Immortal Cultivator System

Chapter 57: Not Really Strangers

Chapter 57: Not Really Strangers

Jian had quickly started his demonstration, especially since the woman looked effectively pissed off at all times. Not a single time did she appear to be impressed or anything.

In fact she looked quite dead whilst watching Jian perform different movements to show off his kishin powers. What surprised Jian the most was that she didn't appear to be shocked at his powers. He was pretty sure most people didn't know those powers even existed and a boy manipulating some strange black gas wasn't what one could call a common occurence.

He finally finished after a few minutes and saw as the woman removed her glasses and dragged her eyes all over his body.

" Your movements were quite intense, yet not a single drop of sweats can be seen. Your breathing is stable and your body isn't trembling in the slightest. Good stamina..This could land you a job in the army. Now for your powers...." 

She volontarily stopped talking to let the anxiety sink in. Jian's life didn't depend on this, but she was making the whole experience so dramatic he felt like it did. 

"...I would say they could easily land you on the first spot. We have been testing people for two days already, and the best one we got was a little girl who could summon fire beasts. I would say you power is a bit less 'spectacular' than hers, but the properties of that black gas would astonish more than one noble....Or scientists. Actually, make sure to demonstrate it's properties before you do any impressive movements. The scientists lose interest very quickly, because they are looking for 'useful' abilities, the rest is just powder to the eyes. " She simply said while crossing her legs. She had obviously decided to let him pass, however Jian hadn't registered that just yet. 

He was more fixated on Mara's constant catcalling. 

' Damn ! That's one woman I would've never dared to ignore ! Even that Zero girl isn't such wife material ! ' Mara exclaimed.

' Would you knock it off a little ?! This is important !' 

'Yeah yeah, I got that. You should actually focus on her, instead of being angry at me.' Mara said while letting out a toothy grin.

"A-Ah yes, thank you Ma'am !" Jian exclaimed. The woman glanced at him before getting up and giving him a hand.

" It's Lady Bei, not Ma'am. Actually, I never asked for your name. You may end up becoming my colleague as I work for the army, so tell me....What's your name, child ?" She asked as he accepted her hand. They both looked at each whilst the woman named Bei gauged Jian's strengh.

' Qi Core realm, maybe 5th or 6th step ? He can't be older than 16...Pretty damn good.' She thought. However her calm thoughts were completely changed when he answered her.

" Ah....Thank you Lady Bei. My name is Jian. Just Jian. " He said before letting go of her hand...Or atleast trying to. Yet he was suddenly thrown back on the couch he previously sat on. 

Looking up in shock, he saw Bei standing over him, her face merely inches away from his. He was quite confused, but her next actions were even more bizarre. 

She put her her forehead against his and looked at him directly in the eyes.


(With Huang Lei and Wang Meilin )

Huang Lei couldn't believe his eyes. And yet, no matter how many times he blinked and pinched himself, the scene that laid before his eyes never changed. 

Wang Meilin who was sitting besides him was looking at the disciple with amusement barely hidden on his face. He kept sipping on his tea while enjoying Huang Lei's expression.

" H-How ?" Huang Lei asked, his mind failing to provide even a bit of explanation for what he was seeing.

" Amazing ain't it ? And the Zhao Warriors don't know about it. They wouldn't even dare dream of it. After all we couldn't possibly possess such a weapon. And yet we do. It's useless to us of course, but I think my previous explanation provided enough informations for you to understand who exactly can use that weapon. " Meilin said. Huang Lei grabbed his own cup and brought it to his mouth with shaking hands.

" T-Those Kishins guys, right ? So your first goal is to steal the dragon of that mad Sect Leader...Your second goal is to find one of those Kishins to wield that weapon....And then you want to combine the might of the dragon AND the weapon to wipe out the Zhao Warriors once and for all ?" Huang Lei asked. He was now feeling more comfortable around Meilin, since he was obviously an enemy of the Zhao Warriors. And as the saying went, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Meilin seemed like a good friend to have right now. Especially to Huang Lei who kept stealing glances at the weapon laying to his right. They were both sitting on a couch located on a small balcony that gave a good view on the whole cave in which Meilin and his associates were residing. 

