go against the Flies without thinking about it a little, given the emperor was their allies....And also the fact that Biyu had learned about a very interesting event that would take place at the same time as the tournament.

After Jian told her about his piece of information, Biyu merely shook her head and told him this wouldn't be a problem. Jian had already explained the whole thing with Zhigang a few days ago, while of course omitting the details about said emperor's allies, and she knew that the emperor wouldn't need the flies forever. She had been hating the Flies for a very long time, a few years wouldn't be too long to wait....Especially if she could have her feast at the end.

Now though, she had to tell Jian about the special event, and she knew he would flip out. Simply because the crown prince's birthday was coming soon and the special event would require a lot of preparation on Jian's end.


(With Huang Lei)

He had no idea how much time had passed since he got captured. He also had no idea if the Knights had been captured. They shouldn't have been, given how impossible to breach the interior of the HQ was, but the Zhao Warriors clearly had some hidden trump cards. 

Especially that strange man, Wang Meilin. Not only was he apart of this Flies' organisation the other Raja's children had warned Huang Lei about....He was also willing to give himself out a bit too easily. This either meant that he would kill Huang Lei or that he had a 'proposition' for him. That was exactly how he was recruited by the Raja's Children. They had kidnapped him, introduced themselves and then gave him an offer he couldn't refuse. 

"Are you ready to hear me out, or are you still in a biting mood ?" Meilin asked while pointing at his bandaged shoulder.

Huang Lei snorted while feeling quite proud at the fact that he bit Meiling and quite literally teared his shoulder apart. 

"Aaaaaaalright then ! Here is the reason as to why your head isn't mounted on a spike right now...Where did you hear that the Flies were loyal ?" Meilin asked as Huang Lei froze.

Surely this man wasn't implying what Huang Lei thought he was implying.

"Ding Ding Ding ! Your expression gave it out, you already understood ! We never planned to follow through with the Zhao Warriors forever. They poise a threat to everyone on the continent, especially since as you Children of Raja know.....The Zhao Warriors are even stronger than what most people think. We both know, little snake....Just how terrifying it would be if the Zhao Warriors really unleashed their full might on the continent. We could have tried to attack them....But we obviously can't if their entire attack force isn't on the continent. Attacking the invasion force they sent would be immensely stupid...As they would retaliate with full force and wipe us out. And yet, we just so happen to have quite the interesting plan." Meilin said as he put a smile on his own face by using two fingers.

"Speak up, Crow." 

"Very well, Snake. We just so happen to know a secret...A very interesting one at that. Have you heard about the Sun Blaze Sect ?" Meilin asked as his tone became much graver. 

Huang Lei froze once more when he heard that name. It was the name of a sect that the children of Raja knew all too much. That sect had been their mortal enemy ever since the Raja Sect was founded. They always desired to capture the Raja snakes, but always failed. They had been searching for a weapon strong enough to take down Giran...But a few years ago, they simply stopped. Everyone assumed they had given up, however Meilin was about to tell Huang Lei the true reason they abandoned.

" A few years ago...The Sun Blaze Sect simply stopped being aggressive towards the Raja's Sect.....And you all assumed they had lost their will to fight...How terribly naive. I must say, the weapon they found does honor to their name.....I find said name quite fitting now. What a good name, for a sect that has found and raised over the course of the last few years.....An Edel ( Valiant in German )Fire Dragon, though I think you people of the old continents call the Edel Dragons, Shenlongs. "

"....It's weird....I feel like you just said they had a fire dragon."

"I didn't say that"

"Alright, I was thinking it was quite weird and-"

"I said they had a Shenlong Fire Dragon"



(With Jian and Su Biyu)

"Alright so, about Sun Sheng. As I already said, he is coming along nicely, but he will need more than a little push if we want him to win, so I thought about it a bit...What if we simply didn't get him to win. What if... We simply stole the prizes ?" Biyu proposed as Jian started to cough.

"What ?! You want to kill us ?!" 

She knew he would react like that, so she simply put a poster on his chest and chuckled.

He picked it up, looked at it and then his hands started to tremble.

"I really hate my own intellect in these moments....Biyu, please....Tell me you are not thinking about what I think you're thinking about...." 

Biyu merely looked at him and waved her hand around as if dismissing him.

" Don't ya worry. I'm a professional at this, little boss. You distract them with your amazing black gas powers or whatever they are, Sun Sheng shocks them with his newfound strengh and then.....Boom ! You get the picture. "

".....You want to take advantage of the fact that they will be moving the prizes they had prepared for the tournament to another location just for a small competition they will be holding for new talents.....To blow up the place where said prizes will be moved to momentarily and steal everything ?"

".....That sums it up perfectly."

Biyu and Jian looked at each other, the former looking sheepish while the latter was ready to explode.

"How.The.Hell....How the hell are you going to do all this without being spotted ?! And do you think we'll get away with the prizes and get to keep them without having the entire army knocking at our door ?!" 

And surprisingly enough, she seemed to think so.

"Indeed. This can be done and I can prove it !.....The royal family fears the sects for their power. The sects hates the royal family for the fact that may never allow them any more control over the country....But in the end, if the people were to place their faith in the sects, would the royal family be able to hold out ? No.....And also, what if the people took the theft badly and started hating the sects for their actions ? Wouldn't that give the royal family some much needed support ? " Biyu asked as Jian suddenly moved away from her.

".....You're scaring me now, Biyu. Are you telling me your plan depends on the animosity between the sects and the royal family ? On the fact that they may just end up pointing fingers at each others while overlooking the possibility that some random people stole the prizes ?" He asked, his voice suddenly carrying the depth of his despair.


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