"Yes and no. The Zhao Warriors aren't our only goal of course. And that's when you guys come in. You children of Raja will be very important to us for our future plans. Which is why I told you to give that message to your superiors. I know you have no desire to betray the knights, but they will never allow us to accomplish our goal, especially with how hard they are going on the Vishnu Institute because of their demon's contract...No need to think about what they'll do to us if they knew about our true goals. I will tell you what's our next plan, simply because you'll be killed instantly if you refuse to join us, so you'll never be able to reveal the truth to our enemies. If you accept, you'll also never be able to betray us...Trust me, I know how impossible it is to betray the flies..Another organisation, one much stronger than the flies, made sure of that. " Meilin said before he finished his tea.

He looked down and watched two members of the flies fighting.

The two were wearing uniforms similars to the one Jian wore, with the same crow symbol, though theirs were simply made out of leather and had no fur anywhere. They were two girls, relatively young and yet obviously well trained.

They both bowed to each other before getting into their positions as another member of the flies acted as the referee.

" Lu lu, ready ? Lance, ready ?" He asked the two girls. They both nodded and he brought his arm down to start the fight. 

Huang Lei approached Meilin to watch the fight too, while also waiting for Meilin to explain what the next plan was. 

And so they both watched as the two girls fought, one using fire while the other used wind. They had a weird style that Huang Lei only heard of....It was called the Garam, a martial art that used a mix of two energies, Qi and another one most people didn't know about. It had multiple forms, one for the elements and some other unique forms, though Huang Lei had only seen the form that used pure Qi to unleash boosted strikes. 

As Huang Lei watched the fight, completely entranced by what he was seeing, Meilin sighed.

" Ya know, those two girls aren't from here. They are from another continent. On the red sky continent, you can see powerful people yes...But you don't get to see a lot of incredible skills. It wasn't the case at some point in time....It wasn't the case when the red sky continent was much bigger and had so many diverse cultures. But something happened and the continent broke down, and the many pieces that went away became continents of their own. " Meilin said. Huang Lei had already stopped watching the fight as Meilin's words profoundly shocked him. He already knew where this was going, because he had heard these words before. Apparently the Flies didn't have such an original goal, but they had a dangerous one.

"Y-You....You want to unite the world like it once was ?" Huang Lei asked, his voice cracking all of a sudden. Meilin turned around and gave Huang Lei a smile filled with sadness.

"I joined the flies for this goal, or at least a different version of it. I do not know which version of the plan the others want to go with....However my version is the reason i am even fighting...To not just unite the world by constructing bridges or use the Deep Gods to physically bring all the continents back together....I want something different....I want a unified world rid of all the problems that made it impossible for the new continents to communicate freely with the old one that is the red sky continent....A world rid of all the filth. Be it the Zhao Warriors, the greedy sects...Or even...." 

Huang Lei will forever remember the words that came out of Meilin's mouth, for they were the ones that brought him to a decision he never regretted. 


(With Jian and Bei )

"U-Um Lady Be-" 

"Jian ? Just Jian ? You are an orphan named Jian ?" She asked, her breathing getting heavier by the seconds. Her hands were twitching for some reasons, and Jian was ready to call for his wolf if she tried anything. The wolf wasn't that strong and Jian used him to reinforce his weapon, however it was still a big wolf that could easily overpower cultivators with brute force. 

"Y-Yes ! But what's going on ?!" He exclaimed as she reached for her pocket. He was now ready to grab his halberd and cleave her in half if whatever she took out ressembled a weapon. However she simply took out a sheet of paper. It was a wanted poster.

Jian completely froze as he saw the face on it. He read what was written on the poster just to be sure....And his mind went blank for a second.

'Dear Satan....I remember seeing this face in the kid's memories...This ain't good.' Mara said as he paled...While eating fruits. He was quite the drama amateur. 

[ Wang Houxi who goes by the name of 'Tor'...Wanted in thirteen countries for theft, murder, assassination attempt on a noble, arson and sabotage of military equipment.....Thought to be residing in the Wukong Empire.....Bounty: 1 000 000 Silver Qin. ]

'Oy, robot ! How does that work on that continent ? I don't remember you or the kid talking about money so I have honestly no idea how that works. Are there copper, silver and golden coins or something like that ?' Mara asked as he kept stuffing his face with fruits. 

[ No. The only coins that can be used are made of silver and bronze. They are the basic coins on this continent, at least they became the basic coins a few centuries ago. According to my datas, it seems that Golden Qin doesn't have coins equivalent, for gold isn't that common on the Red Sky continent. Golden Qin are issued on banknotes. I do not have any data on the bank that releases those banknotes though. According to my data, 1 000 000 silver Qin coins would be enough to buy three tons of sugar. Which is a lot on the red sky continent. ]

'Satan...That's a lot. This guy is definitely some sort of super criminal or something...I like him already. Especially the sabotage and arson parts. Seems like a rebel to me...Or a madman. ' Mara said before laughing while Jian finally focused enough to speak again. 

"W-Why do you have that ?" He asked, dread filling his heart as he feared her answer. This wasn't supposed to go like that. Not a lot of people even knew this man existed, simply because Tor was more of a myth than anything. Except for a few very famous events that got his name to travel around the continent, no one ever heard of him. And ever since those events, he kept a low profile. 

However some countries did put bounties on him, even though bounty hunters weren't exactly known for going after such targets, at least not on the Red Sky continent. Most bounty hounters accepted bounties for beasts, maybe even some bandit groups at times...But never the direct targets of a government...Or even worse, many governments. Those targets tended to be insanely powerful AND demented cultivators.

Tor wasn't a powerful and demented cultivator. He was a talented thief, spy and demolitionist and a man who loved fire a bit too much...However he was anything but powerful. He was the living proof that a creative mind could go up against cultivators with the right tools. 

And yet he wasn't able to stand up against the most powerful ones, and as such kept disappearing from time to time so as to not get ganged up on by multiple sect leaders or anyone strong and greedy enough to attack him. 

"Answer the question first." Bei said in such a cold tone, Jian finally understood how urgent it was for him to answer. 

"I am Jian ! Jian the orphan ! I grew up as a slave in the kingdom of-" 

He wasn't even allowed to finish. Bei immediately released him and sat back on her own couch, or rather crashed directly on it.

" Just my damn luck. Are you some sort of spy sent by my Older brother ?" She asked, glaring at Jian who was getting tired of this confusing situation.

"Older brother ? Who are you talking about ?" He asked, getting a sigh from Bei.

" You can't be a spy working for that dumbass. Guess you are just the orphan Jian he once knew. Sorry for the trouble, but since I already heard about you from my dumbass of an older brother, I thought you worked for him." 

"Wait...Older Brother....Don't tell me...." Jian gulped loudly, knowing that Bei's answer could be something he really wouldn't like. Wang Houxi wasn't exactly someone Jian wanted to remember. 

" You're quite slow, child. Then again I didn't tell you my name...It's-"

' System !' Jian preferred to ask the system directly, because her name wasn't the only thing that interested Jian. 

[ Name: Wang Bei

Known Relatives: Wang Meilin, Wang Houxi

Age: 29 

Talent: 200

Rank: Mortal Realm, 9th Form

Unique Technique: ????? God Form ( Rank: Law Realm, First Law )

Martial Spirit: Non-Existent

Soul Heritage: ????? God Bloodline ( Rank: ????? )

Thoughts: Anger, Curiosity, Embarassment ]

"Wang Bei. Wang Houxin is my oldest brother. I have a younger brother too, but no one ever told me his name...Maybe you know him ?"

".....Ah....No.....I really don't."

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